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                   Week 04 - Task: Assignment - Work and study

 Micaela Maybeth Gonzales Arriola 

 Michelle  Herrera Zevallos 


 I could earn my own salary  Need to get to work and college early. 
 I could become independent  The demand is much stronger at university
 We are more responsible  and work 
 I necessarily gain more work  It is less necessary to go out with friends 
experience  We have more work 
 You need to learn to  You come home tired of working
manage your time   It could be very stressful
 You have work experience  Classes during work time
for the future   Classmate’s don´t understand that you´re
 You could earn money tired because of work
 Early insertion in the labor  Less time to study
market   Less free time
 Decrease in level
 Concern about the study

Pros and Cons of working and studying at the same time

What are the pros and cons of working and studying at the same time?

Working and studying at the same time is the hardest thing because many times you
are tired from work and need to study for the next day. However, there are always
advantages of work.

The first advantage is to learn to manage your time, well this is true because all day
you´re working and your free time is at night.

It is very common to make the decision to work or not to do it when a career starts.
What leads a student to want to get a job is either economic need, or personal need. In
the first case, we know that certain families can not do without the income that a
member can generate, so the obligation to generate money is assigned to that person
as soon as the average education ends. In the second case, some young people look
up to economic independence and a greater degree of freedom in general.

Those who choose to dedicate themselves fully to the study , choose this option with
the aim of finishing the race as quickly as possible, and then, yes, insert in the labor
market. Both options are totally valid. So we are going to mention some pros and cons
of working and studying at the same time.

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