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Student Teaching Lesson Plan #2

(ECE – PreK to 2nd Grade)


DEVELOPMENTAL SNAP SHOT/PRIOR KNOWLEDGE: The children have been reviewing addition
and subtraction for the past week now. We have been working on whole group and indivudal addition
problems and activities. The students are all mostly grasping the concept of addition itself. We have certainly
been refreshing their skills and ensuring they remember the various strategies they can use to add or subtract.
The small group in this lesson consists of 5 students who mostly understand addition and can do so
independently after having a quick mini-lesson/review of the process of adding two numbers together.

 Standards:
o Illinois Early Learning Standards, Kindergarten:
 State Goal 6: Demonstrate and apply a knowledge and sense of numbers, including
numeration and operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, division), patterns
ratios, and proportion.
 Learning Standard A: Demonstrate knowledge and use of numbers and
their representations in a broad range of theoretical and practical settings.
 Learning Standard B: Investigate, represent and solve problems using
number facts, operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication, and
division) and their properties, algorithms, and relationships.

 Learning Objectives:
o Child will be able to solve at least 3 addition equations.
o Child will be able to identify the different components of an equation (+ sign, = sign, as well
as what the sum is).
o Child will identify numbers used in the addition equations.

 Materials/Resources:
o Peanut Butter and Jelly Addition Cards
 Correlating PB&J sandwich addition worksheet

 Technology: N/A

 Introduction (Lead-In): I will start off by asking the small group of students if they remember what it
is called when we put two numbers together. I will purposefully not use the word “add” in order to
ensure that they will have to think about the name of the process. Then, we will dicsuss what the
other word for the total of an equation is (sum). Next, I will introduce our activity and present the
student with the PB&J equation and sum cards. We will go through the activity together as each
student has a turn to solve an equation with my assistance, if needed. Then, they will have a few
minutes to continue solvng equations and creating their addition sandwiches. Next, I will hand out
worksheets for them to fill in all together as each student presents one equation and the solution. We
will double check their work and thinking processes all together and make sure each student
understands the process and how to reach the sum for each given equation. The students will fill in
the 6 equations onto their sandwich worksheet. Finally, we will review the final equations and
complete our activity.
 Step-By-Step Procedures and Learning Activities:
o Differentiated Instruction
 Adaptations for children
 ELL: N/A
 Gifted (advanced): N/A
 Special needs: N/A
o Academic Language or new Vocabulary (explain how it will be used during the lesson):
 Add
 Addition
 Sum
o Critical thinking questions:
 What is it called when you put two numbers together?
 How can we add these numbers together?
 What are some other ways we can solve equations?
 Can two different equations have the same sum?
o Managing the lesson: I will make sure the students stay on trach through the use of verbal
and visual clues. I will remind the students that they should be respectful to everyone who is
speaking or working through their equations. Additionally, I will use my classroom
management strategies such as “catch your bubbles” and “1, 2, 3, eyes on me”.

 Closure: As mentioned in the step-by-step plan of this lesson, we will review all 6 of the equations
the students will have on their worksheets in order to double check their work and understanding of
the concept of addition and sums.

 Assessment Plan: I will be taking anecdotal notes during/after regarding the objectives each student
hits upon. I will create a simple rubric noting whether or not they were able to meet each objective.
Doing this will allow me to check which students may need additional help regarding addition or
receive more strategies on how to solve equations.


 Feedback: Each child will receive hands on feedback as they are solving the addition problems. I will
help each of them during our learning activity, particularly checking in when they are solving the
equations independently. Thanks to the size of the small group, I have the opportunity to give each
child some more individual attention and assistance.

 Plan for future lessons’ focus: Depending on the outcome of this lesson, I may have to provide the
students who need additional help with more activities reiterating the process of adding numbers and
provide them with new strategies. Furthermore, we can continue on to subtraction problems to ensure
that they understand this one.

Exceeding Meeting Developing Comments

Child will be Solve 5+ equations Solve 3 equations Solve at least 1
able to solve at independently. independently. equation
least 3 addition independently or
equations with assistance
from teacher or
Child will be Identifies and correctly Identifies all 3 Identifies at least
able to identify uses all 3 components. 1 component.
the different components/vocabulary
components of (sum, addition, +/=).
an equation
Child will Identifies all numbers Identifies around Identifies
identify numbers on every card 75% of numbers anywhere from 0-
used in the presented. shown on the 75% of numbers
addition cards in this shown on the
equations. activity. cards in this

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