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Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp.



Update on consensus on diagnosis and treatment of

idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss夽
Mayte Herrera,a,∗ José Ramón García Berrocal,b Ana García Arumí,c María José Lavilla,d
Guillermo Plazaa , Grupo de Trabajo de la Comisión de Audiología de la SEORL

Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Universitario de Fuenlabrada, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Madrid, Spain
Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro Majadahonda, Universidad Autónoma, Madrid, Spain
Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Universidad Autónoma, Barcelona, Spain
Servicio de Otorrinolaringología, Hospital Clínico, Universidad de Zaragoza, Spain

Received 10 April 2018; accepted 18 April 2018

Idiopathic sudden Introduction: Idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL) is a sudden, unexplained
sensorineural hearing unilateral hearing loss.
loss; Objectives: To update the Spanish Consensus on the diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of
Acumetry; ISSNHL.
Audiometry; Material and methods: After a systematic review of the literature from 1966 to March 2018, on
Magnetic resonance; MESH terms ¨(acute or sudden) hearing loss or deafness¨, a third update was performed, including
Steroids; 1508 relevant papers.
Adverse effects Results: Regarding diagnosis, once ISSNHL is clinically suspected, the following diagnostic tests
are mandatory: otoscopy, acumetry, tonal audiometry, speech audiometry, and tympanometry,
to discount conductive causes. After clinical diagnosis has been established, and before treat-
ment is started, a full analysis should be performed. An MRI should then be requested, ideally
performed during the first 15 days after diagnosis, to discount specific causes and to help to
understand the physiopathological mechanisms in each case. Although treatment is very con-
troversial, due to its effect on quality of life after ISSNHL and the few rare adverse effects
associated with short-term steroid treatment, this consensus recommends that all patients
should be treated with steroids, orally and/or intratympanically, depending on each patient. In
the event of failure of systemic steroids, intratympanic rescue is also recommended. Follow-up
should be at day 7, and after 12 months.
Conclusion: By consensus, results after treatment should be reported as absolute dBs recovered
in pure tonal audiometry and as improvement in speech audiometry.
© 2018 Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringologı́a y Cirugı́a de Cabeza y Cuello. Published by
Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights reserved.

Please cite this article as: Herrera M, Berrocal JRG, Arumí AG, Lavilla MJ, Plaza G. Actualización del consenso sobre el diagnóstico y
tratamiento de la sordera súbita idiopática. Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2019;70:290---300.
∗ Corresponding author.

E-mail address: (M. Herrera).

2173-5735/© 2018 Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringologı́a y Cirugı́a de Cabeza y Cuello. Published by Elsevier España, S.L.U. All rights
Update on consensus on diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss 291

PALABRAS CLAVE Actualización del consenso sobre el diagnóstico y tratamiento de la sordera súbita
Sordera súbita; idiopática
Introducción: : La sordera súbita idiopática (SSI) es aquella hipoacusia neurosensorial de inicio
súbito de causa desconocida.
Objetivos: : Actualización del consenso sobre el diagnóstico, tratamiento y seguimiento de la
Efectos secundarios
Material y métodos: Presentamos una tercera actualización del consenso de SSI, mediante
revisión sistemática de la literatura sobre la SSI desde 1966 hasta marzo de 2018, sobre los
términos MESH ¨(acute or sudden) hearing loss or deafness¨, incluyendo 1.508 artículos relevantes.
Resultados: En cuanto al diagnóstico, ante una sospecha clínica de SSI, las pruebas diagnósticas
que se consideran necesarias son: otoscopia, acumetría, audiometría tonal, audiometría verbal
y timpanograma para descartar causas transmisivas de sordera. Una vez hecho el diagnóstico
clínico de SSI, antes de comenzar el tratamiento, se solicitará una batería analítica, debiendo
completarse más tarde el estudio con RM de oído interno, idealmente en los primeros 15 días,
para descartar causas específicas de sordera súbita neurosensorial y para contribuir a elucidar
posibles mecanismos fisiopatológicos. A pesar de la controversia en cuanto el tratamiento de SSI
se recomienda, por los efectos en la calidad de vida de la SSI y los raros eventos indeseables con
tratamiento esteroide a corto plazo, que el tratamiento de la SSI esté basado fundamentalmente
en los corticoides, pudiendo utilizarse la vía oral y/o intratimpánica, en función del paciente.
En caso de fracaso de la vía sistémica, se recomienda usar corticoides intratimpánicos como
rescate. Respecto al seguimiento, se realizará un control a la semana del inicio del mismo, a 7
días y hasta 12 meses.
Conclusiones: Como consenso, el resultado de los tratamientos aplicados debería presentarse,
tanto en cantidad de dBs recuperados en el umbral auditivo tonal, como con parámetros de
audiometría verbal.
© 2018 Sociedad Española de Otorrinolaringologı́a y Cirugı́a de Cabeza y Cuello. Publicado por
Elsevier España, S.L.U. Todos los derechos reservados.

Introduction more recently, following the world congress in Paris in June

2017, a new consensus on the treatment of ISSNHL, of inter-
In recent years, following a first approach in 2008 in the 3rd national intent.7
AMORL Congress, the need has been highlighted to develop Therefore, it now seems appropriate to present a new,
a consensus document on the diagnosis and treatment of third, update of the national ISSNHL consensus, for dissemi-
idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss (ISSNHL). This nation via SEORL, with a view to making it national in scope
document was necessary because this is an entity that con- and application.
stitutes a medical emergency, whose exact incidence is
unknown, its pathogenesis is theorised, it is of variable and
multifactorial outcome, and its treatment is controversial. Methodology
For this reason, a first version of this consensus was
published in 2011, which has been widely disseminated in With respect to methodology, this consensus group has con-
recent years.1 Under the auspices of the SEORL, 2 subse- ducted a systematic review of the literature published from
quent sessions have been held on ISSNHL in Madrid in 2014 1966 to 20 March 2018, using MESH terms ‘‘(acute or sudden)
and in Seville in 2015.2 In May 2016, a meeting of experts hearing loss or deafness’’, and has already collected a total
was held in Toledo, backed by the Audiology Commission, of 6256 articles in Spanish, English, German and French,
from which a second version of the consensus was obtained, which have been reviewed by the authors in relation to the
which was disseminated through an instruction course in evidence for each suggestion made.
the national congress of 2016 in Seville. Over these years, When the first edition of the consensus was published
intense dissemination work has been carried out, not only in 2008, there were no clinical practice guidelines or con-
nationally----making ISSNHL a better-known entity among sensuses on ISSNHL, and few completed randomised studies
Spanish specialists----but also in international forums.3 or meta-analyses. However, in recent years a number of
During this time, new consensuses have been published consensuses and guidelines have been published on the
on ISSNHL. Of note are the Mexican consensus of 2011,4 the subject.4---7
consensus of the American Academy of Otolaryngology in In fact, out of the total number of articles reviewed,
2012,5 the review of the German guidelines of 2014,6 and, 1504 were selected, whose abstracts were relevant. Of
292 M. Herrera et al.

20 dB or more, within less than 12 h, including hearing loss

6,256 articles identified in Medline on waking in the morning, which could improve throughout
until March 2018 the same day.1,9---12 Finally, ISSNHL is defined as sudden hear-
ing loss with no clear cause, which occurs in more than 2/3
of cases.1,5,11,12
The incidence of ISSNHL is unknown due to cases that
4.752 excluded due
to title or abstract not
1,504 included in the resolve spontaneously and have not required medical moni-
systematic review
being relevant toring. However, an incidence of between 2 and 20/100,000
inhabitants per year is estimated.1,5,13---18 It can occur at any
age, but predominates between the ages of 40 and 55.18
The risk factors remain uncertain. There is no pre-
18 meta-analyses dominance of sex. Some studies propose a diet poor
in vegetables, low folate levels, metabolic syndrome or
chronic otitis media as risk factors. Although the condi-
tion has been linked as a risk factor to subsequent cerebral
14 systematic vascular accident and myocardial infarction, there is dis-
reviews agreement on this.17,18 Ninety percent of patients present
with tinnitus and between 20% and 60% with associated dizzi-
ness. The latter is a symptom of poorer prognosis.1,5
The pathogenesis of the condition has not been con-
39 non –systematic firmed. Several phenomena have been postulated: viral
reviews cochleitis (herpes virus, influenza. . .), labyrinth membrane
breakdown, vascular membrane breakdown, vascular phe-
nomena and autoimmunity. The latter theory is perhaps the
most accepted.19 However, the association of these patients
41 randomised clinical with genes related to prothrombotic states such as MTHFR
polymorphism, with increased fibrinogen and homocysteine
levels provides the basis for microvascular events in this
7 consensuses or
clinical guidelines
Diagnosis of idiopathic sudden sensorineural
hearing loss

Patients with suspected sudden idiopathic sensorineural

> 1,300 case series
hearing loss must be seen urgently to discount diseases
of transmissible, not sensorineural, origin and to confirm
whether it is sensorineural or perceptive hearing loss.1,5
Figure 1 Search strategy for the systematic literature review
on sudden deafness. Role of primary care

these, 18 meta-analyses, 14 systematic reviews, 39 non- Otoscopy and acumetry must be performed to rule out
systematic reviews, 41 randomised clinical trials and 7 conductive causes such as cerumen plug, foreign body,
consensuses/clinical guidelines were included to prepare seromucous otitis, cholesteatoma, etc, and a neurological
the consensus. The rest of the studies are case series (Fig. 1). examination to discount, for example, a cerebral vascu-
In addition, this document seeks to collect and com- lar accident in the region of the anteroinferior cerebellar
bine the experiences of several hospitals and systematically artery, which can cause sudden deafness. If a neurological
review the available scientific evidence to reach a common cause has been ruled out and sudden deafness is confirmed,
consensus on this entity, for the benefit of patients with it must be referred urgently to the ENT specialist to confirm
ISSNHL. the sensorineural cause.
The use of tuning forks is essential to rule out a communi-
cable disease.22---25 According to Browning et al.,26 compared
Definition of idiopathic sudden sensorineural to tonal audiometry, the tuning fork at 256 Hz is superior to
hearing loss that at 512 Hz. The Rinne test correctly identifies conduc-
tive hearing loss of 30dB in 95% of patients (n = 127), with
Sudden sensorineural hearing loss is generally defined as sen- specificity greater than 90%. According to these authors, the
sorineural hearing loss greater than 30 dB HL, in 3 or more intensity comparison is more effective than the intensity
consecutive frequencies, over less than 72 h.1---7 It can be reduction method.
bilateral in 3% of cases, or can, rarely, occur sequentially in When the Weber test lateralises to the normal ear, it can
the contralateral ear.8 identify sensorineural hearing loss, but when centred it can
Incomplete sudden hearing loss is considered to cases go unnoticed.27 On the other hand, the possibility must be
where fewer than 3 frequencies are affected, with losses of remembered of obtaining a false negative Rinne if there is
Update on consensus on diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss 293

profound or total deafness, which can be a confounding fac- study that proposed 3 radiological patterns correlated with
tor. If in doubt, the patient should be referred to the ENT mild haemorrhage, acute inflammation and the presence or
specialist. absence of blood-labyrinth barrier breakdown.40 When there
are diagnostic doubts, as in cases of sudden repetitive deaf-
ness, endolymphatic hydrops must be ruled out, which has
Role of the ENT specialist
recently been demonstrated with intratympanic gadolinium
MRI in patients with Menière’s disease41 and immunomedi-
• By means of clinical history-taking and appropriate oto-
ated disease of the inner ear.42
logical examinations an identifiable cause for sudden
hearing loss can be ruled out.
• The audiological tests needed to diagnose ISSNHL are Laboratory tests
liminar tonal audiometry (LTA), speech audiometry and
tympanogram. These are intended to rule out any biochemical, metabolic,
• The audiological tests will be always performed before haematological, infectious or autoimmune cause for sud-
initiating treatment and following the Spanish Association den deafness, and to find factors that would contraindicate
of Audiology’s (AEDA) recommendations (Table 1).28,29 corticosteroid treatment.1,4,5,43
• Other audiological tests, such as auditory evoked poten- Elemental biochemistry, fibrinogen, blood count, antinu-
tials, otoemissions, high- frequency audiometry, etc. are clear antibodies, erythrocyte sedimentation rate, serology
optional: they can provide a recovery prognosis. for syphilis and immunophenotype are recommended.1 If the
• Vestibular tests are optional: they can also provide a geographic area is endemic, Lyme’s disease must be ruled
recovery prognosis. Therefore VEMPS in the presence or out.5
otherwise of dizziness imply a poorer prognosis,30 as well Given that the rest of the analytical tests have not
as an altered VNG.31,32 proved cost-effective, we do not recommend requesting
other laboratory tests if there is no reason for them to be
recommended in an individual case.44,45
Imaging tests

Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is recommended for Prognostic factors associated with idiopathic
all cases of sudden deafness,1,5 it is advisable within the first sudden sensorineural hearing loss
15 days following diagnosis.33 Its importance lies in ruling
out a definite cause of sudden deafness, and to help clarify The following data should be noted in the clinical his-
whether there is an underlying pathogenesis for the ISSNHL. tory as factors of proven influence in the prognosis for the
Traditionally, MRI studies on sudden deafness have sought disease:1,5,7,46---48
to diagnose some pathological conditions such as tumours of
the pontocerebellar angle, auditory canal and inner ear, as • Age.
well as demyelinating neurogenerative diseases and cere- • Delay until start of treatment (days).
brovascular accidents as possible causes of non-idiopathic • Associated symptoms: dizziness, tinnitus, etc.
sudden deafness.33---36 • Association with other diseases, especially cardiovascular
However this concept has changed. Attempts are cur- diseases.
rently being made to deepen the knowledge of the • Curve type: pantonal, upward (low frequencies), down-
pathophysiological mechanisms responsible for ISSNHL. ward (high frequencies), in cuvette (averages).49,50
Therefore, it is recommended that an MRI should be per- • Degree of hearing loss at onset.
formed in the first 2---4 weeks, in order to demonstrate
changes in the composition of the fluids in the labyrinth. This Recommended treatment for idiopathic
has already been described in a case from many years ago:
it was attributed to a blood-labyrinth barrier breakdown,
sudden sensorineural hearing loss
possibly due to the deposition of immune complexes or anti-
bodies against certain inner ear antigens.37 The refinement Primary treatment
of MRI (3T) and use of 3D-FLAIR (fluid-attenuated inversion-
recovery) sequences, that are part of the routine protocol All patients diagnosed with ISSNHL should be treated with
for the study of the brain, enable current MRI images to corticosteroids within 45 days of onset of the episode. In
establish different radiological patterns corresponding to late cases, treatment will be discussed on a case-by-case
bleeding, increased protein concentration in the inner ear basis.
or cochlear inflammation due to blood-labyrinth barrier Only in the case of severe deafness (ISSNHL > 70 dB), in
breakdown by showing a pre-contrast hyperintense signal one ear or with associated intense dizziness, can intravenous
as a consequence of increased vascular permeability.38 This (IV) treatment with corticosteroids be offered for 5 days,
hyperintense signal in the labyrinth in enhanced sequence at megadoses of 500 mg/day, followed by the usual oral
on pre-contrast T1 observed in cases of labyrinthine haem- regimen51---55 : patients should be closely monitored for the
orrhage and cochlear inflammation contrasts with acoustic possible onset of side effects.56
neuromas, which are usually diagnosed by T2-enhanced Although the literature varies greatly,2,57---63 this consen-
sequences on increasing their signal after the administration sus recommends offering one of these 3 corticosteroid
of gadolinium.39 Likewise, a hyper-signal has been positively treatment alternatives (at the discretion of each specialist
related with pre-treatment hearing loss and dizziness in a and depending on the patient’s concomitant disease):
294 M. Herrera et al.

Table 1 Recommendations for audiological tests in the study of sudden deafness.

Recommendations for liminar tonal audiometry
Although some authors, such as AAOHNS,5 propose the use of the frequency 500 Hz to 3 kHz, because our language is
phonetically different to English, we recommend recording the frequencies .25-.5-1-2-4-8 kHz, taking the average of all of
them as the PTA, following the instructions of AEDA28
Recommendations for speech audiometry
Study speech comprehension by speech audiometry, determining SRT and Dmax, following the instructions of AEDA29
AEDA: Spanish Association of Audiology; LTA: liminar tonal audiometry; SA: speech audiometry; Dmax: maximum discrimination; PTA:
pure tone average; SRT: speech reception threshold.

• Oral treatment (OR).64---69 auditory canal and, therefore, capitalising on its availability
• Intratympanic treatment (IT).70---74 in the middle ear and consequently, its subsequent concen-
• Combined treatment (OR+IT).75---80 tration in the fluids of the labyrinth.
Once the dilution has been prepared, the greatest
Despite the criticism of some authors of corticosteroids amount of the drug is injected that the tympanic cavity will
in ISSNHL,64,65 many revisions and meta-analyses have allow (although the average volume of the tympanic cavity
reviewed the effectiveness of IT treatment with corti- is 0.5 cc, .7---.8 cc can usually be injected).
costeroids in ISSNHL, both as a single treatment and in Mixing the drug with lidocaine is not recommended, to
combined regimens,76,77,81---90 primary as well as salvage.91---94 avoid reducing its concentration or impairing its effect,
although its use can reduce the pain associated with the
Salvage treatment
The patient’s head should be kept in the otological posi-
tion (affected ear upwards) for 15---30 min, and the patient
After assessment of treatment at 5 days, the following should be told not to swallow, yawn or talk.95---100
options are recommended: The recommended regimens are:

• After failure of oral treatment (OR), adding IT is recom-

• Methylprednisolone, 1 cc of a 40 mg vial diluted in 2 cc.
• Dexamethasone, 9 cc of an 8 mg/ml vial.
• After failure of IT treatment, systemic or hyperbaric
chamber treatment can be added.
• After failure of OR + IT, IV or hyperbaric chamber treat- Some authors suggest increasing the dose of intratym-
ment are recommended. panic dexamethasone to 24 mg/ml101 or the frequency of
injections to alternate days.102

Corticosteroid treatment regimens for

idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss Other treatments for idiopathic sudden
sensorineural hearing loss
Oral treatment
Following other consensuses and guidelines and despite
some sporadic work where there might have been a
For 25 days, in downward tapering doses every 5 days, which
response, this consensus does not recommend the use of
it is advised to complete regardless of the initial treatment
antivirals, thrombolytics, vasodilators or N-acetylcysteine as
response. One of these options is recommended:
routine treatment for ISSNHL.
However, various randomised clinical trials versus
• Prednisone (1 mg/kg weight per day).
placebo have shown that hyperbaric oxygen can increase
• Methylprednisolone (1 mg/kg weight per day).
perilymph oxygen tension and restore hearing in a signif-
• Deflazacort (1.5 mg/kg weight per day).
icant number of patients with ISSNHL.103---111 Efficacy can
depend on many factors, including the degree of perme-
Intratympanic treatment ability of the labyrinthine artery and the ability to increase
perilymph oxygen tension. The best results are found when
A weekly dose is recommended over 3 weeks. Likewise, it patients are treated within 14 days of symptom onset and
is recommended that the 3 doses are completed, regardless concomitantly with steroids (systemic or intratympanic).
of initial treatment response. The treatment includes 20 sessions of approximately half
Prior to IT, topical anaesthesia with phenol or lidocaine an hour in patients with no contraindications. Therefore, as
on the tympanic membrane is recommended. in other consensuses, its use is recommended in patients
For the injection, use an abbocath needle N. 24---27 or with ISSNHL if primary treatment with oral or intratympanic
22---27 G lumbar puncture needle. The higher the G of the corticosteroids has failed.
needle, the greater the injection point collapse achieved, Regarding exploratory tympanotomy and sealing of a pos-
avoiding the complication of perforating the tympanic mem- sible labyrinthine fistula, there is increasing literature on its
brane and minimising reflux of the drug towards the external use in ISSNHL, especially in Germany, based on retrospec-
Update on consensus on diagnosis and treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss 295

Table 2 Follow-up of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.

The proposed check-up visits are:
䊉 At 5---7 days with LTA (if IT weekly, assess LTA at each visit)
䊉 At 30 days with LTA-SA
䊉 And at 12 months, with LTA-SA
䊉 At 12 months, it is advisable to confirm whether the diagnosis of ISSNHL is maintained, or whether a definite cause has
been found (Menière’s disease, neurinoma, autoimmune, etc.).
LTA: liminar tonal audiometry; SA: speech audiometry; IT: intratympanic; ISSNHL: idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.

Table 3 Criteria for response to treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss.
䊉 Full recovery: achieving a final PTA less or equal to 10 dB HL of the previous threshold and an SRT at most 5%---10% poorer
than the unaffected ear.
䊉 Partial recovery: an improvement of more than 10 dB of the final PTA or improvement of more than 10% of the SRT, without
achieving full recovery.
䊉 No recovery: improvement of less than 10 dB in the final PTA.
PTA: pure tone average; SRT: speech reception threshold.

tive studies.112---119 The authors who defend this technique If there has been no audiometry prior to the episode of
recommend that it should be used early, within the first ISSNHL, the unaffected ear will be used as the benchmark,
5---10 days because its results improve.114,120 However, there provided there has been no history of asymmetry in hearing
are only symptoms compatible with perilymphatic fistula loss.
in 10% of ISSNHL cases, without a baseline traumatic or The possible responses gathered are defined in Table 3.
anatomical cause.116 Furthermore, evidence of fistula during In addition, this consensus recommends providing results
exploratory tympanotomy is independent of the prior exis- of treatment in relation to the grades of initial hearing
tence of symptoms compatible with a fistula or improvement loss and to the prognostic factors of unfavourable outcome,
achieved after it has been sealed.116 On the other hand, which will enable the comparative results to be better anal-
the coexistence of corticosteroid treatment in most of the ysed.
patients included in the studies makes it impossible to deter- The effect on patients’ quality of life is another measure
mine with certainty which treatment is responsible for the to be considered in assessing ISSNHL.127,128
improvement.119 Therefore, this consensus group only rec-
ommends this surgery when there is a clear clinical suspicion
of labyrinthine fistula. Hearing rehabilitation after failure of
treatment of idiopathic sudden sensorineural
Follow up of patients with idiopathic sudden hearing loss
sensorineural hearing loss
When there has been no full response to the abovemen-
Five to seven days following start of treatment, an LTA will tioned treatments and the hearing loss is not sufficiently
be performed to determine response and indicate the sal- alleviated with hearing aids appropriate to the hearing loss
vage treatment in the event of failure. and, therefore, hearing is not functional, the indication for
At each follow-up visit, an LTA should be performed. It is a hearing aid should be assessed on an individual basis:
advisable to perform speech audiometry during the visit one In cases of bilateral severe-profound hearing loss sec-
month following start of treatment and 12 months following ondary to sudden hearing loss (in both ears, or in the only
the episode of ISSNHL (Table 2). hearing ear), a cochlear implant (CI) would be indicated with
Follow-up of patients diagnosed with ISSNHL must be a view to alleviating the hearing loss and masking tinnitus.129
at 12 months at least to rule out recurrence121 and possi- In a situation of asymmetric hearing loss when there is
ble development of Menière’s disease.122,123 Furthermore, sensorineural hearing loss that is severe-profound in one ear
in patients at vascular risk, neurological follow-up could be and moderate-severe in the contralateral ear (41---89 dB HL)
advisable after ISSNHL.124,125 placement of a CI would be indicated in the poorer hearing
ear and a hearing aid in the contralateral ear. This hearing
stimulation strategy is termed bimodal stimulation.130
Assessment of response to treatment of In a condition of extreme asymmetry, i.e., sudden
idiopathic sudden sensorineural hearing loss profound unilateral hearing loss (with normal-hearing con-
tralateral ear or mild hearing loss no greater than 20 dB),
This consensus proposes that hearing recovery after ISSNHL hearing rehabilitation options include the conventional
should be defined according to the criteria of Stachler CROS (contralateral routing of signal) systems, bone-
et al.,5 including speech audiometry improvement, rather anchored implants with CROS effect131---134 and, finally, a CI.
than Siegle’s criteria.126 The latter option is possible since the brain can integrate
296 M. Herrera et al.

both acoustic and electrical information, even if one ear

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