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The Problem and its Settings

Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos, the well known Philippine Dictator in our

country's history. Many people consider Ferdinand Marcos as an evil dictator without

even considering his positive side as a leader. He ruled the country for 21 years. For

the 21 years of being a leader it was undeniable that he gave a huge contribution in

terms of our country's progress every now and then.

The fellow Filipino people suffered under his governance because of the

implementation of Martial Law during September 1972. Martial Law was a temporary

rule by military authorities of a designated area in time of emergency when the civil

authorities are deemed unable to function. The law that was believed to protect the

Filipino people from possible harm bring violence to our country. Before this law was

implemented people saw him highly because of all his achievements as a person

and as a leader. It was funny how a mistake suddenly changed all you worked so

hard for.

Celoza (1997), reiterated that Ferdinand Marcos came to power in the

Philippines in a coup détat in 1972 and ruled absolutely, in the name of order, until

his dramatic overthrow in February of 1986.

Marcos (1974), stated that revolution is inevitable in his watch. He also said that

we live in an era that has long needed and often seen with a disruptive change and
like those of many other countries around the globe in this time of pain, hope, and

revolution, Philippine society must test itself by means of a drastic transformation.

Marcos (1974), also emphasized that the process will test the courage and honesty

of the Filipino, their capacity for sacrifice, above all their self-respect and sense of

purpose. He believes that revolutionary change is a test of the validity of man's claim

to humanity.

Nixon and Byroade (2012), strongly believes that Marcos is a president of the

Philippines who was trying to preserve the system against those who would destroy

it in the name of liberty and was dedicated to do everything in order to make the

system work and preserve. Nixon and Byroade (2012), also asserted that Marcos

would not be entirely motivated by national interest, cause this was something which

they had come to expect from Asian leaders.

Arillo (2018), describes President Marcos as a leader of phenomenal global

vision that dreamed of greatness and relentlessly pursued it's realization and

fulfillment. Arillo (2018), therefore conclude that, that are one of the reasons why he

was often misunderstood and unappreciated and he also believes that in time, after

the winds of hatred and vengeance would be flown away Ferdinand Marcos will be

remembered as the greatest Filipino lawgiver.

There are many studies claimed that Ferdinand Marcos gave a huge

contribution in our country's progress it was also supported by some individual such

as Imelda Orduña and Richard Negre. 'The Golden Age' of Marcos, it was a

phenomenon which describes the years of our country's economic boom during
Marcos years. Based on some study Marcos economic legacy such as government

reform, infrastructure investment, social and people-oriented reform made our

country one of the fast progressing country just like Japan and Singapore during

Marcos governance. Marcos himself said that in his watch change was inevitable.

Purpose of the study

The purpose of this study was to learn more about both negative and positive

side of the well-known Philippine Dictator, Ferdinand Marcos. Most of the people see

him as a kleptocrat and a dictator based on history books or people's rumors. This

study aims to enlighten the both positive and negative side of the knowledge of

mostly Filipino people about Ferdinand Marcos. This study will showcase how

Ferdinand Marcos gave a huge contribution in terms of making Philippines before as

one of the most fast progressing country during his governance and it's state today.

People used to see him as one of the most violent and corrupt leader in the history,

but what if there are some reasons of the movements and actions that he made?

The researchers aim to look closer to the famous Philippine dictator that mostly

Filipino people knows. The researcher will provide this short narrative study about

the 'Philippine Dictator' Ferdinand Marcos in order to simply give, add some

knowledge, or even change other people's negative perception about the famous

Philippine leader. But as a man of so much courage and wisdom it was essential for

most of the people to see him superiorly and idolized him for all his achievements in

The aim of this study is therefore to uncover the true nature of the rule of

Ferdinand Marcos. In order to achieve this, it is essential to explore its context as

well as its effects on its 21-year rule. How Marcos took power and maintained it in

his 21 years as president. Furthermore, in order to create a deeper and more

complete understanding of the Marcos regime and the historical perspectives that

have developed, it will be essential to explore the economic, political and social

impacts of Marcos.

Research Questions

1. What kind of leader was Ferdinand Marcos?

2. How did he rule the country for 21 years?

3. How did he keep his power as a President?

4. Why do people see him as a dictator?

5. What are his contributions in our country?

Review of Significant Literature

Leadership of Ferdinand Marcos

Overholt (1986), was deeply convinced that Marcos had the powerful backing of

a superpower which believed that, however serious the country's problems, only

Marcos could solve them.

CuUnjieng (2009), was convinced that although historians often portray

Ferdinand Marcos as an exception to the reinforced political tradition of the

Philippines, she believes that Ferdinand Marcos is interpreted more accurately as

the tradition's perfection and even though previous and contemporary Filipino

politicians have flouted the same laws as Marcos they can't achieve the same extent.

Bosworth (2008), described Marcos as much smarter and ruthless than his

contemporaries which made Marcos at the point when he could not envision any

future for himself beyond being President of the Philippines.

Mayol (2019), characterized Marcos as notorious for the way he exercised

overall control over the Philippines' cultural, economic and political climate which led

Marcos set a blueprint in reference of being a truly nationalistic leader despite his

shortcomings as president. Mayol (2019), also define Marcos as skilful and

advantageous in achieving a symbolic nationalist aura from which the Filipino people

could delineate their own sense of patriotism.

Hays (2008), narrate that as the years wore Marcos became increasingly

dictatorial and which Marcos labeled his government as authoritarian not a

dictatorship. Hays (2008), also similarize Marcos as a party boss because of the way
he ruled Philippines during his regime which includes dispensing favors to loyal

followers and handing over big contracts and concessions to his wealthy friends.

Mayol (2019), distinguish Marcos as renowned for a great number of qualities,

initially brilliant attorney known for his intellect and a decorated soldier. Mayol (2019),

also relates all of the experiences of Marcos into his acquisition of skills and

characteristics that later prove to be vital to his political career, he also cite that

Marcos' skillful talent in public speaking and his charismatic popularity have become

both domestic and world-class.

Lazaro (2008), concludes that Marcos was able to change the political and

domestic landscape in so many ways and he also believes that Marcos wanted

people to have more discipline, so he could emphasize the value of good leadership.

Mendoza (2008), assumed that Marcos practiced the same patronage politics,

but in a more sophisticated way it was because he was a leader, a dynamic leader,

and his leadership was real. Mendoza (2008), also articulated that Marcos was not

simply a leader because he was president, but because people believed in him that's

why Marcos did not have to play the usual politics of patronage that we have.

Ramos (2008), conclude that it is accurate that Marcos is the apotheosis in

hindsight, because at the time that he was in wealth and power he appeared to be

the most brilliant of all Filipinos in the 20th century which when he was still a young

student, top-notcher of the Bar, he was brilliant and patriotic and as far as Ramos

can remember he was a good example for Filipinos, but then things changed after he
assumed power and now people can't recall that in his first term he really did a good

job as President of the Philippines.

Locsin (2008), narrate that they later found out that Marcos never actually

touched the national treasury, although they overthrew him on that condition that

Marcos was stealing from the government and they would take kickbacks from

Japanese contractors etc., but they found out that he didn’t touch the national

treasury which was another throwback of Marcos that used his power to enrich

himself but never put his hand in the public till, which is the way people think in the

old Republic.

Coolidge (2017), considered Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos as an

autocratic leader, which jumpstarted the flourishing of social, political, civil, and other

human rights.

Marcos Regime

Overholt (1986), stated that even more quickly than in South Korea and Taiwan, the

Marcos reforms expanded the regime's political support. The growth rate under

martial law appeared impressive and attracted support from foreign financial

institutions and some domestic businessmen. Overholt (1986), also cited that the

land reforms, rural infrastructure programs, and destruction of much of the landed

oligarchy, along with massive credit subsidies, attracted the support of farmers.
Hays (2008), emphasized that during Marcos’ first term, Marcos initiated

ambitious public works projects that improved the general quality of life while

providing generous pork-barrel benefits for Marcos’ friends and he also said that

Marcos perceived that his promised land reform program would alienate the

politically all powerful landowner elite, and thus it was never forcefully implemented,

while early in his second term economic growth slowed, optimism faded, and the

crime rate increased. Hays (2008), also narrate In addition, a new communist

insurgency, this time starting in 1968 led by the new Communist Party of the

Philippines-Marxist-Leninist and its military arm, the New People’s Army, was on the

rise and also in 1969 the Moro National Liberation Front was founded and conducted

an insurgency in Muslim areas. Political violence blamed on leftists, but probably

initiated by government agents provocateurs, led Marcos to suspend habeas corpus

as a prelude to martial law.

Abinales and Amoroso (2008), described Marcos’ regime as the greatest

dominance of state over society the Philippines has seen.

Thompson (1995), characterized Marcos’s centralised and personalistic rule as


Mohamad and co-researchers (1986), named Marcos’ regime as Martial Law

regime which also launched several projects that had huge mass appeal.

Infrastructure projects—the building of roads, bridges, irrigation, etc—that began

during his first term continued. Despite being limited to lands planted with corn and
rice, Marcos’s land reform appeared in the eyes of many to be a serious attempt to

address the centuries-old problem of poverty and social inequality.

Sicat (2011), The recession toward the end had many reasons and could not

easily be characterized by a simple conclusion. As President, in the midst of

numerous social and political problems, including the NPA Rebellion, and later the

Brave Rebellion in the West, he was able to achieve a higher level of achievement

by increasing the nation's economic status. Many of them have been made during

the two presidential terms of office. But a considerable number of them became

possible under martial law, when all the powers of government with regard to the

implementation and passing of laws were in his possession.

Orduña (2016), said she remembers well the time of Marcos when there was no

traffic, police officers did not extract bribes and criminals were on the run. She also

said that life was easier when during Marcos years and she also said that the story

of Marcos good governance was worth sharing towards our generation today.

Orduna (2019), had claimed during Marcos regime they have this peace and order

that's why corruption was minimal.

Aquino (1989), assume that Marcos had claimed great achievements in the

economy, particularly in gross national product (GNP), export productions, foreign

investments, self-sufficiency in rice, discovery of oil, construction of roads,

expressways, bridges, hotels and other infrastructure facilities, land reform, tourism

and communication.
Ramos (2008), suppose that Martial Law was something that they could support

because they felt that it would return the rule of law and with that they would be able

to go after the private armies of the warlords in the provinces and over the first three

years they collected so many loose firearms and jailed a lot of abusive politicians

who were breaking the law.

Mayol (2019), reiterated that Marcos from the earliest stages of his presidency

introduced significant social reforms which aimed to promote prosperity within

Philippine society and also in 1966, most notably, Marcos introduced family planning

in a time when the growth of the population was exploding which despite all of

Marcos’ implementation of sweeping changes across the economic, social and

political structure of the Philippines, and, his ability to use his words to manipulate

audiences domestically and globally.

Aquino (2016), describes the atrocities of the authoritarian regime and the gains

of democracy restored by his mother Corazon Aquino and he also said that the

country of torture, murder and disappearance of scores of activists whose families

still await compensation from the Human Rights Victims’ Claims Board are memories

that are worth remembering during Marcos regime.

Marcos’ ways in order to keep his power as a President

Cu Unjieng (2009), stated that Marcos departed from the mutual understanding

that accompanied the patronage system, whereby power passed back and forth in
tacit agreement between two political parties as viewed historically, however, Marcos

merely dared further than the rest to achieve the full limit of power that the tradition

and system would allow.

Mohamad and co researchers (1986), said that when Martial law was

implemented Within the sphere of formal politics there was no doubt for a new era

and with the full backing of the military and without a legislature to oppose him,

Marcos became the most powerful human being in the land.

Pace (1986), specified that Marcos imposed martial law in 1972 and managed

to retain broad powers after lifting it in 1981, including the prerogative of governing

by decree Marcos desired.

Szczepanski (2019), explains that under martial law Marcos had took

extraordinary powers for himself which Marcos used the country's military as a

weapon against his political enemies, displaying a typically ruthless approach to


Jazeera (2011), clarified that in 1972 Marcos declares martial law on

September 21, extending Marcos rule beyond the constitutional two-term limit and

also justifies his decision with threats of Communist and separatist Muslim

insurgencies, and the allegedly staged assassination attempt of a government

official. Jazeera (2011), also said that the parliament is suspended, opposition

politicians and critics are arrested and censorship is imposed.

Romulo (2008), simplified that during martial law, the judiciary was not a

shield against the authoritarian regime, but rather, an extension of Marcos’s power

and legitimacy and Marcos clearly saw this potential, but, at least initially, also

genuinely respected the Court’s judicial powers while the Philippine public, believing

Marcos to possess a legendary legal mind, allowed Marcos great flexibility with

regard to constitutional matters and trusted expertise and this expertise allowed

Marcos to gainfully manipulate the individuals.

Ramos (2008), explained that Marcos second term was mixed in terms of the

interest of the country as a whole, because Marcos was already starting to plot how

to prolong himself in power, the result of which was martial law and It was mixed

because more and more he came under the influence of the First Lady being in the

corridors of power for four years put all kinds of ideas into his head and I think that

was part of it . Some people wrote books about the conjugal dictatorship (Romulo,


Enrile (2008), described Marcos as skillful in playing the game and that Marcos

inserted himself into the elite group because Marcos was not really a member of the

elite which Marcos was accepted and in a sense for a while he allowed himself to

become a tool of the elite at the same time, he was also planning for himself and

when the time came. Enrile (2008) said, he do not know this for a fact, but he would

imagine that Marcos wanted to try to control the elite in the country so then when he

declared martial law it leveled off the political and social playing field. But, there are

many imponderables in the life of men, he got sick and he wasn’t able to accomplish

his purpose and in the meantime, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

Francisco (2016), cleared up that through various general orders, Marcos

effectively put the entire power of government under the rule of one man which

Marcos himself. Fransisco (2016), also said that Marcos was to lead the nation and

direct the operation of the entire government which Marcos ordered the armed forces

to prevent or suppress any act of rebellion and also Curfew hours were enforced,

group assemblies were banned, privately-owned media facilities shuttered.

Macaraig (2016), reiterated that in 1972, to the shock of the nation, Marcos

declared martial law, saying it was needed to save the country from communist

insurgents and by doing so Marcos could stay in power longer than the

constitutionally mandated limit of eight years.

Sicat (2011), demystify that Ferdinand E. Marcos was the Philippine president

from 1966 to 1986, a period exceeding twenty year and after serving as a two‐term

president of the Philippines from 1966‐1972, Marcos declared martial law under the

constitution to assume dictatorial powers to tame the political chaos that was then

engulfing the nation.

Aquino (1982), detailed that at the end of 1981, the Philippines was still being

governed under the autocratic rule of Ferdinand Marcos, who imposed martial law in

September, 1972 and during January, 1981 Marcos lifted it, but this did not mean a

return to democratic processes, because several amendments to the 1973

constitution secured for the most part during the 1976 and 1981 referenda enable

Marcos to govern the country by personal decree.

Marcos as a Dictator

(Francisco 2019) Marcos effectively put the entire power of government under the

rule of one man: his own. He was to lead the nation and direct the operation of the

entire government. Because of the law of Ferdinand Marcos, some Filipinos believe

that he is a dictator of what their experience during the presidency of Ferdinand. All

those innocent people accused of wrongdoing and then killed.

Santos (2019) he added that Filipinos brought themselves on leaders who

promised quick reforms but ended up exploiting them. Ferdinand Marcos, who in

1972 , as he was nearing the end of his second term as president, declared martial

law — and then ruled as a dictator until he was toppled by popular protests in 1986.

Some Filipino thought and said that Ferdinand Marcos is a dictator because he rule

the country in 21 years for using his enormous power. During his time in office

thousand's of Filipino's tortured, jailed without due process or murdered by the

regimes thugs. Marcos later years in power were marred by rampant government

corruption, economic stagnation, the steady widening of economic inequalities

between the rich and the poor.

Prof Sison (2019) Marcos is a dictator person because he doesn't know what

happening for those people who experience the struggle and bloody one he created

during his dictatorship. He create a law for his countryman that have a bad effect for

some Filipino. Also there have a Filipino people doing doesn't like this because of
what their experience.The human right violation or the lost of freedom, abuse,

torturer and the struggle of some Filipino.

(Diokno 2014) some Filipinos believed that Marcos suspended the civil rights and

imposed military authorities it's the reason why filipino believes that he is a

President dictator of the Philippines.

According to Magkababy (2016) the campaign promise of Marcos on his people has

not happened due to the way he ruled and treat his countryman using his enermous

power. He stated also about the victim of human rights violations during the Marcos


De Guzman (2005), " though I am not a Marcos Loyalist but the way the articles,

books, journals was pertaining him was full of neglected and gossip it's the reason

why Filipino think about him as a dictatorial, corrupt, fraud, deceit, and theft leader. "

In addition, Filipino's stating false accusations and pointed out biased statements to

the Marcos regime in which it triggers the youth to believe it directly.

According to Maglana (2016) the campaign promise of Marcos on his people has not

happened due to the way he ruled and treat his countryman using his enermous

power. He stated also about the victim of human rights violations during the Marcos


Cullen 2011, they believe that Marcos is a certifiable dictator of the country, he had a

systematic campaign to kill dissidents , critics and anyone who opposed his iron

-fisted rules. Many gossip about his regime was marked by brutal killings, torture ,

the exile of opponents. The scale of plunder under Marcos it is the shocking death

toll of the Filipinos.

Marcos love his country in which it led to all Filipino suffered in fear.( Tripoli,2017)

Castro (2015), Filipino experienced and suffered Marcos' extra judicial killings and

those who oppose about him spread neglects, through this many people especially

millennials describe him as a dictator Mao nani final

De Guzman (2005), " though I am not a Marcos Loyalist but the way the articles,

books, journals was pertaining him was full of neglected and gossip it's the reason

why Filipino think about him as a dictatorial, corrupt, fraud, deceit, and theft leader. "

In addition, Filipino's stating false accusations and pointed out biased statements to

the Marcos regime in which it triggers the youth to believe it directly.

According to Maglana (2016) the campaign promise of Marcos on his people has not

happened due to the way he ruled and treat his countryman using his enermous

power. He stated also about the victim of human rights violations during the Marcos


Marcos contribution in the Country

Narag (2014) The variety of public investments undertaken was made possible by

various methods of mobilizing financing for them. Although some of the major road

projects and other public works were placed under the direct programs of some

major departments of the government, a large part were undertaken under the

auspices of many restructured government entities that took on a corporate form. So,

in great measure, the reorganization of the public agencies helped in strengthening

the capacity to undertake the projects.

Tang (2017) More than one thousand rural banks spread all over the country

resulting to the accessibility of credit to finance purchase of agricultural inputs, hired

labor, and harvesting expenses at very low interest rate.

Chiong (2017) He contributed a wasted opportunity for greatness. As a dictator, it

was all set for a new stage. He had the potential to create something wonderful. With

no one to stop him, the nation was putty in his hands. He could have changed

everything for the better but he choose to enrich himself. He could have been the

father of his country, but greed made his the robber of his country. He could have

surpassed Lee Kwan Yu and Singapore

Gargallo (2017) Well to be fair, Marcos had a lot of accomplishments during his

regime. He served for two terms. His first term was about building infrastructures. So

most of the old infra and buildings you see today in Metro Manila (and some parts of

the country) were all built during his first term. His second term was the roughest

one. He built infras (white elephant projects) created institutions, and legislated new

policies but mostly for his cronies and protection to his administration and way

around for corruption.

Karton (2019) It was during Marcos’s presidency that the International Rice

Research Institute (IRRI) was established to serve as the focal point of research

efforts in rice technology, not only for the country, but also for the rest of the world.

The different high-yielding varieties developed at IRRI soon changed the agricultural

landscape in most rice-producing nations in the Third World, including

our country.
(Anciano 2018) Ferdinand Marcos has been an outstanding achievement President,

no one has ever come to suit. He increased the exchange rate from P2:$1 to P27:$1,

which is a rise of more than 1300 percent. Where you would get in exchange for P27

in every dollar instead of P2. He has raised public debt in just five years from $8B to


(Pimentel 2015), Ferdinand Marcos has shown us that the Filipinos should be

thankful to him. Marcos has taught us to scorn and condemn the bullies, to despise

those who brazenly cheat in the elections, to be suspicious of the politicians who

claim they want to make the constitution better and to show us the great difference

between discipline and fear. He has shown that friendship with powerful world

leaders is no guarantee that one can hold on indefinitely to power.

Theoretical Lens

This anchored on the Theory of Sultanism developed by Juan J. Linz.

Sultanism is where domination operates primarily on the basis of the right to choose

what should be done. Linz (1998,p.97). First primary of this theory, According to him,

Sultanism means " the essential reality in sultanistic regime is that all individuals,

group and institutions are permanently subject to the unpredictably and despotic

intervention of sultan and thus, all pluralism is precarious, stating that Sultanism

"personal rule-ship".
In political science, Sultanism is an authoritarian government form

characterization of the Marcos government disregard it's highly personality, the ruler

exercises his power without including his collaborators.

Sultanism was also defined as a type of autocratic government in which

political power is concentrated in the hands of the ruler that was partnered by

political and legal rules. Political authority engulfs social and economic life an follows

no elaborate ideology. The regime elicits loyalty through favoritism towards its

supporters, reprisals against its opponents and the repression of civil society. Coined

by sociologist Max Weber to describe absolute and highly personalistic authority, the

term sultanism was used by political scientist for the purpose of regime classification

to refer to a type of nondemocratic political system which is distinct from typical

dictatorship and totalitarian regimes.

This study also anchored on the Theory of Clientelist developed by Carl

Lande, shows how elite leaders of local, family based functions in the village and

town in the lower-class electorate into their political clients. According to him, that

politicians exchanged their local vote for moneys and power from one national

parties. In which it triggers to the negative sides about the regime of the

administration of Ferdinand Marcos. This theory also hypothesize that the party had

a much greater access to the government and had a greater conflict to its


According to him, “ the behavioral patterns rooted in the Philippine kinship

system, the Philippine polity is structured less by organized interest groups or by

individuals who in politics think of themselves as members of categories than by a

network of mutual aid relationships between pairs of individuals. To a large extent

the dyadic ties with significance for Philippine politics are vertical ones, bonds

between prosperous patrons and their poor and dependent client.”

He defined the Clientelist Theory that is related to the Philippine politics offers

a persuasive explanation of the opposition party’s regular success. He shows the

elite leaders of local, family based function in the village and towns made the lower-

class people who can vote in an election into their political clients. By using using his

connection by offering money, jobs, service, and other favors, the largely landowning

elite was able to deliver the votes of its primarily peasant clientele.

As we referred it to Marcos', he has approximated sultanism and he pursued

not ideological goals but personal gain, and his government was organized around

family and friends. Through his actions, he contributes a lot for the progress of our

country. The new generation will be experiencing development if the leader of the

country is an authoritarian, Filipinos suffers a lot within his term, in which those who

suffers means progression for the future Filipino. Our country is called super power

nation wide under Marcos leadership But those who against with him, says his

government made little effort to implement the social and economic policies as it


Through Marcos did a dictatorial but we believe that it is important to view his

rule as very much within the tradition, rather than as a departure from the tradition.

Our interpretation shifts the blame away from one individual operating within the

flawed yet largely healthy system and instead draws attention to the failure of the

system itself. Arguments that Marcos should be as the master of the tradition do
appear in the existing scholarship. It means that Marcos employed to maintain his


Marcos was able to maintain authoritarian rule of the support of bureaucrats,

business people, the military and political leaders in various regions, with the

assistance of the US government. He maintained this network of support through a

patron-client system with supporters; Marcos expanded the authority of government.

To minimize the political cost of the expansion, he maintained the legal and

Constitutional forms of democracy. To add credibility to this usurpation of power, he

claimed that economic development was impossible without centralized authority.

Those theory pertaining of how Ferdinand Marcos ruled the country that have a

positive feedback in other aspects of our economy and negative sides of being

leader in the Philippines. With regard to the political system, we instead side more

recent characterizations of John Sidel’s work on “Bossism” and Juan J. Linz that

version of Webber’s “Sultanism”, their theories the detrone-patron client framework,

which places immoderate the importance on landholders and pairings of individuals,

and also to emphasize the role of American colonialism. Their visions is to seek the

personality of how Ferdinand Marcos rule the country as the single and operate the

Philippines as a national “sultan” like a small local “boss”.

Conceptual Framework

The figure below shows the positive and negative sides of how Ferdinand Marcos

govern the Philippines.

Who is Ferdinand Marcos?: A closer look to the Positive Sides of
Ferdinand Marcos
Negative Sides of
Ferdinand Marcos



This chapter presents the research method used, the instrumentation, and the

procedure of analysis. This chapter shows the method and procedures that the

researchers have done for them to gather those data that is needed on this study.

This chapter also shows the sources of the data the researchers have collected. The

analyzing of data is also presented on this chapter.

Design and Procedure

One of the Qualitative research model more particularly narrative model has been

used in this study. As a distinct form of qualitative research, narrative usually focuses

on the study of a single person, the gathering of data through the collection of

stories, the reporting of individual experiences, and the presentation of the meaning

of those experiences to the individual. The research design involved the use of

qualitative research methods to address research issues. The methods involved

examining or analyzing people's perceptions of the famous Philippine dictator.

Qualitative methodology was used for this study because it focuses on observations,

concepts, definitions and descriptions.

As Rossman and Rallis (1998) have noted, “there are few truths that constitute

universal knowledge; rather, there are multiple perspectives about the world” (p. 29).
By exploring people's perceptions of Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin Marcos, it was

possible to obtain "multiple perspectives" that broadened our understanding of the

subject. Each person assigns certain characteristics and attributes to a given

situation. The aim of this study was to gain an understanding of these variations in

the interpretation of the positive and negative perspectives of the people about

Ferdinand Marcos. Merriam (1998) noted that qualitative research offers "the

greatest promise to make significant contributions to the knowledge base and

practice of education" because it is "focused on discovery, insight and understanding

from the perspective of those being studied" (p. 1).

Role of a Researcher

The researcher's position in qualitative research is crucial as he or she collects data

and conducts analysis (Creswell, 2007) thus, our role as researchers is that we

must gather data or information that is as credible and as practicable, or information

that is accurate and reliable in order to avoid bias. Therefore, there is a possible bias

on our part that could have an impact on the outcome of the analysis, making it a

very difficult balancing act to be unbiased and non-judgmental in our feelings,

observations, and behavior. This possible bias may be our own opinion or

interpretation of the famous Philippine dictator, Ferdinand Emmanuel Edralin

Marcos. In order to avoid this, we must ensure that we are attentive and patient to

the research we are undertaking. As a researcher it is our work to provide relevant

information in order to make our work accurate which we also need to answer the

questions set out above in a concrete and complete detail in order to avoid

Data Collection

Before starting the data collecting procedures, the researcher assured that the data

used in the study had already been approved. The data will also be subjected for

validity and reliability test to ensure the quality of data. The researcher will also

emphasize and provide concrete details about the data gathered. Digging deeper or

looking closer about the famous Philippine dictator was such a challenge. Faux

details about the famous Philippine dictator was widely spread throughout the

internet, and with that we did our best in order to not be biased by that information

we provided. That's why in terms of collecting data the researchers must ensure the

validity of each information that was included in this study. After all the data that has

been collected and approved will make the researchers to take the next move which

they will start interpreting the data to come up with a conclusion.


In this portion of the study, the researcher seeks to gather an accurate data

and information to hypothesize the study about Ferdinand Marcos for being a leader

in the Philippines, about how did he ruled the country for 21 years, and how did he

keep his power as a President. Some analysis of this study are based on a deeper

meaning and implications of the findings that presented on a comprehensive form.

We collect possible answer that are connected to our research questions that was

shown above. The researchers used those RSL above for this analogy in order to

come up with a conclusion for every research question that we have and with that we

clearly differentiate the similarities and differences of the answers that we provided

above. We tend to seek some answers and informations that was correlated to our

research questions.
In the first question many of the researchers above concluded about what kind of

President and a Leader was Ferdinand Marcos many of them focused on his

Negative side as a leader while others are opposite. The rsearchers above briefly

explained about what kind of leader was Marcos during his regime one of them that

we highlight in this study that gave a very interesting answer of our question was

Overholt. Overholt during 1986 conducted a study about the famous Philippine

dictator and the information that we have gained from his research in order to

answer the first question that we provided was the fact that Marcos can solve any of

our country's problem even those serious ones which was also supported by some of

the achievements of Marcos as a leader and as a person, indeed with all of Marcos'

knowledge and intelligence as a leader it is undeniable that Overholt's conclusion

was possible.

In the first question, the researchers concluded about what kind of leadership were

Marcos undertaken in the nation. In which, the researcher highlights the positive side

about Marcos. As we noticed to their answer they are alike on the content, such as,

his benediction description. As what Bosworth(2008), cited that, Ferdinand Marcos

was a smart leader. In addition, it states that he is not just a brilliant ruler also he has

skillful talent in public speaking with his fascinating popularity that become a world

class (Mayol, 2019). Moreover, through his mindful intelligence he flourish the

economy, social, political, civil,and human rights. And conventionally, it's governed

and restored the normality during chaos in this nation. Majority of the researchers

cite the good side of Marcos' leadership. The researchers who've caught our

attention are Lazaro and Locsin . Lazaro believes that Marcos wanted people to
have disciple. Locsin narrate that they later found out that Marcos never actually

touched the national treasury. Locsin's narration break our belief about the reason

behind the Marcos' wealth and power.

In the other hand, the researchers who gave some informations in order to

succesfuly gave answer regarding the question number two that was about the

Marcos regime made sense in different perspectives. There’s a lot of statement that

look liked Marcos’s Regime was a big impact, for instance the statement from

Abinales and Amoroso which stated that, Marcos’s Regime made a great influence

of the state over society that the Philippines has ever seen. Abinales and Amoroso

together with Orduña’s statements were similar and wasn't contradict to each other.

Their statement clearly says that most of the issues that we have in our time today

wasn’t really a problem before because of how Marcos ruled the country. His

Regime made a great impact that there was no traffic, police officers did not extraxt

bribes and criminals were on the run. Orduña’s statement also states that the life

during Marcos’s Regime was easier and that it was worth sharing towards our

generation today. These researchers clearly judged Marcos’s Regime through how

the country works before while at the other side Orduña(2016) and Aquino (2016)

have different kind of view about the Marcos regime as for Aquino in 2016 the

Marcos regime was the reason why our country don't have peace , became country

of torture but for Orduña it was the best because in that time the Philippine don't

have traffics, the police officer did not extract bribes criminal were on run , and the

life was easier when Ferdinand Marcos was the president in that time .
For the third question about how did Marcos keep his power the researchers that

caught my attention is Mohamad and Enrile. Mohamad said that Martial law was

implemented by the sphere of formal politics and there are no doubt for a new era

and that Marcos became the powerful human being in the land and we are agree of

it because we can't deny that Marcos is the most powerful human being in this land

when he daclared the Martial law. Enrile said that Marcos inserted himself into the

elite group and we are amazed because not all President can do that only Ferdinand

Marcos. For Mohammad, he also indicate the positive side of Ferdinand Marcos. In

his statement he formulated (stated) that Mr. Marcos implemented the Law for the

formal permission of politics, so that there have no doubt for a new era and for those

military. He use his power for the concern of his country good.

Marcos as a dictator, the researcher seeks an accurate and precised

information related on the given question. The researcher's above briefly explain and

concluded the reason of the Filipino why they saw Ferdinand Marcos as a dictator of

the Philippines. The researcher's noticed to their answer, they are the same on the

content like how fraud, corrupt, luckless leader was Ferdinand Marcos. Filipino's

benefited of his deeds but a meanwhile it turns as a worst nightmare to be to his

countrymen, innocent people accused of wrong doings, tortured and killed due to his

big impact of his enormous power.

Prof Sison (2019), added that, he did these for the best for his countrymen, he create

a law, in which it led to all Filipino lost their freedom and suffered. Love is the reason

why there's pain. Marcos love his country in which it led to all Filipino suffered in fear.

( Tripoli,2017)

Also it expound the idea, the way Filipinos see him as a dictator of the Philippines,

the way he undertaken his countrymen that led to them to be fear in a treat. As what
Magkababy (2016), cited that, his promises to his people are a treat to every Filipino

disregard the people has a huge connection to him. Marcos suspended civil rights

and imposed military. ( Diokno,2014)

Cullen ( 2011), the scale of plunder under the Marcos regime was a shocking death

tool of the Filipino in which the trust of Filipino's to him was faded those results

increases the crime rate.

Though Marcos regime has a huge impact in the history of the country, the way he

declared a systematic campaign, tremendous command, in contradictory Filipino's

think about Marcos as a fraud, corrupt, dictator, and a thief leader, they pointed out

some prejudice and biased statements that written in the history of the country about

him in which it triggers the youth to believe it directly and embraces them to dislikes

him and changed some of his good perspective that modern days contributes a lot.

In this question, the researcher seeks an accurate and precised information related

on the given question. The researcher's above briefly explain and concluded the

reason of the Filipino why they saw Ferdinand Marcos as a dictator of the

Philippines. The researcher's noticed to their answer, they are the same on the

content like how fraud, corrupt, luckless leader was Ferdinand Marcos. Filipino's

benefited of his deeds but a meanwhile it turns as a worst nightmare to be to his

countrymen, innocent people accused of wrong doings, tortured and killed due to his

big impact of his enormous power.

Prof Sison (2019), added that, he did these for the best for his countrymen, he create

a law, in which it led to all Filipino lost their freedom and suffered. Love is the reason
why there's pain. Marcos love his country in which it led to all Filipino suffered in fear.

( Tripoli,2017)

Also it expound the idea, the way Filipinos see him as a dictator of the Philippines,

the way he undertaken his countrymen that led to them to be fear in a treat.

As what Magkababy (2016), cited that, his promises to his people are a treat to every

Filipino disregard the people has a huge connection to him. Marcos suspended civil

rights and imposed military. ( Diokno,2014)

Cullen ( 2011), the scale of plunder under the Marcos regime was a shocking death

tool of the Filipino in which the trust of Filipino's to him was faded those results

increases the crime rate.

Though Marcos regime has a huge impact in the history of the country, the way he

declared a systematic campaign, tremendous command, in contradictory Filipino's

think about Marcos as a fraud, corrupt, dictator, and a thief leader, they pointed out

some prejudice and biased statements that written in the history of the country about

him in which it triggers the youth to believe it directly and embraces them to dislikes

him and changed some of his good perspective that modern days contributes a lot.


Results and Discussion

This chapter highlights the results of this study that was keenly conducted by the

researchers. In this chapter the researchers will also justify the validity and reliability

of the data that they had gathered. One-by-one the researchers will discuss each of

the data that they had gathered in order to explain its nature and capability to give
answer or solution for those questions that was provided above. In the other hand,

the researchers used some famous articles and books that you may see through

offline and online which was also proven to be a reliable or trustworthy data and

information by the researchers with the use of analytical skills that they empower.

Marcos as a leader

Ferdinand Emmanuel Marcos was a famous leader/president in Philippine history.

Many people was inspired by the leadership skills that he had been used for the rest

of his regime, one of them was believed to be the Philippines current President

Rodrigo Roa Duterte. Marcos as a leader in Philippines in the history was undeniably

beneficial. The way Marcos lead the country which was with passion and

hardworking was really motivational in nature. In this section of this chapter the

researchers will discuss both the positive and negative side of Marcos as a leader in

which one by one the data that they had gathered will be justified and explain. The

researchers read some articles that was correlated to this question. Furthermore,

here are the data's about the positive views of his leadership skills that the

researchers had gathered:

Ferdinand Marcos is a brave President because he was very ready to be a leadrr of

his country. Upon of each important task held, he brought to bear the impact of his

genius, the dynamism of his leadership. On his first ascent to the presidency in 1965,

he announced obsession was to make the nation great again. Then, when in 1972

he imposed whay he called a constitutional authoritarianism in order to establish a

New Society ( since the country was at the time plagued with several grave
problems), no mattet how controversial, would eventually be a boon to the nation. He

had no fear for the problem came, because this is the character help his countrymen.

- Marcos: Architect of the New Society

He is a President who innovative, dynamic,visionary, genius, and daring. A man who makes

his own seasons - who destiny to tge shape of his own will, his own objectives, his own

vision. Challenge into opportunity , opportunity into triumph and fulfillment. Also, Ferdinand

Marcos "did not afraid to break away from the irrelevancies of the past in order to meet the

problems of the present and the needs of the future." Marcos concentrated his efforts on

two major goals: self-sufficiency in rice and infrastructure program. In his second term,

Marcos found himself face to face with a host of public problems. He his a daring person.

- Presidents of the Philippines

While historians have branded Ferdinand Marcos as a dictator, no one has disputed his

intellectual brilliance. Many agree that Marcos had a clear, long-term vision for the

Philippines, as exemplified by the Bagong Lipunan (New Society) Movement, a movement

aimed at promoting not just law and order, but also changing the culture of the country.

- 7 Philippine Presidents, Different Leadership Styles

Based on the datas that was provided above most of it compliments and

characterized the famous Philippine leader because of empowering such amazing

skills and traits. If you would contrast the datas that the researchers had gathered it

has a huge similarities with each other specifically on that part that they talk about

how genius and innovative the famous Philippine leader was. In the other hand,
many Filipino people or even other nationalities believes and see him as a dictator

because of his implementation of Martial Law. His Regime brought a traumatic

experience and bad memory in the minds of mostly Filipino people. Here are the

data which support this statement :

Marcos was a leading member of the New Society Movement, he ruled as a dictator

under martial law from 1972 until 1981. His regime was infamous for its corruption,

extravagance, and brutality.

- Ferdinand Marcos

At the pinnacle of his political career, Marcos remained a man hungry for power and

the validation of history--a man frustrated by the limitations of democracy.

Whispering the future, his discontent would grow into the full misery of defeat and


-The Marcos Diary : A Lust for Power, an Eye on Glory

The data that was provided above explained how Marcos was hungry or desperate

with so much power which led him into implementing martial law and empower so

much dictatorial powers which led him into downfall.

As the researchers analyzed the data that they had gathered and using their

analytical skills in understanding a certain informations well they found out that so far

everything was neutral. There are people who believes that he's a great leader and

there are others who don't. Therefore in this part of the study it was correlated with

an existing study entitled "The rise and fall of Ferdinand Marcos". Overholt (1986),
highlights and narrate both positive and negative side of Ferdinand Marcos as a

famous leader in the history.

21 years of Marcos’s leadership

During Marcos years or also known as the "Golden years" were infamous because of

the fast progress that Philippines had ever made. The country was developed from

its low economic status into its highest extent. Indeed, it was undeniably beneficial to

have Marcos as one of Philippine leaders in the history, but regardless the positivity

that he brought for the rest of his regime was known because of corruption and

brutality here are some datas that the researchers had gathered which supports


Marcos ruled the Philippines for 20 years, exercising authoritarian power and

undermining democratic processes. Marcos and his associates looted billions of

dollars from the government, took on enormous loans to keep the economy afloat,

and left the Philippines in a desperate financial state.

- Ferdinand Marcos- Ruler of the Philippines

Marcos lead the country with an iron fist from 1966 to 1986.

-Leadership, Ferdinand E. Marcos

Ferdinand Marcos (September 11, 1917–September 28, 1989) ruled the Philippines

with an iron fist from 1966 to 1986. Critics charged Marcos and his regime with

crimes like corruption and nepotism.

-Biography of Ferdinand Marcos, Dictator of the Philippines

Most of the data provided above talks about Marcos ruling and leading the country

with an Iron fist. An iron fist of an autocratic leader was believed to keep a fractious

society intact by everyone which includes our famous Philippine leader Ferdinand

Marcos. Therefore this section was somehow related to a research entitled "Iron

cage in an iron fist: Authoritarian institutions and the personalization of power in

Malaysia". Slater (2003), his view is based on a narrow procedural definition of

institutions that makes more sense in democratic than in authoritarian settings. While

democratic institutions consist largely of procedures that constrain the executive's

despotic power, authoritarian institutions consist primarily of organizations that

enhance the regime's infrastructural power over political opposition. The practical

significance of this distinction can be seen in the personalization of power in

Malaysia. An aspiring autocrat ironically took advantage of highly institutionalized

political organizations to enhance his personal power, even while maintaining the

regime's resilience in the face of pressures for democratization which was clearly the

same as the famous Philippine leader.

Longest running Philippine President

Marcos did everything just to stay in power. Many people believes that he was

blinded about his desires about it. Marcos can't see any future to himself than being

the long term president of his own country until he dies. Many people justify that

because of that fact he was pushed and motivated to do everything in order to keep

his self in power for 21 years. Here are some data's that explains how did he kept his

power as a President or as leader that the researchers had gathered:

Ferdinand Marcos leadership style is through his intelligence, sample of this is when

he declared marshal law. He saw a loop hole in our government rules and laws. This

helped his extend his regime

for 20 years. He also was able to get a woman of high stature because of his

intelligence which in some of biography was mentioned.And He has this charm that

most Filipino’s today even admire as he show’s power and other countries never

looked down on the Philippines during his time.

- A leadership style: Ferdinand Marcos Leadership style

Ferdinand E. Marcos was the Philippine president from 1966 to 1986, a period

exceeding twenty years. Afterserving as a two‐term president of the Philippines from

1966‐1972, he declared martial law under the constitution to assume dictatorial


- The Economic Legacy of Marcos

The data that was provided talks about Marcos using Martial law as an excuse in

order for him to maintain his powers as a President. It was also stated that because

of him being hungry for powers he implemented martial law in order for him to

assume more dictatorial powers. In this section of the study it was related with a

study that was entitled "From Moses to Marcos: Individual differences in the use and

abuse of power". Lee-Chai, Chen,and Chartrand (2001) , their study discussed

about recent insights into individual differences in the effects of power are reviewed,

and a new scale measuring the likelihood to misuse power is introduced. There is

more than one way to detect individual differences in the use and misuse of power.
Studies have found that feelings of responsibility moderated the power-related

behavior of stereotyping, that individuals with more self-centered personalities are

more likely to sexually aggress, whereas those who are more nurturant are less

likely to sexually aggress, and that communal and exchange orientations may

moderate the effects of power, leading to either prosocial, responsible gestures or

more self-oriented aims. The creation of the Misuse of Power Scale, which reflects

the pursuit of selfish goals and disregard for the welfare of others, potentially

provides a direct method of detecting individual differences in the use of power.

Marcos as a Dictator

Many people see him as a dictator or an autocratic president in the Philippine

history. In school, that kind of mindset and view was introduced towards the

students. The informations that was given built curiosity not only in the minds of

students but also with some people that haven't witnessed the well-known

dictatorship of the Philippine leader and president Ferdinand Marcos. The

informations that was provided or given through rumors aren't enough to justify and

explain the nature of the mindset of some people. In this section of this chapter the

researchers will further explain the reasons why people saw him in that way.

Nevertheless, here are the data's that they had gathered:

The dictatorship of Philippine President Ferdinand E. Marcos in the 1970s and 80s is

historically remembered for its record of human rights abuses, particularly targeting

political opponents, student activists journalists, religious workers, farmers, and

others who fought against the Marcos dictatorship. Based on the documentation of

Amnesty International, Task Force Detainees of the Philippines, and similar human
rights monitoring entities, historians believe that the Marcos dictatorship was marked

by 3,257 known extrajudicial killings, 35,000 documented tortures, 77 'disappeared',

and 70,000 incarcerations. Some 2,520 of the 3,257 murder victims were tortured

and mutilated before their bodies were dumped in various places for the public to

discover - a tactic meant to sow fear among the public, which came to be known as

"salvaging". Some bodies were even cannibalized.

-Human rights abuses of the Marcos dictatorship

Marcos' orders gave the military the authority to arrest and detain anyone going

against the government or deemed subversive. In General Order No. 62, issued in

October 1977, Marcos allowed the defense secretary and his authorized law

enforcement officials to issue an arrest, search and seizure order (ASSO) for various

offenses ranging from robbery and arson to murder and kidnapping.

-LOOK BACK: The Philippine Constabulary under Marcos

The data that was provided above usually discuss about the human rights abuses of

the Marcos regime during Martial Law. This includes the extrajudicial killings, torture,

incarcerations, salvaging, and other brutal acts. In this section it can also be related

to the study entitled " The Fall of dictatorship" which states every single thing about

the Marcos’s dictatorial acts during his regime and narrate the things that happened

in order to end it.

Marcos contributions

Marcos gave a huge contribution in terms of our economic status, progress, and

development during his regime. He never promised for something in order for him to

provide but he was too knowledgeable to know every conflict and problems that his

country has and instead without people asking him to do he will do some action to it

and provide some solutions for those problems to solve and his country's

development. Some people believes that Marcos being a dictator was just a way for

him in order to develop discipline towards his people. We look back at the man that

caused a nation to stand up united against his dictatorship- Ferdinand Marcos. He

made a promise to make the nation great again and he did. The statement that was

provided above will be briefly explained by the data's that the researchers had


Infrastructure is contribution of Marcos on his country especially for his people. He

build an infrastructures, so that it can provide a venue for the Filipinos to highlight

cultural heritage, propagate arts and culture, generate tourism, improve health

conditions and contribute to economic growth. There are the list of infrastucture that

built during Marcos time: Cultural Center of the Philippines, Tanghalang Francisco

Balagtas( Folk Arts Theater), Philippine International Convention Center, Makiling

Center for the Arts (National Arts Center) as a sanctuary for the young people and

aspiring Filipino artist, Nayong Pilipino was built from scatch in 1969, People's Park

in the Sky it was a place to serve as a guest house, Philippine Heart Center for those

people who had a heart failure or other illness in heart, Lung Center of the

Philippines under Presedential Decree No. 1823 by Ferdinand Marcos was providing

a health care that specifically targets lung and pulmonary disease, The National
Kidney and Transplant Institute formerly known as tge National Kidney Foundation of

the Philippines as a tertiary referral hospital that also offers voluntary blood services,

and then the San Juanico Bridge.

-Infrastucture Built During Marcos Time

A lot of Marcos' infrastructures today still stand like the Cultural Center of the

Philippines, Philippine Heart Center and the San Juanico Bridgr because the people

behind these infrastracture still believe that the mission of either providing a venue fir

exhibition or performance, giving aid to the sick and connection people is not over.

Until now this infrastructure continue to help our economy in their own aspects.

- Presidents of the Philippines

Among all the internal transformations of the New Society, the greatest deed has

been the decreeing of land reform- a program that had for decades been frustrated

by a reactionary Congress. The program will eventually benefit one million farmers

who have tilled without owning land. Agrarian reform has loosened the traditional

oligarchy's hold on agriculture. A closely related effort to socialize corporate wealth

has begun by broadening the ownership of public utilities; and there is every sign

that the government is determined " to encourage the rich in the fulfillment of their

civic responsibility."

- Marcos of the Philippines

Financial resources are being transferred, on a huge scale by national standards,

from Manila to Muslim Mindanao and the other rural areas, where the bulk ofbthe 42

million Filipino still live. All this new money being plowed into the land and its
impatient people, in the form of water- management schemes, rural cooperative,

fertilizer loans, electrification, small industries, new scools and so forth is designed to

stir latent popular energies and generate growth that is both self-sustaining and


-The Marcos Revolution

Of all the presidents of the country ( to this time) , Marcos built the most extensive

infrastructure. The projects were interrelated and complemented sector development

objectives. He put in the major trunk line road networks within the country, linking

them from Luzon to the Visayas and then to Mindanao. These networks were

essential in bringing down the cost of transportation, thereby raising the prospects of

commerce throughout the affected regiond of the country. In his two terms in office,

he concentrated on a network of roads, simply designated and expensive school

buildings, and irrigation systems that also built farm to market roads.

- The Economic Legacy of Marcos

As you read and analyze the data that was provided above you can conclude that

Marcos was really known for his Land reforms and specially with his Infrastucture

development. Most of his infrastracture developments focused on highlighting the

venues of our cultural heritage which then increased tourism in our country. Marcos

believes that with his reforms he can build a new society that promotes new culture

in his country. Some of the projects that he made under the infrastructure

developments such as the San Juanico Bridge was up until now used by the people
and still contributes in our economic status and progress in its own aspects.

Therefore, Ferdinand E Marcos wasn't just the famous Philippine dictator that

people believes him to be. Despite his dictatorship in our country for his second term

still he gave a huge contribution in terms of our country's progress throughout his

regime. He seek solutions for the problems that our country have and successfully

aid most of them during his watch.


Future Directions

Department of Education and Commission of higher Education. The

researcher's would like to have a recommendation to these government sectors

( DepEd and CHEd ) in order to implement or provide some books more particularly

historical and educational books that was about the famous Philippine dictator/leader

by this recommendation the teachers and students will surely benefit.

Historians. Some historians lacks knowledge about the famous Philippine

dictator/leader because sometimes they were just focusing on the one side Story of

a phenomenon or even a person, by this the researchers would like to recommend

the nature of neutrality that this study empowers in that way the historians must see

the importance of learning both side of a phenomenon or even a story of a person.

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