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What i do in quarantine for “fun” ,
relax or distract is exercise me. I do
between fifty minutes and an hour
and twenty minutes , five times a
week. I get distracted because I only
think about doing the exercises well
and burning those calories that I eat
extra every day, since we are in
quarantine and it is worth eating
everything. Even exercising during
this crisis that humans are passing
through is something very important
because we keep sedentary at home
and we need to move our bodies.
90 words

Pajamas mood
What know cherish because we are in quarantine is
my new pajamas, I buy new to feel more
comfortable because i stay all day in them. It’s also
for save water and electricity because if I change
clothes they have to wash the other one and there
will be more clothes to wash, implying turn on the
washing machine more times and in this time of
quarantine we have to be more thrifty since the
economy is not the same in any house.
83 words

Now there is a new show that represents
a part of the Colombian culture and they
do it in a fun way. In this moment is on
netflix in the top number one in Colombia.
Is named “Chichipatos”. The new season is
very short, it only has seven chapters
since it premiered last week on May
fifteen, but the interesting thing is that
you know it will continue because is a
story that keeps flowing. I recommend
you see it if you can find it in the future,
in the year you are. It’s so funny but is not
recommended for kids, Enjoy it.
104 words

We are currently living and going
through a global crisis. The covid-19
has now become man’s best friend
because it goes with him everywhere…
The new pandemic, better known as
the crown is devastating humanity
where currently on may 21,2020 it has
killed more than 328 thousand people
around the world. So we had to take
preventive measures and isolate
ourselves, that resulted in
unemployment, poverty or home
problems. The economy was low and
we had not experienced that such a
large economic loss since 1930. 86 words

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