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Students will be able to:

 use nouns and adjectives that they have learned earlier to describe the
picture within the infograph.
 use the oral language as fluently and accurately as possible.
 use their critical thinking to infer ideas.
 use their creative thinking to draw or represent their ideas.

o The teacher projects the infographic in the classroom for the students to use.
o The teacher asks students to describe orally what they see in each picture.
o Throughout the discussion, teacher can help direct her students’ ideas to
keep them on the right track.
o The teacher can write some keywords on the white board (nouns and
Here, the teacher can evaluate the students according to the use of nouns and
adjectives, their fluency and accuracy, and the follow of their ideas.
- Throughout the discussion, the teacher should help her students to create a
mental link between the pictures and reach a new conclusion.

o After the students finish describing the 4 pictures in the infographic, the
teacher then asks them to (individually) draw a 5th picture on a piece of
paper. (Students should draw a butterfly)
Here, the teacher can evaluate the students according the use of critical thinking
(making inferences) and creative thinking (the way they represent their ideas in the
o Then, the teacher explains a bit about “infographics” and why/how we
use them,
o After that, the teacher asks her students to merge the 5th picture and make
a new infographic. The teacher shows an example of this idea.
Here, the teacher can evaluate the students’ understanding of the main concept
“the transformation of a butterfly”.

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