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Theriogenology 78 (2012) 842–847

Control of the estrous cycle in guinea-pig (Cavia porcellus)

A. Grégoirea,*, A. Allardb, E. Huamánc, S. Leóna,c, R.M. Silvac, S. Buffb, M. Berardd,
T. Jolyb
Institut Français d’Etudes Andines, UMIFRE17 CNRS/MAEE, Lima 18, Peru
Université de Lyon, VetAgro Sup/IsaraLyon, Unité ICE-Cryobio, 69 243 Lyon, France
CIETE - Ministry of Agriculture/La Molina, National Agrarian University, Lima, Peru
Institut Pasteur, Animalerie Centrale, 75 724 Paris, France

Received 31 January 2012; received in revised form 22 March 2012; accepted 24 March 2012

The aim of this work was to look for a simple method to obtain synchronized ovulation in guinea pigs under farming conditions
while respecting animal welfare. The luteolytic activity of three different prostaglandins F2alpha (PGF2␣) analogs (D-clopros-
tenol, D,L-cloprostenol and luprostiol) and a daily treatment with oral progestagen (altrenogest) was tested successively at
different stages of the estrous cycle on the same group of females during a period of 8 mo. The estrous cycle length was not
modified by the administration of PGF2␣ analogs, whatever the stage of the estrous cycle when the treatment was initiated. Our
results led us to reject the use of PGF2␣ analog to induce practical synchronization of the estrus in this species. In females (n ⫽
29), given 15 days with altrenogest (0.1 mL po once a day), ovulation occurred 4.43 ⫾ 0.13 days after the end of the treatment.
Altrenogest treatment was followed by mating. No negative impacts of the treatment on the pregnancy rates, delivery rates and
litter sizes were observed. This standard method of guinea-pig estrus synchronization is less stressful for the animals compared
to techniques using progesterone tubing.
© 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Estrus; Synchronization; Guinea Pig; Altrenogest; Prostaglandin-F2␣

1. Introduction tems [3]. In this part of the world, guinea pigs are also
involved in many folklore traditions, exchanged as gifts
The guinea-pig (Cavia porcellus), together with the
and used in traditional medicine to diagnose diseases
camelids and the dog, was domesticated in the Andes
[4]. The conservation of native genetic diversity is a
[1] where it still plays an important role in highland
longterm issue.
societies as a source of protein for many low income
indigenous people [2]. Peru is the country with the The guinea-pig has also been used commonly since
highest population and consumption of guinea pigs. the late 18th century as a laboratory animal [5]. It
About 16, 500 tons of meat are produced there every played a major role in the establishment of the germ
year, out of a constant population of about 22 million theory in the late 19th century, in particular through the
animals raised essentially upon family production sys- studies of Robert Koch on tuberculosis [6]. Despite its
important role in laboratory animal science, the use of
guinea pigs has decreased significantly since the middle
* Corresponding author. Tel: (511) 4476070; fax: (511) 4457650. of the 20th century, mostly because mice and rats have
E-mail address: (A. Grégoire). replaced them. In 2007, guinea pigs represented only

0093-691X/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
A. Grégoire et al. / Theriogenology 78 (2012) 842–847 843

2% of the total number of laboratory animals [7]. None- sponse of the corpus luteum to treatment with PGF2␣
theless, the guinea-pig is still a reference model for changes during the estrous cycle. Treatment with
very specific research, because its immune system pos- PGF2␣ over Days 4 – 6 or 6 – 8 of the cycle temporarily
sesses an antigen-macrophage interaction similar to that depressed progesterone release without shortening the
of the human [8,9]. The relatively long gestation pe- life of the corpus luteum. When the drug was admin-
riod (68 days), compared to other rodents with ma- istered over Days 8 –10, 10 –12 or 12–14, the depres-
ture central system at birth, makes it a very relevant sion in progesterone was not followed by any recovery
model for teratology studies. This characteristic is (Day 1 is the day on which maximum cornification was
particularly interesting for the study of deleterious seen in smears) [16]. In hysterectomized guinea pigs,
factors which act differentially with respect to the the corpus luteum responds to the luteolytic action of
stage of pregnancy, as do many noxious agents in PGF2␣ only after Day 9 of the estrous cycle (Day 0 is
man [10]. The most common strains used in scientific the first day when the vaginal membrane is fully per-
research are outbred animals, such as the albino forated) [17].
short-haired Duncan-Hartley guinea pig. Inbred The aim of this work was to look for a simple
strains are also available, Strain 2 and Strain 13 method to obtain synchronized ovulation in guinea-pigs
being the most commonly used. New strains for under farming conditions while respecting animal wel-
specific purposes are regularly established [11]. fare. We tested the luteolytic activity of three different
The establishment of an embryo cryobank will per- PGF2␣ analogs (D-cloprostenol, D,L-cloprostenol and
mit the preservation of the genetic pool of both scien- luprostiol) currently used for mammal synchronization
tifically valuable strains and native guinea pigs. It is and we tested the oral administration of a progestagen
also an interesting strategy to reduce maintenance costs (altrenogest) as it is used in sows and mares [18,19].
related to livestock. These treatments were administered to guinea pigs at
To produce guinea-pig embryos and to set up the different stages of their estrous cycle.
technique of embryo transfer, it is first necessary to
control the female estrous cycle. Controlling the heat
period is required to obtain embryos at morula or early 2. Materials and methods
blastocyst stage and to prepare synchronous recipients 2.1. Animals
for embryo transfer. In the present work we sought
estrus synchronization through two approaches. One Forty-four multiparous female guinea pigs with nor-
was to block ovulation using a progestagen treatment, mal cycles, aged between 18 and 24 mo, from the
and another was to induce estrus with a PGF2␣ analog Maria-Marcela Farm (Puente Piedra-Peru), weighing
treatment. from 1.0 to 1.5 kg, were used in this study. Females
A treatment to synchronize ovulation under labora- were housed under farming conditions and were fed on
tory conditions was proposed using a subcutaneous commercial pellets (vitamin C enriched) and tap water
implant filled with crystalline progesterone over a 4 wk ad libitum. To determine the day of ovulation, the
period[12]. The withdrawal of the implant induces ovu- colony was checked twice a day for vaginal opening.
lation within 5 d. This treatment is difficult to set up in As perforation of at least half the vaginal membrane
farming conditions and presents ethical problems re- was observed, vaginal smears were made at 12-h inter-
garding the use of general anesthesia to insert a large vals to determine the day of ovulation (Day 0), judged
implant (1.0 cm long and 0.4 cm i.d.). by the first leukocytic smear following a cornified
Most of the work to discover the luteolytic factor in smear [20]. The natural length of the estrous cycle in
guinea pigs was carried out in the late 1960s and early the guinea pigs used in this study was 16.17 ⫾ 0.21 d
1970s. Blatchley and Donovan [13] established that (observed on 83 cycles).
exogenous PGF2␣ was luteolytic in hysterectomized 2.2. Treatments
guinea pigs. Poyser [14] indicated that guinea-pig uteri
are probably the major source of this luteolytic factor. In this study, four treatments to control the heat
Further results [15] identified PGF2␣ as the uterine period of the guinea-pig were tested. First, three treat-
luteolytic hormone in guinea-pig since the treatment of ments with injections of PGF2␣ analogs had been per-
females during their cycles with indomethacin (blocker formed to clarify their capacity of luteolysis (D-clopro-
of PGF2␣ synthesis) lengthened their estrous cycles. In stenol; D,L-cloprostenol and luprostiol), and last, a
1976, Blatchley and Donovan indicated that the re- daily treatment with oral progestagen (altrenogest) was
844 A. Grégoire et al. / Theriogenology 78 (2012) 842–847

carried out to try to block ovulation. Each of these p.o. s.i.d. (semel in die, i.e., once a day) altrenogest
treatments was tested successively at different stages of (Regumate equine, MSD Santé Animale, France); 29
the estrous cycle on the same group of females during tests performed. The treatment-to-ovulation interval
a period of 8 mo. To know exactly the stages of the corresponds to the interval between the single injection
estrous cycle of each female when the treatments were and the moment of ovulation for the prostaglandins
administered and to determine the return to estrus, the treatments, and to the interval between the last admin-
colony was checked twice a day for vaginal opening istration of hormone and the moment of ovulation for
and ovulation was confirmed through vaginal smears. the altrenogest treatment.
We gave a single injection of D-cloprostenol to females
between Day 1 and Day 18 of their estrous cycle, 2.3. Statistical analyses
D,L-cloprostenol between Day 4 and Day 16, and lu-
Data were reported as means ⫾ SD. The statistical
prostiol between Day 3 and Day 12. The first adminis-
analyses have been performed by means of linear re-
tration of altrenogest treatment was carried out in fe-
males between Day 1 and Day 14 of their estrous cycle. gression (Analysis Tool, Microsoft excel). The graphs
We first tested the effect of D-cloprostenol (Ciclar, a, b, c and d in Fig. 1 represent for each treatment
Zoovet, Argentina) by i.m. injection of 7.5 ␮g/kg; 50 (D-cloprostenol, D,L-cloprostenol, luprostiol, and al-
tests were performed. After the next return to estrus, trenogest) the estrous cycle length (full circles) and the
D,L-cloprostenol (Estrumate, MSD Santé Animale, treatment-ovulation interval (empty circles). For all
France) was administered by i.m. injection of 25 ␮g/kg; graphs in Fig. 1, Day 0 is considered as reference day
17 tests were performed. Luprostiol (Prosolvin, Virbac, of previous ovulation. After altrenogest treatment, each
France) was administered by i.m. injection of 0.75 female was mated with males of proven fertility to
mg/kg; 23 tests were performed. We then adapted the observe the litter size.
progestagen treatment as described for mares. It con- The litter size data were analyzed using Student t
sisted of 15 d of administration of 0.1 mL (0.22 mg/kg) test (Analysis Tool, Microsoft excel).

Fig. 1. Effect of the PGF2␣ analogs and progestagen on the estrous cycle length and the treatment-ovulation interval.
A. Grégoire et al. / Theriogenology 78 (2012) 842–847 845

3. Results 4. Discussion
3.1. Regarding the cycle length Although some previous papers [13–15,17,21] in-
dicated that PGF2␣ is luteolytic in guinea pigs, the
For each prostaglandin treatment (D-cloprostenol; present work failed to induce ovulation when ani-
D,L-cloprostenol and luprostiol) the estrous cycle mals were given exogenous PGF2␣ analogs. The
length was not modified by the administration of doses administered in our work were lower than the
PGF2␣ analogs (P value ⬎ 0.05): 15.76 ⫾ 0.31, doses administered in former works from the 1960s
17.32 ⫾ 0.42, and 16.17 ⫾ 0.36 d for D-cloprostenol, and 1970s. At that time, studies were performed with
D,L-cloprostenol and luprostiol, respectively. In con- natural PGF2␣ that required higher doses. The posol-
trast, altrenogest treatment prevented ovulation. More- ogy we used in the present study was higher than the
over, as long as altrenogest was administered, the es- posology used with similar synthetic PGF2␣ analogs
trous cycle lengthened. in cattle [22]. Even when we doubled the dose of
D,L-cloprostenol, no luteolytic effect was detected
3.2. Regarding the treatment-ovulation interval
(unpublished data). Moreover, all the studies to con-
The duration of the interval between the end of the trol the guinea-pig estrous cycle worked on hyster-
treatment and the ovulation was independent of the ectomized females [13,17]. Up to now, no control of
cycle stage when altrenogest was initiated (P ⬎ 0.05). estrous cycle by PGF2␣ analogs treatment has been
After the end of the treatment all the 29 females described in females with intact uteri. Our results led
ovulated 4.43 ⫾ 0.13 d after the last administration p.o. us to reject the use of PGF2␣ analogs to induce
of altrenogest, 93% of the females (27/29) had ovulated practical synchronization of the estrus. Osamu Su-
by Day 5 (Fig. 2). zuki (personal communication, 2009) has tried to
After the altrenogest treatment, the 29 females synchronize guinea pigs with several doses of exog-
with induced ovulation were mated with males of enous PGF2␣ analogs several times and it seemed to
perturb the progesterone effect, but did not stop
proven fertility. The pregnancy rate estimated by
luteal phases.
abdominal palpation after one mo was 79% (23/29),
In contrast, our results show that the administration
the delivery rate was 82% (19/23) and the litter size
of 0.1 mL (0.22 mg/kg) p.o. s.i.d. altrenogest over 15 d
was 3.05 ⫾ 0.19 pups. The litter size of the treated
can induce in guinea-pig synchronized ovulation within
females was not statistically different (P value ⬎
4 to 5 d after the end of treatment independently of the
0.05) from the litter size of untreated females from stage of the estrous cycle when altrenogest is initiated.
the same farm (3.09 ⫾ 0.27 pups, n ⫽ 25). Unfor- As far as the length of the treatment is concerned, we
tunately, four females died because of uncontrollable decided to administer the hormone over 15 d to avoid
environmental conditions. the presence of residual active corpora lutea at the end
of the treatment, because the natural length of the
estrous cycle in the guinea pigs used in this study was
16.17 ⫾ 0.21 d. Moreover, the length of the treatment
should be adapted to the population with significantly
different natural cycle length.
Compared to other methods, ours was easy to im-
plement in farming conditions because there was no
need to anesthetize the animals to insert and remove
progesterone implants.
Appropriate doses of altrenogest cannot be supplied
to each animal by feed mixed with altrenogest. Because
of the alimentary behavior of the guinea pigs, the top
dressing of altrenogest is not possible in this species,
contrary to what can be performed, for instance, in pigs
and horses. Guinea-pigs’ free feeding behavior is char-
acterized by a large number of small meals with brief
Fig. 2. Distribution of ovulated females after the last Altrenogest periods of feeding, interspersed with non-feeding peri-
administration. ods [23]. It is then impossible to ensure that each
846 A. Grégoire et al. / Theriogenology 78 (2012) 842–847

animal of a group housed together receives the appro- Acknowledgments

priate dose of hormone. Though the daily oral admin-
The authors wish to express their gratitude to Gon-
istration of the treatment is demanding for the operator,
zalo Valentin for providing animals from the Maria-
guinea-pigs maintain a docile disposition when handled
Marcela Farm (Puente Piedra, Peru), José Sarria
frequently and gently and become used to the treatment
Bardales for lending the Small Animals Research Lab-
within a few days. Compared to the subcutaneous im-
oratory of the La Molina National Agrarian University
plant filled with crystalline progesterone over a 4-wk
(Lima, Peru) and Enrique Alvarado Malca, coordinator
period [12], this way of administration is less trauma-
of the CIETE - Ministry of Agriculture/La Molina Na-
tizing and invasive for the animal, achieving the pur-
tional Agrarian University (Lima, Peru). We wish to
pose of estrus synchronization while respecting animal
thank Osamu Suzuki, Senior researcher of the Labora-
tory of Experimental Animal Models for Human Dis-
Altrenogest is a safe and effective drug. The dose
eases from the National Institute of Biomedical Inno-
of 0.1 mL altrenogest represents a high dose of
vation (Osaka, Japan), for reading the manuscript and
progestagen (0.22 mg/kg). It is five times the dose
offering valuable suggestions. We are grateful to Eddie
used in mares, for example [24]. The toxicologic
Maranghi for technical assistance at the Institut Pasteur
assessment of hormonal manipulation described by (Paris, France).
Peters [25] showed that altrenogest is neither geno-
toxic nor mutagenic. The surplus of altrenogest
seems to be eliminated in the feces [26]. In our study,
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