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Lake Chas, La.

Apr.15, 1912
Dear Emma-
I received you this morning. I am not able to advise you. Both must act out to promote
what is best. As long as Loyd teaches, he will never do what he is bested calculated to do;
but if you are determined to settled to either farming or teaching in course of time, I see
no objection to teaching. I can give advice, but have not or did not carry out what I knew
to be the best in principle.

If you could have some one to carry on the place while Loyd be away. I feel that you
might be doing the right thing; but I know how uncertain such is.

Hope you got your chickens. They wanted to charge double express because the
chickens were fine-the idea of such. A chicken is a chicken. Ma lost her fine pig. Died
last from cholera. It took sick while I was at Alexandria.

We had a good time. I thought of writing you, but could not get the time. When I
could get to my room, I was too tired to do any writing. I am tired now. Oswald and
Clevie was out yester, when I wish they had put their [brood?] off. In fact, between bad
weather and this and that we never get to go to church

We are getting plenty of eggs. Our chickens are doing well. Ma is having good health.
We caught a rat the other day at considerable expense. He made a hole big enough to get
in and kill five chickens, small, but did not get out because the hole was too small to
admit him on his desire to return; so he will kill no more chickens.

Saw Alma Koony, at the convention teachers. She is teaching in N.O. Saw Aswell,
who is still trying to keep in practice on politics. I feel that I had the best time ever passed
dur- a convention. Every body treated me with so much consideration, that my being
among could not be otherwise than a pleasure. It seems that my work in the parish has
been considerably abroad. When it was known that the State Supt. of Arkansas came to
see my work, the importance of my work became highly appreciated.

I do not believe that John will be satisfied on the farm, but of course, he ought to
settled down to some occupation where he could begin life to the end of it. I did not like
to see him work for $5.00 per month tho I could not pay him any more while working for

If I did not you might say three boys on my hands. I could hire a good man and pay
him something. My boy do not amt to one man, beside being three times more
Our garden is doing well considering. We picked one gal. of fine strawberries Sunday
morning. Our beans & irish potatoes will soon be ready to eat. Potatoes were planted 6 of
Feby. Will have worlds of beans. Have tomatoes out. Okra up, peas growing. All kinds
of greens & cabbage Corn for eating purposes. But the wet weather keeps us from
planting corn, I could not plant as many potatoes as I desire; so much Continuous rain.
Hoping for the health of all .
I am your affectionate Father.

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