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com/toe )

No Kata Sinonim Arti

1 About Approximately Sekitar, Kira-Kira

2 To Accomplish To Achieve Memperoleh, Mencapai

3 To Accumulate To Build Up

4 To Administer To Manage Mengelola

5 To Admit To Confess Mengakui

6 Almost Nearly Hampir

7 To Annoy To Irritate, To Bother Mengganggu

8 To Answer To Reply Menjawab, Membalas

9 Anyway Besides Di Samping Itu

10 Apparent Obvious Jelas Terlihat

11 To Appear To Seem Nampaknya

12 Applicable Relevant Berlaku

13 Appreciable Considerable Cukup Besar

14 Ardour Passion Semangat, Hasrat

15 Arise Occur, Come Up, Develop Timbul, Muncul

16 Aromatic Fragrant, Scented Aromatik, Wangi

17 To Arrive To Reach Sampai, Mencapai

18 Artful Crafty, Shifty, Sly Licik

19 Association Organization Organisasi

To Guarantee, To Ensure, To
20 To Assure Menjamin
Make Sure

21 Attractive Appealing Interesting Menarik

21 Attractive Appealing, Interesting Menarik

22 Away Absent Tidak Hadir

23 Awful Terrible, Horrible, Horri c Mengerikan

24 Backbone Spine, Vertebrae Tulang Belakang

25 Backside Behind Di Belakang

26 Bad Poor, Naughty, Nasty Buruk

27 Ballot Poll Pemungutan Suara

28 Becoming Fitting Menjadi

29 To Begin To Start Memulai

30 To Behave To Act Bertingkah Laku

31 Believable Plausible, Trustworthy Terpercaya

32 Belly Stomach Perut

33 Bendy Flexible Fleksibel

34 Bene ciant Generous Dermawan

35 Bene cial Helpful, Useful Bermanfaat

36 Bid Tender Penawaran

37 Bizarre Weird, Odd, Strange Aneh

38 Blameless Innocent Tidak Bersalah

39 Bloodbath Massacre Pertumpahan Darah

40 Branch Department, Subsidiary Cabang

41 Brave Courageous Berani

42 Brow Forehead Kening

43 Business Commerce, Trade Bisnis, Usaha

44 Busy Engaged, Occupied Sibuk

45 Candy Sweet Permen, Manisan

46 To Categorise To Classify

47 Charter Privilege Hak Istimewa

48 Cheesy Corny, Tacky Murahan, Rendah Nilainya

49 Chie y Mainly, Particularly, Especially Terutama

50 Choosy Picky Pilih-pilih

51 To Chop To Cut, To Cut O Menebang

52 Chorus Refrain Paduan Suara

53 Citation Quotation Kutipan

54 To Cite To Quote Mengutip

55 Class Lesson, Course Pelajaran

56 Clerk Receptionist Resepsionis, Penerima Tamu

57 Clever Intelligent, Brainy Cerdas

58 To Close To Shut Menutup

59 To Collapse To Breakdown Rusak, Runtuh

60 To Collect To Gather, To Put Together Mengumpulkan

61 Comfort Consolation, Amenities Kenyamanan

62 Comic Comedian Pelawak

63 Commencement Graduation Kelulusan, Pemberian Ijazah

64 Complete Total, Thorough Tuntas

65 Concord Harmony, Communion Kerukunan

66 To Condemn To Sentence Mengutuk

67 Confederate Accomplice Sekutu

68 To Con ne To Restrict, To Limit Membatasi

69 Con ict Clash, Opposition Perselisihan, Kon ik

70 To Confuse To Mix Up Membingungkan

To Associate, To Put through

71 To Connect Menghubungkan

72 Considerate Thoughtful, Attentive Penuh Perhatian

73 Constancy Fidelity, Loyalty Kesetiaan, Keteguhan

74 Constitution Structure Susunan

75 To Consult To Refer To Berkonsultasi, Mengacu pada

76 Contemporary Modern Kontemporer

77 Continuous Continual Berkesinambungan

78 Contrary Opposite, Contradictory Kebalikan

79 Convention Conference Konvensi

80 To Convey To Communicate Menyampaikan

81 To Cope To Manage Mengatasi, Mengatur

82 Correct Right, True, Valid Benar

83 Couch Sofa Sofa

84 Crook Criminal Penjahat

85 Cube Dice Dadu, Kubus

86 Curative Healing Kuratif, Menyembuhkan

87 Curler Roller Pengeriting

88 Dash Sprint Berlari dengan cepat

89 Daybreak Dawn Fajar, Pagi-pagi sekali

90 Deceptive Misleading Menipu

91 Decontrol Deregulate Deregulasi

92 Dedicated Committed Berkomitmen

93 To Deduce To Infer Menyimpulkan secara tersirat

Faulty, Disabled, Deformed,

94 Defective Cacat

95 Deliberate Planned Disengaja, Direncanakan

96 Delicate Fragile Rapuh

97 To Demonstrate To Protest Mendemonstrasikan

98 To Denationalize To Privatize Privatisasi

99 Denims Jeans Bahan Denim

100 To Denote To Indicate, To Represent Menunjukkan

101 To Desert To Abandon Meninggalkan

102 Deserted Abandoned, Leaved Telah Ditinggalkan

103 Destiny Fate, Predestination Takdir

104 Devil Satan Setan, Iblis

105 Dicey Risky Tidak Pasti, Berisiko

106 To Di erentiate To Distinguish Membedakan

107 To Diminish To Decrease Mengurangi

108 Disadvantaged Deprived Kurang Beruntung

109 Disagreeable Unpleasant Tidak Enak

110 To Disappear To Vanish, To Dissipate Menghilang

111 Disaster Catastrophe Bencana

112 To Disclaim To Deny, To Refute Menyangkal

113 To Disclose To Reveal Menyingkapkan

114 Discount Reduction Potongan

115 Disgrace Shame Aib, Malu

116 Dubious Doubtful Diragukan

117 Dull (person) Stupid Bodoh

118 Eager Keen Berhasrat, Memiliki Keinginan

119 Earth Soil, Terra Bumi

120 Economic Pro table Ekonomis, Menguntungkan

Egois, Mementingkan Diri

121 Egocentric Sel sh

122 To Elevate To Raise To Promote Mengangkat

122 To Elevate To Raise, To Promote Mengangkat

123 To Emphasize To Stress, To Point Menekankan

124 To Encounter To Come Across, To Meet Berjumpa

125 Enormous Huge, Immense Besar Sekali

126 To Enquire To Investigate, To Ask Menanyakan

127 Equity Fairness, Justice Keadilan

128 Especially Particularly Terutama

129 Essential Fundamental Hal yang pelru

130 To Establish To Set Up, To Build Mendirikan

131 To Evaluate To Assess Mengevaluasi

132 Everlasting Eternal Abadi

133 Exactly Precisely Persis, Tepat

134 Except Apart From, But Kecuali

135 To Expire To Run Out Berakhir

136 To Explode To Blow Up, To Burst Out Meledak

137 Extra Additional Tambahan

138 To Fabricate To Manufacture, To Produce Membuat

139 Famous Famed, Renowned Terkenal

140 Fanatic Enthusiast Fanatik

141 Fantastic Great, Brilliant Fantastis

142 To Float To Drift Melayang

143 Fool Idiot, Goof, Stupid Bodoh

144 Foolish Silly Bodoh

145 To Foretell To Predict Memprediksikan

146 Formerly Previously Yang Terdahulu

147 Fortunate Lucky, Propitious Beruntung

148 Foxy Cunning, Sly Licik

149 Foyer Lobby Lobi, Tempat Menunggu

150 Fragrance Perfume Bau Harum, Parfum

151 To Function To Operate Mengoperasikan

152 Garbage Rubbish Sampah

153 Garbage Can Trashcan Tempat Sampah

154 Gay Homosexual Gay, Penyuka Sejenis

155 To Glitter To Sparkle, To Shimmer Bersinar, Berkilau

156 To Grab To Take, To Pick Up Mengambil

157 Grasping Greedy, Covetous, Acquisitive Tamak

158 Gratuity Percent Persen

159 Gravestone Tombstone, Headstone Batu Nisan

160 To Grouse To Grumble, To Sputter Menggerutu

161 Gut Instetine, Bowel Usus

162 Guide Clue, Hint, Instruction Panduan,Petunjuk

163 Guilty Erring, Tripping, Peccant Berdosa

164 Garden Park Taman

165 Garland Bouquet Rangkaian Bunga

166 Gear Cog, Tine Gigi

167 Gender Sex Jenis Kelamin

168 Gem Pearl Batu Permata

169 General Common, Public, Generic Umum

170 To Generate To Produce, To Yield Menghasilkan

171 Generous Kind, Charitable Murah Hati, Dermawan

172 Genre Type, Variety Aliran

173 Gently Tenderly, Soothingly Dengan Lemah Lembut

174 Genuine Original, Native, Authentic Asli

175 Germ Microbe Kuman

176 To Get To Obtain, To Gain, To Receive Mendapatkan

177 To Get Away To Slip, To Get Out Lolos

178 Ghost Phantom, Specter, Spirit Hantu

179 Gift Prize, Reward, Present Hadiah

180 Gigantic Giant, Massive, Monstrous Raksasa

181 Glad Happy, Pleased, Amused Senang, Bahagia

182 Glance Glimpse Pandangan Sekilas

183 Glaze Icing Lapisan Es

184 Glee Song, Tune, Melody Lagu

185 Glimmer Rushlight Cahaya Redup

186 Global Universal Sejagat

187 Glossy Shiny, Luminous Berkilau

188 Grief Sadness, Sorrow, Misery Kesedihan

189 Grip Handle Pegangan

190 Group Class, Type, Category Golongan

191 To Guard To Take Care Of, To Preserve Menjaga

192 To Guzzle To Goof O Membuang Waktu

193 Hammock Cradle, Bassinet Buaian, Tempat Tidur Gantung

194 Handsome Dashing, Sharp, Manly Tampan

195 To Hang To Suspend Menggantung

196 Happy Pleased, Glad, Amuse Bahagia, Senang

197 Happened Occured Terjadi

198 Hard Tough, Strong Keras

199 Hardly Scantily, Scarcely Hampir tidak

200 Harden Solidify Mengeras

201 To Hatch To Incubate, To Crack Open Menetas

202 Haunted Spooky, Spookish Berhantu

203 Hazard Danger, Risk Bahaya

204 Headache Dizziness Pusing, Sakit Kepala

205 Healthy Well, Good, Nice, Fit Sehat

206 Heat Temperature Panas

207 Heaven Paradise Surga

208 Height Altitude Ketinggian

209 Helpful Bene cial, Useful Bermanfaat, Berguna

210 Helpless Powerless Tak Berdaya

211 Heritage Legacy, Inheritance Warisan

212 Hideous Terrible, Horrible, Awful Mengerikan

213 To Hit To Beat, To Smack Memukul

214 To Hold Up To Stand, To Bear Menahan

215 Holy Sacred, Pure Suci

216 Honest Truthful Jujur

217 Honor Respect Menghormati

218 Hope Expectation Mengharapkan

219 Humility Modesty Kerendahan Hati

220 Hungry Starving Kelaparan

To Speed Up, To Accelerate,

221 To Hurry Mempercepat
To Rush

222 To Hurt To Harm Menyakiti

223 Hypnotic Mesmeric Hipnotis

224 Home Domestic Rumah

225 Hunger Starvation Rasa Lapar

226 Homicide Murder Pembunuhan

227 Housebreaking Burglary Perampokan

228 Hypothesis Speculation Dugaan, Hipotesis, Spekulasi

229 To Ignore To Disregard Mengacuhkan

230 To Illuminate To Light, To Brighten Menerangi

231 Idea Thought Ide, Gagasan

232 Identical Equal, Alike Serupa, Identik

233 To Identify To Recognize, To Spot Mengenali

234 Identity Specialty Ciri Khas

235 Idle Silent, Quiet Diam

236 If When, In Case Jika

237 Igneous Flaming, Fiery Berapi

238 Ill Sick Sakit

239 To Illustrate To Demonstrate

240 Illusion Phantom Ilusi

Soon, Quickly, Right Away,

241 Immediately Segera

242 To Immerse To Sink Membenamkan

243 Immobile Motionless Tidak Dapat Bergerak

244 Immoderate Incredible, Exceptional Luar Biasa

245 Immodest Impolite, Disrespectful Tidak Sopan

246 Immortal Everlasting Kekal, Abadi

247 To Impact To A ect Mempengaruhi

248 Impatient Petulant, Tetchy Tidak Sabar

249 To Implant Embed Menanamkan

250 Imperfect De cient Tidak Sempurna

Once in a while, Every now

251 Incidentally Sesekali
and then, now and then

252 Inconsiderate Thoughtless Tidak Memperhatikan

253 Infantile Childish Kekanak-kanakan

254 Inability Incompetence Ketidakmampuan

255 Inadequate Insu cient Tidak Mencukupi

256 Inaccurate Slipshod Tidak Teliti

257 To Infect To contaminate Menginfeksikan

258 In exible Rigid Kaku

259 Incline Slope, Downhill Lereng

260 Income Revenue, Earnings Pendapatan

261 Incorrect Wrong, False, Mistaken Salah

262 Indirect Oblique Tidak Langsung

263 Informal Casual Tidak Formal

264 Infrequent Rarely Jarang-jarang

265 Indoor Inside Di dalam ruangan

266 Inevitable Ineluctable, shunless Tak Dapat Dihindari

267 Infant Baby, Moppet Bayi

268 In nite Unlimited Tak Terbatas

269 To Inspire To Imbue Mengilhami

270 Insurgent Rebel Pemberontak

271 Invoice Bill Faktur

272 To Intend To Mean, To Aim, Purpose Bermaksud

273 To Intensify To Escalate Meningkatkan

274 Interest Pro t Keuntungan

275 Invasion Attack, Incursion Serbuan

276 Irresisible Fascinating Sangat Menarik

277 To Isolate To Insulate Memisahkan

278 Jealous Envious Iri

Delight, Pleasure, Fun,

279 Joy Kesenangan

280 Jab Puncture Tusukan

281 Jail Prison Penjara

282 Jam Preserve Selai

283 Jam Congestion Kemacetan

284 Jelly Gelatine, Agar Agar-agar

285 Jazzy Crowded, Busy Ramai

286 Jewel Gem Permata

287 Job Profession Pekerjaan

288 Joint Connection Sambungan

289 Joke Prank Gurauan

290 Journal Diary Buku Harian

291 Jungle Forest, Wildwood Hutan

292 Just Only, Merely, Solely Hanya

293 To justify To Con rm Membenarkan

294 Justi cation Con rmation Pembenaran

295 To Keep To Maintain Menjaga

296 Kettle Boiler Ketel

297 Keynote Essence, Core Intisari

298 To Kick To Spurn Menendang

299 Kind Nice, Friendly Baik Hati

300 Kindly Willingly Silakan

301 King Lord Raja

302 To Knock To Tap Mengetuk

303 Known Prominent, Reputable Terkemuka

304 Labor Manpower, Worker Buruh, Tenaga Kerja

305 Lacking Missing Kekurangan

306 Lady Madam Wanita

307 Last Final, Latter Terakhir

308 Land Ground, Soil, Earth Tanah

309 Lane Track, Pathway Jalur

310 Lap Cycle, Loop Putaran

311 Large Big, Great Besar

312 Late Overdue, Tardy Terlambat

313 Law Verdict Hukum

314 To Learn To Study Mempelajari

315 League Alliance, Coalition Persekutuan

316 Leakage Puncture Kebocoran

317 Legacy Heritage, Inheritance Warisan

318 Lethal Deadly Mematikan

319 Level Degree, Stage Tingkat

320 Lost Misguided Tersesat

321 To Lure To Attract Memikat

322 Madness Insanity, Craziness, Lunacy Kegilaan

323 To Magnify Enlarge, Enhance, Exaggerate Memperbesar

Mempertahankan, Menjaga,
324 To Maintain To Preserve, To Take Care

325 Manmade Arti cial Buatan Manusia

326 Mannequin Model Manekin

327 Material Fabric Bahan, Kain

328 Matters Things, Problems Hal, Masalah

329 Maybe Perhaps, Possibly Mungkin

330 In the Meantime Meanwhile, At The Same Time Sementara Itu

331 Measure Quantify, Gauge Mengukur

Assembly, Gathering,
332 Meeting Pertemuan

333 Mendacity Lie, Falsehood Bohong, Dusta

334 Merciless Cruel, Relentless Tanpa Belas Kasihan

335 Middleman Intermediary. Mediator Perantara

336 Midway Halfway Di pertengahan

337 To Migrate To Adjourn Bermigrasi

338 Mild Gentle, Light Ringan

339 To Mimic To Imitate, To Copy Meniru

340 Mind Thought, Idea Pemikiran

341 Mindless Senseless Tak Ada Artinya

342 To Minimize To Play Down, To Turn Down Mengecilkan

343 To Mirror To Re ect Mencerminkan

To Misunderstand, To
344 To Misconceive Salah Pengertian

345 Miserable Depressing, Sad, Sorrowful Sedih

346 Misery Distress, Su ering, Pain Penderitaan

347 Misread Misinterpret Salah Mengartikan

348 Missing Lost, Vanished Yang Hilang

349 Mistrust Distrust, Disbelief, Skepticism Ketidakpercayaan

350 Moderately Reasonably Sedang

351 Modern Contemporary, Hip, Neoteric Modern

352 Moreover In addition, In Fact, Indeed Bahkan

353 Movie Film Film

354 Murderer Assassin, Killer, Slayer Pembunuh

355 Naked Bare, Nude Telanjang

356 Napkin Serviette, Towel, Tea Cloth Serbet

357 To Narrate To Relate, To Depict, To Tell Menceritakan

358 Narrative Story, Tale Cerita

359 Native Local, Inborn, Original Asli, Orang Asli

360 To Near Approach Mendekati

361 Necessary Essential, Obligatory Perlu, Penting

362 Nightfall Dusk, Twilight Senja

363 To Nominate To Appoint, To Propose Mengangkat

364 Noon Midday, Meridian Tengah Hari

365 Noted Famous, Renowned, Famed Dicatat

366 To Notify To Inform, To Report Memberi Tahu

367 Nugatory Worthless, Useless Sia-sia

368 Numerous Many Banyak

Stubborn, Disobedient,
369 Obdurate Bandel, Keras Kepala

370 Object Thing, Goods, Stu Barang

371 Obligatory Compulsory Wajib

372 Oblique Sloping, Skewed, Slant Miring

373 Omnipotent All-powerful Maha Kuasa

Out Of Date, Outmoded,

374 Obsolete Ketinggalan Zaman

375 O -season Low Season Musim Sepi

376 To Operate To Function Mengoperasikan

377 Organic Biological Organik

378 Ornament Decoration, Garnish Hiasan

379 Outside External Diluar

To Overtake, To Follow, To
380 To Overhaul Menyusul
Catch Up

381 To Overlook To Ignore, To Neglect Mengabaikan

382 Overseas Abroad, Foreign Luar Negeri

383 To Oversee To Supervise, To Look After Mengawasi

384 Painting Potrayal, Potrait Lukisan

385 Particular Speci c, Special Khusus, Tertentu

386 Passable Mild, Middling Mendingan, Cukup Baik

387 Pattern Sample Contoh

388 Peaceable Peaceful Suka Damai

389 Perception Insight, Concept Wawasan

390 Phantasm Illusion, Fantasy, Delusion Khayalan

391 Pocket Book Notebook Buku Catatan

392 Poisonous Toxic Beracun

393 Possibility Opportunity Kemungkinan, Kesempatan

394 Post-mortem Autopsy Pemeriksaan Mayat

395 Practically Actually, Exactly Sebenarnya

396 Praise Compliment, Commendation Pujian

397 Precedence Priotity Hak Lebih Tinggi

398 Precept Rule, Regulation Aturan

399 Precis Summary, Outline Ikhtisar

400 Pressing Urgent Mendesak

Preceding, Antecedent,
401 Previous Mendahului

402 Priority Precedence Hak Lebih Tinggi

403 Prompt Immediate, Fast, Quick, Swift Cepat

404 Prosperous A uent, Well-heeled Makmur

405 To Provide To Supply, To Serve Menyediakan

To Tremble, To Shake, To
406 To Quake Gemetar

407 Quite Rather, Somewhat, Kind Of Agak

408 Reasonable Plausible, Rational Masuk Akal

409 To Receive To Get, To Accept Menerima

410 Refrain Chorus Ulangan Lagu

411 Reliable Dependable Dapat Diandalkan

412 Religious Devout, Pious Salih

413 Remainder The Rest, Residual Sisa

414 Remark Comment Ucapan

415 Reminiscence Memory, Remembrance Kenangan

416 Remorse Regret, Repentance Penyesalan

417 Remoted Isolated, Secluded Terpencil

418 Removable Detachable, Movable Dapat Dipindahkan

419 To Renew To Update, To Reform Memperbarui

420 To Renounce To Leave, To Abandon Meninggalkan

421 To Respond To Reply Menanggapi

422 Revolting Disgusting Menjijikan

423 Rubbish Waste, Garbage Sampah

424 Rude Rough, Coarse Kasar

425 To Rue To Regret, To Repent Menyesali

426 Satis ed Convinced, Content Puas

427 Scarcity Shortage Kelangkaan

428 Scrumptious Delicious, Tasty, Yummy Lezat

429 To Select To Choose, To Pick Memilih

430 Selection Choice, Option Pilihan

431 Self-assured Con dent Percaya Diri

432 Signal Sign, Mark, Alert Tanda

433 Signi cant Meaningful, Valuable Berarti

434 Silly Foolish, Fool, Dumb Bodoh

435 Sincere Honest, Truthful Tulus

Cranium, Pericranium,
436 Skull Tengkorak

437 Soiled Dirty, Filthy, Gross Kotor

438 Spotlight Highlight Menyoroti

439 Stable Steady Stabil

440 Steady Dogged, Stabile Mantap

441 Stupid Silly Bodoh

442 Substantially Cosiderably Substansial, Banyak Sekali

443 Suggest Recommend, Prompt Menyarankan

444 Sundown Sunset Matahari Terbenam

445 Sunrise Dawn Matahari Terbit

446 Sure Con dent, Certain, Assured Yakin

447 Surroundings Environment, Peripheral Sekeliling

448 To Survive To Outlive Bertahan

449 To Symbolize To Represent Melambangkan

450 Temper Patience, Endurance Kesabaran

451 Testament Will Wasiat

452 Today Nowadays, Currently Sekarang

453 Touchdown Landing Pendaratan

454 Touchy Sensitive Mudah Tersinggung

455 To Transform To Convert, To  Change Mengubah

456 Transitory Temporary, Interim Sementara

457 Transparent Obvious, Clear, Plain Jelas

458 Trustworthy Reliable, Believable Dapat Dipercaya

459 Twister Tornado, Typhoon Angin Puyuh

460 Twosome Pair Dua Pemain

461 Ultimate Final, Last Terakhir

462 Uncared For Neglected Terlantar

463 Uncommon Unusual Luar Biasa

464 Uncooked Raw Mentah

465 Undeniable Indisputable Tak Dapat Disangkal

466 Understandable Comprehensible Yang Dapat Dimengerti

467 Unforeseen Unexpected Tidak Terduga

468 Unfortunate Unlucky Tidak Beruntung, Sial

469 Unhurt Unharmed, Scatheless Tanpa Cidera

470 Uninjured Unhurt Tanpa Cidera

471 Unlawful Illegal Melanggar Hukum

472 Unmarried Single, Unattached Belum Menikah

473 Unstated Unspoken Tak Terucapkan

474 Untimely Premature, Forehanded Sebelum Waktunya

475 Untrue Unfaithful Bohong, Dusta

476 Unusual Strange Aneh, Tidak Biasa

477 Unvoiced Voiceless Yang tak Disuarakan

478 Uprising Rebellion Pemberontakan

479 Usually Generally, Normally Biasanya

480 Vacancy Emptiness, Void Kekosongan, Lowongan

481 To Vacuum To Hoover Memakai Penghisap Debu

482 Vague Indistinct Samar

483 Vain Useless Sia-sia

484 Valueless Worthless Tanpa Nilai

485 To Vanquish To Conquer, To Subdue Menaklukkan

486 To Vary To Di er, To Contrast Membedakan

487 Vast Huge, Prodigious Sangat Banyak

488 Virtue Advantage Kebajikan

489 To Visualize To Imagine, To Think Membayangkan

490 Warranty Guarantee Garansi

491 Well-mannered Polite Sopan

492 Winery Vineyard Kilang Anggur

493 To Withstand To Resist Menahan

Itulah 493 contoh sinonim dalam bahasa Inggris dan artinya. Semoga membantu Anda yang
ingin atau sedang memperdalam kosa kata bahasa Inggris.

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