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Form Change of Simple Residential House T.

Study Case : Block L Bumi Parahyangan Kencana, Cangkuang District, Bandung Regency

Hartanto Budiyuwono 1. Ikhwan Nurtadril 2

Lecturer of Architecture Program, Postgraduate Program,
Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung
Master Student of Architecture Program, Postgraduate Program,
Parahyangan Catholic University, Bandung


House is one of the basic human needs. In developing country like Indonesia with population
that mostly low-income, low-income housing needs are essential. However, small houses are
buildings that often changes because small area can make problems of the growing inhabitants.
The phenomenon in Block L Housing of Bumi Parahyangan Kencana is a change of building
form which happened 91.3%. This study focuses on the design change of simple residential type
36, as well as the reasons for such changes. The method used in this research is qualitative
method with descriptive way that is started from recording object through survey, taking photo
documentation and interviewing home owner to know the change of form that happened. The
finding of research in the case study that is seen from the aspect of change is the form of
residential change is the process of adaptation of occupants to the house and the environment,
because in general the house owners make changes in the form of building background by the
addition of function space on the rear, side, and front of the core house. Changes in forms that
occur include the addition of floor elevation, wall color changes, the addition of roof on
additional space and the addition of a fence. However, changes in the form of a dwelling house
are not always motivated by the wishes of the occupants but may be affected by natural

Keywords: form change, simple residential house, type 36.


Simple residential house type 36 is the smallest residential house that is recommended by
the government to meet the needs of residential houses. As stated in the Law "The floor area of
the house has a size of at least 36 square meters". [1] House type 36 is designed to meet basic
human need with two bedrooms, one bathroom and one living room. The occupants and their
houses have a relationship that affects each other, affecting human houses and houses affect
humans [2].

Figure 1. The level of residential changes in the object of research

Based on preliminary observation of 227 units residential houses located in Block L Bumi
Parahyangan Kencana Housing consisting of two stages of development, stage 1 was built
around 2005 amounted to 135 units and stage 2 was built around 2012 of 92 units. The
residential house has undergone change of 92.96%, the change consists of totaly reconstructed
by 3.16%, changing by remodeled 14.1%, and changing by adding new function without
changing the core house form (extend) 75.7%. After the first observation is known that buildings
that have not changed in general are unoccupied houses and houses for rent.
Based on the transformation level data above, the rate of change by adding the new
function without changing the form of this house (extend) of 75.7% becomes interesting thing to
be studied. Therefore researchers chose six houses to be research sample.
The phenomenon that occurs is the core room is inadequate and tends to lead to change in
the layout of the residential house that leads to change in the form of the building. Form change
is the problem in this research.

The method used in this research is qualitative descriptive method with direct survey and
describing the changes that occur from 6 sample research. The research instrument is direct
interview to the house owners and photo documentation which was conducted in 2017.
The analysis is done to see the change of form that happened in the case study was seen
based on the aspect of change of form such as floor, wall, roof and door and window frames
performed by 6 research samples.


This study begins with a preliminary observation to determine the extent of residential
house change in the form of extension and change the original form (remodel). [3]

Changes in the facade can also occur due to changes in the layout of the house which
usually called as the change of facade per section, for example due to the addition of space,
remodel in the room, the addition of door and window and other changes that affect the change
of the facade in certain sections. [4]

Several kinds of changes that occur in simple housing, including:

i. Changes of the floor. Changes that occur are total changes, partial change, change in floor
height, and replace the floor covering material.

ii. Changes of the walls. Changes that can occur are total changes in walls, change in walls and
certain parts, change in wall height and change in wall materials.

iii. Changes of the roof. Changes that can occur is a total change on the roof to change on certain
parts of the roof, change the height of the roof, and replace the covering roof material.

iv. Changes of door and window frames. Changes that can occur is a total change in the frame,
change the frame on certain parts, change the height of the frame, and replace the frame material.

According to Turner (1972), house contains 2 (two) meanings, namely as a noun (product
/ commodity) and as a verb (process / activity). [5] House as a noun indicates that shelter as a
commodity, while house as a verb denotes the processes and human activities that occur in the
residential house. Thus, the house is not only seen as a physical result, but also as a process that
develops and is related to the wishes of its inhabitants.
Basic needs according to Maslow (in Budihardjo, 1998) when connected with a house it
will get some understanding in accordance with the level of needs, those are:
1. Physiological needs, the house provides protection against disturbance of nature and animals,
as a private place of the family, and serves as a resting place.
2. The need for a sense of security, as a place of carrying out ritual activities, storing property,
and guaranteeing private rights.
3. The need for social relationships, the house provides opportunities for interaction and closely
communication activities with the surrounding environment. Humans need recognition of their
ownership. It means humans need social contact in their environment. Houses need a residential
environment as a unity that can be identified with environmental activities, house layout, house
form, spatial patterns, and other environmental completeness.
4. The need for self-respect, house and occupancy is a measure of success.
5. Self-actualization needs, the house is considered as a personal development for its inhabitants,
the house is already a symbol or social status of its inhabitants. [6]


3.1. Form changes that occur in the object of the research
Changes in the form of this house is a process of adaptation by residents of the core
house in order to meet the needs of the dwelling place. Here are the changes that occur in 6
research samples.

Sample 1 Sample 2
ple 3

Sample 4 Sample 5 Sample 6
Figure 2. Photo of research sample changes
Changes in the form of residential houses on the object of the research is generally
caused by the addition of space function, which is motivated by the fulfillment of residents'
needs. Here are some form changes that occur in the sample research:

Figure 3. Changes in the sample

Form changes in the front area is generally the addition of canopy on the carport area to
protect the vehicle from rain and heat. Moreover, the addition of fence in order to bound the area
of houses with public areas such as roads to meet the needs of security, as according to Maslow
(in Budihardjo, 1998) about the definition of the needs level of the house that is need for
security, as a place to run ritual activities, property, guarantee private rights.

In addition to the background of the residents' needs, the change in the form of the
residential house in the object of research is caused by natural stresses that cause changes in form
on the floor elevation as below:

Elevasi naik

Penambahan elevasi
lantai 15cm
penahan air Elevasi lantai normal

Gambar 4. 1 Elevasi lantai sampel 3

Sumber: Dokumentasi Pribadi, 2017
Gambar 4. 1 Perubahan elevasi lantai sampel 5
Sumber: Dokumentasi Pribadi, 2017

Figure 4. Changes in floor elevation in the sample research

The flooded house tends to change form which is floor elevation. Elevation is not
performed on the core building and it is apparent in the findings of this research that most of the
elevation of the floor elevation occurs in the front, side and rear of buildings that serve as a dike
to prevent water from entering the building
This elevation activity according to Maslow is to meet the physiological needs, namely
the house to provide protection against disturbance from nature. Also the house should be able to
create a sense of security.

3.2. Grouping of form changes on the object of the research

Based on the result of the research, it can be seen that the grouping of the form change
pattern is as follows:
Table 1. Grouping patterns of change in the study sample
Form change Sample
1 2 3 4 5 6
Floor Elevating the front area of floor elevation √ √ √
Elevating the side area of floor elevation √ √ √ √
Elevating the back area of floor elevation √ √ √
Wall Color change √ √ √ √ √
Fence addition √ √ √ √ √ √
Roof Roof in carport area √ √ √ √ √
Roof in side area √ √ √ √ √ √
Roof in back area √ √ √ √ √ √
Door Changing door and window frame material √ √
Changing door √ √
Changing door and window position √ √

Based on the grouping of patterns change in the six samples of the study, changes in the
form of the house on the research object caused by the needs of the occupants to add space

function so that changes occur on the floor, walls and roof of the building. Moreover, the change
of residence is not always based on the needs of the occupants, but the form of the house can also
change due to natural stress. As in 4 samples of research that flooded house change the form of
the house by elevating the floor elevation of the house.
4.1 Conclusion
The findings in the case study are seen from the aspect of the form change that the
change of house form is a process of adaptation of the occupants to the dwelling and the
environment. Changes in forms that occur include the addition of floor elevation, wall color
changes, additional Roof on additional space and the addition of a fence.
Changes in the form of a dwelling house are not always motivated by the inhabitants'
desires but can be affected by natural stresses, as in the object of this study because the
environment has flooded which resulted in the addition of floor elevation that serves as a flood

[1] Republik Indonesia. Undang-undang No. 1 Tahun 2011 tentang perumahan dan pemukiman. Jakarta.
[2] Rapoport. Amos. House, Form and Culture. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, New York.(1969)
[3] Siregar, S.A. 1990. The Architecture of a City in Development. Leuven.
[4] Axelrod, Jerold L. Architect. 1992. Architectural Plans for Adding on or Remodeling. TAB
Books, Blue Ridge.
[5] Turner, Alan (edt). 1980. The Cities Of The Poor. Croom Helm Ltd, London.
[6] Budihardjo, Eko. 1998. Arsitektur dan Kota di Indonesia, Bandung : PT. Alumni, Cetakan ke-4.

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