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Energy Management based on Frequency in Process Industries

7.1 Introduction

Suitable sizing of equipment based on the actual pressure and capacity requirement of
industrial application plays a major role in Energy efficiency [4]. In general, due to the cushion
added during multiple stages in designing, necessitates controlling the equipment pressure and
capacity. The load factor survey indicates almost 94% of application the over design is 20% and
more. The European Commission survey conducted at various types of industries in France, Italy,
United Kingdom, Germany and Denmark also specify 20 to 30% over design in equipment [4]. In
developing countries the equipment pressure and capacity is controlled by conventional methods,
like throttling of Valves, Re-circulation, Damper Control and Venting.

The load factor survey made in the 36 industries indicates only 5% of load variation
application variable speed drives are used and remaining 95% of load variation applications are
controlled by conventional methods of control. Even in European countries 8% of the speed
variation applications use variable speed drive as per the survey made by ISR-University of
Coimbra, Portugual on Improving the penetration of energy efficient Motors and Drives for
European commission as on year 2000 [4]. Controlling the equipment by conventional methods is
Energy inefficient practice. In this type of control, the excess pressure developed by the equipment
is dropped across the valve / damper. The excess capacity will be vented or re-circulated.

In case of Process industries, (Chemical, Cement, Petrochemical, Paper, Sugar,

Pharmaceutical and tyre industries) majority of the loads are centrifugal in Nature. Pumps, Fans
and Compressors are the major loads and consume 50 to 60% of total power consumption. The
excess pressure and capacity due to over design and safety factor in the above equipment are
controlled by conventional methods. Controlling a pumps or fan using valves or dampers is the
energy inefficient practice of operation. The energy efficient controls like Variable frequency Drives
(VFD), Slip Recovery drives, DC Variable Speed Drives and variable fluid couplings are used to
save pressure or head drop. But it is difficult to adopt variable speed drives for all equipment
(Pump, Fan, Blower and compressor) for economic reasons.

An attempt was made to vary the supply frequency of the captive power plants within the
permissible frequency limits to minimize the loss due to excess head and capacity. The results are
encouraging and operate comfortable without affecting the quality and production level. This
chapter discuss the methods of frequency optimization to minimize the specific energy consumption
per unit of production.

The power consumption, capacity and pressure of Centrifugal equipment [4] (Pumps,
Fans and Blowers) with respect to the speed of operation are:
Capacity ∝ Speed …7.1
Pressure ∝ Speed 2 …7.2
Power ∝ Speed 3 …7.3

The power consumption, capacity and pressure of Rotary equipment [4] (Reciprocating
Compressor and Rotary blowers) with respect to the speed of operation are:
Capacity ∝ Speed …7.4
Pressure ∝ Speed …7.5
Power ∝ Speed …7.6

With reference to the equation 7.3 for the Centrifugal equipment, 10% reduction in speed
will minimize the power consumption by 27%. Normally the cushion added during the design stage
is 10 to 20% for its actual pressure and capacity requirement. The excess pressure and capacity of
the equipment is controlled for the actual requirement by conventional methods in developing
countries. Induction motor is the commonly used prime mover, because of the high reliability for the
equipment, like Pumps, Fans, Blowers and Compressors.

7.2 Over Sizing of Equipment in Process Industry

The pumps, fans and compressors consume 63% of electrical energy consumption in
process industries [4]. The biggest problem in Energy Management, one encounters with
equipment like pump, fan, blower and compressor is the over design [4]. Many players (Consultant,
Designer and Manufacturer and Supplier) are involved in the selection of equipment, right from
specifications, design to installation and operation. Safety margin are added at each stages,
primarily due to high degree of uncertainty on exact process requirements/ parameters. It is very

difficult to choose right size equipment matching with the actual requirement of pressure and
capacity in a single step for an application. An ideal safety margin for a pump, fan, blower and
compressor will be 10 to 20% each on pressure and capacity.

The following example, illustrate the reasons for over sizing of equipment in an industrial
application. The various players involved in design of a chemical plant are Chemical Engineer,
Mechanical Engineer and Electrical Engineer. Take an example design procedure of capacity of a
pump for a heat exchanger cooling water pumping application, the Chemical engineer will calculate
the quantity of water and pressure needed for the cooling application, and add a cushion of 10 -
20% in quantity of water and pressure required. Then the Mechanical engineer has to select a
suitable pump available in the market. The mechanical engineer will select a pump, which is
available in the market having pressure and capacity equal or very close to that in the upper side.
Ultimately when the pump is put into operation in the industry, it will never develop its full pressure
and capacity because of the build-in cushion added in each stage. Due to the cushion, it is
necessary to control the equipment’s pressure and capacity for the actual process requirement.
The power consumption versus capacity control of a centrifugal pump with conventional and energy
efficient controls are shown in figure 7.1.

Figure 7.1. Power consumption in various types of capacity control

During Design stage the speed of operation of Pump, Fan, Blower and Compressor are
calculated based on the rated speed of the motor selected. The rated speed of the motor is defined

as the speed the motor when loaded to rated capacity. But in actual practice, when the load on the
induction motor is less than the rated capacity will leads to higher speed of operation. The higher
speed of operation leads to excess power consumption than the designed value. The load factor
survey conducted in India and Europe clearly indicates 20 to 30% over sizing in Induction Motor is
common in Indian industries and world. An experiment was conducted to measure the speed of
operation of a 5HP 415 Volts 50 Hz 4 pole Squirrel cage induction motor, when driving a pump. The
speed of 5HP 415 Volts 50 HZ Squirrel cage Induction motor at various load factors are shown in
the Table 7.1.

Table 7.1 Speed of 5HP 4 Pole 415 Volts 50Hz Squirrel Cage Induction Motor at Various Load

Sl.No Speed in RPM Load Factor in %

1 1460 50
2 1456 60
3 1452 70
4 1448 80
5 1444 90
6 1440 100

Higher the operating speed than the rated speed due to over design in Induction motor
also leads to excess pressure and capacity. In developed countries the energy efficient variable
speed drives are used to control and vary the pressure and capacity by varying the speed of the
motor driving the equipment. The European Commission report 2000 on SAVE II programme on
Improving the Performance of Energy Efficient Motors and drives prepared by ISR-University of
Coimbra, clearly mention the still there is 50% of Industries the conventional method of control is
practiced for control of Pumps, Fans, Blowers and Compressor in European Union. But in
developing countries the common practice adapted to control and varies the pressure and capacity
of equipment is by way of conventional methods. In India, majority of the process industries has
captive power plant to meet the power demand of critical loads. The non-critical loads are normally
connected with the grid power supply. The reason for preferring the captive power plant is to
minimize the loss of production due to power failure in grid power supply. In coal based captive
thermal power plant the cost of energy is cheaper than the cost of energy supplied by State
Electricity boards in India. The captive power plants normally operate at rated frequency of 50Hz.

7.3 Effect of Frequency variation in Process Industry

In Process industries, the excess pressure and capacity developed by the equipment due
to over design and safety factor are controlled to the actual process requirement. The conventional
methods are commonly practiced to control pressure / capacity and these types of control are the
energy inefficient practice. The excess pressure/head developed due to cushion added during
design stage is dropped across the valves/dampers. The excess energy consumption due to
pressure/head drop can be saved by going for better type of speed controls like Variable Frequency
Drives, Slip-power Recovery Drives, DC Variable Speed Drives, and Variable Speed Fluid
Couplings [4]. It is not viable to go for a variable speed drives for all equipment (pump, fan, blower
and compressor) due to economic reasons in developing countries. There is a possibility to
minimize a part of energy consumed to develop the excess pressure/head, by adjusting the
frequency of captive power plant.

In case of process industries, this work recommends to optimize the power supply
frequency between 48.5 Hz and 50.0 Hz with the help of captive power plants (Diesel Generator
sets and Turbine Generator sets). There is a good potential exists to save energy in majority of
process industry in developing countries by optimizing the frequency. Few cement industries
operating with Southern power grid power supply run the captive power plant at 48.5Hz. This 3%
reduction in supply frequency will results in 6 to 8 % average reduction in power consumption in
centrifugal equipment. In majority of the process industry, production is independent of frequency.
For example, in case of cement industry, the clinker production is depends on kiln speed and raw-
meal feed. Kiln drive is normally a DC Series motor and raw-meal drive is a variable speed drive
and speed is independent of frequency.

7.3.1 Power consumption of Fan at Different Frequency

An attempt was made to quantify the savings in power consumption of a Fan application in
a Cement Industry. In 650 Tons per day (TPD) cement plant, a 3.3KV, 550KW, 990 RPM Slip ring
Induction Motor was used to drive the Induced draft fan. The fan has a provision to control the
capacity with the help of Damper and speed control with the help of Rotor resistance control. The
captive power plant supply frequency was maintained as the normal operating frequency at 50Hz
and 48.5Hz and the power consumption and speed of operation was measured and the
observations are as follows:

At 50 Hz power Supply Synchronous Speed Ns = 1000 RPM
Due to the Rotor Resistance control the Running Speed Nr = 960 RPM
At 48.5 Hz Power Supply Synchronous Speed Ns = 970 RPM
Due to the Rotor Resistance Control the Running Speed Nr = 925 RPM
Power Consumption at 50Hz power supply = 392.5 KW
Power Consumption at 48.5 Hz power supply = 363.0 KW
The Savings in Power due to Frequency Optimization = 29.5 KW

The savings in power consumption is 29.5KW due to frequency optimization from 50 Hz to

48.5 Hz, without affecting the production and quality. After the reduction of power supply frequency,
the damper throttling has reduced to meet the process requirement. At 50Hz power supply, the
damper was operated with 75% of opening. After the power supply frequency was reduced to
48.5Hz the damper was operated with 85% of opening. The main reason for the reduction in power
consumption is due to saving in pressure drop across the damper control.

7.3.2 Power consumption of Pump at Different Frequency

An attempt was made to quantify the savings in power of a pump application in a Sugar
Industry. In a 2500 Tons Crushing Capacity per day (TCD) Sugar plant, a 415Volts, 50Hz, 75HP,
980 RPM Squirrel cage induction motor was used to drive the Injection Water pump. The pump has
a provision to control the capacity with valve. The Co-generation type captive power plant supply
frequency was maintained as the normal operating frequency at 50Hz and 48.5Hz and the power
consumption was measured and the observations are as follows:

Power Consumption at 50.0 Hz power supply = 35.77 KW

Power Consumption at 48.5 Hz power supply = 31.98 KW
The Savings in Power due to Frequency Optimization = 3.79 KW

The savings in power consumption is 3.79 KW due to frequency optimization from 50 Hz to

48.5 Hz, without affecting the production and quality. After the reduction power supply frequency
the valve throttling has reduced to meet the process requirement. When power supply frequency is
50 Hz, the valve was operated with 70% of opening. After the power supply frequency was reduced
to 48.5 Hz the damper was operated with 85% of opening. The main reason for the reduction in
power consumption is due to saving in pressure drop in the control valve.

7.4 Effect of Frequency variation in Textile and Engineering Industry

In Engineering and Textile industries located in Southern power grid observes that their
production is less and specific energy consumption is high, when operating with grid power supply.
In Engineering and Textile industries major portion of power consumed by the production machines
driven by Induction motor and directly governed by the speed of operation. Since production
depends upon the speed of operation of Induction motor and motor speed depends on the power
supply frequency. In Engineering and Textile industries, the Energy Consumption can be divided as
fixed energy consumption and Variable energy consumption. The loads of fixed energy
consumption are Lighting, Heating Ventilation and Air-conditioning (HVAC). The variable energy
consumption directly depends on the production. The supply frequency is below the rated, results in
lesser production and ultimately increases the Energy Consumption per unit of production because
of the fixed energy consumption.

In few Textile Spinning mills and Engineering units, an attempt was made to increase the
speed of the equipment by adjusting the pulley size to increase production, provided there is an
enough cushion in the motor capacity. Though it was tried to increase production, but it also
reduce the specific energy consumption to a reasonable extent. Few Textile spinning mills installed
Variable Frequency Drives (VFD) for their main production machine named Ring Frames to
increase the production by maintaining the speed. There was an intangible benefit due to reduction
in labour cost per unit of production and higher production level. An implemented case study in a
Textile spinning mill to increase production by modifying the pulley size is given in Appendix E.
After the implementation of ABT in Indian Power System, the average frequency of grid system is
settled at 49.5Hz. Hence, the requirement of pulley modification in Engineering and Textile
industries becomes absolute.

7.5 Effect of Low Frequency Operation on Induction Motor Performance

Whenever the frequency of power supply is optimized from 50Hz to 49Hz, it is

recommended to optimize the voltage by 2%, in order to maintain the Voltage / Frequency ratio
constant to avoid flux saturation in induction motor [15]. The Induction motor power output is
directly proportional to the speed of operation. In majority of the cases the motor also loaded 70 to
80%, due to cushion added during the stage. The frequency reduction will always results in load

reduction in the motor and the voltage optimized corresponding to the frequency do not have any
significant adverse effects in the plant operation.

7.6 Implemented case Studies

Few implemented case studies in Indian Industry are discussed below to under stand the
method of frequency optimization to minimize energy consumption in process industries.

7.6.1 Case study 1 : Optimize the Operating Frequency of Diesel Generator Set


In a cement industry, during the detailed energy audit, the frequency was measured. The
power supply frequency varies between 48.0 and 48.5 Hz (Southern power grid) in the year 2003.
The non-critical loads crusher, raw mill, coal mill and cement mill are running in Southern power
grid power supply. A 5000KVA diesel generator (DG) set was running to feed power supply to the
critical loads like kiln and kiln accessories (kiln section loads) and the DG set frequency varies 50.0
to 50.5Hz. The remaining non-critical loads like raw mill, coal mill and cement mill are connected to
grid and operate at 48.5 to 49Hz. In case of grid power supply failure, the entire plant was operated
with 3 Nos. Of 5000KVA DG Set. The average cement production per day was 3000 Ton per day
and the plant was operated for 330days per year.

The majority of the kiln loads are centrifugal in nature. The major kiln loads are ID fans,
cooler fans, coal meal feeding blower and raw-meal feeding blowers and controlled by conventional
method of control. The power consumption varies with respect to the speed of operation of

A trail was taken in the cement plant at the rated production rate of 125 Tons per hour and
the specific energy consumption was measured operating with the following cases of power supply
is shown in the Table 7.2.

Table 7.2. Specific energy consumption values at various types of power supplies

Specific energy
Case Nature of supply Production rate
Case Critical load - DG set running at 50Hz 125 Tons per 90.0 KWH / Ton of
1 Non-critical loads - Southern power grid supply at Hour cement
48.5 to 49.0 Hz
Case Critical load - DG set running at 49Hz 125 Tons per 87.5 KWH / Ton of
2 Non-critical loads - Southern power grid supply at Hour cement
48.5 to 49.0 Hz
Case Critical load - DG set running at 50Hz 125 Tons per 92.4 KWH / Ton of
3 Non-critical loads – DG set running at 50Hz Hour cement
Case Critical load - DG set running at 49Hz 125 Tons per 87.5 KWH / Ton of
4 Non-critical loads – DG set running at 49Hz Hour cement

3 Nos. Of 5000 KVA Dual Fired DG set at 50Hz frequency running parallel to feed the
entire plant and the specific energy consumption was 92.4 KWH per ton of cement. An attempt was
made to reduce the DG set frequency from 50.0 Hz to 49.0 Hz in a step of 0.2 Hz, has resulted a
reduction in load of 200 kW in each generator, without affecting production. The plant operates
without any problem in 49Hz power supply frequency.

The details of Load on each DG set are as follows:

Rated Capacity = 5000 KVA
Load at 50 Hz = 3850 kW
Load at 49 Hz = 3650 kW
Reduction in load = 200 kW

The reduction in energy consumption per day of the cement plant was 14700 KWH at 49
HZ operations instead of 50Hz (From Case 3 to Case 4). The reduction in energy consumption per
day was 7500 KWH (From Case 1 to 2), when operating the cement plant with Southern gird

It was recommended to operate the DG set at 49.0 Hz for the critical loads by adjusting the
speed governor system, to minimize the loss of energy in conventional methods of controls due to

excess head and capacity. It was also recommended to run all the DG sets at 49Hz during grid
power failure occurs.

There was an increase in furnace oil consumption in the dual fired DG set due to the 49 Hz
frequency operations. The specific fuel consumption per KWH generation is 200grams at 50Hz
operation and 202grams at 49 Hz operations. But the energy saving due to 49Hz operation in the
plant is more than the increase in fuel consumption in the DG sets.

The annual savings in energy consumption achieved by optimizing the operating frequency
of DG set supplying power for critical loads (Case 2) is 2.4 Million KWH, when compared with the
normal plant operation (Case 1).

7.6.2 Case Study 2 : Optimize Operating Frequency of Steam Turbine Generator Set

During the detailed energy audit conducted in an Automobile Tyre manufacturing industry,
the power supply frequency was measured. A steam turbine generator set was running to feed the
critical loads. The Turbine Generator (TG) set was running in isolated mode to feed power for
critical loads. The TG set frequency varies between 50.0 and 50.5 Hz. The plant operates
continuously for 24 Hours in a day and 350days in a year.

The ban-bury drive and mixer drive are run in grid supply at 49 Hz. The critical loads (boiler
ID fan, boiler feed water pump, cooling water supply pump for refrigeration condenser, refrigeration
compressor, chilled water pumps for process and air compressors) are running in TG set supply.
The pumps and fans power consumption depends upon the cube of the speed (equation 7.3) and
refrigeration compressor and air compressor power consumption depends upon the speed
(equation 7.4).

A trail was taken to reduce the TG set frequency from 50.0 Hz to 49.0 Hz in a step of 0.2
Hz, has resulted a reduction in load of 45 kW, without affecting production.

The details of load on TG set are as follows:
TG set capacity = 2500 KVA
TG set load at 50Hz = 1940 kW
TG Set load at 49Hz = 1895 kW
Reduction in load = 45 kW

It was recommended to operate the TG set at 49.0 Hz by adjusting the setting of speed
governor system to optimize power consumption.

Note :
There was an attempt made to measure the increase in coal consumption in the boiler and
steam consumption in the steam turbine due to 49 HZ frequency operations, but increase in coal
and steam consumption was minimum and the conventional measurement and instrumentation
system used in the plant is not able to measure the difference.

The annual savings in energy consumption achieved by optimizing the operating frequency
of TG set from 50Hz to 49Hz, supplying power to critical load is 0.4 Million KWH.

7.6.3 Case Study 3: Optimize Operating Frequency of Diesel Generator Set

In a cement industry, during the detailed energy audit, the supply frequency was
measured. It was observed that the gird frequency varies between 48.0 and 48.5 Hz (Southern
Regional Grid). A 4000 KVA Diesel Generator (DG Set) is running to feed the critical loads. The DG
set frequency varies between 50.0 and 50.5 Hz. The Non-critical loads Crusher, Raw Mill, Coal Mill
and cement Mill are run in Grid Supply and the critical loads such as Kiln and Kiln accessories are
run in 4000KVA 11KV 50Hz DG set supply. The majority of the kiln loads are centrifugal in nature.
The major kiln loads are Induced draft fans, Cooler fans, Coal and Raw meal feeding blowers. The
power consumption varies with respect to the cube of the speed of operation of equipment. In case
of centrifugal equipment, if the speed is reduced by 10% will results in a reduction of power
consumption by 27%.The load connected with the Diesel Generator Set is shown in Table 7.3.

Table 7.3. Load Connected with Diesel Generator Set

Equipment name Rating Type of Induction Motor

used as Prime mover
650TPD Cooler Fan 1 415Volts, 30KW, 1470RPM Squirrel Cage Motor
650TPD Cooler Fan 2 415Volts, 125KW, 1475RPM Slip ring Motor
650TPD Cooler Fan 3 415Volts, 55KW, 1475RPM Slip ring Motor
650TPD Cooler Fan 4 415Volts, 90KW, 1485RPM Slip ring Motor
Cooler ESP Fan 415Volts, 110KW, 990RPM Slip ring Motor
Kiln ESP Fan 415Volts, 125KW, 1480RPM Slip ring Motor
Coal Mill Exhaust Fan 415Volts, 110KW, 1485RPM Slip ring Motor
Coal Mill Booster Fan 415Volts, 55KW, 737RPM Squirrel Cage Motor
1200TPD Coal Mill Back Filter Fan 415Volts, 135KW, 592RPM Slip ring Motor
1200 TPD Kiln ESP Fan 415Volts, 135KW, 592RPM Slip ring Motor
Raw Mill Separator Fan 3.3KV, 610KW, 990RPM Slip ring Motor
650TPD Kiln ID Fan 3.3KV, 650KW, 990RPM Slip ring Motor
1200 TPD Kiln ID Fan 3.3KV, 1100KW, 992RPM Slip ring Motor

It was recommended to optimize the operating frequency from existing 50.1 Hz to 48.5Hz.
A trail was taken to optimize the frequency from 50.1 Hz to 48.5Hz in steps of 0.2Hz, maintaining
the production and quality.

DG Set Capacity = 4000KVA
DG Set Load at 50.1 Hz = 3350 KW
DG Set Load at 48.5 Hz = 3195 KW

The annual savings in energy consumption achieved by optimizing the operating frequency
of DG set from 50.1 Hz to 48.5Hz, supplying power for critical loads was 1.23 Million KWH.

7.7 Effect of Low Frequency Operation on Captive Power Plant Performance

The performance of the captive power plant up to 5% reduction from the rated frequency
was satisfactory. There is a marginal reduction in conversion efficiency of captive power plant. The
drop in conversion efficiency is 0.5 to 1% in the captive power plant at 49 HZ, instead of 50Hz. But
the reduction in energy consumption in the loads side is much more than the drop in conversion
efficiency. Majority of the manufacturers specify the frequency variation limit ±3% from the rated
frequency. Hence, the recommended optimized frequency deviation is 3% on lower side for trouble
free operation from the rated.

7.8 Frequency Observation of Regional Grid

The average power supply frequency of the Southern regional power grid for the year 1997
to 2003 is varying between 48.2 and 49Hz. All the industrial units received power from the Southern
regional grid for the past eight years operating satisfactorily. The sugar industries located in
Southern regional grid exporting the surplus power generated in Co-generation system to Southern
regional grid and operating at grid frequency without any problem due to variation in frequency with
respect to the grid frequency for the past seven years. Few independent power producers
producing power by Diesel Power Plant and Gas Turbine Power Plant are also running in parallel
with the regional grid from the year 2001 and operating without any problem. This clearly indicates
that the industries can optimize their frequency of their captive power plants to minimize the specific
energy consumption per unit of production. The captive power plants can be operated at 48.5 to 49
Hz frequency to minimize the loss due to the conventional type of control used to control excess
head and capacity in process industries.

7.9 Summary

This chapter suggest optimizing the frequency of captive power plants in process industries
up to 3% on lower side from the rated, where the centrifugal equipment are the major power loads.
The power supply frequency plays a major role on the Energy Management in Process industries.
Induction motor is the commonly used prime mover in Process industries, because of high
reliability. The frequency governs the speed of operation in Induction motor. Pumps, Fans, Blowers

and Compressors consume about 55 to 70% of total power consumption in the process industries
and normally designed with 20% excess cushion in pressure and capacity. For the above
equipment, speed of operation governs the power consumption. Excess pressure and capacity of
the equipment is to be controlled to the actual requirement of the process or operation. The
common practice adopted in developing countries, to control the excess pressure and capacity of
the above equipment are Throttling of Valves, Re-circulation, Damper Throttling, and Venting.
These methods are energy inefficient way of controlling the excess pressure and capacity. The
Variable speed controls are the most efficient way of controlling the pressure and capacity. In
developed countries, Variable Frequency Drives are used to control excess pressure and capacity.
Over sizing of Equipment permits to Optimize the frequency of captive power plants in process
industries, where the centrifugal Equipment are the major power loads.

There is a good energy saving potential exist for the process industries to optimize the
frequency up to 3% on lower side from the rated value, which is using conventional controls to
control the excess pressure / head and capacity. Few-implemented case studies carried out in this
work, establishes the frequency optimization techniques for Energy Management in Process
Industry operating with Captive Power Plant. Few Indian process industries optimized their
frequency and operating normal without any problems for the past three year. The maximum
recommended frequency reduction from the rated value is 3% and this variation is within the
permissible limit (NEMA Standard) of operation without much affecting the performance. The
frequency optimization technique is well suited for the process industries like Paper, Cement, Sugar
and Chemical industries in developing countries to reduce manufacturing cost to compete with the
International Market without affecting production level and quality. This frequency optimization
technique does not require much investment and time required for the implementation work is
negligible. The net saving potential is 3 to 5% for 2% reduction in power supply frequency (From
50Hz to 49Hz) and 8 to 9% for 3% reduction in power supply frequency (From 50Hz to 48.5Hz).


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