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The three pillars of productive writing

1. Mindset ( setting up a daily routine that focus your mind , removes block and quickly gets you into writing zone)
2. Environment > Creating writing space that is conducive to productivity
3. Tools (programs and apps to keep you organised for tasks)

1 The Starting line

1.1 Introduction to word counts

1.2. How to calculate your starting active daily 1. Total word count of first draft of your last project. Or current word
word count (ADWC) count of first draft if project is not yet finished
2. Approx days, weeks or months it took to complete first draft or
approx. days, weeks or months you’ve been working on it (if

ADWC = (Total word count of your first draft)/ (No. of days)

Increase your ADWC for better productivity in the writing.

1.3 Tracking your ADWC moving forward : Writing mastery progress

Word count tracker 1. Estimated Total Word Count
2. Estimated completion date
Refer excel file

Having an estimate and goal date will help you be more productive.

2 Hack Your Brain

2.1 Wake up Right ? The morning magic routine
1. Wake up right
2. Suit up
3. Get moving
4. Fuel your mind
5. Fuel your soul
6. Set your course
7. Fuel your body
8. Write

Conquer the Alarm

Do meditate or simple work out

2.2 Suit up Put on work clothes

Reserve certain clothes for writing

2.3 Get Moving So something physical for 5 mintes

Walk on the block
Few push ups
Like booting up your operating system
No phones, email, social media

2.4. Fuel your mind Meditation

Works wonder for productivity
Puts your brain into focus mode
Countless benefit
Improves focus

just 5 minutes may be enough

Make meditation a part of your daily routine

2.5 Fuel your soul Positivity starts with gratitude.
Be happy with what you have and you will end up with more things to be
happy about.

Gratitude journal > every morning write down ten things you’re grateful for
> can be small or big > simple > broad > posessions> people

Focus on what’s amazing in your life.

Focus on what you do have, not what you don't

Even on your worst day of your life , your life is someone else’s fairy tale .

Negativity is exhausting and distracting .

You can’t control what’s in your email or on facebook > but you can control
when you look at them. Don't let the negativity of others affect you. Dont let
anyone steal your focus.

2.6 Set your course Tricking your brain to get things done > write down your goals
Persuade your subconscious to do what you want to do .

Think of your brain as a horse > they are amazing but you have to
orientate it

Dont start your day with social media , email , news or distractions

Set your course with > Long term goals > short term goals > Daily goals

- Give yourself a deadline

- Make it ambitious enough that you have to work hard.
- But realistic enough that you’re not set up for failure
- Play around with the dates to find what you are comfortable with
Write down your short term goals daily !! this further cements them in your
mind. A continual reminder of where you’re going and where you want to

If you miss your short term deadline

- Be gentle with yourself
- Don’t self criticize
- Re-write the goal with a new deadline and move on
- The point is to stay focused

Dont take on too many major projects at once (not more than four) > too
many projects at a time will overload you > which results in poorer work
qualty and less focus. Start with 1 project and work your way up.

Daily goals > Today’s focus

- Getting ancillary tasks down on paper gets them out of your head.
- Which frees up space in your brain so you can be more productive
- Not more than 5-6 things in a day. > scattered and unproductive

Don’t open your phone or email to check.

Side note > limit your short term goal to things you can control

2.7 Fuel your body Your body runs on food

If you don't eat, how do you expect it to run well .
Brain don’t run well on sugar > run well on proteins
WATER > Drink lots and lots of water > especially the first thing in the
Feed your brain clean, healthy stuff > you will get beautiful inspired words

2.8 Train your brain waves (the instant For every activity your brain performs, it vibrates at a certain frequency.
productivity game changer) Brainwave entrainment > actively induces any given brain state.
It stimulates your brain with the exact frequency you want to match.

Using headphones, your brain syncs to the frequency played.

2.9 Sacred Writing Rituals Human beings > creatures of habit

The magic morning routine is also a ritual
Every writer should have sacred writing ritual > something to snap your
mind into writing mode.

Ex: doing a stretch, lighting candles , putting on lotion , organising a desk

2.10 Ticking time bomb In-case of emergency’ when extra-boost is needed.

Putting pressure on yourself to get things faster.

Create your artificial ticking time bomb

> run down your battery
> Word sprints with friends (gather a group of writers> set a timer for
30mins and write as much as you can in 30min)
> Compare word counts at the end.
> The trick is to not look back and edit.

Hack your schedule > rearranging your schedule can give you an extra
productivity boost.
Schedule events and appointments for 2 hours after your writing start time.

2.11 The evening magic Routine Restart your brain

Suit down
Fuel your mind
Fuel your sould
Set your course
Refuel your body


3.1 Productivity oasis - Building an environment to improve your productivity.


3.2. Do not disturb signs - Send a signal > do not disturb sign> light in the hallway
- Carve out time when you can if you have kids.
- Train your family and pets (3-6 weeks to stick)
- More productivity in 1-2 hours of uninterrupted time than 8 hours of
constant interruption.
- After brain is interrupted it can take up to 25 mins to get fully back
to what it was doing.

3.3 Move your phone, change - Get it out of your writing space
- Get a morning magic phone > with only apps that help your
- Or use in airplane mode.

3.4. Turning everything off -

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