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YOH 19: 31-37

Dear brothers and sisters good morning,

Today we celebrate the feast of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, the heart that is a symbol of
God's love for humans that has no limits. Jesus' stomach, which was stabbed with a spear and
shedding blood, was lived as the final blood as well as the blood of life. The final blood
declared that the culmination of his sacrifice was accomplished on the cross of Golgotha. He
really is dead. While the blood of life is intended as the blood that is shed to bring life to
people who have died due to sin. That is the blood of life and redemption. Thanks to the
blood of Christ, humans who died for sin are now redeemed and come to life.

I once had an interesting story about the stomach. I've had an ulcer when I eat a lot of
spicy food. Maybe also because I was too stressed to face life at that time. From that
experience I realized gastric pain is not encouraging. Every sick I can not enjoy the time that
is going on. Therefore, I imagine the side of Jesus being pierced. What a painful burden to
bear. Moreover, he was willing to die on the cross.

Today's word is part of the story of the passion of Jesus that we always meditate on
during Good Friday worship. The story of Jesus' passion is heartbreaking. He was flogged,
tortured, whipped and given a crown of thorns. The humanity of Jesus is at its lowest point.
He died in disgrace. All that Jesus faced and lived willingly as a form of His obedience to the

Jesus did not demand their actions on Him. Instead, Jesus prayed for those who did
evil. Being hurt is not good, especially without an apology. Therefore, Jesus invites us not to
hurt others. Likewise, when you get bad treatment, you should not retaliate. Because a reply
is an expression of a hurt or unhappy heart. It means don't let your heart suffer because you
harbor hatred.

Today's celebration of the Most Sacred Heart of Jesus invites believers to look back at
the current state of the heart, is it like the heart of Jesus himself, which is soft, full of love,
sincere, gracious, and humble?

In today's Gospel it says very beautifully, “ They shall look on him whom they
pierced” (John 19:37). This verse reveals the sacrifice of Jesus' life on the cross to atone for
the sins of mankind. The love of Jesus is total. It is so difficult to describe the heart of Jesus
which is so pure.

As Christians, everyone is called to be a proclaimer of the Most Sacred Heart of

Jesus. The way, first, by admitting that we are sinners but aware that God's Heart is always
open, anytime and in any situation. Second, bringing the loving Heart of Jesus to others,
especially those who do not understand love. So, let us direct our hearts to the Sacred Heart
of Jesus while asking that we be enabled to obey and be faithful to the end. Glory…

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