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The picture of Dorian Gray


1. Because if Mr.Gray stays at the sunlight for long time it can spoil his beauty
2. Youth
3. When he’ll become old and wrinkled
4. Because it needs no explanation
5. Thought
6. Time
7. The ignorant, the common, and the vulgar
8. For new sensation
9. All those things can reborn, but beauty and youth can’t


a) You will become sallow, and hollow-cheeked, and dull-eyed; Realize that there are no
triumphs left for you.
b) - 17-18 lines
- 48-50 lines
- 36 line
c) Now, wherever you go, you charm the world. It makes princes of those who have it. When
your youth goes, your beauty will go with it, and then you will suddenly discover that there
are no triumphs that the memory of your past will make more bitter that defeats.

2. He doesn’t agree with others because he doesn’t think that beauty is just a superficial thing.
He considers it a miracle that must be used successfully while it is there. He had a great
influence on Dorian because he changed his mind about beauty. But I think that beauty is not
the main thing, it doesn’t always help to achieve success.

3. - personification – 23-24 lines

- nature imagery - 18-20 lines

- metonymy – 25 line

SEMINAR 7. To the Lighthouse


1. James - most gifted, most sensitive

Prue – breathtakingly beautiful
Andrew - Gifted in mathematics
Nancy – in harmony with nature
Rose – creative
2. She didn`t like it that Jasper should shoot birds
3. When her children were babies and she could carry them in her arms
4. Because it angers her husband
5. …they came, fresh as roses, staring, wide awake, as if this coming into the dining-room
after breakfast, which they did every day of their lives, was a positive event to them, …until
she went up to say good-night to them, and found them netted in their cots like birds among
cherries and raspberries, still making up stories about some bit of rubbish - something they
had heard, something they had picked up in the garden
6. He said that she has pessimistic view of life


1. a) free associations

b) why kids have to grow up

2. a) childhood - demons of wickedness, angels of delight; adulthood – lon-legged monsters

b) stamping, crowing, bustling, sprang open the door

c) about how children share with each other everything they have heard or everything that has
happened to them, their immediacy.

3. Strict, domineering, detached, stern, self-centered.

4. a) yes – 35-36, 40-41 lines

b) I think Mr. Ramsey dominates the relationship. Mrs. Ramsay is emotional, worried and this
sometimes angers her husband. He said she was pessimistic

d) the brevity of life

SEMINAR 8. Lord of Flies


1. No
2. If they wouldn’t take twins on hunt they would not be able to make circle
3. He wanted to include Ralf in thing that has happened, to share memories of the knowledge
that had come to them when they closed in on struggling pig
4. He began to cry out in high voice
5. That they might have gone home
6. Piggy said that Jack had to keep smoke going and hunters agreed with him
7. Jack broke one side of his glasses
8. Simon
9. One side of his glasses was broken, so he couldn’t see with this eye that’s why he says that
he only got one eye.


1. a) yes

b) “You and your blood! You and your hunting!” It adds greater impact to Ralph`s
c) 45-46, 55-56 lines

2. a) irritated, but too happy to let it worry him; proud

exhilarated, confused, satisfied

b) he said this laughing and shuddering

c) took the life of a pig like a long satisfying drink

3. a) It is less emotional

b) I think it made him more angry and scared, because the glasses are a symbol of protection
in a world full of cruelty

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