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Future perfect – Introductory video

Instructions: Watch the video of the link below and answer the questions.


1. How does Jeff imagine his life in ten years from now?

He will be a famous basketball player, a player who will have joined anincredible
team, and who will win championships year after year

2. What will Jeff have done by the time he finishes college?

He imagines he will have all the skills to succeed as a professional player. He will
have great coaches and will have already played with great teams. He expects to
becomean incredible athlete.

3. What are the plans of Natalie in ten years from now?

She hopes to have already had four children, because it has always been her dream.

4. What will Natalie have done by the time she has kids with her husband?

In 10 years, she and her husband will have a house full of children. Before they have
children, they will have had time for them.

5. What will Emma have done ten years from now?

She will be a doctor; she will have completed her medical school degree. She will
have worked very hard to get a job in a hospital. And maybe in 15 years she will
have gotten a partner, gotten married, and had a few children.

★Teacher Citlali Vásquez ★


6. What are the thoughts of Emma’s friends about her future?

They think being a doctor is great and that in 10 years she will be taking care of their
children Natalie. Jeff, meanwhile, thinks maybe she'll cure his basketball teammates.

7. Will the three friends stay in New York? What are their plans about moving out?

Jeff will move to a warmer location or perhaps sign a contract with a team in New
York. While Natalie has no plans to move. And Emma will complete her senior year
in New York, so it will be easier for her to get a job.

8. What is the opinion of the three friends about life?

They think it will be very exciting for everyone. Emma will have found her dream job.
Natalie will have created the family she's always wanted. While Jeff will have
forgotten them by becoming famous and rich (But just kidding).

9. What will the three friends have done three weeks from now?

In three weeks, you will have had time to revisit your favorite restaurants, hiked all
your favorite trails, watched your favorite movies.

★Teacher Citlali Vásquez ★

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