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TUGAS KE : 14 AND 15



A. please make the conclusion of the reading text above!

Answer : Pregnancy is the condition of having a developing embryo or fetusin the body after
union of an ovum and spermatozoon. The normal duration of woman’s pregnancy is about
two hundred and eighty days, nine calender or ten lunar months. The date on which the baby
is due to be born is called the expected date of delivery . A pregnant woman has to consume
much nutritious food and vitamins in order to keep her body and her embryo or fetus
healthy. A pregnant woman should always concult with an obstetrician continuosly to help
the growth of her fetus or baby and to ensure that her baby is healthy. During the pregnancy,
a pregnant womat can have a refreshing to avoid her from depression and stress. She can
enjoy her good life in a normal and happy family to evoid her embryo or fetus from physical
and mental disturbance. Every pregnant woman is usually sensitive from all things around
her. Their emotion is not usually stable. They are easy to be angry and sad. Therefore, the
environment where they live should provide possible situation and condition not only about
their physical condition but also their mental and psychological conditions.


B. Answer the following questions based on the reading text above!

1. What do you know about pregnancy? Explain by your own words!

Answer : In my opinion, pregnancy in the female reproductive system occurs through several
processes. The sequence of the process of pregnancy is after the ovum cell comes out of the
ovary, which is called the ovulation period. The zygote attaches to the uterine wall and
develops into an embryo and fetus.
2. How many days of the normal duration in woman’s pregnancy?

Answer :The normal duration of a woman's pregnancy is about two hundred and eighty days,
nine calendars or ten lunar months The normal duration of a woman's pregnancy is about two
hundred and eighty days, nine calendars or ten lunar months

3. What is meant by pregnant woman?

Answer : Pregnant mother is a woman who is pregnant starting from conception until the
birth of the fetus where Pregnancy is a period in which a woman carries an embryo or fetus
in her body.

4. How can the pregnant woman keep her body and her bady healthy physically and
psychologically? Explain by your own words!

Answer : In my opinion, pregnant women should consume a lot of nutritious food and
vitamins to maintain a healthy body and embryo or fetus, consult an obstetrician, pregnant
women can also consult a psychologist or psychiatrist to keep their mental condition normal
and healthy, often exercise, get enough rest , and often talk to those closest to him because it
can meet hormone levels in the body and can manage the emotions and mentality of pregnant

5. What is the relationship between the pregnant woman and the baby in terms of education
during the pregnancy?

Answer : Every pregnant woman and the people around her must provide an educational
situation in terms of religion, behavior and attitudes, morals, talents and interests. Every
pregnant woman is usually sensitive to everything that is around her. and conditions that
allow not only their physical condition but also their mental and psychological state. If the
pregnant mother is given positive stimulus during her pregnancy, she will enjoy her life
happily, and she will give birth very normally. The embryo or fetus is also healthy and
intelligent if it follows the instructions and advice of doctors and obstetricians.

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