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Haura Rafifah Ilvi Habibah


B. Page 132

1. I love digital cameras, but film cameras caught my eye more at this point.

2. Life in the country is quiter than life in the city.

3. Taking public transportation is more environmentally conscious act than driving our own car.

4. It is easier to find some job in a large city than it is in a small town.

5. Hiring computers is more efficient but hiring human will save their life.

Page 133

1. I have worked several times in different places, but i find my job now is more enjoyable than
my first job.
2. I went to the market to buy a new shoes. There are two shoe shops at the market, i was
confused about which shop that i will enter, but i think the first shoe shop clerk is more
friendly than the second shoe shop clerk.
3. I raise two cats, a persian cat and a domestic cat. But i think, my domestic cat is more active
than my persian cat.
4. I am a “nocturnal” human because i am more active and energetic at night than in the
morning or during the day.
5. I have two friends, named A and F. In my opinion, A is more cheerful and talkactive than F.

Practice 4

1. Which of the two is better summary? Why?

summary B, because the text is to the point and wordy
2. Which summary contains an idea that was not in the original? Which sentence expresses this
added idea?
Summary A. The hope is that computers can help save them.

Practice 5

In our future world, we will learn and use more than one language. This time, English just
the first language among equals. Especially nowadays many countries have started to
publish thei own language. So, this fact does not rule out that in the future we will use more
than on language and maybe, that language is mandarin.

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