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(Three - Year Honours course) FIRST YEAR - FIRST SEMESTER

(candidates admitted from academic year 2020-2021 onwards)

Criminal law-I (Indian Penal Code)


Time:2 Hours Maximum:35 Marks

PART – A (1×12=12 marks)

Answer any ONE of the following in about 500 words

1) What are the various theories of punishment? Which theory is followed for
framing Indian Penal code?

2) Enumerate and discuss the offences relating to marriage under Indian

penal code,

PART – B (1×7=7 marks)

Answer any ONE of the following

1) Explain the offence of “giving false evidence”.

2) Write a short note on “Criminal Breach of Trust”.

PART – C (5×2=10 marks)

Write short notes on any FIVE of the following

1) Abettor
2) Culpable Homicide.
3) Defamation
4) Essence of criminal conspiracy
5) Doctrine of Necessity
6) Extortion
7) Fair Comment
8) Obscenity

PART – D ( 1×6=6 marks )

Answer any ONE of the following with correct reasoning and relevant provisions of law.

1) A” a surgeon, in good faith communicates to a patient his opinion that

he cannot live. The patient dies in consequence of the shock. Is the surgeon
liable for it?

2) A build a wall across a path along which B has a right to pass, B is

thereby prevented from passing. What is the offence committed by A.?


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