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Rachel Eng

Final Semester Reflection

After taking this course, I have a better understanding of how society functions. I learned

about the three sociological paradigms: functionalism, conflict theory, and interactionism. I also

learned a lot about human connections. The weekly class discussions allowed me to practice my

critical thinking skills and it was invigorating to discuss social issues through a sociological

perspective with my classmates. I believe that everyone should take a sociology class because

having this knowledge gives you a fresh and logical point of view that can be used to explain real

social situations. Especially in our current political environment, a lack of social understanding

can result in negative effects. Understanding how societies operate will help you recognize what

needs to be changed in order to improve society.

I am proud to say that I accomplished my goals for this semester. I set the intention of

getting A’s in all of my classes and I did. I was able to manage my time well and stay focus on

my priorities. Through my hard work, I gained more knowledge in the field of sociology as well

as in my other classes. My learning skills have definitely improved in areas such as

critical thinking, communication, and collaboration. I’m glad that I chose topics that I was truly

interested in for my projects in this class. For example, in project 2: institution analysis, I chose

to analyze hospitals because I am currently studying to be a nurse. I learned a lot about the

history of hospitals and how they’ve changed over time to better accomodate members of

society. I will continue to use the knowledge I gained this semester for the rest of my life. After

absorbing all the material from this course, I feel more conscious and important as a member of


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