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Case 2 : Mary and JSYK Incorporated

1) How is top management supporting a culture of ethical or unethical behaviour?

The top management is supporting a culture of unethical behavior through when CEO,
George, was telling Mary to deceive Ted related to the estimated amount needed to repair the
machine in the building that was not needed by Mr. Wong, the buyer as to reduce the price of the
Moby Dick building and get an offer to sell the property to him. This places Mary in an
extremely intense spot since she needs to assist Mr. Wong and her boss was suggesting that she
should lie to her client about the numbers. This could lead to a major issue if the lie gets reveal
one day. Moreover, Mr. Wong is popular with his honesty and integrity character, thus if he ever
finds out about this deal, he will totally not approve about it. This would forfeit the
trustworthiness of Mary, George, and portrait a bad image to the JSYK corporation.

2) Discuss the alternatives and duties Mary has as a representative for both the buyer and seller.

As a broker to the buyer, Mary needs to do the best in arranging an arrangement that
works for Mr. Wong. This implies that Mary needs to persuade Mr. Wong properly with the
expectation that can make Ted accept the deal. As a delegate to the dealer, she must speak the
truth about what the property is worth and sell Ted’s property without making any fraudulent
statement. Mary as a broker, obliges to explain each other’s terms and being reasonable with
them. Mary needs to tell the truth about what she and the purchaser have talked about. For
example, Mary needs to tell Ted, who is the purchaser, what will the purchaser do after buying
the property and what is he putting forth, and why. Moreover, she should likewise tell Ted that
the buyer has no utilization for the hardware and possibly the buyer will sell it independently for
clearance of the building. In another case, Mary needs to remind CEO George that he could be
accused of fraud when he does not being honest in their dealings or they could be considered
responsible for their activities. Besides that, the JSYK Incorporated itself could be sued for its
fraud and results in some fines and punishments and the organization’s name might be in a
negative spotlight.

3) If realtors have a code of ethics that requires truthful and transparent information, what
should Mary tell George, the owner of JSKY?
If realtors have a code of ethics that requires honest and straightforward information,
Mary need to politely talk with CEO George that she intends to maintain this code of ethics. This
implies Mary needs to clarify that she does not agree and happy with deceiving Ted, just to get
him to lower the prices, even though Reverend would convert the building into a recreation
center. Mary should disclose to George that she will not comprehends with the George’s
intention to do fraud, instead Mary will tell George that she will find ways that can persuade Ted
to sell his stockroom at a decent price for Mr. Wong. Besides that, Mary and George could
arrange a meeting with Mr. Wong to comprehend where Ted’s machines are, and it might decide
a negotiation prices of building and at last will achieve a trade-off that both parties can agree

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