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“The priests of Egypt had a science which had been lost to the

present-day world, the science of creating Thought Forms to do tasks

which are beyond the skill of the human body. But that science need
not have been lost, because anyone with a little practice, with a little
perseverance, can make a thought form which will act for good or for

“Who was the poet who wrote: ‘I am the captain of my soul’? That
man uttered a great truth, perhaps greater than he knew, for Man is
indeed the captain of his soul. Western people have contemplated
material things, mechanical things, anything to do with the mundane
world. They have tried to explore Space, but they have failed to
explore the deepest mystery of all—the sub-consciousness of Man, for
Man is nine-tenths sub-conscious, which means that only one-tenth of
Man is conscious. Only one-tenth of man's potential is subject to his
volitional commands. If a man can be one and one-half tenths
conscious, then that man is a genius, but geniuses upon Earth are
geniuses in one direction only. Often they are very deficient in other

“The Egyptians in the days of the Pharaohs well knew the power of
the sub-conscious. They buried their Pharaohs in deep tombs, and with
their arts, with their knowledge of humanity, they made spells. They
made Thought Forms which guarded the tombs of the dead Pharaohs
and prevented intruders from entering, under penalty of dire disease.

“But you can make Thought Forms which will do good, but make sure
they are for good because a Thought Form cannot tell good from evil.
It will do either but the evil Thought Form in the end will wreak
vengeance on its creator.

“Imagination is the greatest force upon Earth. Imagination,

unfortunately, is badly named. If one uses the word ‘imagination’ one
automatically thinks of a frustrated person given to neurotic
tendencies, and yet nothing could be further from the truth. All great
artists, all great painters, great writers too, have to have a brilliant,
controlled imagination, otherwise they could not visualize the finished
thing that they are attempting to create.

“If we in everyday life would harness imagination, then we could

achieve what we now regard as miracles. We may, for example, have a
loved one who is suffering from some illness, some illness for which
as yet medical science has no cure. That person can be cured if one
makes a Thought Form which will get in touch with the Overself of
the sick person, and help that Overself to materialize to create new
parts. Thus, a person who is suffering from a diabetic condition could,
with proper help, re-create the damaged parts of the pancreas which
caused the disease.

“How can we create a Thought Form? Well, it is easy. We will go into

that now. One must first decide what one wants to accomplish, and be
sure that it is for good. Then one must call the imagination into play,
one must visualize exactly the result which one wants to achieve.
Supposing a person is ill with an organ invaded by disease. If we are
going to make a Thought Form which will help, we must exactly
visualize that person standing before us. We must try to visualize the
afflicted organ. Having the afflicted organ pictorially before us, we
must visualize it gradually healing, and we must impart a positive
affirmation. So, we make this Thought Form by visualizing the
person, we imagine the Thought Form standing beside the afflicted
person and with super-normal powers reaching inside the body of that
sick person, and with a healing touch causing the disease to disappear.

“At all times we must speak to the Thought Form which we have
created in a firm, positive voice. There must not at any time be any
suspicion of negativeness, nor of indecision. We must speak in the
simplest possible language and in the most direct manner possible. We
must speak to it as we would speak to a very backward child, because
this Thought Form has no reason and can accept only a direct
command or a simple statement.

“There may be a sore on some organ, and we must say to that Thought
Form: ‘You will now heal such-and-such an organ. The tissue is
knitting together.’ You would have to repeat that several times daily,
and if you visualize your Thought Form actually going to work, then it
will indeed go to work. It worked with the Egyptians, and it can work
with present-day people.

“There are many authenticated instances of tombs being haunted by a

shadowy figure. That is because either the dead persons, or others,
have thought so hard that they have actually made a figure of
ectoplasm. The Egyptians in the days of the Pharaohs buried the
embalmed body of the Pharaoh, but they adopted extreme measures so
that their Thought Forms would be vivified even after thousands of
years. They slew slaves slowly, painfully, telling the slaves that they
would get relief from pain in the after-world if in dying they provided
the necessary substance with which to make a substantial Thought
Form. Archaeological records have long substantiated hauntings and
curses in tombs, and all these things are merely the outcome of
absolutely natural, absolutely normal laws.

“Thought Forms can be made by anyone at all with just a little

practice, but you must first at all times concentrate upon good in your
Thought Forms because if you try to make an evil form, then
assuredly that Thought Form will turn upon you and cause you the
gravest harm perhaps in the physical, in the mental, or in the astral

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