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Exchange Server 2010

Introduction to Supporting
Records Management Features
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About the Authors
Author: Jonathan Runyon
Bio: Jonathan is a Sr. Support Escalation Engineer with the Enterprise
Communications Support group based in Las Colinas Texas. He has 8 years of
support experience for Exchange Server and participated in the Beta of
Exchange 2007 as a beta rotational engineer. Jonathan has created or
contributed to creation of several training courses including: Exchange Server
2007 Introduction to Supporting Information Worker, and Exchange Server
2007 Introduction to the Exchange Management Shell. He is also co-author of
the book Windows PowerShell for Exchange Server 2007 SP1.
Table of Contents
Records Management Features............................................................................................................1
Conditions and Terms of Use................................................................................................................2
Microsoft Confidential - For Internal Use Only....................................................................................2
Copyright and Trademarks....................................................................................................................2
Table of Contents..................................................................................................................................4
Module Overview..................................................................................................................................1
Lesson 1: Records Management Overview...........................................................................................2
Records Management Concepts.........................................................................................................................3
Exchange 2010 Records Management Features.................................................................................................7
Messaging Records Management...................................................................................................................7
User Archive....................................................................................................................................................7
Recovery and Retention..................................................................................................................................8
Lesson Review.....................................................................................................................................................9

Lesson 2: Messaging Records Management.......................................................................................10

Messaging Records Management Overview.....................................................................................................11
Messaging Records Management 1.0...........................................................................................................11
Messaging Records Management 2.0...........................................................................................................14
MRM 1.0 Components......................................................................................................................................15
Managed Folders...........................................................................................................................................15
Managed Content Settings............................................................................................................................16
Managed Folder Policy..................................................................................................................................17
Mailbox Account Configuration....................................................................................................................18
Managed Folder Assistant.............................................................................................................................18
MRM 2.0 Components......................................................................................................................................19
Retention Policy Tags....................................................................................................................................19
Retention Policy............................................................................................................................................20
Managed Folder Assistant.................................................................................................................................21
Assistant Infrastructure.................................................................................................................................21
Managed Folder Assistant Processing...........................................................................................................22
How Retention Periods Are Calculated.............................................................................................................24
Determining the Age of Different Types of Items.........................................................................................24
AutoTagging Basics........................................................................................................................................27
AutoTagging Processing................................................................................................................................28
Managing MRM.................................................................................................................................................30
EMS Messaging Records Management Commands......................................................................................30
MRM 1.0 Cmdlets..........................................................................................................................................30
MRM 2.0 Cmdlets..........................................................................................................................................58
Associated Records Management Cmdlets...................................................................................................86
Managing Messaging Records Management with the EMC.......................................................................113
Migrating from MRM 1.0 to MRM 2.0............................................................................................................114
MRM User Experience.....................................................................................................................................115
Outlook 2010...............................................................................................................................................115
Outlook Web App 2010...............................................................................................................................115
Compliance and Reporting..............................................................................................................................116
Compliance Audit Logging...........................................................................................................................116
Verifying Managed Folder Usage................................................................................................................120
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting....................................................................................................................124
Subtopic H3.................................................................................................................................................124
Lesson Review.................................................................................................................................................125

Lesson 3: User Archive......................................................................................................................126

Personal Messaging Data Management History.............................................................................................127
User Archive Basics..........................................................................................................................................129
User Archive Properties..............................................................................................................................133
Managing User Archive...................................................................................................................................136
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting....................................................................................................................137
Subtopic H3.................................................................................................................................................137
Lesson Review.................................................................................................................................................138

Lesson 4: Discovery...........................................................................................................................139
Discovery Basics...............................................................................................................................................140
Discovery Basics..........................................................................................................................................140
Managing Discovery........................................................................................................................................142
EMS Discovery Management Commands...................................................................................................142
ECP Discovery Management.......................................................................................................................153
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting....................................................................................................................154
Subtopic H3.................................................................................................................................................154
Lesson Review.................................................................................................................................................155

Lesson 5: Dumpster 2.0.....................................................................................................................156

Dumpster 2.0 Basics........................................................................................................................................157
Dumpster 2.0 Design...................................................................................................................................158
Managing Dumpster 2.0..................................................................................................................................162
Records Management Commands..............................................................................................................162
Dumpster 2.0 User Experience........................................................................................................................163
Diagnostics and Troubleshooting....................................................................................................................164
Subtopic H3.................................................................................................................................................164
Lesson Review.................................................................................................................................................165

Scenario Based Labs..........................................................................................................................166

Exercise 1: Deploying Managing MRM 2.0......................................................................................................167
Exercise 2: Migrating from MRM 1.0 to MRM 2.0..........................................................................................169
Exercise 3: Troubleshooting MRM..................................................................................................................171

Additional Resources........................................................................................................................173
Module Review.................................................................................................................................174
Module Assessment..........................................................................................................................175
To complete the Assessment:.....................................................................................................................175

MRM Application Log Events..........................................................................................................................177
MRM Errors and Events..............................................................................................................................177
ETW Tracing for MRM.....................................................................................................................................182
Subtopic H3.................................................................................................................................................182
Advanced Query Syntax (AQS)........................................................................................................................183
Desktop Search Syntax................................................................................................................................183
Properties by File Kind.................................................................................................................................186
DRAFT Records Management Features
Lesson 5: Dumpster 2.0

Module Overview
This module explains | introduces | …

Before You Begin

Before starting this module you should:
 Complete the RBAC and Management Tools modules as a prerequisite.

What You Will Learn

After completing this module you will be able to:
 Describe the Records Management features of Exchange 2010.
 Employ management techniques for each Records Management feature.
 Troubleshoot common issues related to Records Management features.

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Lesson 1: Records Management Overview

This lesson introduces the Exchange 2010 Records Management topics that are the focus
of this module.

What You Will Learn

After completing this lesson you will be able to:
 Describe common terminology associated with records management and
 Identify each Exchange 2010 records management feature.

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Records Management Concepts

This section introduces background information helpful for understanding the Records
Management features that are provided by Exchange 2010.

There are several terms related to Exchange 2010 Records Management features. It is
important to understand the terms described in Table 1.
Table 1: MRM Terminology

Term Definition
Auto-Tagging Automatic application of policy tags to user e-mail. When auto-
tagging is activated by the user, Exchange applies policy tags called
retention auto-tags for messaging records management to new
messages in accordance with patterns of previous user messaging
Content Settings Content settings are the retention information of the policy tags that
are applied to mailbox items.
Default Policy Tag (DPT) Policy tag that applies to all items in a mailbox that do not have a
retention policy tag
EBA Event Based Assistant. The MRM Assistant operates both as a Time-
Based(Message Expiration) and an Event-Based Assistant(stamping
Retention Date)
ECP Exchange Control Panel. This is the self-service UI.
End User The end user IW (information worker) who by default has the
minimum set of rights.
Enforced Action Refers to a Policy Tag (also called Default Policy Tag) that applies to an
entire enterprise mandatorily.
Expiry Compliance jargon for forced retention and expiration of mail
messages. Also describes the overall experience.
FAI Folder Associated Item. These are messages in the mailbox not visible
in Outlook or OWA to the IW. MRM uses a specific FAI item to
communicate the Retention Policy to Outlook.
Filer User who regularly files mailboxes items into folders.
Journaling The ability to record communications, including e-mail
communications, in an organization for use in the organization's e-
mail retention or archival strategy. In MRM, "journaling" commonly
means simply saving a copy of an item to another location specified
by an SMTP address.
Legacy Client Outlook 2003 SP1 and Outlook 2007.
Legal Hold Situation when data within a mailbox should be retained for litigation
purposes in an organization. AKA Litigation Hold.
Legacy Exchange Servers Exchange 2007 servers.
MCS Managed Content Settings, or Content Setting (CS) for short. These

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objects contain all the properties that enables records management

scenarios. Properties they define include: Retention duration,
managed folder, journaling properties.
MRM assistant The E-mail Lifecycle Assistant is one of the assistants in the Exchange
Mailbox Server role in Exchange 2010. The MRM Assistant is
responsible for message expiration and compliance in Exchange 2010.
Messaging Records Records management technology in Exchange 2010 that helps
Management (MRM) organizations to reduce the risks that are associated with e-mail and
other communications.
MRM makes it easier to keep messages that are needed to comply
with company policy, government regulations, or legal needs, and to
remove content that has no legal or business value.
Outspace The new UI concept pioneered by Office for O14, which is a view that
contains all non-document editing features such as traditional Options
tabs, printing, saving, etc.
Piler User who does not file mailbox items regularly. Piler users tend to
have a very large inboxes and to rely on search to find messages.
Policy A logical grouping of policy tags. When a policy is applied to a user’s
mailbox, all the policy tags that are linked to the policy are deployed
in a single operation, thereby making the deployment of MRM easier.
Policy Tag A tag that is applied to all items (such as folders and messages) in user
mailboxes that are under Messaging Records Management.
Published Action Refers to a Policy Tag that is optional.
RBAC Role Based Authorization and Control. This is the permission layer in
Exchange 2010 which controls which operations a user can perform
(cmdlets + parameters) and what the user can view or act on (read +
write scopes).
Result Pane A name used to describe the main listview in Exchange 2007 Exchange
Management Console. See Main Content Area.
Retention Policy Tag Policy tag applied to mailbox items for which custom content settings
(RPT) are wanted.
Retention Auto Tag A retention policy tag that is automatically applied by MRM auto-
Task Exchange PowerShell cmdlet.

Scenarios are an effective way to introduce concepts and develop an understanding of
how Exchange 2010 Records management features might be used in different situations.

Managing Messaging Records

The Contoso Company implements an Exchange 2007 organization that includes the
Messaging Records Management (MRM) solution as a way of controlling records
management and mailbox utilization through messaging retention and expiration. While
the feature was successfully implemented, there have been several issues that raise
concerns about the overall effectiveness of the solution.

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One of the chief complaints is user education. Information Workers (IW) don’t always
make the best choices related to MRM, and complain that it is not easy to determine the
best ways to use Managed Folders for retention of important information. Another
concern for users centered on expiration of items when it is not expected, and difficulty in
determining what has happened once an item has expired and is no longer where it was
expected to be.
The Exchange administrator believes that many aspects of the MRM solution are
successful, but needs a better solution that addresses the concerns of IWs, without
compromising the overall benefit of records management. Users need a solution that

The Exchange administrator for Tail Spin Toys has received feedback from the corporate
director of IT Operations about serious concerns over the way the company’s IWs handle
long term retention of important information. Some time ago mailbox quotas were
implemented as a way of controlling mailbox storage constraints. The majority of IWs
implement personal data files with Outlook 2007 as a way of providing additional
storage. However, this has resulted in challenges for the records managers in charge of
The Exchange administrator has been asked to implement a solution that would prevent
users from saving messaging information to personal data files, while providing them an
archiving solution that is flexible and easy to maintain.

The records compliance officer for the Fourth Coffee Company is in charge of providing
any corporate information requested by legal officers as part of any litigation with which
the company is involved. This includes the discovery and collection of information across
all the user mailboxes in the company. The records manager is familiar with the use of
certain messaging clients, but is decidedly intimidated when it comes to Exchange
management tools. In the current messaging environment, the records manager has to
work closely with Exchange managers to discover and collect information. This poses
several challenges including the exposure of sensitive information to those that would not
normally have access.
The Exchange administrator understands the needs of the records manager and has been
asked to implement a solution that would allow the records manager to discover and
collect information without the involvement of the Exchange management team. Also the
records manager needs to have access to records management features that would allow
for the granular control of retention actions that would otherwise result in the loss of
important information. The tools for managing records management features should be
easily accessible and require no installation of Exchange bits on the workstation where
the management occurs. Finally the records manager should only have access to the
pertinent information and records management interfaces.

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Item Recovery and Retention

The Fabrikam Corporation has determined that the number one help desk call generator
is the recovery of messages that were prematurely deleted from a user’s mailbox. This
results in lost hours for both the help desk technicians and frustration for the affected
More importantly, the Exchange management team has plans to implement an overall
update to the existing messaging solution that changes the methodology for database
backup and recovery.
The Exchange administrator has been given the challenge to implement a solution that
provides robust retention of deleted items while making it easier for users to recover
deleted items without engaging the help desk team.

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Exchange 2010 Records Management Features

Exchange 2010 introduces several features that apply to messages at rest in a mailbox.
These features work together to provide a comprehensive solution that meets records
management and compliance needs of an organization.

Messaging Records Management

Messaging records management policies help organizations comply with legal
requirements and conserve information technology resources. In the past, it was difficult
to enforce those policies and monitor user compliance. In addition, it was expensive and
time-consuming to comply with legal discovery orders. Attempts to automate the
messaging management process met with limited success. The MRM functionality in
Exchange 2010 addresses these challenges.
Exchange Server 2007 introduced Managed Folders for messaging records management.
In Exchange 2010, Retention Tags provide a more flexible way of deploying Messaging
Records Management. Managed Folders are still available for easier transition to
Retention Tags. When you move user mailboxes to Exchange 2010 mailbox servers, you
can allow them to continue using Managed Folders, and transition to Retention Tags
when you are ready to deploy them.

User Archive
User Archive allows you to provide users with an alternate storage location to store
historical messaging data. Users have seamless access to their archive mailbox using
Outlook 2010 and Outlook Web App. Using either of these client applications, users can
view an archive mailbox and move or copy messages between their primary mailbox and
the archive. User archive allows you to present a consistent view of messaging data to
users, and eliminate user overhead required to manage PST files. Eliminating use of PST
files significantly reduces an organization's exposure to the risks outlined in the previous
Creating and managing archive mailboxes is integrated with mailbox management tasks,
allowing you to easily manage archive mailboxes. You can create an archive mailbox
when creating the primary user mailbox, or enable an archive mailbox for existing
mailbox users. Archive mailboxes can be disabled and removed. A user's archive mailbox
resides on the same mailbox database as the user's primary mailbox. When moving the
user's primary mailbox from one mailbox database to another, the archive mailbox is
moved with the primary mailbox.

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Exchange Server 2010 Discovery helps organizations facing legal discovery
requirements, as part of organizational policy, compliance requirements, or lawsuits, to
search for relevant content in Exchange mailboxes. Exchange 2010 provides a seamless
experience for searching e-mail content in mailboxes across the entire Exchange
Discovery leverages content indexes created by Exchange Search. The Exchange Control
Panel (ECP) provides an easy-to-use search interface for non-technical personnel such as
legal and compliance officers, records managers and human resources (HR)
professionals. Role Based Access Control (RBAC) provides the Discovery Management
role group to delegate discovery tasks to non-technical personnel, without the need to
provide elevated privileges that may allow a user to make any operational changes to
Exchange Server configuration.

Recovery and Retention

Exchange 2010 introduces the concept of single item recovery. Single item recovery
functionality ensures that all deleted and modified items are preserved, and if required
can be recovered easily for the purposes of compliance.
In Exchange 2007, if an end user purged items from their recoverable items folder using
Outlook hard delete (shift + delete on an Outlook item), the item was deleted forever. In
Exchange 2010, if the single item recovery feature is enabled for a mailbox, even if the
end user purges items from their recoverable items folder, these items get retained.
While the Purges and Versions folders of the single item recovery feature aren't
accessible to the end-user, they are accessible to an administrator or users that are
members of the Discovery Management role group.

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Lesson Review
<Review points and/or questions>

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Lesson 2: Messaging Records Management

This lesson provides a detailed overview of the Messaging Records Management (MRM)
features for Exchange 2010.

What You Will Learn

After completing this lesson you will be able to:
 Describe the differences between Exchange 2010 MRM and Exchange 2007 MRM.
 Identify each component of MRM.
 Describe management tasks for MRM.

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Messaging Records Management Overview

Most organizations have some sort of e-mail management policies that set expectations
and guidelines for users to comply with legal, regulatory or business needs to retain
important information. Enforcing these policies is often time consuming and difficult for
many reasons:
• Policies are complex and call for different actions for different types of information
• Information workers lack time or skill to fully comprehend the requirements
• Some Information Workers simply refuse to comply with policy
Attempts to address these problems in the past were met with limited success. Exchange
2007 introduced several new features specifically designed to ease the pain of e-mail
management policy enforcement. These features together encompassed Messaging
Records Management (MRM) 1.0.

Messaging Records Management 1.0

The strategy to make Exchange 2007 e-mail management and policy enforcement more
consistent, effective, and simple to use was based on these ideas:
• Make it easy for users to classify messages according to the organization’s policy
• Save important data and make copies in another location for safe keeping
• Get rid of obsolete data automatically when it is no longer needed
• Track down users that do not comply with company policy
• Prove the policy is being enforced properly via auditing
• Give administrators control over policy enforcement

Exchange Server 2007 addresses these ideas with the following features.

Make it Easy for Users

Exchange 2007 makes it possible for users to participate in the Messaging Records
Management process by exposing special mailbox folders called Managed Custom
Managed Custom Folders look just like regular mailbox folders in users’ mailboxes except
they cannot be moved, renamed or deleted (unless decommissioned by the
administrator). Managed Custom Folders are added via policy to users’ mailboxes
through a process called provisioning. Users also may be able to add their own additional
custom folders through an “opt-in” process made possible by a Web Service site hosted
within the organization.

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Users classify and sort messages into these special folders according to management
polices defined by the administrator. A description of the management policy that applies
to each folder can be displayed for users in both Outlook 2007 and Outlook Web Access
clients. Users can also enable inbox rules to move items as they are received to a managed
folder, further refining the categorization process.

Save Important Data

Items that have been classified by a user as important can be automatically copied to
another location when placed in a managed folder to which a Journaling policy applies.
The other location can be anything with an SMTP address that accepts messages,
including another Exchange mailbox.
The Journaling process stamps items with a label that identifies the policy that copied the
item along with any additional classification information if so defined.

Get Rid of Obsolete Data

Automatic processing of items that have reached a specific age is made possible by
Retention policies. These policies are configurable by age and message type and can be
applied to any folder in a user’s mailbox. Different retention policies for different message
types can be applied to the same folder at the same time. Item age can be defined in the
policy by when the item was originally received or when it was moved into the folder
where the policy is applied.
The actions taken against an item when enforcing a retention policy include:
 Delete the item permanently, or soft delete the item so it can still be recovered from
the dumpster
 Move the item to a managed e-mail folder to give the user a chance to review and
take further action
 Mark the item as expired in the user’s mailbox, as a result prompting the user to
take further action

Track-Down Users that do not Comply

Even after deploying a comprehensive Messaging Records Management strategy there is
no guarantee all users will comply and use managed folders as dictated by the
organization’s policy.
Exchange 2007 provides an administrative task for gathering statistical information that
can be analyzed to determine which users are utilizing managed folders as intended, and
which users are abusing or ignoring the policy.

Prove the Policy is Being Enforced

In some situations organizations may be compelled by governmental agencies to provide
evidence their employees are abiding by laws and regulations set out for retention of
important documents, and that the enforced policies are working as required. Full audit

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logging is provided to record each policy enforcement action taken by Exchange

Messaging Records Management features.

Give Administrators Control

Mailbox users may not always be available to take care of items in their mailbox
according to e-mail management policies. For example, someone who is Out of Facility
(OOF) for an extended period may not be able to access and tend to their mailbox. This
may be a real problem if message retention policies are automatically expiring messages
before the mailbox owner has even had a chance to see them.
Exchange Server 2007 makes it possible to schedule a suspension of retention policies to
coincide with an individual’s planned OOF. While it is suspended, a mailbox will be
exempt from processing that would normally affect expired messages. After the
suspension is lifted, normal processing resumes.

While the features of MRM 1.0 introduced by Exchange 2007 addressed the
organizational needs for records management, there were several challenges that

Moving messages to managed folders upon expiration breaks IW workflow

IW workflow is negatively impacted for both the filer and the piler user and there is a
perception of loss of data because the experience of email expiring out of the Inbox is not
transparent to the IW.

 IW has to move personal folders to the “Managed Folders” hierarchy or give up
personal folders.
 IW can choose the ‘longest’ retention period for all email, bypassing the intent of
expiration schemes.
 IW waste a lot of time filing each mail into a managed folder.
 IWs specifically asked to be able to control the managed folder hierarchy and apply
policy to a given folder in a MSIT survey.

 IW does not get compliance experience within Inbox.
 The recipient has to physically file each mail into a managed folder to get the
compliance experience. A piler user who does not file email cannot benefit from
compliance based on managed folders.
 IW email expires and is automatically moved to a “Cleanup Review” folder. The IW
gets no visual clues or message to indicate when this happens.

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IW finds it hard to discover what is set to expire

When items are moved, IWs spend a lot of time and effort to find what is going to be
deleted. Specifically, the IW has to explore an unfamiliar ‘Managed Folder’ hierarchy.
There is no visual indication of when a given item is set to be expired and moved.

Compliance features are hard to understand

 Retention Hold IW does not know when they are put on retention and what they
are expected to do.
 IW does not know when their mail is journaled and sent items are being copied out.
 The explanation of policies on a folder is difficult to understand.

Mailbox quota used to enforce compliance

Exchange Administrators are using mailbox quota as a crude way to enforce compliance.
As a result, the IW is keeping mail in personal data files (pst), thereby increasing
corporate liability. The cost of discovering documents across pst files that could
potentially live on computers in diverse geographical locations adds to the compliance
risk and associated disclosure costs.
Compliance does not mean smaller mailboxes. Instead, compliance can be achieved with
a robust set of tools that help the IW expire mail. Exchange 2010 is designed to support
larger mailboxes on less-expensive hardware. The IW will be able to keep more email in
Exchange with larger mailboxes and a compelling set of compliance features helps reduce
corporate liability by giving tools to the IW to expire sensitive email.

Messaging Records Management 2.0

Tagging is emerging as the most popular mechanism to organize personal data – email,
files, photos, etc. The clear advantage tags present over folders is that unlike folders, tags
can be applied in-place and tags don’t impose changes to a user’s natural workflow.
Exchange 2007 made an investment in compliance functionality by introducing
organizational folders. Early user feedback regarding managed folders in Exchange 2007
has demonstrated that it is essential to simplify the user experience.
A tag-based message record management mechanism has been implemented in Exchange
2010 to enhance the compliance user experience. A retention tag, which defines the
policy condition and action, can be viewed and applied in-place from Outlook 2010 client.
A policy can be comprised of multiple tags. In the Outlook 2010 client, instead of moving
the message to a managed folder to enforce certain policy onto the message, the user can
apply a tag to the message in place. Without breaking the IW workflow, the compliance
policy is easy to discover and understand.
The new messaging records management features introduced by Exchange 2010
collectively is known as MRM 2.0.

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MRM 1.0 Components

Messaging Records Management (MRM) 1.0 was first introduced as a feature of Exchange
2007. Because Exchange 2010 supports MRM 1.0 and provides a path for upgrading
mailboxes to MRM 2.0, it is important to understand the components of MRM 1.0.
The individual MRM 1.0 components discussed in this section include:
 Managed Folders
 Managed Content Settings
 Managed Folder Mailbox Policy
 Mailbox Account Configuration
 Managed Folder Assistant

Managed Folders
Primary to Messaging Records Management are Managed Folders and the corresponding
Content Settings. Managed Folders are represented by an object in the Active Directory
(AD) directory. Configuration information stored in the attributes on these objects
control how these and other Messaging Records Management components work together,
and how Messaging Records Management appears to the end user.
Managed Folder configuration objects are located in the Configuration partition of AD in
the following container:
Services/Microsoft Exchange/<Organization Name>/ELC Folders Container
In a process called provisioning, these AD objects are mapped one to one with actual
folders in the mailboxes to which provisioning has been applied. The provisioning
process also stamps mailbox folders with properties consumed by client applications so
that appropriate comments and icons appear to the user.
The scope of Managed Folders is organization-wide, so folder names must be unique.
There are two types of Managed Folders: default and custom.

Managed Default Folders

Managed default folders are folders that by default already exist in all mailboxes: Inbox,
Outbox, Sent Items, Calendar, etc... Provisioning links Managed Default Folder Active
Directory objects with the corresponding folders already present in each mailbox.
A preliminary set of Managed Default Folder objects are created in AD as part of
Organization Preparation phase of Exchange Server 2010 setup. There is one Managed
Default Folder object created for each default mailbox folder type as shown in Table 2.

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Table 2: Managed Default Folders

Default Folders
Entire Mailbox Junk Email
Calendar Notes
Contacts Outbox
Deleted Items Sent Items
Drafts Tasks
Inbox RSS Feeds
Journal Sync Issues

Additional Managed Default Folders can be created for any mailbox folder type as long as
the directory name is unique. Existing folders can be renamed to accommodate an overall
naming scheme. Managed Default Folders can be created, configured and deleted via the
Exchange Management Console (EMC) or Exchange Management Shell (EMS). The
Exchange 2010 management tools are 100% backwards compatible with MRM 1.0
components created with Exchange 2007 management tools.

Managed Custom Folders

Managed custom folders are folders that have been defined by an administrator as
required to implement an organization’s messaging records management policy. When
provisioned, these folders are created in mailboxes as subfolders under a root folder
named Managed Folders.
As part of folder definition, a storage quota can be set for each Managed Custom Folder to
limit the total space available to store items in the folder. An administrator defined
comment can be specified to appear in the client, to instruct the end user on the usage of
the folder and the e-mail policy as it applies to them. Comments can also be specified on
Managed Default Folders, but quotas cannot be specified.
No Managed Custom Folders are created by default. Instead they are created as needed by
the administrator as part of a comprehensive Messaging Records Management
Custom Folders are created, configured and deleted from the EMC or EMS. Once
provisioned to a mailbox, a Custom Folder cannot be renamed, moved or deleted from the
client application by an end-user until it is un-provisioned by the administrator. Folder
provisioning and configuration is covered in detail as part of section Managed Folder
Mailbox Policies.

Managed Content Settings

Content Settings are AD objects stored as a child item to Managed Folder objects. The
Content Setting objects contain configuration information defining the retention and
journaling policies for the parent Managed Folder.

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 Retention Policy - Retention polices are configurable by item age and type and can
be applied to any folder in a user’s mailbox. Different retention policies for different
message types can be applied to the same folder at the same time. Item age can be
defined in the policy by when the item was originally received or when it was
moved into the folder where the policy is applied. The actions taken against an item
when enforcing a retention policy include:
o Delete the item permanently, or soft delete the item so it can still be
recovered from the dumpster
o Move the item to a managed folder to give the user a chance to review and
take further action
o Mark the item as expired in the user’s mailbox, as a result prompting the
user to take further action.
 Journaling Policy - Items that are important can be automatically journaled to
another location when placed in a managed folder to which a Journaling policy
applies. The other location can be any recipient with an SMTP address that accepts
messages. This could be another Exchange mailbox, a mail enabled Public Folder, a
Share Point store or a third party archival solution. The Journaling process stamps
items with a label that identifies the policy that journaled the item along with any
additional classification information if so defined. The item is sent as an attachment
to a journaling message that is sent to journaling recipient.
There can be more than one Content Setting object tied to a single Managed Folder, with
different retention and journaling policies each affecting a different message class.
The scope of Content Setting objects is confined to the parent Managed Folder, so
duplicate names across the organization are allowed.
Only one Content Setting object of a specific message class can be specified for each
Managed Folder. The message class is specified at the time of object creation and cannot
be changed.

Managed Folder Policy

Managed Folder Mailbox Policies are AD configuration objects that act as a collection of
one or more Managed Folders that can be applied to a mailbox enabled user account, in a
manner similar to that of a Recipient Policy. Several Managed Folders can be linked to a
single policy, and a single Managed Folder can be linked to multiple policies, as shown in
Figure 1. However, only one policy can be applied to a mailbox enabled account at a time.

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Figure 1: MRM 1.0 Component Relationships


Managed Folder
Mailbox Policies

Default and Custom

Managed Folders

Content Settings

The scope of Managed Folder Mailbox Policies is organization-wide, so policy names must
be unique. A single policy can apply multiple managed folders, but only one policy can be
applied to a mailbox enabled account.
Managed Folder Mailbox Policy objects are located in the Configuration partition of AD in
the following container:
Services/Microsoft Exchange/<Organization Name>/ELC Mailbox Policies

Mailbox Account Configuration

Mailbox enabled accounts have an attribute that determines which Managed Folder
Mailbox Policy applies to the mailbox. Additional attributes determine if the mailbox has
been exempted from MRM action (for example, while the mailbox owner is OOF) and if so,
the beginning and ending dates for the suspension of MRM enforcement.
These attributes are consumed by the Managed Folder Assistant to determine MRM
action for the mailbox.

Managed Folder Assistant

The Managed Folder Assistant is responsible for applying Messaging Records
Management policies to mailboxes. The Managed Folder Assistant runs as part of a
background service on servers holding the Mailbox Server role.

The Managed Folder Assistant is covered in more detail later in this lesson.

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MRM 2.0 Components

Exchange 2010 introduces Messaging Records Management (MRM) 2.0 as an
enhancement of the functionality that was first made available with MRM 1.0. It is
important to understand the individual components of MRM 2.0 that are discussed in this
 Retention Policy Tags
 Retention Policy

Retention Policy Tags

A retention tag is a mechanism to apply retention settings to mailbox folders and
individual items. Retention tag settings specify how long a message remains in a mailbox,
and the action to be taken when the message reaches the specified retention age.
Retention Tags can be applied to folders and individual items such as messages, notes,
and contacts.
You can select from one of the following actions:
 Move to archive
 Move to the Deleted Items folder
 Delete and allow recovery
 Permanently delete
 Mark as past retention limit
Retention Policy Tags are applied to default mailbox folders such as Inbox, Deleted Items,
and Junk Mail. A Retention Policy Tag has one or more Managed Content Settings
associated with it for message retention of different message types. It may also have an
additional Managed Content Settings with journaling settings.
Compared to Managed Folders, which relies on users to move items to the appropriate
Managed Folder based on retention requirements, Retention Tags allow users to tag
items for retention, without affecting their work habits. Users are not required to file
items into folders based on retention requirements. Additionally, if enabled, the
AutoTagging feature learns from a user's tagging behavior and automatically assigns
Retention Tags without user intervention.
Messages are processed by Exchange based on the retention tags and their associated
content settings. When a message reaches a retention limit, it is archived, deleted, or
flagged for user attention.

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Default Tags
A Default Policy Tag can be associated with a Retention Policy and applies to all items in
the mailbox that neither have a retention tag explicitly applied to them, nor inherit a tag
from the folder they reside in. A Default Policy Tag can have more than one Managed
Content Settings associated with it for different item types such as e-mail messages,
voicemail, Contacts. Additionally, it can also have a Content Settings with journaling
settings. You cannot have more than one Default Policy Tag associated with a Retention

Personal Tags
Personal Tags are retention tags that are available for users to manually select and apply
to folders and items in the mailbox. Personal Tags are assigned to users as part of their
Retention Policy, or assigned directly to the user as an optional-in (opt-in) retention tag.
When a user selects and applies a personal retention tag to an item, it overrides the
default retention policy tag previously applied to the item.
Unlike default tags, Personal tags can have only one Managed Content Settings for expiry
of a single message type. Multiple personal tags can be associated to a retention policy,
each with a different expiration action for the same message class.

System Tags
System tags are pre-defined retention tags that are created for use internally by Exchange
2010. System tags are used for retention policies that are automatically applied to
mailboxes that use the User Archive feature, and mailboxes that are used for moderation.

Retention Policy Tags and Default Folders

Default folders such as Inbox, Deleted Items, and Sent Items get the retention policy tags
applied as specified in the retention policy. Users cannot change the retention policy tags
associated with default folders. However, a different tag can be applied by a user to an
item in a default folder, thereby causing the item to have a different retention setting than
the folder it resides in. Similarly, a user can also assign one tag to a user-created folder,
but a different tag to an item in that folder.

Retention Policy
Retention policies make it possible to group one or more retention tags and apply them to
mailboxes. A retention policy can have one or more retention policy tags, a maximum of
one default policy tag, and any number of personal tags. Retention tags can be linked or
unlinked from a retention policy at any time.
Retention policies can be applied to mailboxes using the EMS. A mailbox cannot have
more than one retention policy applied at the same time.

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Managed Folder Assistant

In Exchange 2007, the managed folder assistant (MRM assistant) enforced the managed
folder mailbox policy settings of users to process mailbox items for retention and
journaling as needed. Exchange 2010 extends the functionality of the MRM assistant to
enforce retention policy settings as well.

Assistant Infrastructure
The Assistant Infrastructure is low-level code that runs in the Mailbox Assistants and Mail
Submission services on Exchange Server 2007 Mailbox role servers.
Business logic functionality in previous versions of Exchange was implemented as part of
information store processing. This design presented challenges in product testing and
limited the ability to incorporate new features. To address these problems, a new
architecture based on assistants is designed to process events from the store, or perform
scheduled tasks, instead of being a part of the store. The separation of the business logic
from the store simplifies design and results in a more testable product.
The purpose of the Assistant Infrastructure is to provide the functionality common to all
assistants. This functionality includes:
 Store Event management (polling, dispatching, watermark storage)
 Thread management (use of thread pool)
 Throttling (to limit impact to the store)
 Mailbox state management (mailbox deleted, moved, disconnected)
 Database management (new database / deleted database)
 Error handling (transient and permanent exceptions)
 Poison event detection
The Assistant Infrastructure was first implemented by Exchange Server 2007 and
continues to be used in Exchange 2010.

Isolating Hosting Applications from the Assistant Infrastructure

The Assistant Infrastructure provides the underlying code that interfaces assistant
interaction with the information store. The Assistant Infrastructure is independent of
these hosting applications and is isolated from them by interfaces.
The first of these processes is MSExchangeMailboxAssistants.exe, which is started by
service Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Assistants or MSExchangeMailboxAssistants. This
process is responsible for all Information Worker Assistants.

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The code at the heart of the Assistant Infrastructure is contained in

The Assistant Infrastructure supports two types of assistants: time-based and event-

Time-based Assistant
A time-based assistant processes items based on a predetermined schedule, but can also
be invoked via an administrative task. Time-based assistants do no processing based on
events; rather they interact with individual mailboxes and take some action based on the
condition of items therein. The time-based assistants implemented by Exchange Server
2010 include:
 Email Lifecycle Assistant (MRM Assistant - scheduled)
 TopNWords Assistant
 Calendar Repair Assistant
 Sharing Policy Assistant

Event-based Assistant
An event-based assistant processes tasks based on events of interest from the
information store. An event is generated and stored in the store’s Events History Table
each time a message is received, submitted, modified, or deleted. For example, when a
meeting request message is received, the store generates an event entry in the table. The
Assistant Driver reacts to this event and passes a notification to any event-based assistant
that may be interested. The event-based assistants implemented by Exchange Server
2010 include:
 Email Lifecycle Assistant (MRM Assistant - event)
 Approval Framework Assistant
 Calendaring Attendant (Free\Busy Assistant)
 Conversation Assistant
 Resource Booking Attendant
 OOF Assistant

Managed Folder Assistant Processing

As discussed in the previous section, Exchange 2010 includes two different assistants,
one time based, one event based, for processing MRM actions.

MRM Time Based Assistant Processing

The MRM time-based assistant is responsible for processing both MRM 1.0 and MRM 2.0

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The responsibilities of the Managed Folder Assistant for MRM 1.0 are divided between
three distinct functions.
 The Folder Provisioner is responsible for creating and applying folder policies to
provisioned folders.
 The Retention Enforcer is responsible for expiring mail in folders that have
retention policies associated with them.
 The Journaling Enforcer is responsible for copying mail from a user’s mailbox to a
designated store (Official File).
These functions are identical to the Managed Folder assistant processing provided in
Exchange 2007. This ensures 100% compatibility for organizations that have already
implemented MRM 1.0 and transition user mailboxes from Exchange 2007 to Exchange
In addition to this backwards-compatibility processing, the time-based MRM assistant is
responsible for the following MRM 2.0 processing.
 When a Exchange Administrator removes a policy or updates it(such as change the
expiration time), the time-based MRM assistant picks up this change and stamps
each message in the mailbox.
 The time-based MRM assistant processes the training algorithm for auto-tagging.

MRM Event Based Assistant Processing

The MRM Event-Based assistant is responsible for processing the following:
 Reconciling expiry date on every item when a message is altered – this could be a
new item-level tag or an explicit expiry date change.
 Making sure that if a folder is moved, all items in the folder are correctly stamped.
 Auto-tagging new items as they are delivered to the mailbox.

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How Retention Periods Are Calculated

If you set a retention limit on items with a Retention Tag or within a Managed Folder,
the managed folder assistant tests the age of those items and takes the specified action for
items that have exceeded their retention limit. This topic describes how the managed
folder assistant determines whether an item has exceeded a retention limit.

Determining the Age of Different Types of Items

When you create managed content settings for a Retention Tag or a Managed Folder, you
can select one of the following two options to specify how the managed folder assistant
determines when a retention period starts:
 When the item is delivered to the user's mailbox (or for calendar items and
recurring tasks, when the item is older than its end date)
 When the user moves the item into the managed folder
After determining when a retention period starts, the managed folder assistant uses rules
to determine the age of items for the purpose of enforcing retention limits. The tables in
this section describe the rules used for various items.

Calendar Items
Depending on whether a calendar item is in the Deleted Items folder, the managed folder
assistant uses the following rules to calculate the age of calendar items and enforce
retention limits. The steps for each rule are listed in Table 1 in the order in which they are
Table 3: Calculating Retention for Calendar Items

Location of calendar Rules

Calendar items in the A calendar item expires according to its message-received date, if one
Deleted Items folder exists.
If a calendar item does not have a message-received date, it expires
according to its message-creation date.
If a calendar item has neither a message-received date nor a message-
creation date, it does not expire.
Calendar items not in the Non-recurring calendar items expire according to their end date.
Deleted Items folder Recurring calendar items expire according to the end date of their last
occurrence. Recurring calendar items with no end date do not expire.

Depending on whether a task is in the Deleted Items folder, the managed folder assistant
uses the rules listed in the following table to calculate the age of tasks and enforce

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retention limits. The steps for each rule are listed in Table 1 in the order in which they are
Table 4: Calculating Retention for Tasks

Location of tasks Rules

Tasks in the Deleted A task expires according to its message-received date, if one exists.
Items folder If a task does not have a message-received date, it expires according to its
message-creation date.
If a task has neither a message-received date nor a message-creation date, it
does not expire.
Tasks not in the Non-recurring tasks:
Deleted Items folder A non-recurring task expires according to its message-received date, if one
If a non-recurring task does not have a message-received date, it expires
according to its message-creation date.
If a non-recurring task has neither a message-received date nor a message-
creation date, it does not expire.
A recurring task expires according to the end date of its last occurrence. If a
recurring task does not have an end date, it does not expire.
A regenerating task (which is a recurring task that regenerates a specified time
after the preceding instance of the task is completed) does not expire.

Other Items
For all other types of items, the managed folder assistant uses the following rules to
calculate the age and enforce retention limits. These items include:
 E-mail messages
 Contacts
 Documents
 Faxes
 Journal items
 Meeting requests, responses, and cancellations
 Missed calls
The steps for each rule are listed in Table 1 in the order in which they are performed.
Table 5: Calculating Retention for Other Items

Period at which retention starts Rules

When an item is delivered to a If the item has a message-received date, the message-received
user's mailbox date is used.
If the item does not have a message-received date, the message-
creation date is used.
If the item does not have a message-creation date, the message

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does not expire.

When a user moves the item to If the item has a move date, the move date is used.
the managed folder If the item does not have a move date, the item does not expire.

Corrupt Items
Any corrupt items in a mailbox are skipped by the managed folder assistant and do not

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AutoTagging is an additional feature of MRM 2.0 that allows further automation of
retention policies by automatically applying retention tags to items based on past user
behavior, without affecting user workflow.

AutoTagging Basics
AutoTagging uses a machine learning algorithm (Conjugate Gradient Logistic
Regression Algorithm) that tracks users' tagging behavior. Given a sampling that is large
enough for it to learn, AutoTagging can predict the user's tagging behavior from the
sampling. The user must have manually tagged a minimum of 500 messages in the
mailbox for AutoTagging to start learning. Message characteristics, content, and the user-
assigned retention tags are inspected by the AutoTagging algorithm, and a model created
to predict the user's tagging behavior. Once learning is complete, AutoTagging
automatically assigns the appropriate retention tags to new items as they arrive.

User Control of AutoTagging

After enabling AutoTagging, a mailbox user can disable it at any time using the ECP. Users
can override the retention tag automatically applied to a message by appliying a different
tag that may be more appropriate. Users can also override the automatically applied tag
by moving a message to a folder that has a tag applied to it. User-applied tags always have
precedence and are never altered by AutoTagging.
Whenever a user overrides the tag applied by AutoTagging, the message metadata is
updated with that information. AutoTagging notices such changes made by the user and
the learning algorithm continues to fine tune its predictions based on such changes.

Administrative Control
Regardless of whether AutoTagging is enabled on a mailbox by the user or the
administrator, Exchange 2010 lets the administrator control AutoTagging functionality as
 Enable or Disable AutoTagging: Administrators can enable or disable
AutoTagging for a mailbox.
 Clear Tags: Retention tags for all automatically tagged messages in a mailbox can
be cleared by administrators.
 CrossValidate: Administrators can check the efficiency of AutoTagging's
knowledge of a mailbox user's tagging behavior. Administrators can crossvalidate
the efficiency of AutoTagging for the mailbox, and compare the number of
AutoTagged messages with the number of messages with tags overridden by the

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 Reset and retrain AutoTagging behavior: The tagging behavior learnt by

AutoTagging for a mailbox can also be reset by the administrator, and the mailbox
configured to start learning again.

AutoTagging Processing
AutoTagging processing is handled by the MRM assistant. There are two “agents” that
work in conjunction to determine how a user has used tags in the past, build a model of
that activity, and then apply tags automatically based on that model. The agents are:
 Training Agent – The training agent is responsible for “learning” the tagging habits
of a user by examining the messages tagged by the user. The training agent is
processed by the time-based MRM Assistant.
 Prediction Agent – The prediction agent uses the model created by the training
agent to apply tags automatically to new items as they are delivered. The prediction
agent is processed by the event-based MRM Assistant.
The information required for AutoTagging processing is stored in each mailbox in hidden
FAI messages store in the associated contents of the Inbox folder. The FAI items are:
 AutoTag Settings FAI message - (IPM.Configuration.MRM.AutoTagSetting) The
AutoTag Settings message contains the information required by the MRM assistant
for processing AutoTagging. The information is stored in XML format. Included in
the data are counters that indicate the number of messages that have been auto
tagged by the assistant, and the number of messages that have been re-tagged by
the user.
 Model FAI message - (IPM.Configuration.MRM.AutoTag.Model) The Model
message is used to store the model that was built by the training agent. The data is
used by the prediction agent when applying auto tags.
AutoTagging processing can be broken down into these simple steps:
1. The IW turns on Auto-Tagging in the ECP.
2. The MRM time-based assistant contains logic for the training algorithm. Based on the
IW’s already tagged messages, the MRM time-based assistant writes a hidden FAI
message item that contains a mapping of keywords and RPTs along with attached
probabilities for each keyword.
3. For new incoming e-mail, the event-based MRM Assistant uses the training data to
stamp the appropriate RPT based on the learning. The event-based assistant considers
the confidence level and threshold before stamping the new message with an Auto-Tag.
4. It is still possible for the IW to override the custom default. Moving to a folder or item-
level override will be supported just like it is with a standard default. Turning off
Retention Auto-Tags stops new messages being stamped with Retention Auto-Tags.
Figure 2 shows a high-level diagram of the component of AutoTagging.

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Figure 2: AutoTagging Processing

Events History

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Managing MRM
This section describes the management tasks for MRM.

EMS Messaging Records Management Commands

This section covers details about the cmdlets provided by Exchange Server 2010 for
records management configuration, processing and diagnostics. This section is divided
into three main groups based on the area of management:
 MRM 1.0 Cmdlets
 MRM 2.0 Cmdlets
 Associated Records Management Cmdlets - cmdlets for managing objects that
enable MRM features.

Common Parameters
There are parameters that are common to most of the cmdlets described in this lesson.
For efficiency sake, these parameters are described in, and apply to wherever they are
used in the syntax list for each cmdlet.
Table 6: Common Parameters

Common Parameter Description

DomainController The DomainController parameter refers to the fully
qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller
that writes this configuration change to Active Directory.
Confirm The Confirm switch causes the command to pause
processing and requires you to acknowledge what the
command will do before processing continues. You don't
have to specify a value with the Confirm switch.
WhatIf The WhatIf switch instructs the command to simulate the
actions that it would take on the object. By using the
WhatIf switch, you can view what changes would occur
without having to apply any of those changes. You don't
have to specify a value with the WhatIf switch.
<CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose,
Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction,
WarningVariable, OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more
information, type, "get-help about_commonparameters".

MRM 1.0 Cmdlets

The following cmdlets are used to manage MRM 1.0 features:
 Get-ManagedFolder

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 New-ManagedFolder
 Set-ManagedFolder
 Remove-ManagedFolder
 Get-ManagedContentSettings
 New-ManagedContentSettings
 Set-ManagedContentSettings
 Remove-ManagedContentSettings
 Get-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy
 New-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy
 Set-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy
 Remove-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy

Use the Get-ManagedFolder cmdlet to retrieve the attributes of one or more managed

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Delegated Setup
 Hygiene Management
 Organization Management
 Records Management
 View-Only Organization Management

Exchange 2010 relies on Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to control access to
Note: the tasks described in this section. RBAC is covered in detail as part of a
separate module that is a prerequisite for this topic.

Figure 1 shows the syntax for Get-ManagedFolder.

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Figure 3: Get-ManagedFolder Syntax

Get-ManagedFolder [-Identity <ELCFolderIdParameter>]

[-DomainController <Fqdn>]

Get-ManagedFolder [-DomainController <Fqdn>]

[-Mailbox <MailboxIdParameter>]

Table 1 describes the parameters for Get-ManagedFolder and how they are used.
Table 7: Get-ManagedFolder Parameters

Paramet Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the name, distinguished name (DN), or GUID of the
managed folder. The Identity parameter cannot be used in conjunction with the
Mailbox parameter.
Mailbox The Mailbox parameter refers to the identity of the mailbox. Valid values include
SMTP address, domain name, and alias. The command retrieves all the folders that
apply to the specified user. The Mailbox parameter cannot be used in conjunction
with the Identity parameter.

The Get-ManagedFolder cmdlet retrieves the specified managed folder attributes:
 If only an Identity parameter value is present, the command retrieves the
specified folder and all associated attributes.
 Managed folders that users add by means of an organization's managed folder
opt-in Web site are not displayed by this command.
 If no parameter values are specified, the command retrieves all the folder
objects and their associated attributes.
The Get-ManagedFolder cmdlet accepts a ManagedFolder object or an identity string as
pipelined input. The following example uses Get-ManagedFolder without any additional
parameters to list all managed folders:
[PS] C:\>Get-ManagedFolder

Name FolderName Description

---- ---------- -----------
Calendar Calendar ManagedDefaultFolder
Contacts Contacts ManagedDefaultFolder
Deleted Items DeletedItems ManagedDefaultFolder
Drafts Drafts ManagedDefaultFolder
Inbox Inbox ManagedDefaultFolder
Junk E-mail JunkEmail ManagedDefaultFolder
Journal Journal ManagedDefaultFolder
Notes Notes ManagedDefaultFolder

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Outbox Outbox ManagedDefaultFolder

Sent Items SentItems ManagedDefaultFolder
Tasks Tasks ManagedDefaultFolder
Entire Mailbox All ManagedDefaultFolder
RSS Feeds RssSubscriptions ManagedDefaultFolder
Sync Issues SyncIssues ManagedDefaultFolder
Entire Mailbox Seattle All ManagedDefaultFolder

This example uses the -Identity parameter to retrieve information on the managed folder
named “Deleted Items”. Because the name contains a space character, the name bust be
enclosed in quotes as shown:
[PS] C:\>Get-ManagedFolder -Identity "Deleted Items"

Name FolderName Description

---- ---------- -----------
Deleted Items DeletedItems ManagedDefaultFolder

This example uses the -Mailbox parameter to retrieve information on the managed folder
that is linked to the managed folder policy assigned to the specified user user12:
[PS] C:\>Get-ManagedFolder -Mailbox user12

Name FolderName Description

---- ---------- -----------
Entire Mailbox Seattle All ManagedDefaultFolder

To see all of the settings returned by Get-ManagedFolder, pass the results by pipeline to
the Format-List command as shown in this example:
[PS] C:\>Get-ManagedFolder -Identity "Entire Mailbox Seattle" | Format-List

RunspaceId : 5f7227f0-c5c5-4c2e-8fff-d9ced58a9768
FolderType : All
Description : ManagedDefaultFolder
FolderName : All
LocalizedFolderName : {}
StorageQuota : unlimited
Comment : Voicemail Items in your Mailbox are moved to
Deleted Items after 7 days
LocalizedComment : {}
MustDisplayCommentEnabled : True
BaseFolderOnly : False
TemplateIds : {Seattle Mailboxes}
RetentionPolicyTag : {}
AdminDisplayName :
ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name : Entire Mailbox Seattle
DistinguishedName : CN=Entire Mailbox Seattle,CN=ELC Folders
Container,CN=contoso,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Serv
Identity : Entire Mailbox Seattle
Guid : 1c6323bf-d0c0-4046-815d-53c22d6ae892
ObjectCategory :

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ObjectClass : {top, msExchELCFolder}
WhenChanged : 8/11/2009 11:31:56 AM
WhenCreated : 8/11/2009 11:31:56 AM
WhenChangedUTC : 8/11/2009 6:31:56 PM
WhenCreatedUTC : 8/11/2009 6:31:56 PM
OrganizationId :
OriginatingServer :
IsValid : True

The properties of interest that appear in the output from Get-ManagedFolder are shown
in Table 2.
Table 8: Get-ManagedFolder Properties

Property Name Description

FolderType The FolderType property indicates the type of managed folder
for this folder.
Description The Description property identifies the folder as either
ManagedDefaultFolder or ManagedCustomFolder.
FolderName The FolderName property indicates the folder name as it appears
in users' mailboxes.
LocalizedFolderName The LocalizedFolderName property indicates the localized folder
names and their languages.
StorageQuota The StorageQuota property indicates the storage size limit for
the mailbox folder.
Comment The Comment property indicates the default administrator
comment that is displayed with the folder in Microsoft Office
Outlook 2007 and Microsoft Office Outlook Web App.
LocalizedComment The LocalizedComment property indicates the localized
administrator comments and their languages.
MustDisplayCommentEnable The MustDisplayCommentEnabled property indicates if the flag
d used by Outlook 2007 to prevent users from minimizing a folder
comment is set. When this value is $True, the flag is set.
BaseFolderOnly The BaseFolderOnly property indicates if the managed content
settings are applied only to the managed folder or to the folder
and all its subfolders.
TemplateIds The TemplateIds property identifies the managed folder mailbox
policies that are linked to this managed folder.
RetentionPolicyTag ????Investigate????
AdminDisplayName ????Investigate????
Name The Name property indicates the name of this managed folder as
it appears in the Active Directory (AD) directory.

The New-ManagedFolder cmdlet creates a new managed folder in the Active Directory
(AD) directory. By default, managed custom folders are created with this cmdlet.
However, you can also create additional copies of managed default folders using the
DefaultFolderType parameter to specify which type of default folder to create (for

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example, an additional Inbox folder). When you create multiple copies of a managed
default folder, you can assign different content settings to each one.
You must assign a unique name (using the Name parameter) to each of the managed
default folders that you create. Users, however, always see the unaltered default folder
name. Although the folder names that users see in their mailboxes can be reassigned for
managed custom folders (using the Set-ManagedFolder command FolderName
parameter), the folder names seen by users for managed default folders can't be changed.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 2 shows the syntax for New-ManagedFolder.
Figure 4: New-ManagedFolder Syntax

New-ManagedFolder -Name <String>

-FolderName <String>
[-BaseFolderOnly <$true | $false>]
[-Comment <String>]
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-LocalizedComment <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-LocalizedFolderName <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-MustDisplayCommentEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-StorageQuota <Unlimited>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

New-ManagedFolder -Name <String>

-DefaultFolderType <Nullable>
[-BaseFolderOnly <$true | $false>]
[-Comment <String>]
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-LocalizedComment <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-MustDisplayCommentEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 3 describes the parameters for New-ManagedFolder and how they are used.
Table 9: New-ManagedFolder Parameters

Parameter Description
DefaultFolderType The DefaultFolderType parameter refers to the type of default

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folder to create, such as Inbox or Deleted Items. A managed

folder mailbox policy can have only one managed folder of each
default folder type. Additional default folders of a particular type,
such as Inbox, can be created and added to different mailbox
policies. This allows you to assign different managed content
settings for a particular default folder type for different sets of
For example, you could have two default folders of type Inbox,
one with managed content settings set to retain messages for
one month and one with settings to retain messages for one
year. Each managed default folder should have a unique name
(assigned using the Name parameter).
The default folder types that you can specify are:
 Calendar
 Contacts
 DeletedItems
 Drafts
 Inbox
 JunkEmail
 Journal
 Notes
 Outbox
 SentItems
 Tasks
 All
 ManagedCustomFolder
 RssSubscriptions
 SyncIssues
 ConversationHistory
If a value isn't entered for the DefaultFolderType parameter, it's
treated as a managed custom folder.
FolderName The FolderName parameter refers to the folder name as it
appears in users' mailboxes. The folder name can have up to 255
characters. You can't set the FolderName parameter for
managed default folders, such as Inbox. The FolderName
parameter shouldn't be confused with the Name parameter.
Name The Name parameter refers to a unique name for the managed
folder object in Active Directory. The name can have up to 65
characters. Whereas the FolderName parameter refers to the
folder name as displayed to users in e-mail clients, the Name
parameter is used by Exchange administration tools to represent
the managed folder object. The Name parameter shouldn't be
confused with the FolderName parameter.
BaseFolderOnly The BaseFolderOnly parameter refers to whether the managed
content settings should be applied only to the managed folder or
to the folder and all its subfolders.

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Comment The Comment parameter refers to the default administrator

comment to be displayed with the folder in Microsoft Office
Outlook 2007 and Microsoft Office Outlook Web App. The
comment can have up to 255 characters, including spaces.
LocalizedComment The LocalizedComment parameter refers to localized
administrator comments and their languages. When the
language setting of Outlook 2007 matches one of the locales
specified in this parameter, the corresponding localized
comment is displayed.
Comments must be in the form ISOLanguageCode:Comment (for
example, -LocalizedComment EN-US:"This is a localized comment
in U.S. English").
LocalizedFolderName The LocalizedFolderName parameter refers to the localized
folder names and their languages. When the language setting of
Outlook 2007 matches one of the locales specified in this
parameter, the corresponding localized folder name is displayed.
Folder names must be in the form
ISOLanguageCode:FolderName (for example,
-LocalizedFolderName EN-US:"Business Critical").
MustDisplayCommentEnable If the MustDisplayCommentEnabled parameter is present and
d set to $true, the parameter sets a flag used by Outlook 2007 to
prevent users from minimizing a folder comment. If the
parameter isn't present or is set to $false, users can minimize the
StorageQuota The StorageQuota parameter refers to the storage size limit for
the mailbox folder. When the folder size exceeds this limit, no
additional items may be added. Storage size limits can be
specified in kilobytes (KB) or megabytes (MB), for example, 100
KB or 5 MB. StorageQuota can only be set on custom managed

The following example uses New-ManagedFolder to create a new custom managed folder
that has a storage quota of 100 MB:
[PS] C:\>New-ManagedFolder -Name “Business Critical” -FolderName "Business
Critical" -StorageQuota 100MB

This example creates a managed folder that has a default folder name and comment in
English, localized folder name in Spanish and French, and localized comment in Spanish
and French.
[PS] C:\> New-ManagedFolder -Name EngineeringSpecs -FolderName "Engineering
Specifications" -LocalizedFolderName Spanish:" Especificaciones de
ingeniería ", French:"Spécifications Ingénieur" -Comment "Messages related
to Engineering Specifications are kept for 5 years" -LocalizedComment
Spanish:" Mensajes relacionados con especificaciones de ingeniería se
mantienen durante 5 años ", French:" Messages liés aux caractéristiques
ingénieur sont conservés pendant 5 ans"

This example creates a new managed default folder for all items in the mailbox:

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[PS] C:\>New-ManagedFolder -Name “Entire Mailbox Dallas” -DefaultFolderType

The Set-ManagedFolder cmdlet modifies the specified parameters of a managed folder.
The Set-ManagedFolder cmdlet accepts a managed custom folder or an identity string as
pipelined input.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 3 shows the syntax for Set-ManagedFolder.
Figure 5: Set-ManagedFolder Syntax

Set-ManagedFolder -Identity <ELCFolderIdParameter>

[-BaseFolderOnly <$true | $false>]
[-Comment <String>]
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-FolderName <String>]
[-LocalizedComment <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-LocalizedFolderName <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-MustDisplayCommentEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-Name <String>]
[-StorageQuota <Unlimited>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 4 describes the parameters for Set-ManagedFolder and how they are used.
Table 10: Set-ManagedFolder Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the name, distinguished name
(DN), or GUID of the managed folder.
BaseFolderOnly The BaseFolderOnly parameter refers to whether the managed
content settings should be applied only to the managed folder or
to the folder and all its subfolders.
Comment The Comment parameter refers to the default administrator
comment to be displayed with the folder in Microsoft Office
Outlook 2007.
FolderName The FolderName parameter refers to the name of the folder

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object as it appears in users' mailboxes.

LocalizedComment The LocalizedComment parameter refers to localized
administrator comments and their languages. Localized
comments are displayed instead of the default comment when
the language setting of any client that displays comments
matches a language specified for this parameter value.
Comments must be in the form ISOLanguageCode:Comment, for
example, -LocalizedComment EN-US:"This is a localized comment
in U.S. English."
LocalizedFolderName The LocalizedFolderName parameter refers to localized folder
names and their languages. Localized folder names are displayed
instead of the default folder name when the language setting of
Outlook 2007 matches a language specified for this parameter
Comments must be in the form ISOLanguageCode:Comment, for
example, -LocalizedFolderName EN-US:"This is a localized folder
name in U.S. English."
MustDisplayCommentEnable The MustDisplayCommentEnabled parameter refers to whether
d to set a flag that's used by any client that displays comments and
accepts this setting. If this parameter is set to $true, a flag is set
that prevents users from minimizing a folder comment, which is
visible in Outlook 2007 only. If the parameter isn't present or is
set to $false, users can minimize the comment.
Name The Name parameter refers to a unique name for the content
settings. The Name parameter doesn't appear in users'
StorageQuota The StorageQuota parameter refers to the storage size limit for
the mailbox folder. When the folder size exceeds this limit, no
additional items may be added. Sizes can be specified in kilobytes
(KB) or megabytes (MB). The StorageQuota parameter is valid for
managed custom folders only.

The following example uses Set-ManagedFolder to specify a storage quota of 50 MB and
sets the flag that prevents users from minimizing the comment from Outlook:
[PS] C:\>Set-ManagedFolder -Identity “Engineering Specifications”
-StorageQuota 50MB -MustDisplayCommentEnabled $True

Use the Remove-ManagedFolder cmdlet to remove a managed folder from AD.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

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Figure 4 shows the syntax for Remove-ManagedFolder.
Figure 6: Remove-ManagedFolder Syntax

Remove-ManagedFolder -Identity <ELCFolderIdParameter>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 5 describes the parameters for Remove-ManagedFolder and how they are used.
Table 11: Remove-ManagedFolder Parameters

Paramet Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the name, distinguished name (DN), or GUID of the
managed folder.

The following example uses Remove-ManagedFolder to remove the managed folder
specified with the -Identity parameter. The user is prompted to confirm the remove
operation before any changes are committed:
[PS] C:\>Remove-ManagedFolder -Identity "Test Managed Custom Folder"

Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Removing managed custom folder "Test Managed Custom Folder". This will
remove all managed content settings that apply to this folder for all
mailboxes to which a policy containing this folder applies. This will not
delete the folder in a user's mailbox, or its contents. Users will be able
to move, rename, or delete this folder from their mailboxes.
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [?] Help (default is "Y"): y

Use the Get-ManagedContentSettings cmdlet to retrieve managed content settings
associated with managed folders. Managed content settings are settings that you apply to
managed folders to control the lifespan of items in users' mailboxes.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Delegated Setup
 Hygiene Management
 Organization Management

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 Records Management
 View-Only Organization Management

Figure 5 shows the syntax for Get-ManagedContentSettings.
Figure 7: Get-ManagedContentSettings Syntax

Get-ManagedContentSettings [-Identity <ELCContentSettingsIdParameter>]

[-DomainController <Fqdn>]

Get-ManagedContentSettings [-DomainController <Fqdn>]

[-FolderName <ELCFolderIdParameter>]

Get-ManagedContentSettings [-DomainController <Fqdn>]

[-RetentionPolicyTag <RetentionPolicyTagIdParameter>]

Table 6 describes the parameters for Get-ManagedContentSettings and how they are
Table 12: Get-ManagedContentSettings Parameters

Parameter Description
FolderName The FolderName parameter refers to the name or GUID of the managed
folder to which the managed content settings apply. When used, this
command retrieves all the policies that apply to that folder. This parameter
can't be used with the Identity parameter.
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the name, distinguished name (DN), or
GUID of the set of managed content settings. When used, this command
retrieves the folder content settings and all associated attributes. This
parameter can't be used with the FolderName parameter.
RetentionPolicyTa The RetentionPolicyTag parameter isn't available at this time.

The Get-ManagedContentSettings cmdlet retrieves from one to all of the managed content
settings. You can also retrieve only the managed content settings associated with a
specified managed folder. If only the Identity parameter is present, the folder content
settings and all associated attributes are returned. If the Identity parameter isn't present,
the command returns all content settings. If the FolderName parameter is present, the
command returns all content settings contained in the specified managed folder and all
the attributes of each setting.
The following example uses Get-ManagedContentSettings to return a list of all managed
content setting objects in AD:
[PS] C:\>Get-ManagedContentSettings

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Name MessageClass ManagedFolderName

---- ------------ -----------------
AutoGroup_cs * AutoGroup
ModeratedRecipients_cs * ModeratedRecipients
Personal 1 Year move t... * Personal 1 Year move
Default 2 year move to... IPM.Note Default 2 year move
Personal 5 year move t... * Personal 5 year move
Personal never move to... * Personal never move
Entire Mailbox Seattle... IPM.Note.Microsoft.Voi... Entire Mailbox Seattle

This example returns information for the managed content settings specified by the
-Identity parameter:
[PS] C:\>Get-ManagedContentSettings -Identity "Entire Mailbox Seattle -
Delete Voice Mail after 7 days"

Name MessageClass ManagedFolderName

---- ------------ -----------------
Entire Mailbox Seattle... IPM.Note.Microsoft.Voi... Entire Mailbox Seattle

To see all of the settings returned by Get- ManagedContentSettings, pass the results by
pipeline to the Format-List command as shown in this example:
[PS] C:\>Get-ManagedContentSettings -Identity "Entire Mailbox Seattle -
Delete Voice Mail after 7 days" | Format-List

RunspaceId : 5f7227f0-c5c5-4c2e-8fff-d9ced58a9768
MessageClassDisplayName : Voice Mail
MessageClass : IPM.Note.Microsoft.Voicemail*
Description : Managed Content Settings
RetentionEnabled : True
RetentionAction : DeleteAndAllowRecovery
AgeLimitForRetention : 7.00:00:00
MoveToDestinationFolder :
TriggerForRetention : WhenDelivered
MessageFormatForJournaling : UseTnef
JournalingEnabled : False
AddressForJournaling :
LabelForJournaling :
ManagedFolder : Entire Mailbox Seattle
ManagedFolderName : Entire Mailbox Seattle
AdminDisplayName :
ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)
Name : Entire Mailbox Seattle - Delete Voice Mail
after 7 days
DistinguishedName : CN=Entire Mailbox Seattle - Delete Voice Mail
r 7 days,CN=Entire Mailbox Seattle,CN=ELC

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Identity : Entire Mailbox Seattle - Delete Voice Mail
after 7 days
Guid : 156b3dc2-a7d5-4173-b6ef-535daba56046
ObjectCategory :
ObjectClass : {top, msExchELCContentSettings}
WhenChanged : 8/11/2009 11:33:03 AM
WhenCreated : 8/11/2009 11:33:03 AM
WhenChangedUTC : 8/11/2009 6:33:03 PM
WhenCreatedUTC : 8/11/2009 6:33:03 PM
OrganizationId :
OriginatingServer :
IsValid : True

The properties of interest that appear in the output from Get-ManagedContentSettings

are shown in Table 7.
Table 13: Get-ManagedContentSettings Properties

Property Name Description

MessageClassDisplayName The MessageClassDisplayName property indicates the friendly
name for the message type to which these content settings apply.
MessageClass The MessageClass property indicates the message type to which
any expiration and journaling configuration settings within these
content settings apply.
Description The Description property indicates the description for this type of
content management object.
RetentionEnabled The RetentionEnabled property indicates that retention is
enabled when set to $true.
RetentionAction The RetentionAction property indicates one of the following
AgeLimitForRetention The AgeLimitForRetention property indicates the age at which
retention is enforced on an item. The age limit corresponds to the
number of days from the date the item was delivered, or the date
an item was created if it wasn't delivered.
MoveToDestinationFolder The MoveToDestinationFolder property indicates the destination
folder for a move action. The destination folder must be an
existing managed custom folder.
TriggerForRetention The TriggerForRetention property indicates the condition that is
considered as the start date for the retention period.
MessageFormatForJournalin The MessageFormatForJournaling property indicates the message
g format in which an item affected by this content setting should be
JournalingEnabled The JournalingEnabled property indicates that journaling is
enabled when set to $true.
AddressForJournaling The AddressForJournaling property indicates the journaling
recipient to which journaled messages are sent. This parameter is
required if the JournalingEnabled parameter is set to $true.
LabelForJournaling The LabelForJournaling property indicates a label that's attached

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to an item. This label is used by the destination store to

determine the content of the item and enforce the appropriate
ManagedFolder The ManagedFolder property indicates the name of the managed
folder to which the managed content settings apply.
ManagedFolderName The FolderName property indicates the name of the managed
folder to which the managed content settings apply.
AdminDisplayName ????Investigate????
Name The Name property indicates a unique name for the managed
content settings.

Use the New-ManagedContentSettings cmdlet to create managed content settings for
managed folders.
Managed content settings are settings that you associate with managed folders to control
the lifespan of items in users' mailboxes. Lifespan is controlled in the following ways:
 By controlling content retention and removing content that's no longer needed.
 By automatically journaling important content to a separate storage location
outside the mailbox.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 6 shows the syntax for New-ManagedContentSettings.

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Figure 8: New-ManagedContentSettings Syntax

New-ManagedContentSettings -Name <String>

-FolderName <ELCFolderIdParameter>
-MessageClass <String>
[-AddressForJournaling <RecipientIdParameter>]
[-AgeLimitForRetention <Nullable>]
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-JournalingEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-LabelForJournaling <String>]
[-MessageFormatForJournaling <UseMsg | UseTnef>]
[-MoveToDestinationFolder <ELCFolderIdParameter>]
[-RetentionAction <action>]
[-RetentionEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-TriggerForRetention <WhenDelivered | WhenMoved>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 8 describes the parameters for New-ManagedContentSettings and how they are
Table 14: New-ManagedContentSettings Parameters

Parameter Description
FolderName The FolderName parameter refers to the name or GUID of the
managed folder to which the managed content settings apply.

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MessageClass The MessageClass parameter refers to the message type to which

any expiration and journaling configuration settings within these
content settings apply.
The parameter value can be a well-known message type such as
Calendar items, a specific message class such as
IPM.NOTE.SMIME, or a custom message class. The following well-
known message types can be used:
 AllMailboxContent
 CalItems
 Contacts
 Documents
 E-mail
 Faxes
 Journal
 MeetingRequest
 MissedCall
 Notes
 Posts
 Rss
 Tasks
 Voicemail
Valid parameter values for custom message classes include:
* A specific message class (for example, IPM.NOTE).
* The asterisk (*) wildcard character, which indicates that the
content settings apply to all message classes.
* *.NOTE and IPM.*.NOTE aren't acceptable.
When wildcard characters are used, these policies apply only to
message classes that don't have a specific content setting.
Therefore, IPM.NOTE.SMIME overrides IPM.NOTE.*. Specific
settings supersede general settings. For example, Voicemail
supersedes AllMailboxContent.
Name The Name parameter refers to a unique name for the managed
content settings.
AddressForJournaling The AddressForJournaling parameter refers to the journaling
recipient to which journaled messages are sent. This parameter is
required if the JournalingEnabled parameter is set to $true.
AgeLimitForRetention The AgeLimitForRetention parameter refers to the age at which
retention is enforced on an item. The age limit corresponds to the
number of days from the date the item was delivered, or the date
an item was created if it wasn't delivered. If this parameter isn't
present and the RetentionEnabled parameter is set to $true, an
error is returned.
JournalingEnabled The JournalingEnabled parameter refers to that journaling is
enabled when set to $true.
LabelForJournaling The LabelForJournaling parameter refers to a label that's attached
to an item. This label is used by the destination store to

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determine the content of the item and enforce the appropriate

MessageFormatForJournalin The MessageFormatForJournaling parameter refers to the
g message format that an item should be journaled in. You can use
the following values:
 UseMsg Outlook .msg format
 UseTnef Outlook MAPI format
MoveToDestinationFolder The MoveToDestinationFolder parameter refers to the
destination folder for a move action. The destination folder must
be an existing managed custom folder. If it isn't, an error is
returned. If the MoveToDestinationFolder parameter isn't
present, and the value of the RetentionAction parameter is
MoveToFolder, an error is returned.
RetentionAction The RetentionAction parameter refers to one of the following
 MoveToDeletedItems
 MoveToFolder
 DeleteAndAllowRecovery
 PermanentlyDelete
 MarkAsPastRetentionLimit
 MoveToArchive
If this parameter isn't present and the RetentionEnabled
parameter is set to $true, an error is returned.
RetentionEnabled The RetentionEnabled parameter refers to that retention is
enabled when set to $true.
TriggerForRetention The TriggerForRetention parameter refers to the date that's
considered as the start date for the retention period. An item can
reach its retention limit a specific number of days after the item
was delivered or after it was moved to a folder.
Valid values include:
 WhenDelivered
 WhenMoved
This value corresponds to the 0x4 bit of the msExchELCFlags
attribute in Active Directory. The flag is set to $true if the item will
expire based on the date it was moved and $false if the item will
expire based on the delivery date. If this parameter isn't present
and the RetentionEnabled parameter is set to $true, an error is

The following example uses New-ManagedContentSettings to create managed content
settings for the managed default folder Executive Deleted Items. When added to a
managed folder mailbox policy and applied to a mailbox, items in the Deleted Items folder
will be permanently deleted 30 days from the date of delivery:

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[PS] C:\>New-ManagedContentSettings -Name Exec-DeletedItems_cs -FolderName
"Executive Deleted Items" -MessageClass * -RetentionEnabled $true -Retention
Action DeleteAndAllowRecovery -AgeLimitForRetention 30 -TriggerForRetention

This example creates managed content settings Exec-Calendar_cs for the Calendar
message class. The managed content settings apply to the custom folder Executive
Calendar. Retention is enabled, and items are moved to the Deleted Items folder after 180
[PS] C:\>New-ManagedContentSettings -Name Exec-Calendar_cs -FolderName
ve Calendar” -MessageClass Calendar -RetentionEnabled $true -RetentionAction
MoveToDeletedItems -AgeLimitForRetention 180

Use the Set-ManagedContentSettings cmdlet to modify existing managed content settings
for a managed folder. Although the New-ManagedContentSettings cmdlet has the
MessageClass parameter, the Set-ManagedContentSettings cmdlet doesn't. If you want to
change the message type to which content settings apply, you must delete and then re-
create the content settings.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 7 shows the syntax for Set-ManagedContentSettings.
Figure 9: Set-ManagedContentSettings Syntax

Set-ManagedContentSettings -Identity <ELCContentSettingsIdParameter>

[-AddressForJournaling <RecipientIdParameter>]
[-AgeLimitForRetention <Nullable>]
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-JournalingEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-LabelForJournaling <String>]
[-MessageFormatForJournaling <UseMsg | UseTnef>]
[-MoveToDestinationFolder <ELCFolderIdParameter>]
[-Name <String>]
[-RetentionAction <action>]
[-RetentionEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-TriggerForRetention <WhenDelivered | WhenMoved>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

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Table 9 describes the parameters for Set-ManagedContentSettings and how they are
Table 15: Set-ManagedContentSettings Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the name, distinguished name
(DN), or GUID of the managed content settings.
AddressForJournaling The AddressForJournaling parameter refers to the address of the
journaling recipient that's the destination of journaling
AgeLimitForRetention The AgeLimitForRetention parameter refers to the age at which
retention is enforced on an item. The age limit corresponds to the
number of days from the date that the item was delivered or the
date that an item was created if it wasn't delivered.
If this parameter isn't present and the RetentionEnabled
parameter is set to $true, an error is returned.
JournalingEnabled The JournalingEnabled parameter refers to that journaling is
enabled when it's set to $true.
LabelForJournaling The LabelForJournaling parameter refers to a label that's attached
to an item. This label is used by the destination store to
determine the content of the item and enforce the appropriate
MessageFormatForJournalin The MessageFormatForJournaling parameter refers to the format
g in which an item should be journaled in. You can use the following
 UseMsg Microsoft Outlook .MSG format
 UseTnef Outlook MAPI format
MoveToDestinationFolder The MoveToDestinationFolder parameter refers to the name of
the destination folder for a retention action.
Name The Name parameter refers to a unique name for the managed
content settings.
RetentionAction The RetentionAction parameter refers to one of the following
actions to take when an item reaches its retention age limit,
specified by the AgeLimitForRetention parameter. The following
retention actions can be used:
 MoveToDeletedItems
 MoveToFolder
 DeleteAndAllowRecovery
 PermanentlyDelete
 MarkAsPastRetentionLimit
 MoveToArchive
If this parameter isn't present and the RetentionEnabled
parameter is set to $true, an error is returned.
RetentionEnabled The RetentionEnabled parameter refers to that retention is
enabled when it's set to $true.

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TriggerForRetention The TriggerForRetention parameter refers to the date that's

considered as the start date of the retention period. An item can
reach its retention limit a specific number of days after the item
was delivered or after it was moved into a specific folder.
Valid values include:
 WhenDelivered The item expires based on when it was
 WhenMoved The item expires based on the date it was
If this parameter isn't present and the RetentionEnabled
parameter is set to $true, an error is returned.

The following example uses Set-ManagedContentSettings to set the journaling
configuration for the EngineeringSpecs_cs content settings object:
Set-ManagedContentSettings -Identity EngineeringSpecs_cs -JournalingEnabled
$true -AddressForJournaling
-MessageFormatForJournaling UseMsg -LabelForJournaling "Journaled by
Engineering Specs"

Use the Remove-ManagedContentSettings cmdlet to delete managed content settings
from a managed folder. When managed content settings are removed from a managed
folder, the folder effectively ceases to be a managed folder, and folder contents are no
longer under MRM.
Removing managed content settings disables any retention and journaling policies for the
folder. It doesn't affect whether you can move, delete, or rename the folder, or whether
the folder has a quota or policy statement that's displayed in Microsoft Outlook or
Microsoft Office Outlook Web App.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role assignment
policy and role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 8 shows the syntax for Remove-ManagedContentSettings.

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Figure 10: Remove-ManagedContentSettings Syntax

Remove-ManagedContentSettings -Identity <ELCContentSettingsIdParameter>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 10 describes the parameters for Remove-ManagedContentSettings and how they
are used.
Table 16: Remove-ManagedContentSettings Parameters

Paramet Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the name, distinguished name (DN), or GUID of the
managed content settings.

The following example uses Remove-ManagedContentSettings to remove the managed
content settings object specified by the -Identity parameter. The user is prompted to
confirm the remove operation before any changes are committed:
[PS] C:\>Remove-ManagedContentSettings -Identity EngineeringSpecs_cs

Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Removing managed content settings EngineeringSpecs_cs.
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [?] Help (default is "Y"):o

Use the Get-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy cmdlet to return all attributes of one or more
managed folder mailbox policies. A managed folder mailbox policy is a logical grouping of
one or more managed folders. Policies are applied to mailboxes. The Get-
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy cmdlet lists one or more managed folder mailbox policies
created in the Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 organization. All policies can be listed.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Delegated Setup
 Hygiene Management
 Organization Management
 Records Management
 View-Only Organization Management

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Figure 9 shows the syntax for Get-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy.
Figure 11: Get-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy Syntax

Get-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy [-Identity <MailboxPolicyIdParameter>]

[-DomainController <Fqdn>]

Table 11 describes the parameters for Get-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy and how they
are used.
Table 17: Get-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy Parameters

Paramet Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the name, distinguished name (DN), or GUID of the
managed folder mailbox policy.

The following example uses Get-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy to return a list of all
managed folder mailbox policies in the organization:
[PS] C:\>Get-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy

Name ManagedFolderLinks
---- ------------------
Seattle Mailboxes {Entire Mailbox Seattle}
Dallas Mailboxes {Entire Mailbox Dallas}
Charlotte Mailboxes {Entire Mailbox Charlotte}

This example uses the -Identity parameter to return the specified policy:
[PS] C:\>Get-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy -Identity "Dallas Mailboxes"

Name ManagedFolderLinks
---- ------------------
Dallas Mailboxes {Entire Mailbox Dallas}

To see all of the settings returned by Get-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy, pass the results

by pipeline to the Format-List command as shown in this example:
[PS] C:\>Get-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy -Identity "Dallas Mailboxes" |

RunspaceId : 5f7227f0-c5c5-4c2e-8fff-d9ced58a9768
ManagedFolderLinks : {Entire Mailbox Dallas}
AdminDisplayName :

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ExchangeVersion : 0.1 (8.0.535.0)

Name : Dallas Mailboxes
DistinguishedName : CN=Dallas Mailboxes,CN=ELC Mailbox
Identity : Dallas Mailboxes
Guid : ff40fec9-dcc8-46ac-98d7-0bd9a1b08b28
ObjectCategory :
ObjectClass : {top, msExchRecipientTemplate,
WhenChanged : 8/11/2009 4:14:25 PM
WhenCreated : 8/11/2009 4:14:25 PM
WhenChangedUTC : 8/11/2009 11:14:25 PM
WhenCreatedUTC : 8/11/2009 11:14:25 PM
OrganizationId :
OriginatingServer :
IsValid : True

The properties of interest that appear in the output from Get-

ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy are shown in Table 12.
Table 18: Get-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy Properties

Property Name Description

ManagedFolderLinks The ManagedFolderLinks property indicates the names of the managed
folders that are linked to this policy.
AdminDisplayName ????Investigate????
Name The Name property indicates a unique name for the managed folder
mailbox policy.

Use the New-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy cmdlet to create a managed folder mailbox

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 10 shows the syntax for New-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy.

Global Technical Readiness

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Figure 12: New-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy Syntax

New-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy -Name <String>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-ManagedFolderLinks <ELCFolderIdParameter[]>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 13 describes the parameters for New-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy and how they
are used.
Table 19: New-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy Parameters

Parameter Description
Name The Name parameter refers to the name of the new managed folder
mailbox policy.
ManagedFolderLink The ManagedFolderLinks parameter refers to the list of managed folders to
s which the managed folder mailbox policy is to be linked.

This example creates the managed folder mailbox policy Dallas Mailboxes, with the
managed folder to which the managed folder mailbox policy is to be linked:
[PS] C:\>New-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy -Name "Dallas Mailboxes”
Links “Entire Mailbox Dallas”

Use the Set-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy cmdlet to change the settings of a managed
folder mailbox policy.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 11 shows the syntax for Set-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy.

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Figure 13: Set-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy Syntax

Set-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy -Identity <MailboxPolicyIdParameter>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-ManagedFolderLinks <ELCFolderIdParameter[]>]
[-Name <String>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 14 describes the parameters for Set-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy and how they
are used.
Table 20: Set-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the name, distinguished name (DN), or
GUID of the managed folder mailbox policy.
ManagedFolderLink The ManagedFolderLinks parameter refers to managed folders to which
s the managed folder mailbox policy is to be linked. The managed folders
that you link to a policy appear in all mailboxes to which the policy is
Name The Name parameter refers to a unique name for the policy.

This example changes the name of the managed folder mailbox policy “Fargo Users” to
“Fargo Mailboxes”:
[PS] C:\>Set-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy -Identity “Fargo Users” -Name “Fargo
Ma ilboxes”

This example links the managed custom folder “Entire Mailbox Fargo” to the managed
folder mailbox policy Fargo Mailboxes:
[PS] C:\>Set-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy -Identity “Fargo Mailboxes”
-ManagedFol derLinks “Entire Mailbox Fargo”

Use the Remove-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy cmdlet to delete managed folder mailbox
policies. If you remove a managed folder mailbox policy that's applied to users'
mailboxes, the affected mailboxes may no longer have retention settings. Therefore,
before using this cmdlet to remove a policy, you should determine if the managed folder
mailbox policy is applied to any users, and apply another policy to those users.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management

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 Records Management

Figure 12 shows the syntax for Remove-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy.
Figure 14: Remove-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy Syntax

Remove-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy -Identity <MailboxPolicyIdParameter>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 15 describes the parameters for Remove-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy and how
they are used.
Table 21: Remove-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy Parameters

Paramet Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the name, distinguished name (DN), or GUID of the
managed folder mailbox policy.

This example removes the managed folder mailbox policy “Test Policy IT Users”. The user
is prompted to confirm the remove operation before any changes are committed:
[PS] C:\>Remove-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy -Identity "Test Policy IT Users"

Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Removing managed folder mailbox policy "Test Policy IT Users".
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [?] Help (default is "Y"):

MRM 2.0 Cmdlets

The following cmdlets are used to manage MRM 2.0 features:
 Get-RetentionPolicyTag
 New-RetentionPolicyTag
 Set-RetentionPolicyTag
 Remove-RetentionPolicyTag
 Get-RetentionPolicy
 New-RetentionPolicy
 Set-RetentionPolicy
 Remove-RetentionPolicy

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 Start-RetentionAutoTagLearning

Use the Get-RetentionPolicyTag cmdlet to retrieve settings for a retention policy tag. A
retention policy tag is used by users to tag messages or folders. Managed content settings
are associated with a tag.
There are three types of tags: default, personal, or system. Default tags from a retention
policy are applied to all items by default, unless the user explicitly applies personal or
system tags to an item or moves the item to a folder that has a personal or system tag
applied. Retention policy tags can also be applied automatically by the Microsoft Outlook
Auto Tagging feature.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Delegated Setup
 Hygiene Management
 Organization Management
 Records Management
 View-Only Organization Management

Figure 13 shows the syntax for Get-RetentionPolicyTag.
Figure 15: Get-RetentionPolicyTag Syntax

Get-RetentionPolicyTag [-Identity <RetentionPolicyTagIdParameter>]

[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-IncludeSystemTags <SwitchParameter>]

Get-RetentionPolicyTag [-DomainController <Fqdn>]

[-IncludeSystemTags <SwitchParameter>]
[-Mailbox <MailboxIdParameter>]
[-OptionalInMailbox <SwitchParameter>]

Table 16 describes the parameters for Get-RetentionPolicyTag and how they are used.
Table 22: Get-RetentionPolicyTag foo Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the name of the tag.

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IncludeSystemTag The IncludeSystemTags switch refers to whether to return any system tags.
Mailbox The Mailbox parameter causes the cmdlet to retrieve all retention policy tags
that apply to the mailbox user specified.
OptionalInMailbo The OptionalInMailbox parameter causes the cmdlet to retrieve all opt-in
x retention policy tags available to the mailbox user specified by the Mailbox

The following example uses Get-RetentionPolicyTag to return a list of all retention policy
tags that are not system tags:
<the standard formatted output for this cmdlet is not working in this build>

This example uses the -IncludeSystemTags parameter to return a list of all retention
policy tags that are system tags:
<the standard formatted output for this cmdlet is not working in this build>

This example returns properties for the retention policy tag specified by the -Identity
[PS] C:\>Get-RetentionPolicyTag -Identity "Entire Mailbox Seattle - Voice

RunspaceId : 3b455b59-06f0-4123-9a4a-81746f6db9bf
IsPrimary : False
MessageClassDisplayName : Voice Mail
MessageClass : IPM.Note.Microsoft.Voicemail*
Description : Managed Content Settings
RetentionEnabled : True
RetentionAction : DeleteAndAllowRecovery
AgeLimitForRetention : 7.00:00:00
MoveToDestinationFolder :
TriggerForRetention : WhenDelivered
MessageFormatForJournaling : UseTnef
JournalingEnabled : False
AddressForJournaling :
LabelForJournaling :
Type : All
SystemTag : False
LocalizedRetentionPolicyTagName : {}
Comment : This tag moves Voicemail items to the
Items folder after 7 days
LocalizedComment : {}
MustDisplayCommentEnabled : False
LegacyManagedFolder :
AdminDisplayName :
ExchangeVersion : 1.0 (
Name : Entire Mailbox Seattle - Voice Mail
DistinguishedName : CN=Entire Mailbox Seattle - Voice

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ention Policy Tag

Identity : Entire Mailbox Seattle - Voice Mail
Guid : 324d3ed8-7cce-4c36-aa63-0c7ba7b836b4
ObjectCategory :
ObjectClass : {top, msExchELCFolder}
WhenChanged : 8/13/2009 2:47:15 PM
WhenCreated : 8/13/2009 2:47:15 PM
WhenChangedUTC : 8/13/2009 9:47:15 PM
WhenCreatedUTC : 8/13/2009 9:47:15 PM
OrganizationId :
OriginatingServer :
IsValid : True

The properties of interest that appear in the output from Get-RetentionPolicyTag are
shown in Table 17.
Table 23: Get-RetentionPolicyTag Properties

Property Name Description

IsPrimary The IsPrimary property refers to that the tag should be
displayed as the primary Default Tag in Microsoft Outlook
2010. A retention policy can't have more than one tag set as
MessageClassDisplayName The MessageClassDisplayName property refers to the
friendly name of the message type specified by the
MessageClass property.
MessageClass The MessageClass property refers to the message type to
which any expiration and journaling configuration settings
within these content settings apply.
RetentionEnabled The RetentionEnabled property indicates that retention is
enabled when it's set to $True.
RetentionAction The RetentionAction property refers to one of the action
taken when an item's retention period has expired.
AgeLimitForRetention The AgeLimitForRetention property refers to the age at
which retention is enforced on an item. The age limit
corresponds to the number of days from the date the item
was delivered, or the date an item was created if it wasn't
MoveToDestinationFolder The MoveToDestinationFolder property is used when this
retention policy tag has been based on an upgraded
managed folder. The property indicates the destination
folder as taken from the content setting on the managed
TriggerForRetention The TriggerForRetention property indicates the condition
that is considered as the start date for the retention period.
MessageFormatForJournaling The MessageFormatForJournaling property refers to the

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message format that is used to journal items from this

content setting.
JournalingEnabled The JournalingEnabled property indicates that journaling is
enabled when it's set to $true.
AddressForJournaling The AddressForJournaling property refers to the journaling
recipient to which journaled messages are sent. This
parameter is required if the JournalingEnabled parameter is
set to $true.
LabelForJournaling The LabelForJournaling property refers to a label that's
attached to an item. This label is used by the destination
store to determine the content of the item and enforce the
appropriate policy.
Type The Type property refers to the type of this retention tag.
SystemTag The SystemTag property indicates if the tag is used as a
system tag ($True).
LocalizedRetentionPolicyTagName The LocalizedRetentionPolicyTagName property refers to
localized tag names and their languages. When the user's
language setting matches a language specified for this
parameter, Outlook and Outlook Web App display the
corresponding localized tag name.
Comment The Comment property refers to the comment that is
displayed in the client application for this tag.
LocalizedComment The LocalizedComment property refers to localized
comments and their languages. When the user's language
setting matches a language specified for this parameter,
Outlook and Microsoft Office Outlook Web App display the
corresponding localized comment.
MustDisplayCommentEnabled The MustDisplayCommentEnabled property refers to
whether the comment can be hidden by the client ($False)
or must be displayed ($True).
LegacyManagedFolder The LegacyManagedFolder property refers to the name of a
managed folder that is used as a template for this retention

Use the New-RetentionPolicyTag cmdlet to create a retention policy tag.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 14 shows the syntax for New-RetentionPolicyTag.

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Figure 16: New-RetentionPolicyTag Syntax

New-RetentionPolicyTag -Name <String>

[-AddressForJournaling <RecipientIdParameter>]
[-AgeLimitForRetention <Nullable>]
[-Comment <String>]
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-IsPrimary <$true | $false>]
[-JournalingEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-LabelForJournaling <String>]
[-LocalizedComment <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-LocalizedRetentionPolicyTagName <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-MessageClass <String>]
[-MessageFormatForJournaling <UseMsg | UseTnef>]
[-MustDisplayCommentEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-RetentionAction <action>]
[-RetentionEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-SystemTag <$true | $false>]
[-Type <type>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

New-RetentionPolicyTag -Name <String>

[-Comment <String>]
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-LocalizedComment <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-LocalizedRetentionPolicyTagName <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-ManagedFolderToUpgrade <ELCFolderIdParameter>]
[-MustDisplayCommentEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-SystemTag <$true | $false>]
[-Type <type>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 18 describes the parameters for New-RetentionPolicyTag and how they are used.
Table 24: New-RetentionPolicyTag Parameters

Parameter Description
Name The Name parameter refers to the name of the tag.
AddressForJournaling The AddressForJournaling parameter refers to the journaling
recipient to which journaled messages are sent. This
parameter is required if the JournalingEnabled parameter is
set to $true.
AgeLimitForRetention The AgeLimitForRetention parameter refers to the age at
which retention is enforced on an item. The age limit
corresponds to the number of days from the date the item
was delivered, or the date an item was created if it wasn't
delivered. If this parameter isn't present and the
RetentionEnabled parameter is set to $true, an error is
Comment The Comment parameter refers to a comment for the tag.
IsPrimary The IsPrimary parameter refers to that the tag should be

Global Technical Readiness

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displayed as the primary Default Tag in Microsoft Outlook

2010. The tag you designate as primary should be of type All.
If a retention policy has any tags of type All, at least one tag
should be specified as primary. A retention policy can't have
more than one tag set as primary.
JournalingEnabled The JournalingEnabled parameter refers to that journaling is
enabled when it's set to $true.
LabelForJournaling The LabelForJournaling parameter refers to a label that's
attached to an item. This label is used by the destination
store to determine the content of the item and enforce the
appropriate policy.
LocalizedComment The LocalizedComment parameter refers to localized
comments and their languages. When the user's language
setting matches a language specified for this parameter,
Outlook and Microsoft Office Outlook Web App display the
corresponding localized comment. Comments are specified
in the form of ISO Language Code:Comment, for example,
LocalizedComment EN-US:"This is a localized comment in
U.S. English".
LocalizedRetentionPolicyTagName The LocalizedRetentionPolicyTagName parameter refers to
localized tag names and their languages. When the user's
language setting matches a language specified for this
parameter, Outlook and Outlook Web App display the
corresponding localized tag name. Names are specified in
the form of ISO Language Code:Name, for example,
LocalizedRetentionPolicyTagName EN-US:"Business Critical".
ManagedFolderToUpgrade The ManagedFolderToUpgrade parameter refers to the
name of a managed folder to use as a template for a
retention tag.
MessageClass The MessageClass parameter refers to the message type to
which any expiration and journaling configuration settings
within these content settings apply.
The parameter value can be a well-known message type
such as Calendar items, a specific message class such as
IPM.NOTE.SMIME, or a custom message class. The following
well-known message types can be used:
 AllMailboxContent
 CalItems
 Contacts
 Documents
 E-mail
 Faxes
 Journal
 MeetingRequest
 MissedCall
 Notes
 Posts

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 Rss
 Tasks
 Voicemail
Valid parameter values for custom message classes include:
* A specific message class (for example, IPM.NOTE).
* The asterisk wildcard character (*), which indicates that
the content settings apply to all message classes.
* *.NOTE and IPM.*.NOTE aren't acceptable.
When wildcard characters are used, these policies apply only
to message classes that don't have a specific content setting.
Therefore, IPM.NOTE.SMIME overrides IPM.NOTE.*.
Specific settings supersede general settings. For example,
Voicemail supersedes AllMailboxContent.
MessageFormatForJournaling The MessageFormatForJournaling parameter refers to the
message format that an item should be journaled in. You can
use the following values:
 UseMsg Outlook .msg format
 UseTnef Outlook MAPI format.
MustDisplayCommentEnabled The MustDisplayCommentEnabled parameter refers to
whether the comment can be hidden. The default value is
RetentionAction The RetentionAction parameter refers to one of the
following actions:
 MarkAsPastRetentionLimit This action marks a
message as past retention limit.
 MoveToDeletedItems This action moves a message
to the Deleted Items folder.
 DeleteAndAllowRecovery This action deletes a
message and allows recovery from recoverable items.
 PermanentlyDelete This action permanently
deletes a message. A message that has been permanently
deleted can't be recovered using the Recoverable Items
folder. Permanently deleted messages are not returned in a
Discovery search, unless litigation hold is enabled for the
 MoveToArchive This action moves a message to
the user's archive mailbox.
If this parameter isn't present and the RetentionEnabled
parameter is set to $true, an error is returned.
RetentionEnabled The RetentionEnabled parameter refers to that retention is
enabled when it's set to $true.
SystemTag The SystemTag parameter refers to that the tag is created
for internal Exchange functionality.
Type The Type parameter refers to the type of retention tag being
created. Valid values include:
 Calendar

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 Contacts
 DeletedItems
 Drafts
 Inbox
 JunkMail
 Journal
 Notes
 Outbox
 SentItems
 Tasks
 All
 RssSubscriptions
 SyncIssues
 ConversationHistory
 Personal
To create a Default Policy Tag, specify the type All.

This example creates the retention policy tag Finance-DeletedItems for the Deleted Items
default folder. When applied to a mailbox as a part of a retention policy, the tag
permanently deletes items of all types in the Deleted Items folder in 30 days:
[PS] C:\>New-RetentionPolicyTag "Finance-DeletedItems" -Type DeletedItems
ageClass AllMailboxContent -RetentionEnabled $true -AgeLimitForRetention 30
tentionAction PermanentlyDelete

This example creates the default policy tag Finance-Default. When applied to a mailbox as
part of a retention policy, the tag permanently deletes all items without a retention tag
within 365 days. Items of a particular message class such as Voicemail, for which a default
tag (a retention tag of type All) exists, aren't impacted. The IsPrimary parameter is used
to define this tag as a primary tag.
[PS] C:\>New-RetentionPolicyTag "Finance-Default" -Type All -MessageClass
ilboxContent -RetentionEnabled $true -AgeLimitForRetention 365
-RetentionAction PermanentlyDelete -IsPrimary $true

This example creates the retention tag VoiceMail of type All for voicemail messages.
[PS] C:\>New-RetentionPolicyTag "VoiceMail" -Type All -Comment "Use this tag
r all voicemail" -MessageClass Voicemail -RetentionEnabled $true
tention 30 -RetentionAction PermanentlyDelete

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This example creates the retention tag Business Critical of type Personal. When applied to
mailbox items as part of a retention policy, the items are permanently deleted in 7 years.
[PS] C:\>New-RetentionPolicyTag "Business Critical" -Type Personal -Comment
e this tag for all business critical mail" -RetentionEnabled $true
Retention 2556 -RetentionAction PermanentlyDelete

Use the Set-RetentionPolicyTag cmdlet to modify the properties of a retention policy tag.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 15 shows the syntax for Set-RetentionPolicyTag.

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Figure 17: Set-RetentionPolicyTag Syntax

Set-RetentionPolicyTag -Identity <RetentionPolicyTagIdParameter>

[-AddressForJournaling <RecipientIdParameter>]
[-AgeLimitForRetention <Nullable>]
[-Comment <String>]
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-JournalingEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-LabelForJournaling <String>]
[-LegacyManagedFolder <ADObjectId>]
[-LocalizedComment <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-LocalizedRetentionPolicyTagName <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-MessageClass <String>]
[-MessageFormatForJournaling <UseMsg | UseTnef>]
[-MustDisplayCommentEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-Name <String>]
[-RetentionAction <action>]
[-RetentionEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-SystemTag <$true | $false>]
[-Type <type>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Set-RetentionPolicyTag -Mailbox <MailboxIdParameter>

[-Comment <String>]
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-LegacyManagedFolder <ADObjectId>]
[-LocalizedComment <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-LocalizedRetentionPolicyTagName <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-MustDisplayCommentEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-Name <String>]
[-OptionalInMailbox <RetentionPolicyTagIdParameter[]>]
[-SystemTag <$true | $false>]
[-Type <type>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 19 describes the parameters for Set-RetentionPolicyTag and how they are used.
Table 25: Set-RetentionPolicyTag Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the name, distinguished
name (DN), or GUID of the retention policy tag to be
Mailbox The Mailbox parameter refers to a mailbox for assigning opt-
in tags. You must use this parameter with the
OptionalInMailbox parameter.
AddressForJournaling The AddressForJournaling parameter refers to the journaling
recipient to which journaled messages will be sent. This
parameter is required if the JournalingEnabled parameter is
set to $true.
AgeLimitForRetention The AgeLimitForRetention parameter refers to the age at
which retention is enforced on an item. The age limit

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corresponds to the number of days from the date the item

was delivered, or the date an item was created if it wasn't
delivered. If this parameter isn't present and the
RetentionEnabled parameter is set to $true, an error is
Comment The Comment parameter refers to a comment for the
retention policy tag.
JournalingEnabled The JournalingEnabled parameter refers to that journaling is
enabled when set to $true.
LabelForJournaling The LabelForJournaling parameter refers to a label that's
attached to an item. This label is used by the destination
store to determine the content of the item and enforce the
appropriate policy.
LegacyManagedFolder The LegacyManagedFolder parameter isn't available in this
LocalizedComment The LocalizedComment parameter refers to the localized
comment and language for the retention policy tag. This
comment is displayed in Microsoft Outlook based on the
user's locale.
LocalizedRetentionPolicyTagName The LocalizedRetentionPolicyTagName parameter refers to a
localized name for the retention policy tag. This name is
displayed in Outlook based on the user's locale.
MessageClass The MessageClass parameter refers to the message type to
which any expiration and journaling configuration settings
within these content settings apply.
The parameter value can be a well-known message type
such as Calendar items, a specific message class such as
IPM.NOTE.SMIME, or a custom message class. The following
well-known message types can be used:
 AllMailboxContent
 CalItems
 Contacts
 Documents
 E-mail
 Faxes
 Journal
 MeetingRequest
 MissedCall
 Notes
 Posts
 Rss
 Tasks
 Voicemail
Valid parameter values for custom message classes include:
 A specific message class (for example, IPM.NOTE).
 The asterisk (*) wildcard character, which indicates

Global Technical Readiness

Microsoft Confidential - For Internal Use Only 67
Exchange Server 2010 Introduction to Supporting Administration

that the content settings apply to all message classes.

 *.NOTE and IPM.*.NOTE aren't acceptable.
When wildcard characters are used, these policies apply only
to message classes that don't have a specific content setting.
Therefore, IPM.NOTE.SMIME overrides IPM.NOTE.*.
Note Specific settings supersede general settings. For
example, Voicemail supersedes AllMailboxContent.
MessageFormatForJournaling The MessageFormatForJournaling parameter refers to the
message format that an item should be journaled in. You can
use the following values:
 UseMsg Outlook .msg format
 UseTnef Outlook MAPI format
MustDisplayCommentEnabled The MustDisplayCommentEnabled parameter refers to
whether the comment can be hidden. The default value is
Name The Name parameter refers to the name of the retention
policy tag.
OptionalInMailbox The OptionalInMailbox parameter is used with the Mailbox
parameter to specify opt-in retention tags available to the
RetentionAction The RetentionAction parameter refers to one of the
following actions:
 Mark as past retention limit
 Move to a managed custom folder
 Move to the Deleted Items folder
 Delete and allow recovery
 Permanently delete
If this parameter isn't present and the RetentionEnabled
parameter is set to $true, an error is returned.
RetentionEnabled The RetentionEnabled parameter refers to that retention is
enabled when set to $true.
SystemTag The SystemTag parameter refers to whether the retention
policy tag is created for internal Exchange functionality.
Type The Type parameter refers to the type of retention policy tag
being modified. Valid values include:
 Calendar
 Contacts
 DeletedItems
 Drafts
 Inbox
 JunkMail
 Journal
 Notes
 Outbox

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 SentItems
 Tasks
 All
 ManagedCustomFolder
 RssSubscriptions
 SyncIssues
 ConversationHistory
 Personal
To create a default tag, specify All.

This example changes the comment for the AllUsers-DeletedItems retention policy tag:
[PS] C:\>Set-RetentionPolicyTag "AllUsers-DeletedItems" -Comment "Items in
the Deleted Items folder will be automatically deleted in 120 days"

This example makes optional retention tags available to user user12 using the Mailbox
and OptionalInMailbox parameters:
[PS] C:\>Set-RetentionPolicyTag -Mailbox user12 -OptionalInMailbox

Use the Remove-RetentionPolicyTag cmdlet to remove a retention policy tag. A retention
policy tag that has managed content settings associated with it can't be removed.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 16 shows the syntax for Remove-RetentionPolicyTag.
Figure 18: Remove-RetentionPolicyTag Syntax

Remove-RetentionPolicyTag -Identity <RetentionPolicyTagIdParameter>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 20 describes the parameters for Remove-RetentionPolicyTag and how they are

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Microsoft Confidential - For Internal Use Only 69
Exchange Server 2010 Introduction to Supporting Administration
Table 26: Remove-RetentionPolicyTag Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the name of the retention policy tag.

This example removes the retention policy tag Finance-DeletedItems:
[PS] C:\>Remove-RetentionPolicyTag -Identity "Finance-DeletedItems"

Use the Get-RetentionPolicy cmdlet to retrieve the settings for retention policies. A
retention policy is associated with a group of retention policy tags that specify retention
settings for items in a mailbox. A policy may contain one default retention policy tag and
multiple non-default retention policy tags. A mailbox can have only one retention policy
applied to it. The Get-RetentionPolicy cmdlet displays all policy settings associated with
the specified policy.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Delegated Setup
 Hygiene Management
 Organization Management
 Records Management
 View-Only Organization Management

Figure 17 shows the syntax for Get-RetentionPolicy.
Figure 19: Get-RetentionPolicy Syntax

Get-RetentionPolicy [-Identity <MailboxPolicyIdParameter>]

[-DomainController <Fqdn>]

Table 21 describes the parameters for Get-RetentionPolicy and how they are used.
Table 27: Get-RetentionPolicy Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the policy name.

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The following example uses Get-RetentionPolicy to return a list of all retention policies:
<the standard formatted output for this cmdlet is not working in this build>

This example returns the properties of the retention policy specified using the -Identity
[PS] C:\>Get-RetentionPolicy -Identity "Seattle Mailboxes - No Archive"

RunspaceId : 3b455b59-06f0-4123-9a4a-81746f6db9bf
RetentionPolicyTagLinks : {Entire Mailbox Seattle - All Messages, Entire Mai
lbox Seattle - Meeting Messages, Entire Mailbox Se
attle - Voice Mail}
AdminDisplayName :
ExchangeVersion : 1.0 (
Name : Seattle Mailboxes - No Archive
DistinguishedName : CN=Seattle Mailboxes - No Archive,CN=Retention Pol
icies Container,CN=contoso,CN=Microsoft Exchange,C
Identity : Seattle Mailboxes - No Archive
Guid : 4d177460-b543-4398-af2f-3cd2ec76f56c
ObjectCategory :
ObjectClass : {top, msExchRecipientTemplate, msExchMailboxRecipi
WhenChanged : 8/13/2009 3:05:02 PM
WhenCreated : 8/13/2009 3:05:02 PM
WhenChangedUTC : 8/13/2009 10:05:02 PM
WhenCreatedUTC : 8/13/2009 10:05:02 PM
OrganizationId :
OriginatingServer :
IsValid : True

The RetentionPolicyTagLinks property refers to a list of one or more retention policy

tags to which this policy is linked.

Use the New-RetentionPolicy cmdlet to create a new retention policy.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 18 shows the syntax for New-RetentionPolicy.

Global Technical Readiness

Microsoft Confidential - For Internal Use Only 71
Exchange Server 2010 Introduction to Supporting Administration
Figure 20: New-RetentionPolicy Syntax

New-RetentionPolicy -Name <String>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-RetentionPolicyTagLinks <RetentionPolicyTagIdParameter[]>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 23 describes the parameters for New-RetentionPolicy and how they are used.
Table 28: New-RetentionPolicy Parameters

Parameter Description
Name The Name parameter refers to the policy name.
RetentionPolicyTagLink The RetentionPolicyTagLinks parameter refers to the names of
s retention policy tags to be associated with this policy.

The following example uses New-RetentionPolicy to create a new retention policy that is
linked to 3 retention policy tags:
[PS] C:\>New-RetentionPolicy -Name "Seattle Mailboxes - No Archive"
olicyTagLinks "Entire Mailbox Seattle - Voice Mail", "Entire Mailbox Seattle
- Meeting Messages", "Entire Mailbox Seattle - All Messages"

Use the Set-RetentionPolicy cmdlet to change the properties of an existing retention

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 19 shows the syntax for Set-RetentionPolicy.
Figure 21: Set-RetentionPolicy Syntax

Set-RetentionPolicy -Identity <MailboxPolicyIdParameter>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-Name <String>]
[-RetentionPolicyTagLinks <RetentionPolicyTagIdParameter[]>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

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Table 24 describes the parameters for Set-RetentionPolicy and how they are used.
Table 29: Set-RetentionPolicy Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the name, distinguished name (DN), or
GUID of the retention policy.
Name The Name parameter refers to a unique name for the retention policy.
RetentionPolicyTagLink The RetentionPolicyTagLinks parameter refers to the identity of
s retention policy tags to associate with the retention policy. Mailboxes
that get a retention policy applied have retention tags linked with that
retention policy.

The following example adds a new retention policy tag to an existing retention policy.
Because the RetentionPolicyTagLinks property is multi-valued, steps must be take to
preserve the existing settings else they are overwritten with the new value. The first step
is to store the current value in a variable using this command:
[PS] C:\>$TagLinks = Get-RetentionPolicy "Seattle Mailboxes - No Archive").

The next step is to store the identity of the retention policy tag that is being added to the
retention policy, using this command:
[PS] C:\>$NewTagLink = Get-RetentionPolicyTag -Identity “Seattle Mailboxes -

The new retention policy tag is added to the list of current retention policy tags with this
[PS] C:\>$TagLinks += $NewTagLink

Finally the complete list of retention policy tags is written to the retention policy using
Set-RetentionPolicy as shown in this command:
[PS] C:\>Set-RetentionPolicy "Seattle Mailboxes - No Archive"
agLinks $TagLinks

Use the Remove-RetentionPolicy cmdlet to remove a retention policy. Removing a
retention policy that's assigned to users results in those users not having any retention
policy assigned. If another retention policy isn't assigned to those users, messages in
those mailboxes may never expire.

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This may be a violation of the organization's messaging retention policies. When you
attempt to remove a policy that's assigned to users, Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
displays a confirmation message indicating that the policy is assigned to users. Note that
this message is in addition to the confirmation prompt displayed when removing a
retention policy.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 20 shows the syntax for Remove-RetentionPolicy.
Figure 22: Remove-RetentionPolicy Syntax

Remove-RetentionPolicy -Identity <MailboxPolicyIdParameter>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-Force <SwitchParameter>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 25 describes the parameters for Remove-RetentionPolicy and how they are used.
Table 30: Remove-RetentionPolicy Parameters

Paramet Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the retention policy name.
Force The Force switch refers to whether to override the confirmation prompt that appears
when removing a retention policy that's assigned to users. Removing a policy that's
assigned to users results in those users not having any retention policy. You don't
have to specify a value with the Force switch.

The following example Remove-RetentionPolicy:
[PS] C:\>Remove-RetentionPolicy -Identity "Fargo Mailboxes - No Archive"

Are you sure you want to perform this action?
Removing retention policy "Fargo Mailboxes - No Archive".
[Y] Yes [A] Yes to All [N] No [L] No to All [?] Help (default is "Y"): y
[PS] C:\>

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The Get-MailboxComplianceConfiguration cmdlet retrieves AutoTagging information
from the mailbox, including AutoTagging status, number of messages required to be
tagged in the mailbox to enable AutoTagging functionality, and tagging statistics.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Help Desk
 Hygiene Management
 Organization Management
 Records Management
 View-Only Organization Management

Figure 17 shows the syntax for Get-MailboxComplianceConfiguration.
Figure 23: Get-MailboxComplianceConfiguration Syntax

Get-MailboxComplianceConfiguration [-Identity <MailboxIdParameter>]

[-Credential <PSCredential>]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-Filter <String>]
[-IgnoreDefaultScope <SwitchParameter>]
[-Organization <OrganizationIdParameter>]
[-OrganizationalUnit <OrganizationalUnitIdParameter>]
[-ReadFromDomainController <SwitchParameter>]
[-ResultSize <Unlimited>]
[-SortBy <String>]

Get-MailboxComplianceConfiguration [-Anr <String>]

[-Credential <PSCredential>]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-Filter <String>]
[-IgnoreDefaultScope <SwitchParameter>]
[-Organization <OrganizationIdParameter>]
[-OrganizationalUnit <OrganizationalUnitIdParameter>]
[-ReadFromDomainController <SwitchParameter>]
[-ResultSize <Unlimited>]
[-SortBy <String>]

Table 21 describes the parameters for Get-MailboxComplianceConfiguration and how
they are used.
Table 31: Get-MailboxComplianceConfiguration Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter identifies the mailbox. You can use the
following values:

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Microsoft Confidential - For Internal Use Only 75
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 ADObjectGUID
 Distinguished name (DN)
 Domain\Account
 User principal name (UPN)
 LegacyExchangeDN
 SmtpAddress
 Alias
Anr The Anr parameter specifies a string on which to perform an
ambiguous name resolution (ANR) search. You can specify a partial
string and search for objects with an attribute that matches that
string. The default attributes searched are:
 CommonName (CN)
 DisplayName
 FirstName
 LastName
 Alias
Credential The Credential parameter specifies the user name and password to
use to access Active Directory.
Filter The Filter parameter specifies one or more attributes that are used
to restrict the mailboxes that are returned by the query.
IgnoreDefaultScope The IgnoreDefaultScope parameter instructs the command to
ignore the default recipient scope setting for the Exchange
Management Shell session and use the entire forest as the scope.
This allows the command to access Active Directory objects that
aren't currently in the default scope. Using the IgnoreDefaultScope
parameter introduces the following restrictions:
 You can't use the DomainController parameter. The
command uses an appropriate global catalog server automatically.
 You can only use the DN for the Identity parameter. Other
forms of identification, such as alias or GUID, aren't accepted.
 You can't use the OrganizationalUnit and Identity
parameters together.
You can't use the Credential parameter with this parameter.
OrganizationalUnit The OrganizationalUnit parameter specifies an organizational unit
(OU) and is used to limit the results. If you use this parameter, you
only get mailboxes in the container that you specify. You can use
either the OU or the domain name. If you use the OU, you must
specify the canonical name of the OU.
ReadFromDomainControlle The ReadFromDomainController parameter specifies that the user
r information is read from a domain controller in the user's domain.
If you set the recipient scope to include all recipients in the forest
and don't use this parameter, it's possible that the user information
is read from a global catalog with outdated information. If you use
this parameter, multiple reads might be necessary to get the

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By default, the recipient scope is set to the domain that hosts your
servers that run Exchange.
ResultSize The ResultSize parameter specifies the maximum number of results
to return. If you want to return all mailboxes that match the query,
use unlimited for the value of this parameter. The default value is
SortBy The SortBy parameter specifies the attribute by which to sort the
results. You can sort by only one attribute at a time. You can sort by
the following attributes:
 Alias
 Display name
 Name
The results are sorted in ascending order.

The following example uses Get-MailboxComplianceConfiguration to return the
compliance configuration information for the specified mailbox.
[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxComplianceConfiguration -Identity user11

Identity : eleven

OrganizationId :
RetentionAutoTaggingEnabled : False
RequiredTrainingCount : 0
CorrectedMailCount : 37
PredictedMailCount : 1328
ErrorRate : 0.02786

The properties of interest that appear in the output from Get

-MailboxComplianceConfiguration are shown in Table 28.
Table 32: Get-MailboxComplianceConfiguration Properties

Property Name Description

RetentionAutoTaggingEnable The RetentionAutoTaggingEnabled property indicates if
d AutoTagging is enabled for the mailbox ($True) or is not enabled
RequiredTrainingCount The RequiredTrainingCount property refers to the number of
messages that have to be tagged before AutoTagging can begin
learning the pattern of usage from the mailbox.
CorrectedMailCount The CorrectedMailCount property refers to number of items that
have been manually re-tagged by the mailbox owner after having
been previously automatically tagged.
PredictedMailCount The PredictedMailCount property refers to the number of items
that have been automatically tagged.
ErrorRate The ErrorRate property refers to the percentage of automatically
tagged items that have been re-tagged by the mailbox owner
(CorrectedMailCount / PredictedMailCount).

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Use the Set-MailboxComplianceConfiguration cmdlet to enable AutoTagging for a
mailbox. Before enabling AutoTagging for a mailbox, the mailbox user must have tagged
at least 500 messages using either item-level or folder-level tags.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 19 shows the syntax for Set-MailboxComplianceConfiguration.
Figure 24: Set-MailboxComplianceConfiguration Syntax

Set-MailboxComplianceConfiguration -Identity <MailboxIdParameter>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-IgnoreDefaultScope <SwitchParameter>]
[-RetentionAutoTaggingEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 24 describes the parameters for Set-MailboxComplianceConfiguration and how
they are used.
Table 33: Set-MailboxComplianceConfiguration Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter specifies the mailbox. You can use one of
the following values:
 DistinguishedName (DN)
 Domain\Account
 User principal name (UPN)
 LegacyExchangeDN
 SmtpAddress
 Alias
IgnoreDefaultScope The IgnoreDefaultScope parameter instructs the command to
ignore the default recipient scope setting for the Exchange
Management Shell session and use the entire forest as the
scope. This allows the command to access Active Directory
objects that aren't currently in the default scope. Using the
IgnoreDefaultScope parameter introduces the following
 You can't use the DomainController parameter. The

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command uses an appropriate global catalog server

 You can only use the DN for the Identity parameter.
Other forms of identification, such as alias or GUID, aren't
 You can't use the OrganizationalUnit and Identity
parameters together.
You can't use the Credential parameter with this parameter.
RetentionAutoTaggingEnable The RetentionAutoTaggingEnabled parameter specifies whether
d to enable retention AutoTagging. You can use one of the
following values:
 $true This value enables AutoTagging.
 $false This value disables AutoTagging.

The following example uses Set-MailboxComplianceConfiguration to turn on automatic
tagging for the specified user:
[PS] C:\>Set-MailboxComplianceConfiguration -Identity user14
gingEnabled $True

Use the Start-RetentionAutoTagLearning cmdlet to start auto-tagging for a specified
mailbox or to cross-validate auto-tagging results for the mailbox.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role assignment
policy and role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 21 shows the syntax for Start-RetentionAutoTagLearning.

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Microsoft Confidential - For Internal Use Only 79
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Figure 25: Start-RetentionAutoTagLearning Syntax

Start-RetentionAutoTagLearning [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]

[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Start-RetentionAutoTagLearning -Identity <MailboxIdParameter>

-CrossValidate <SwitchParameter>
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-NumberOfSegments <Int32>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Start-RetentionAutoTagLearning -Identity <MailboxIdParameter>

[-Clear <SwitchParameter>]
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-Train <SwitchParameter>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 26 describes the parameters for Start-RetentionAutoTagLearning and how they are
Table 34: Start-RetentionAutoTagLearning Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter identifies the mailbox. You can use one of the
following values:
 Distinguished name (DN)
 Domain\Account
 User principal name (UPN)
 LegacyExchangeDN
 SmtpAddress
 Alias
CrossValidate The CrossValidate switch refers to whether items in the specified mailbox
are being auto-tagged.
Clear The Clear switch refers to whether to clear auto-tags from the specified
NumberOfSegment The NumberOfSegments parameter refers to the number of segments.
s Auto-tagging divides a mailbox into the number of segments specified and
learns tagging behavior from n-1 segments. Tags are then predicted for
items in the remaining segment based on this behavior. This is done for
each segment.
The default value is 10.
The minimum value is 2.

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The NumberOfSegments parameter can be used only in conjunction with

the CrossValidate parameter.
Train The Train switch refers to whether to start the training algorithm for auto-
tagging on the specified mailbox. This switch is especially useful for
retraining. No values are required with this switch.

The following example uses Start-RetentionAutoTagLearning to start the learning mode
for automatic tagging for the specified user:
[PS] C:\>Start-RetentionAutoTagLearning -Identity user14 -Train

This example uses the -CrossValidate parameter to gather data on if and how automatic
tagging is progressing for the specified user:
[PS] C:\>Start-RetentionAutoTagLearning -Identity user14 -CrossValidate

SuccessRate BlankRate FailureRate

----------- --------- -----------
1 0 0

Associated Records Management Cmdlets

The following cmdlets are used to manage elements that are not directly part of MRM
configuration objects, but contain configuration information that implements MRM
 Get-Mailbox
 New-Mailbox
 Set-Mailbox
 Get-MailboxServer
 Set-MailboxServer
 Get-MailboxDatabase
 Set-MailboxDatabase

Use the Get-Mailbox cmdlet to view mailbox objects and attributes, populate property
pages, or supply mailbox information to other tasks. No parameters are required. If the
cmdlet is used without a parameter, all mailboxes in the organization are listed.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management

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Microsoft Confidential - For Internal Use Only 81
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 Discovery Management
 Help Desk
 Records Management
 Recipient Management
 Hygiene Management
 Server Management
 UM Management
 View-Only Organization Management

Figure 22 shows the syntax for Get-Mailbox for parameters that relate to MRM.

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Figure 26: Get-Mailbox Syntax

Get-Mailbox [-Identity <MailboxIdParameter>]

[-Arbitration <SwitchParameter>]
[-Archive <SwitchParameter>]
[-Credential <PSCredential>]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-Filter <String>]
[-IgnoreDefaultScope <SwitchParameter>]
[-OrganizationalUnit <OrganizationalUnitIdParameter>]
[-ReadFromDomainController <SwitchParameter>]
[-RecipientTypeDetails <RecipientTypeDetails[]>]
[-ResultSize <Unlimited>]
[-SortBy <String>]

Get-Mailbox [-Arbitration <SwitchParameter>]

[-Archive <SwitchParameter>]
[-Credential <PSCredential>]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-Filter <String>]
[-IgnoreDefaultScope <SwitchParameter>]
[-OrganizationalUnit <OrganizationalUnitIdParameter>]
[-ReadFromDomainController <SwitchParameter>]
[-RecipientTypeDetails <RecipientTypeDetails[]>]
[-ResultSize <Unlimited>]
[-Server <ServerIdParameter>]
[-SortBy <String>]

Get-Mailbox [-Arbitration <SwitchParameter>]

[-Archive <SwitchParameter>]
[-Credential <PSCredential>]
[-Database <DatabaseIdParameter>]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-Filter <String>]
[-IgnoreDefaultScope <SwitchParameter>]
[-OrganizationalUnit <OrganizationalUnitIdParameter>]
[-ReadFromDomainController <SwitchParameter>]
[-RecipientTypeDetails <RecipientTypeDetails[]>]
[-ResultSize <Unlimited>]
[-SortBy <String>]

Get-Mailbox [-Anr <String>]

[-Arbitration <SwitchParameter>]
[-Archive <SwitchParameter>]
[-Credential <PSCredential>]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-Filter <String>]
[-IgnoreDefaultScope <SwitchParameter>]
[-OrganizationalUnit <OrganizationalUnitIdParameter>]
[-ReadFromDomainController <SwitchParameter>]
[-RecipientTypeDetails <RecipientTypeDetails[]>]
[-ResultSize <Unlimited>]
[-SortBy <String>]

Table 27 describes the parameters for Get-Mailbox and how they are used.

Global Technical Readiness

Microsoft Confidential - For Internal Use Only 83
Exchange Server 2010 Introduction to Supporting Administration
Table 35: Get-Mailbox Parameters

Parameter Description
Anr The Anr parameter refers to a string on which to perform an
ambiguous name resolution (ANR) search. You can specify a partial
string and search for objects with an attribute that matches that
string. The default attributes searched are:
 CommonName (CN)
 DisplayName
 FirstName
 LastName
 Alias
Arbitration The Arbitration parameter refers to that the mailbox for which you
are executing the command is an arbitration mailbox. Arbitration
mailboxes are used for managing approval workflow. For example,
an arbitration mailbox is used for handling moderated recipients
and distribution group membership approval.
Archive The Archive parameter refers to whether to return information
about the recipient's archive mailbox.
Credential The Credential parameter refers to the user name and password to
use to access Active Directory. This parameter requires the creation
and passing of a credential object. This credential object is created
by using the Get-Credential cmdlet.
Database The Database parameter refers to the database from which to get
the mailbox. You can use the following values:
 GUID of the database
 Database name
 Server name\database name
If you don't specify the server name, the command searches for the
database on the local server. This parameter can't be used in
conjunction with the Filter parameter.
DomainController The DomainController parameter refers to the fully qualified
domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller that retrieves data
from Active Directory.
Filter The Identity parameter identifies the mailbox. You can use one of
the following values:
 Distinguished name (DN)
 Domain\Account
 User principal name (UPN)
 LegacyExchangeDN
 SmtpAddress
 Alias
IgnoreDefaultScope The IgnoreDefaultScope parameter instructs the command to
ignore the default recipient scope setting for the Exchange

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Management Shell session and use the entire forest as the scope.
This allows the command to access Active Directory objects that
aren't currently in the default scope. Using the IgnoreDefaultScope
parameter introduces the following restrictions:
 You can't use the DomainController parameter. The
command uses an appropriate global catalog server automatically.
 You can only use the DN for the Identity parameter. Other
forms of identification, such as alias or GUID, aren't accepted.
 You can't use the OrganizationalUnit and Identity
parameters together.
 You can't use the Credential parameter.
OrganizationalUnit The OrganizationalUnit parameter refers to an organizational unit
(OU) and is used to limit the results. If you use this parameter, you
only get mailboxes in the container that you specify. You can use
either the OU or the domain name. If you use the OU, you must
specify the canonical name of the OU.
ReadFromDomainControlle The ReadFromDomainController parameter refers to that the user
r information is read from a domain controller in the user's domain.
If you set the recipient scope to include all recipients in the forest
and don't use this parameter, it's possible that the user information
is read from a global catalog with outdated information. If you use
this parameter, multiple reads might be necessary to get the
information. By default, the recipient scope is set to the domain
that hosts your servers that run Exchange.
RecipientTypeDetails The RecipientTypeDetails parameter refers to the type of recipients
returned. Recipient types are divided into recipient types and
subtypes. Each recipient type contains all common properties for
all subtypes. For example, the type UserMailbox represents a user
account in Active Directory with an associated mailbox. Because
there are several mailbox types, each mailbox type is identified by
the RecipientTypeDetails parameter. For example, a conference
room mailbox has RecipientTypeDetails set to
ConferenceRoomMailbox, whereas a user mailbox has
RecipientTypeDetails set to UserMailbox. For this command, the
available recipient type details are:
 ArbitrationMailbox
 ConferenceRoomMailbox
 DiscoveryMailbox
 EquipmentMailbox
 LinkedMailbox
 RoomMailbox
 SharedMailbox
 UserMailbox
ResultSize The ResultSize parameter refers to the maximum number of results
to return. If you want to return all mailboxes that match the query,
use unlimited for the value of this parameter. The default value is
Server The Server parameter refers to an individual server and is used to

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limit the results. If you use this parameter, you only get mailboxes
that reside on the server that you specify. Use the common name
of the server that you want to specify.
SortBy The SortBy parameter refers to the attribute by which to sort the
results. You can sort by only one attribute at a time. You can sort by
the following attributes:
 Alias
 Display name
 Name

The following example Get-Mailbox:
[PS] C:\>get-mailbox -Identity user14

Name Alias ServerName ProhibitSend

---- ----- ---------- ------------
user fourteen userfourteen conseamb1 unlimited

To see only the properties that are related to records management, the following
command passes the results of Get-Mailbox by pipeline to the Format-List command,
which uses a list of property names to limit the returned data:

The properties of interest that appear in the output from Get-Mailbox are shown in Table
Table 36: Get-Mailbox Properties

Property Name Description


Use the New-Mailbox cmdlet to create a user in Active Directory and mailbox-enable this
new user. New-Mailbox includes parameters for configuring User Archive and MRM
settings during mailbox creation.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Recipient Management

Figure 23 shows the syntax for New-Mailbox.

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Figure 27: New-Mailbox Syntax

New-Mailbox -Name <String>

-Password <SecureString>
-UserPrincipalName <String>
[-Archive <SwitchParameter>]
[-Discovery <SwitchParameter>]
[-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy <MailboxPolicyIdParameter>]
[-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed <SwitchParameter>]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

The syntax, parameter details and examples for New-Mailbox that are covered
Note: in this section include only the minimum required for creating a new mailbox,
plus the parameters specific to configuring records management features. For
full details on the New-Mailbox cmdlet, see help information from the EMS
using this command: Get-Help New-Mailbox -Full.

Table 30 describes the parameters for New-Mailbox that are specific to records
management and how they are used.
Table 37: New-Mailbox Parameters

Parameter Description
Archive The Archive parameter refers to whether to create an
archive mailbox for the specified user. You don't have to
specify a value with this parameter.
Discovery The Discovery parameter refers to that this mailbox is a
Discovery mailbox. Discovery mailboxes are created as
target mailboxes for Discovery searches. After being
created or enabled, a Discovery mailbox can't be
d or converted to another type of mailbox. You don't
have to include a value with this parameter. For more
information, see Understanding Discovery.
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy The ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy parameter refers to
the managed folder mailbox policy to enable for the
mailbox that you create.
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed The ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed parameter
refers to whether to bypass the warning that MRM
features aren't supported for e-mail clients using
versions of Microsoft Outlook earlier than Office Outlook
2007. When a managed folder mailbox policy is assigned
to a mailbox using the ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy
parameter, the warning appears by default unless the
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed parameter is used.

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Outlook 2003 Service Pack 3 clients are supported but

are provided limited functionality for MRM.

The following example New-Mailbox:

Use the Enable-Mailbox cmdlet to mailbox-enable an existing user or Active Directory
InetOrgPerson object. Mailbox-enabling an existing user or InetOrgPerson object creates
additional mailbox attributes on the user object in AD. When the user logs on to the
mailbox or receives e-mail messages, a mailbox object in the Exchange database is

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Recipient Management

Figure 24 shows the syntax for Enable-Mailbox.
Figure 28: Enable-Mailbox Syntax

Enable-Mailbox -Identity <UserIdParameter>

[-Archive <SwitchParameter>]
[-Discovery <SwitchParameter>]
[-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy <MailboxPolicyIdParameter>]
[-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed <SwitchParameter>]
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-Database <DatabaseIdParameter>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

The syntax, parameter details and examples for Enable-Mailbox that are
Note: covered in this section include only the minimum required for creating a new
mailbox, plus the parameters specific to configuring records management
features. For full details on the Enable-Mailbox cmdlet, see help information
from the EMS using this command: Get-Help Enable-Mailbox -Full.

Table 31 describes the parameters for Enable-Mailbox and how they are used.

88 © [Select Current or Release Date] Microsoft Corporation. All rights

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Table 38: Enable-Mailbox Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the user or
InetOrgPerson object that you want to mailbox-enable.
You can use one of the following values:
 Distinguished name (DN)
 Domain\Account
Archive The Archive parameter refers to that this mailbox is an
Archive mailbox.
Discovery The Discovery parameter refers to that this mailbox is a
Discovery mailbox. Discovery mailboxes are created as
target mailboxes for Discovery searches. You don't have
to include a value with this parameter.
After being created or enabled, a Discovery mailbox can't
be converted to another type of mailbox.
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy The ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy parameter refers to
the managed folder mailbox policy to enable for the
mailbox that you create. If you don't specify this
parameter, the default managed folder mailbox policy is
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed The ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed parameter
refers to whether to bypass the warning that MRM
features aren't supported for e-mail clients using
versions of Microsoft Outlook earlier than Office Outlook
2007. When a managed folder mailbox policy is assigned
to a mailbox using the ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy
parameter, the warning appears by default unless the
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed parameter is used.
Outlook 2003 Service Pack 3 clients are supported but
are provided limited functionality for MRM.

The following example Enable-Mailbox:

Use the Set-Mailbox cmdlet to modify the settings of an existing mailbox. You can use this
cmdlet for one mailbox at a time. To perform bulk management, you can pipeline the
output of various Get- cmdlets (for example, the Get-Mailbox or Get-User cmdlets) and
configure several mailboxes in a single-line command. You can also use the Set-Mailbox
cmdlet in scripts.

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A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Recipient Management
 Records Management
 Discovery Management

Figure 25 shows the syntax for Set-Mailbox.
Figure 29: Set-Mailbox Syntax

Set-Mailbox -Identity <MailboxIdParameter>

[-ArchiveName <MultiValuedProperty>]
[-ArchiveQuota <Unlimited>]
[-ArchiveWarningQuota <Unlimited>]
[-EndDateForRetentionHold <Nullable>]
[-LitigationHoldEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy <MailboxPolicyIdParameter>]
[-ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed <SwitchParameter>]
[-RecoverableItemsQuota <Unlimited>]
[-RecoverableItemsWarningQuota <Unlimited>]
[-RemoveManagedFolderAndPolicy <SwitchParameter>]
[-RetainDeletedItemsFor <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup <$true | $false>]
[-RetentionComment <String>]
[-RetentionHoldEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-RetentionPolicy <MailboxPolicyIdParameter>]
[-RetentionUrl <String>]
[-SingleItemRecoveryEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-StartDateForRetentionHold <Nullable>]
[-UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults <$true | $false>]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 32 describes the parameters for Set-Mailbox and how they are used.
Table 39: Set-Mailbox Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the mailbox. You can
use the following values:
 ADObjectID
 Alias
 Distinguished name (DN)
 Domain\Account

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 LegacyExchangeDN
 SmtpAddress
 User principal name (UPN)
ArchiveName The ArchiveName parameter refers to the name of the
archive mailbox. Use this parameter to change the name
of the archive.
ArchiveQuota The ArchiveQuota parameter refers to the archive
mailbox size at which it no longer accepts messages.
When you enter a value, qualify the value with one of
the following units:
 MB (megabytes)
 GB (gigabytes)
 TB (terabytes)
 PB (petabytes)
Unqualified values are treated as bytes. The value must
be greater than the value of the ArchiveWarningQuota
parameter. The valid input range for either parameter is
from 1MB through 8192 PB.
ArchiveWarningQuota The ArchiveWarningQuota parameter refers to the
archive mailbox size at which a warning message is sent
to the user.
When you enter a value, qualify the value with one of
the following units:
 MB (megabytes)
 GB (gigabytes)
 TB (terabytes)
 PB (petabytes)
Unqualified values are treated as bytes. The value of
must be less than the value of the ArchiveQuota
parameter. The valid input range for either parameter is
from 1MB through 8191 PB.
EndDateForRetentionHold The EndDateForRetentionHold parameter refers to the
end date for retention hold for MRM. To use this
parameter, the RetentionHoldEnabled parameter must
be set to $true.
LitigationHoldEnabled The LitigationHoldEnabled parameter refers to that the
mailbox is under litigation hold and that messages can't
be deleted from the user's account. The two possible
values for this parameter are $true or $false. The default
value is $false. After a mailbox is placed on litigation
hold, deleted items and all versions of changed items are
retained in the Recoverable Items folder. Items that are
purged from the dumpster are also retained and the
items are held indefinitely. If you enable litigation hold,
single-item recovery quotas aren't applied.
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy The ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy parameter refers to a

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managed folder mailbox policy that controls MRM for

the mailbox. If the parameter is set to $null, Exchange
removes the managed folder mailbox policy from the
mailbox but any managed folders in the mailbox remain.
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed The ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed parameter
bypasses the warning that MRM features aren't
supported for e-mail clients running versions of Outlook
earlier than Outlook 2007. When a managed folder
mailbox policy is assigned to a mailbox using the
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicy parameter, the warning
appears by default unless the
ManagedFolderMailboxPolicyAllowed parameter is used.
Although Outlook 2003 Service Pack 3 clients are
supported, they have limited MRM functionality.
RecoverableItemsQuota The RecoverableItemsQuota parameter refers to the
limit for the Recovery Items folder. When you reach the
quota limit, you can't put any more items in the
Recovery Items folder.
RecoverableItemsWarningQuota The RecoverableItemsWarningQuota parameter refers
to the quota for when a warning event is entered in
Event Viewer.
RemoveManagedFolderAndPolicy The RemoveManagedFolderAndPolicy parameter refers
to whether to remove all MRM 1.0 policies and
attributes from a mailbox. If you use this parameter,
MRM 1.0 policies and MRM 1.0 properties from any
managed folders that were created as part of any MRM
1.0 policies are removed. Managed folders that are
empty are also removed from the mailbox, and managed
folders that contain items are converted to standard
RetainDeletedItemsFor The RetainDeletedItemsFor parameter refers to the
length of time to keep deleted items.
To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss
where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds.
For example, to specify a 15-hour interval, enter
RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup The RetainDeletedItemsUntilBackup parameter refers to
whether to retain deleted items until the next backup.
The two possible values for this parameter are $true or
RetentionComment The RetentionComment parameter refers to a comment
displayed in Outlook regarding the user's retention hold
This comment can only be set if the
RetentionHoldEnabled parameter is set to $true. This
comment should be localized to the user's preferred
RetentionHoldEnabled The RetentionHoldEnabled parameter refers to whether
retention hold is enabled for messaging retention

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policies. The two possible values for this parameter are

$true or $false. To set the start date for retention hold,
use the StartDateForRetentionHold parameter.
RetentionPolicy The RetentionPolicy parameter refers to the name of a
retention policy that you want applied to this mailbox.
Retention policies consist of tags that are applied to
mailbox folders and mail items to determine the period
of time that the items should be retained.
RetentionUrl The RetentionUrl parameter refers to the URL or an
external Web page with additional details about the
organization's messaging retention policies.
This URL can be used to expose details regarding
retention policies in general, which is usually a
customized legal or IT Web site for the company.
SingleItemRecoveryEnabled The SingleItemRecoveryEnabled parameter refers to
whether to prevent the Recovery Items folder from
being purged. When this parameter is set to $true, it
prevents the Recovery Items folder from being purged. It
prevents any items from being removed that have been
deleted or edited. The possible values for this parameter
are $true or $false. The default value is $false.
StartDateForRetentionHold The StartDateForRetentionHold parameter refers to the
start date for retention hold for MRM. To use this
parameter, the RetentionHoldEnabled parameter must
be set to $true.
UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults The UseDatabaseRetentionDefaults parameter refers to
that this mailbox uses the MailboxRetention attribute
specified for the mailbox database where this mailbox
The two possible values for this parameter are $true or
Force The Force switch refers to whether to suppress the
warning or confirmation messages that appear during
specific configuration changes.
IgnoreDefaultScope The IgnoreDefaultScope parameter instructs the
command to ignore the default recipient scope setting
for the Exchange Management Shell session and use the
entire forest as the scope. This allows the command to
access AD objects that aren't currently in the default
scope. Using the IgnoreDefaultScope parameter
introduces the following restrictions:
You can't use the DomainController parameter. The
command uses an appropriate global catalog server
automatic ally.
You can only use the DN for the Identity parameter.
Other forms of identification, such as alias or GUID,
aren't accepted.

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The following example Set-Mailbox:

Use the Get-MailboxServer cmdlet to return a Mailbox server object and all its attributes.
If no parameter is specified, a complete list of the Mailbox servers in the entire Exchange
organization is returned.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Delegated Setup
 Hygiene Management
 Organization Management
 Public Folder Management
 Recipient Management
 Server Management
 View-Only Organization Management

Figure 25 shows the syntax for Get-MailboxServer.
Figure 30: Get-MailboxServer Syntax

Get-MailboxServer [-Identity <MailboxServerIdParameter>]

[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-Status <SwitchParameter>]

Table 33 describes the parameters for Get-MailboxServer and how they are used.
Table 40: Get-MailboxServer Parameters

Paramet Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the Mailbox server. You can use the following values:
 Name
 Distinguished name (DN)
Status The Status parameter refers to whether you want to get additional status information,

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such as locale.
You don't need to specify any value with this parameter.
If you specify this parameter, you should format the output in such a way that you can
view the additional attributes. For example, pipe the output to the Format-List

The following example Get-MailboxServer:

The properties of interest that appear in the output from Get-MailboxServer are shown in
Table 34.
Table 41: Get-MailboxServer Properties

Property Name Description


Use the Set-MailboxServer cmdlet to modify attributes on a computer running Microsoft
Exchange with the Mailbox server role installed.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Server Management

Figure 27 shows the syntax for Set-MailboxServer.
Figure 31: Set-MailboxServer Syntax

Set-MailboxServer -Identity <MailboxServerIdParameter>

[-FolderLogForManagedFoldersEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-JournalingLogForManagedFoldersEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders <Unlimited>]
[-LogFileAgeLimitForManagedFolders <EnhancedTimeSpan>]
[-LogFileSizeLimitForManagedFolders <Unlimited>]
[-LogPathForManagedFolders <LocalLongFullPath>]
[-ManagedFolderAssistantSchedule <ScheduleInterval[]>]
[-RetentionLogForManagedFoldersEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-SubjectLogForManagedFoldersEnabled <$true | $false>]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

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Table 35 describes the parameters for Set-MailboxServer and how they are used.
Table 42: Set-MailboxServer Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the Mailbox server.
You can use the following values:
 Distinguished name (DN)
 Name of a Mailbox server
FolderLogForManagedFoldersEnabled The FolderLogForManagedFoldersEnabled
parameter refers to whether the folder log for
managed folders is enabled for messages that were
moved to managed folders. The two possible values
for this parameter are $true or $false. If you specify
$true, information about folders that have managed
folder mailbox policies applied to them is logged.
JournalingLogForManagedFoldersEnabled The JournalingLogForManagedFoldersEnabled
parameter refers to whether the log for managed
folders is enabled for journaling. The two possible
values for this parameter are $true or $false. If you
specify $true, information about messages that were
journaled is logged. The logs are located at the
location you specify with the
LogPathForManagedFolders parameter.
LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders The LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders
parameter refers to the size limit for all managed
folder log files from a single message database. After
the limit is reached for a set of managed folder log
files from a message database, the oldest files are
deleted to make space for new files.
The size of the managed folder log files is calculated
as the total size of all log files that have the same
name prefix. For example, for a file with the name
Managed_Folder_Assistant[Storage Group 01]
[Mailbox Database 01]20061018-1.log, the prefix is
Managed_Folder_Assistant[Storage Group 01]
[Mailbox Database 01]. If you rename log files or
copy other files into the managed folder log
directory, these files aren't counted in the log files
size calculation. The managed folder log files for
each message database have a unique name prefix.
Therefore, this limit applies to the log files for each
message database, and not to all the log files in the
If you have more than one message database, the
maximum size of the managed folder log directory
isn't the size specified in the
LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders parameter

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because the managed folder log files generated by

different databases have different name prefixes.
The maximum size of the managed folder log
directory is X times the specified value if you have X
message databases.
You must specify either an integer or unlimited. The
default value is unlimited. When you enter a value,
qualify the value with one of the following units:
 MB (megabytes)
 GB (gigabytes)
 TB (terabytes)
Unqualified values are treated as bytes.
LogFileAgeLimitForManagedFolders The LogFileAgeLimitForManagedFolders parameter
refers to how long to retain managed folder logs. Log
files that exceed the maximum retention period are
To specify a value, enter it as a time span:
dd.hh:mm:ss where d = days, h = hours, m =
minutes, and s = seconds.
For example, to specify a 30-day interval, enter
30.00:00:00. The default value is 00.00:00:00, which
refers to that there's no limit on file retention (and
not that files are overwritten immediately).
LogFileSizeLimitForManagedFolders The LogFileSizeLimitForManagedFolders parameter
refers to the maximum size for each managed folder
log file. When the log file size limit is reached, a new
log file is created. The default value is 10 megabytes
(MB). When you enter a value, qualify the value with
one of the following units:
 KB (kilobytes)
 MB (megabytes)
 GB (gigabytes)
 TB (terabytes)
Unqualified values are treated as bytes.
LogPathForManagedFolders The LogPathForManagedFolders parameter refers to
the path to the directory that stores the managed
folder log files. The default value is <Exchange
installation path>\Logging\Managed Folder
ManagedFolderAssistantSchedule The ManagedFolderAssistantSchedule parameter
refers to the intervals each week during which the
Managed Folder Assistant applies messaging records
management (MRM) settings to managed folders.
The format is StartDay.Time-EndDay.Time. You can
use the following values for the start and end days:
 Full name of the day
 Abbreviated name of the day

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 Integer from 0 through 6, where 0 = Sunday

The start time and end time must be at least 15
minutes apart. Minutes are rounded down to 0, 15,
30, or 45. If you specify more than one interval,
there must be at least 15 minutes between each
The following are examples:
"Sun.11:30 PM-Mon.1:30 AM"
6.22:00-6.22:15 (The assistant will run from Saturday
at 10:00 PM until Saturday at 10:15 PM.)
"Monday.4:30 AM-Monday.5:30
AM","Wednesday.4:30 AM-Wednesday.5:30 AM"
(The assistant will run on Monday and Wednesday
mornings from 4:30 until 5:30.)
"Sun.1:15 AM-Monday.23:00"
If the managed folder assistant doesn't finish
processing the mailboxes on the server during the
time that you've scheduled, it automatically resumes
processing where it left off the next time it runs.
RetentionLogForManagedFoldersEnabled The RetentionLogForManagedFoldersEnabled
parameter refers to whether the Managed Folder
Assistant logs information about messages that have
reached their retention limits. The two possible
values for this parameter are $true or $false. If you
specify $true, information about messages that have
been processed because they have reached their
retention limits is logged.
SubjectLogForManagedFoldersEnabled The SubjectLogForManagedFoldersEnabled
parameter refers to whether the subject of messages
is displayed in managed folder logs. The two possible
values for this parameter are $true or $false. If you
specify $false, the subject of messages is blank in the
managed folder logs. The default value is $false.

The following example Set-MailboxServer:

Use the Start-ManagedFolderAssistant cmdlet to immediately start messaging MRM
processing of mailboxes on the servers that you specify.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management

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 Records Management

Figure 28 shows the syntax for Start-ManagedFolderAssistant.
Figure 32: Start-ManagedFolderAssistant Syntax

Start-ManagedFolderAssistant [-Identity <ServerIdParameter>]

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Start-ManagedFolderAssistant [-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]

[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-Mailbox <MailboxIdParameter>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 36 describes the parameters for Start-ManagedFolderAssistant and how they are
Table 43: Start-ManagedFolderAssistant Parameters

Paramet Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the names of servers on which mailboxes are to be
processed. If a server isn't specified, mailboxes on the local server are processed. The
Identity parameter can't be used in combination with the Mailbox parameter.
Mailbox The Mailbox parameter refers to an individual mailbox to be processed. The mailbox is
specified as an e-mail address, domain\user name, or mailbox GUID. The Mailbox
parameter can't be used in combination with the Identity parameter.

The following example uses Start-ManagedFolderAssistant to start the managed folder
assistant on server CONSEAMB1:
[PS] C:\>Start-ManagedFolderAssistant -Identity CONSEAMB1

This example starts the managed folder assistant to process on the mailbox for user11:
[PS] C:\>Start-ManagedFolderAssistant -Mailbox

Use the Stop-ManagedFolderAssistant cmdlet to immediately stop MRM from processing
users' mailboxes on the specified servers.

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A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Records Management

Figure 28 shows the syntax for Stop-ManagedFolderAssistant.
Figure 33: Stop-ManagedFolderAssistant Syntax

Stop-ManagedFolderAssistant [-Identity <ServerIdParameter>]

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 37 describes the parameters for Stop-ManagedFolderAssistant and how they are
Table 44: Stop-ManagedFolderAssistant Parameters

Paramet Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to the names of servers on which the managed folder
assistant is to be stopped. If a server isn't specified, the managed folder assistant on
the local server is stopped.

The following example uses Stop-ManagedFolderAssistant to stop the managed folder
assistant on mailbox server CONSEAMB1:
[PS] C:\>Stop-ManagedFolderAssistant -Identity CONSEAMB1

Use the Get-MailboxStatistics cmdlet to obtain information about a mailbox, such as the
size of the mailbox, the number of messages it contains, and the last time it was accessed.
In addition, you can get the move history or a move report of a completed move request.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Help Desk

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Figure 30 shows the syntax for Get-MailboxStatistics.
Figure 34: Get-MailboxStatistics Syntax

Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity <GeneralMailboxIdParameter>

[-Archive <SwitchParameter>]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]

Table 38 describes the parameters for Get-MailboxStatistics and how they are used.
Table 45: Get-MailboxStatistics Parameters

Paramet Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to a mailbox. When you specify a value for the Identity
parameter, the command looks up the mailbox specified in the Identity parameter,
connects to the server where the mailbox resides, and returns the statistics for the
mailbox. You can use one of the following values:
 Distinguished name (DN)
 Domain\Account
 User principal name (UPN)
 Legacy Exchange DN
 SMTP address
 Alias
Archive The Archive switch parameter refers to whether to return mailbox statistics for the
archive mailbox associated with the specified mailbox. You don't have to specify a
value with this parameter.

The following example uses Get-MailboxStatistics to display the mailbox statistics of the
archive mailbox for the specified user:
[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity user11 -Archive

DisplayName ItemCount StorageLimitStatus LastLogonTime

----------- --------- ------------------ -------------
Online Archive - user ... 3 NoChecking ...2009 2:56:55 PM

To see all of the settings returned by Get-MailboxStatistics, pass the results by pipeline to
the Format-List command as shown in this example:
[PS] C:\>Get-MailboxStatistics -Identity user11 -Archive | Format-List

RunspaceId : 5f7227f0-c5c5-4c2e-8fff-d9ced58a9768

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AssociatedItemCount : 2
DeletedItemCount : 0
DisconnectDate :
DisplayName : Online Archive - user eleven
ItemCount : 3
LastLoggedOnUserAccount : CONTOSO\user11
LastLogoffTime : 8/10/2009 7:23:12 AM
LastLogonTime : 8/9/2009 2:56:55 PM
MailboxGuid : 7097e2a0-af86-449e-b16a-530b3a54c194
ObjectClass : Mailbox
StorageLimitStatus : NoChecking
TotalDeletedItemSize : 0 B (0 bytes)
TotalItemSize : 1.247 MB (1,307,775 bytes)
Database : MBXDB03
ServerName : CONSEAMB1
DatabaseName : MBXDB03
MoveHistory :
IsQuarantined : False
IsArchiveMailbox : True
Identity : 7097e2a0-af86-449e-b16a-530b3a54c194
MapiIdentity : 7097e2a0-af86-449e-b16a-530b3a54c194
OriginatingServer :
IsValid : True

The properties of interest that appear in the output from Get-MailboxStatistics are shown
in Table 39.
Table 46: Get-MailboxStatistics Properties

Property Name Description

AssociatedItemCount The AssociatedItemCount property refers to the total items in other
folders, except deleted items folder.
DeletedItemCount The DeletedItemCount property refers to the total count of all deleted
items in the mailbox.
DisplayName The DisplayName property identifies the display name of the mailbox.
ItemCount The ItemCount property refers to the total count of all items in the
TotalDeletedItemSize The TotalDeletedItemSize property refers to the total size utilized by
all deleted items in the mailbox.
TotalItemSize The TotalItemSize property refers to the total size utilized by all items
in the mailbox.
StorageLimitStatus The StorageLimitStatus property indicates the status of the mailbox
storage utilization as compared to the storage quota limit. The
possible values are:
 BelowLimit = the mailbox is under the quota limits.
 IssueWarning = the mailbox has crosses the Issue Warning
quota limit
 ProhibitSend = the mailbox has crossed the Prohibit Send
quota limit

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 NoChecking = no quota is enforced

 MailboxDisabled = the mailbox has crossed the Prohibit
Send/Receive quota limit
IsArchiveMailbox The IsArchiveMailbox property indicates if the mailbox is an archive
mailbox ($True) or a primary mailbox ($False)

Use the Get-MailboxFolderStatistics cmdlet to retrieve information about the folders in a
specified mailbox, including the number and size of items in the folder, the folder name
and ID, and other information.

A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the following role groups:
 Organization Management
 Recipient Management
 Help Desk
 Hygiene Management
 View-Only Organization Management

Figure 30 shows the syntax for Get-MailboxFolderStatistics.
Figure 35: Get-MailboxFolderStatistics Syntax

Get-MailboxFolderStatistics -Identity <MailboxIdParameter>

[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-FolderScope <Nullable>]
[-IncludeOldestAndNewestItems <SwitchParameter>]

Table 40 describes the parameters for Get-MailboxFolderStatistics and how they are
Table 47: Get-MailboxFolderStatistics Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter refers to a mailbox. When you specify a
value for the Identity parameter, the command looks up the
mailbox specified in the Identity parameter, connects to the
server where the mailbox resides, and returns the statistics for
the mailbox. You can use one of the following values:
 Distinguished name (DN)

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 Domain\Account
 User principal name (UPN)
 Legacy Exchange DN
 SMTP address
 Alias
FolderScope The FolderScope parameter refers to the scope of the search by
folder type. Valid parameter values include:
 All
 Calendar
 Contacts
 ConversationHistory
 DeletedItems
 Drafts
 Inbox
 JunkEmail
 Journal
 ManagedCustomFolder
 Notes
 Outbox
 RecoverableItems
 RssSubscriptions
 SentItems
 SyncIssues
 Tasks
If the ManagedCustomFolder value is entered, the command
returns the output for all managed custom folders. If the
RecoverableItems value is entered, the command returns the
output for the Recoverable Items folder and the Deletions,
Purges, and Versions subfolders.
IncludeOldestAndNewestItem The IncludeOldestAndNewestItems parameter refers to whether
s to return the dates of the oldest and newest items in each

The following example uses Get-MailboxFolderStatistics to display the mailbox statistics
of the archive mailbox for the specified user:

To see all of the settings returned by Get-MailboxFolderStatistics, pass the results by

pipeline to the Format-List command as shown in this example:

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The properties of interest that appear in the output from Get-MailboxFolderStatistics are
shown in Table 39.
Table 48: Get-MailboxFolderStatistics Properties

Property Name Description


Managing Messaging Records Management with the EMC

This topic is under development.

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Migrating from MRM 1.0 to MRM 2.0

This topic is under development.

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MRM User Experience

This topic is under development.

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Compliance and Reporting

Exchange Server 2010 offers tools to aid administrators with verifying and documenting
Messaging Records Management actions and compliance of policy, both on an
organizational level and at an individual level.

Compliance Audit Logging

Organizations need a documented history of actions taken by the Exchange 2007 server
to enforce e-mail compliance policies. Courts and regulatory bodies require proof that
regulatory requirements have been followed consistently over time. Since a current
snapshot of compliance policies is not sufficient, Exchange 2007 introduces a feature for
logging all retention, journaling and folder provisioning actions.
Having this information can also be very important when troubleshooting compliance
issues. Some examples of this include cases were an e-mail cannot be found and may have
been expired or when an item has not been copied to a long-term repository and the
failure must be found.
Messaging Records Management Compliance Logging is configured on a per-server basis
and stored on the server object in Active Directory similar to the way that message
tracking logging is configured. Logging may be toggled on/off for each Messaging Records
Management feature to control logging volumes.
As an example, some Organizations will want everything logged (such as a Finance and
Securities institution) but others may want only retention actions logged. Since
Messaging Records Management compliance logs will likely be large, controlling log
volume will be important. Compliance Logging can be configured to capture actions of the
following features:
 Retention
 Journaling
 Provisioning of Managed Folders and Opt-In Folders
If the Managed Folder Assistant is unable to write to the audit log, mailbox processing
stops and an event is generated in the application event log. Processing is attempted
again at the beginning of the next schedule window.

Configuring Compliance Audit Logging

Compliance audit logging is enabled and configured using the Set-MailboxServer task
with the parameters described in the following section. These parameters map to
attributes stored on the specified mailbox server object in Active Directory.

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Set-MailboxServer Parameters for Compliance Audit Logging

Specifies the path to the directory that stores the managed folder log files. If the target
folder does not exist, it is created when the first log is written. Maps to
msExchELCAuditLogPath attribute. Default value is:
<Exchange installation Path>\Logging\Managed Folder Assistant

Specifies how long to retain managed folder logs. Log files that exceed the maximum
retention period are deleted. To specify a value, enter it as a time span: dd.hh:mm:ss
where d = days, h = hours, m = minutes, and s = seconds. For example, to specify a 30-day
interval, enter 30.00:00:00. Maps to msExchELCAuditLogFileAgeLimit attribute. Default
value is: 00:00:00 (indefinite)
- LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders
Specifies the size limit for all managed folder log files from a single message database.
After the limit is reached for a set of managed folder log files from a message database,
the oldest files will be deleted to make room for new files. The size of the managed folder
log files is calculated as the total size of all log files that have the same name prefix. For
example, for a file with the name Managed_Folder_Assistant[Storage Group 01][Mailbox
Database 01]20061018-1.log, the prefix is Managed_Folder_Assistant[Storage Group 01]
[Mailbox Database 01].
If you rename log files or copy other files into the managed folder log directory, these files
are not counted in the log files size calculation. The managed folder log files for each
message database have a unique name prefix. Therefore, this limit applies to the log files
for each message database, not to all the log files in the directory. If you have more than
one message database, the maximum size of the managed folder log directory is not the
size specified in the LogDirectorySizeLimitForManagedFolders parameter because the
managed folder log files that are generated by different databases have different name
prefixes. The maximum size of the managed folder log directory will be X times the
specified value if you have X message databases.
You must specify either an integer or "unlimited." When you enter a value, qualify the
value with one of the following units: B (bytes), KB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), GB
(gigabytes), TB (terabytes)
Unqualified values are treated as bytes. Maps to
msExchELCAuditLogDirectorySizeLimit attribute. Default value is: unlimited.

Specifies the maximum size for each managed folder log file. When the log file size limit is
reached, a new log file is created. When you enter a value, qualify the value with one of
the following units: B (bytes), KB (kilobytes), MB (megabytes), GB (gigabytes), TB

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Unqualified values are treated as bytes. Maps to msExchELCAuditLogFileSizeLimit

attribute. Default value is: 10MB

Specifies whether the managed folder logs information about messages that have reaches
their retention limits. The two possible values for this parameter are $true or $false. If
you specify $true, information about messages that have been processed because they
have reached their retention limits will be logged. Maps to the 0x02 bit of attribute
msExchMailboxRoleFlags. Default value is: $false

Specifies whether the log for managed folders is enabled for journaling. The two possible
values for this parameter are $true or $false. If you specify $true, information about
messages that were journaled will be logged. Maps to the 0x04 bit of attribute
msExchMailboxRoleFlags. Default value is: $false

Specifies whether the folder log for managed folders is enabled for messages that were
moved to managed folders. The two possible values for this parameter are $true or $false.
If you specify $true, information about folders that have managed folder mailbox policies
applied to them will be logged. Maps to the 0x08 bit of attribute
msExchMailboxRoleFlags. Default value is: $false

Specifies whether the subject of messages will be displayed in managed folder logs. The
two possible values for this parameter are $true or $false. If you specify $false, the subject
of messages will be blank in the managed folder logs. Maps to the 0x10 bit of attribute
msExchMailboxRoleFlags. Default value is: $false

Information Captured by Compliance Audit Logging

Each log entry contains the message metadata required to identify the item acted upon by
Messaging Records Management. Log files are in comma-separated value (CSV) format
conforming to the RFC4180 standard. They can be imported into databases or opened in
spreadsheet applications as-is.
Each log entry contains the information described in Table 1.
Table 49: Audit Logging Information

Heading Description
Date-Time Timestamp for when the action was recorded. Takes the
form YYYY-MM-DD+UTC. Example:
Managed-Folder-Assistant-Action Records the action taken. Possible values are Retention,
Journaling, ManagedFolderProvisioning
Folder-Full-Path Records the mailbox folder path where the action took
place. Example:

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/Managed Folders/Cleanup Review/Inbox

Mailbox-Owner Records the Primary SMTP Address of the mailbox owner
Message-Subject Records the message subject, only when
-SubjectLogForManagedFoldersEnabled = $True
Message-Received-Date Records the received date (or creation date if the item was
not received). Example:
3/5/2007 3:48:47 PM
Message-Sender Records the LegacyExchangeDN of internal senders, SMTP
address of external senders. Note: if item was sent on
behalf of someone, both the sender and the person on
whose behalf item was sent are included
Message-Internet-ID Records the message ID
Message-Class Records the message class. Example:
Retention-Action-Taken Records any Retention action, only when
-RetentionLogForManagedFoldersEnabled = $true. Possible
values are MoveToDeletedItems, MoveToFolder,
DeleteAndAllowRecovery, PermanentlyDelete,
Journaling-Destination-Address Records the LegacyExchangeDN of the journaling
destination address if action is Journaling and
-JournalingLogForManagedFoldersEnabled = $true

An excerpt from an audit log is shown in the following example:

#Software: Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Server
#Log-type: Managed Folder Assistant
#Date: 2007-03-22T14:13:44.186Z
#Fields: Date-Time,Managed-Folder-Assistant-Action,Folder-Full-Path,Mailbox-
2007-03-22T14:13:44.186Z,,,,,,,,,,,Starting to process mailbox:
Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)/cn=Recipients/cn=mod4user1
2007-03-22T14:13:44.326Z,ManagedFolderProvisioning,/Managed Folders/Non-Work
2007-03-22T14:13:44.326Z,ManagedFolderProvisioning,/Managed Folders/Cleanup
2007-03-22T14:13:44.326Z,ManagedFolderProvisioning,/Managed Folders/Business
Undeliverable: test,3/7/2007 3:52:23 PM,/O=FOURTHCOFFEE/OU=EXCHANGE
REPORT.IPM.Note.NDR,,/o=Fourthcoffee/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
Undeliverable: RE: werwfds,3/7/2007 3:52:23 PM,/O=FOURTHCOFFEE/OU=EXCHANGE

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,REPORT.IPM.Note.NDR,,/o=Fourthcoffee/ou=Exchange Administrative Group

In this example, the log file header information includes the version of Exchange Server
that generated the file, the log file type, the date the log was begun and the field names.
This log file can be opened in Excel for a much more comprehensive view.
Each log file can be separated into sections in the context of the mailbox being acted upon
at the time, as identified by the comment “Starting to process mailbox:” as shown in the
example log excerpt.

Verifying Managed Folder Usage

The nature of Messaging Records Management deployment demands a certain level of
commitment from users to comply with their organization’s email policy. Administrators
can successfully deploy Messaging Records Management components, but it is impossible
to force 100% compliance from users. Exchange Server 2010 makes it possible to
monitor managed folder usage on a per user basis to determine which users are
complying as expected and which users are ignoring Messaging Records Management

Using Get-MailboxFolderStatistics to Confirm Managed Folder

Using Get-MailboxFolderStatistics, an administrator can gather statistical information
about the usage of any mailbox folder, including managed folders.
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics takes as input two parameters, -Identity and
-Identity represents the alias of the mailbox user account. This parameter value is
-FolderScope represents the mailbox folder for which to return statistical values. If
omitted, all folders are returned. Accepted values are any default mailbox folder (Inbox,
Calendar, Contacts etc...) or ManagedCustomFolder. When ManagedCustomFolder is
used, statistics for only managed custom folders that have been provisioned to the
specified mailbox are returned.

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The example in Figure 1 shows the use of Get-MailboxFolderStatistics and a the

resulting output. Most of the labels are self explanatory. From these values the
administrator can quickly determine how well a folder is being used.
The values of interest for confirming compliance are as follow:
 Name identifies the folder in question
 ItemsInFolder shows the total number of items in the folder.
 ItemsInFolderAndSubfolders includes the number of items in this folder and the
number of items in all subfolders of this folder
 OldestItemRecievedDate shows the received date of the oldest item in the folder
 NewestItemReceiveDate shows the received date of the newest item in the folder
If the administrator knows this is a managed folder into which users manually move
items, then it can be assumed this folder is being utilized based on the number of items
and the age of the newest item in the folder.
Figure 36: Example Get-MailboxFolderStatistics

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Get-MailboxFolderStatistics takes pipeline input from Get-Mailbox, making it possible

to collect information from a group of mailboxes based on mailbox server, database and
so on. The command shown as an example in Figure 2 returns managed folder statistics
for all mailboxes on the same server.
This example also shows the resulting error generated when running
Get-MailboxFolderStatistics against a mailbox to which no Managed Custom Folder
have been provisioned.
Figure 37: Example Get-Mailbox

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Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

This topic is under development.

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Lesson Review
<Review points and/or questions>

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Lesson 3: User Archive

User Archive allows administrators to control an organization's messaging data by
eliminating the need for personal store files, and allows users to store messages in an
archive mailbox that is accessible using Microsoft Outlook 2010 and Microsoft Outlook
Web App.

What You Will Learn

After completing this lesson you will be able to:
 Describe | Explain… course objective.
 Install | Configure… course objective.
 Analyze | Troubleshoot... course objective.

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Personal Messaging Data Management History

Before exploring User Archive, it is necessary to understand the challenges of personal
data management as it was available in previous versions of Exchange, and why it is
important to have the User Archive feature to address these challenges.

Outlook Personal Store (PST)

Microsoft Outlook uses personal store (PST) files to store data locally on users'
computers or network shares. Unlike offline store (OST) files used by Outlook to store a
copy of the mailbox for offline access, PST files are not synchronized with the user's
Exchange mailbox. Users can move messages to a PST file, resulting in the moved
messages being removed from the mailbox.
Some management challenges presented by use of PST files include the following:
Unmanaged PST files are generally created by users and reside on their computers or
network shares. They are not managed by an organization administrator. Users may
create a number of PST files containing the same or different messages, and store them in
different locations, with no organizational control.
Increased discovery costs When faced with discovery requests as a result of a law suit
or other business or regulatory requirements, the cost of discovery of messaging data
residing in PST files on users' computers comes at a much higher cost, and may involve
manual efforts. Given the difficulty in tracking unmanaged PST files, PST data may be
undiscoverable in many cases. This exposes an organization to legal and financial risks.
Inability to apply messaging retention policies If an organization uses messaging
retention policies to retain messages for a certain period, the policies cannot be applied
to messages located in PST files. Inability to apply the organization's retention policies
may result in an organization falling out of compliance, depending on the nature of
business or applicable regulations.
Risk of data loss In many organizations, user computers are not backed up frequently,
or not backed up at all. Removing messages from an Exchange mailbox and storing them
in PST files presents the risk of data loss in the event of failure of local storage devices,
accidental deletion of PST files, or file corruption.
Risk of data theft Messaging data stored in PST files is vulnerable to data theft in the
event of theft of portable computers such as laptops, or storage devices such as internal
or removable hard drives, and easily portable media such as USB drives or CDs and DVDs
where PSTs may be stored. Users with a malicious intent may willingly indulge in data
theft by moving messaging data from their Exchange mailbox to a PST file.
Fragmented view of messaging data Users using PST files do not get a uniform view of
their data. Messages stored in PST files are generally available on the computer where the

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PST file resides. When accessing a mailbox using Outlook on another computer or
Outlook Web App, messages stores in PST files are inaccessible.

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User Archive Basics

User Archive allows an administrator to provide users with an alternate storage location
to store historical messaging data. Users have seamless access to their archive mailbox
using Outlook 2010 and Outlook Web App (OWA). Using either of these client
applications a user can view an archive mailbox and move or copy messages between
their primary mailbox and the archive. User archive allows the presentation of a
consistent view of messaging data to users, and eliminates the user overhead required to
manage PST files. Eliminating the use of PST files significantly reduces an organization's
exposure to the risks outlined in the previous section.
Creating and managing archive mailboxes is integrated with mailbox management tasks,
allowing an administrator to easily manage archive mailboxes:
 You can create an archive mailbox when creating the primary user mailbox, or
enable an archive mailbox for existing mailbox users.
 Archive mailboxes can be disabled and removed.
 A user's archive mailbox resides on the same mailbox database as the user's
primary mailbox.
 When moving the user's primary mailbox from one mailbox database to another,
the archive mailbox is moved with the primary mailbox.

User Archive and Archiving Policies

In Exchange 2010, you can apply retention policies to a mailbox to control message
retention. You can use retention policies to move messages from a user's primary mailbox
to the archive mailbox after a certain period. Messages continue to be retained in the
archive mailbox till they are removed by the user. To create a retention tag to move
messages to the archive mailbox, you must use the MoveToArchive retention action for
the tag.

The implementation of retention policies in conjunctions with the User Archive

Note: feature is covered in detail as part of the lesson on Messaging Records
Management (MRM) in this module.

Archive Quotas
Archive mailboxes are designed to allow users to store historical messaging data outside
their primary mailbox. One of the reasons users resort to using PST files is low mailbox
storage quotas, and the restrictions imposed when different mailbox quotas are exceeded.
For example, users can be prevented from sending messages when the mailbox size
exceeds the Prohibit send quota, and both sending and receiving of messages can be
blocked when the mailbox size exceeds the Prohibit send and receive quota.

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To eliminate the need for PST files, it is important to provide an archive mailbox with
storage limits that meet user requirements. At the same time, organizations may require
some control on storage and growth of archive mailboxes to monitor or control storage
costs or better plan for expansion of storage.
Archive mailboxes can be configured with an ArchiveWarningQuota and an
ArchiveQuota. When a user's archive mailbox exceeds the ArchiveWarningQuota limit,
an event is logged in the Application event log. When the archive mailbox exceeds the
ArchiveQuota, moving messages to the archive mailbox is blocked. By default, the
ArchiveWarningQuota and ArchiveQuota are set to unlimited.

Client Experience
From a client application, the User Archive mailbox appears as an additional mailbox in
the folder tree view. The default convention for the display name of the User Archive
mailbox is Online Archive - <user display name>. This is to help differentiate the
archive mailbox from the user’s primary mailbox. The Outlook 2010 client also uses a
different icon from the primary mailbox.
For this release of Exchange 2010, a User Archive mailbox is only accessible from
Microsoft Outlook 2010 and Exchange 2010 OWA. The end-user experience is very
similar between the two clients, but there are some slight differences that are discussed
in the following sections.
From the archive mailbox the end-user is free to manage messaging items as they would
items in the primary mailbox. It is expected that this experience is very similar to that
when using PST files in previous versions of Outlook and Exchange. The specific details of
typical end-user actions when using the archive mailbox are as follows:
Moving Items - The archive mailbox supports the standard move actions – drag & drop,
right-click and choose move. It also supports being the target of item moves as part of the
enforcement of MRM retention policies on the Exchange server.
Deleted Items - Items can be deleted from the archive mailbox. Deleted items are no
longer visible to the end user, but are in the Mailbox dumpster. Items in the Deleted Items
folder in the archive mailbox are automatically emptied in accordance with retention
settings for the primary mailbox.
Rules - Client side Inbox rules can be configured in Outlook to move items to selected
folders in the archive mailbox. Server side rules configured in OWA are not supported.
Search - Searching the archive mailbox works the same as searching an additional
mailbox. The archive mailbox shows up in the list of All Items search stores. Archive
mailboxes are indexed in the same way as primary mailboxes and can be included in
discovery searches.
Categorize - Message categorization works the same as on messages in the primary
mailbox. Categories are preserved on messages moved from the primary to the archive

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Flag for Follow Up - Flagging of items works the same as on the primary mailbox.
Reminders - Reminders on items in the archive mailbox do not fire. (additional work
may allow the configuration of Reminder settings for items in the archive mailbox post
Reply to Messages - Replies from the archive mailbox behave the same as if they were
sent from the primary mailbox account. The reply shows as having been sent from the
primary mailbox user and has their e-mail address. The sent message shows up in the
primary mailbox Sent Items folder.
Retention Tags - The user is able to set retention tags on items in the archive; however,
when an item is moved from the primary mailbox to the archive, all policies are striped.
There are a different set of policies for the archive and the primary mailbox because
certain policies don’t make sense for messages in the archive mailbox (such as move to

Microsoft Outlook 2010

When a User Archive enabled end-user connects to their mailbox with Outlook 2010, the
User Archive mailbox “auto-magically” appears as an additional mailbox in the folder tree
view as shown in figure 1. There is no requirement to add the archive mailbox to the
Outlook profile as an additional mailbox to open thanks to an enhancement of the
Autodiscover feature.
Figure 38: Outlook 2010 Folder Tree View

Autodiscover is the key Outlook-Exchange mechanism for seeding profile information.

Outlook 2010 Autodiscover has been enhanced to automatically provision and de-
provision User Archive mailboxes as additional mailboxes to the user’s profile. Outlook
calls Autodiscover at least at the following times:
 Creation of a new profile

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 Repair of an existing profile

 Expiry of Autodiscover-defined TTL (i.e. every 60 minutes by default)
 After certain failure conditions
 On restart of Outlook
When an archive mailbox has been provisioned for a user, Outlook automatically updates
the account’s profile information to include the additional mailbox based on the response
message from the Autodiscover service on an Exchange 2010 Client Access role server.
A new element, <AlternativeMailbox>, has been added to the Autodiscover response as
a subelement of the <Account> element and peer of the <Protocol> elements. The
AlternativeMailbox element represents the additional mailbox Outlook and other clients
are to open as shown in this example for a typical response:
<DisplayName>Online Archive - user eleven</DisplayName>
<LegacyDN>/o=contoso/ou=Exchange Administrative Group
Recipients/cn=user eleven/guid=7097e2a0-af86-449e-b16a-

The individual elements are defined as follows:

 Type - The <Type> element defines the type of alternative mailbox. For this release
only Archive is supported but future changes may use Type to drive different client
 DisplayName - The <DisplayName> of the additional mailbox is generally
extracted by Outlook from properties on the root of the Store object. This string is
used to override how a client displays the name of the additional mailbox in a
folder hierarchy
 LegacyDN - The <LegacyDN> element maps to legacy DN that Outlook uses for the
alternative mailbox logon. This value is a construct of the LegacyDN of the user plus
the mailbox GUID of the additional mailbox.
 Server - The <Server> element maps to the FQDN of the Exchange RPC endpoint.
The way Outlook 2010 uses Autodiscover to configure a profile to include a User Archive
mailbox is completely transparent to the end user and requires no additional input to
establish and maintain.

Microsoft Outlook Web App

The user experience from Exchange 2010 OWA is very similar to that when using Outlook
2010. Once an end-user has been configured for User Archive by the Exchange

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administrator, there are no additional steps required during the OWA logon procedure to
access the archive mailbox. The User Archive mailbox appears as an additional mailbox in
the folder tree as shown in Figure 2.
Like Outlook 2010, using OWA the user is free to manage items in the archive mailbox as
they would items in the primary mailbox. Archive mailboxes in OWA support all regular
mailbox item types that are already supported in the OWA primary mailbox.
Figure 39: Outlook Web App Folder Tree View

The Exchange 2010 OWA code handles the archive mailbox in a way similar to that used
for accessing delegate mailbox in previous versions of OWA. Unlike accessing a delegate
mailbox, Exchange 2010 OWA understands that the primary mailbox owner is also the
owner of the archive and that the full mailbox hierarchy is to be displayed. At logon OWA
sets up two separate sessions, one to the primary mailbox and a secondary session to the
archive mailbox.

User Archive Properties

An Exchange 2010 mailbox is a combination of an Active Directory (AD) directory
service user object that has mailbox attributes and the associated mailbox data that is
stored in the mailbox database. Typically this is a one-to-one association of user account
to mailbox object.
The User Archive feature requires that the mailbox enabled user account has additional
properties that associate the account to the archive mailbox as well. The resulting
association is then one user account to two mailbox objects, one being the primary
mailbox and one the archive mailbox.
The user account is granted the same full access permissions to both mailboxes, and both
mailboxes are located in the same mailbox database. In general terms, the user mailbox
becomes Bonded, with the bond being between the primary mailbox and the archive
mailbox at the owning user account.

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Mailbox Properties
The structure of an archive mailbox is very similar to a regular user mailbox but with
some important differences. In order for the archive mailbox to be treated as a regular
mailbox, it contains the special mailbox folders that are necessary for all mailboxes:
• Inbox
• Calendar
• Contacts
• Notes
However, these mandatory folders exist in the Non-IPM Subtree of the archive mailbox,
and thus are not visible to the client. These special folders are hidden and cannot have
any content added to them at any time. The folders can be viewed with the MAPI Editor
using a profile for the primary mailbox owner.

Active Directory Properties

To support User Archive, several attributes have been added to the AD directory objects
for mailbox enabled user accounts. These attributes are used by Exchange to store the
configuration information for the archive mailbox and are used for managing the User
Archive feature for the mailbox user. They are also used for AlternativeMailbox
information sent in the Autodiscover response to Outlook 2010. The specific properties
are as follows:
msExchArchiveDatabaseLink <not yet implemented in Exchange 2010>
msExchArchiveGUID 7097E2A0-AF86-449E-B16A-530B3A54C194
msExchArchiveName Online Archive - user eleven
msExchArchiveQuota <not set>
msExchArchiveWarnQuota 2097152

These attributes and values correspond to the properties that are returned by the Get-
Mailbox command as shown in the following example:
Get-Mailbox -Identity user11 | Format-List *archive*

ArchiveGuid : 7097e2a0-af86-449e-b16a-530b3a54c194
ArchiveName : {Online Archive - user eleven}
ArchiveQuota : unlimited
ArchiveWarningQuota : 2 GB (2,147,483,648 bytes)

Only the ArchiveName, ArchiveQuota and ArchiveWarningQuota properties can be

managed. The ArchiveGuid property is taken from the mailbox object as it is identified in
the database and cannot be changed.

Managing the User Archive feature is covered in the next section.


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Managing User Archive

This topic under development.

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Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

This topic is under development.

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Lesson 4: Discovery
This lesson explains | introduces | provides a detailed …

What You Will Learn

After completing this lesson you will be able to:
 Describe | Explain… course objective.
 Install | Configure… course objective.
 Analyze | Troubleshoot... course objective.

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Discovery Overview
Exchange Server 2010 Discovery helps organizations facing legal discovery requirements,
as part of organizational policy, compliance requirements, or law suits, to search for
relevant content in Exchange mailboxes. Exchange 2010 provides a seamless experience
for searching e-mail content in mailboxes across the entire Exchange organization.

Discovery Basics
Exchange 2010 Discovery can be a useful search and data collection tool for different
audiences within organizations, and serve different needs. Some of the common uses of
Discovery include the following:
 Legal Discovery - Complying with legal discovery requests for messaging records
is increasingly becoming one of the most important tasks for organizations
involved in law suits.
 Internal investigations - Requests from managers or legal departments as part of
internal investigations.
 Human Resources - Requests from HR departments as part of regular monitoring
of e-mail content or specific searches based on HR requirements.
Without a dedicated tool, searching messaging records spread over a number of different
mailboxes, residing in different mailbox databases on e-mail servers throughout a
dispersed organization can be time-consuming and resource-intensive task. When faced
with requests for messaging records pertaining to a certain subject, Discovery fills the
critical need of being able to search a large volume of e-mail messages stored in
mailboxes across one or more Exchange 2010 servers, possibly in different locations.

Exchange Search
Discovery uses the content indexes created by Exchange Search. New capabilities have
been added to Exchange Search to allow it to provide the extensive search functionality
required by Discovery. Having a single content indexing engine ensures no additional
resources are utilized for crawling and indexing mailbox databases for Discovery when
discovery requests are received by IT departments.
The Exchange Control Panel (ECP) provides an easy-to-use search interface for non-
technical personnel such as HR, records managers and legal professionals. Role Based
Access Control (RBAC) provides the Discovery Management role to allow secure search
access to non-technical personnel, without providing elevated privileges to make any
operational changes to Exchange Server configuration.

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Discovery Management role

Creating and managing a Discovery search requires the Discovery Management RBAC
role to be delegated. By default, Exchange administrators do not have sufficient rights to
perform a Discovery search. Auditing of RBAC role changes ensures adequate records are
kept to track assignment of Discovery Management role.

Discovery is a powerful feature that allows a user with the appropriate

Note: permissions to potentially have access to all messaging records stored
throughout the Exchange Organization. It is important to control and monitor
Discovery activities, including assignment of the Discovery Management role.

Advanced Query Syntax

Discovery allows the use of Advance Query Syntax (AQS), the familiar query syntax
used for Instant Search in Microsoft Outlook 2007 and later. The same syntax is used by
Windows Desktop Search (WDS). AQS allows a user to easily construct powerful search
queries to search content indexes.

AQS is covered in more detail in the appendix of this module.


Performing a Search
A Discovery search can be performed by a user who has the Discovery Management role
assigned. Discovery tasks are performed using the ECP or shell cmdlets. When
performing a search, a search object is created in Exchange 2010, which can be
manipulated to start, stop, modify and remove the search. Items returned by Discovery
are copied to the mailbox designated as the target mailbox in the search. Multiple
searches can run concurrently.

Discovery Mailbox
Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 Setup creates a Discovery mailbox by default. Discovery
mailboxes are available as target mailboxes for Discovery searches in the Exchange
Control Panel. You can create additional Discovery mailboxes as required. A Discovery
mailbox can't be repurposed or converted to another type of mailbox. You can remove a
Discovery mailbox using the same procedure used to remove other types of mailboxes.

Viewing search results

Search results are copied to the target mailbox specified in the search. A new folder
bearing the same name as the search is created in the target mailbox, with a sub-folder
for each source mailbox searched. Messages returned by the search are copied to the
corresponding folder in the target mailbox.

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Managing Discovery
The Discovery feature is managed using the Exchange Management Shell (EMS) and the
Exchange Control Panel (ECP).

EMS Discovery Management Commands

This section covers details about the cmdlets provided by Exchange Server 2010 for
managing the discovery feature:
 Get-MailboxSearch
 New-MailboxSearch
 Set-MailboxSearch
 Remove-MailboxSearch
 Search-Mailbox
 Stop-MailboxSearch
 Start-MailboxSearch

Common Parameters
There are parameters that are common to most of the cmdlets described in this lesson.
For efficiency sake, these parameters are described in, and apply to wherever they are
used in the syntax list for each cmdlet.
Table 50: Common Parameters

Common Parameter Description

DomainController The DomainController parameter refers to the fully
qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller
that writes this configuration change to Active Directory.
Confirm The Confirm switch causes the command to pause
processing and requires you to acknowledge what the
command will do before processing continues. You don't
have to specify a value with the Confirm switch.
WhatIf The WhatIf switch instructs the command to simulate the
actions that it would take on the object. By using the
WhatIf switch, you can view what changes would occur
without having to apply any of those changes. You don't
have to specify a value with the WhatIf switch.
<CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose,
Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction,
WarningVariable, OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more
information, type, "get-help about_commonparameters".

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A user must be granted access through role assignment before running this task. By
default the required access is granted by role assignment to the Discovery Management
role group.

Exchange 2010 relies on Role Based Access Control (RBAC) to control access to
Note: the tasks described in this section. RBAC is covered in detail as part of a
separate module that is a prerequisite for this topic.

Use the Get-MailboxSearch cmdlet to view mailbox searches that are in progress,
complete, or stopped.

Figure 1 shows the syntax for Get-MailboxSearch.
Figure 40: Get-MailboxSearch Syntax

Get-MailboxSearch [-Identity <SearchObjectIdParameter>]

[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-ResultSize <Unlimited>]

Table 1 describes the parameters for Get-MailboxSearch and how they are used.
Table 51: Get-MailboxSearch Parameters

Paramet Description
Identity The Identity parameter specifies the name of the search query. If a name isn't
provided, all mailbox search queries are returned.
ResultSiz The ResultSize parameter specifies the maximum number of results to return. The
e default result size is 1000. Use unlimited to return all mailbox searches.

The Get-MailboxSearch cmdlet

Use the New-MailboxSearch cmdlet to start a new Discovery search. Discovery searches
are performed across all servers running Exchange Server 2010 in an Exchange

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Figure 1 shows the syntax for New-MailboxSearch.
Figure 41: New-MailboxSearch Syntax

New-MailboxSearch -Name <String>

-TargetMailbox <MailboxIdParameter>
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-DoNotIncludeArchive <SwitchParameter>]
[-EndDate <Nullable>]
[-Force <SwitchParameter>]
[-IncludeUnsearchableItems <SwitchParameter>]
[-Language <CultureInfo>]
[-LogLevel <Suppress | Basic | Full>]
[-ManagedBy <RecipientIdParameter[]>]
[-MessageTypes <KindKeyword[]>]
[-Recipients <String[]>]
[-SearchDumpster <SwitchParameter>]
[-SearchQuery <String>]
[-Senders <String[]>]
[-SourceMailboxes <RecipientIdParameter[]>]
[-StartDate <Nullable>]
[-StatusMailRecipients <RecipientIdParameter[]>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 1 describes the parameters for New-MailboxSearch and how they are used.
Table 52: New-MailboxSearch Parameters

Parameter Description
Name The Name parameter specifies a friendly name for the search. Search
results are copied to a folder in the mailbox specified by the
TargetMailbox parameter. The folder name is the same as the search
TargetMailbox The TargetMailbox parameter specifies the identity of the destination
mailbox where search results are copied. You can use the following
 Alias
 Display Name
 Domain\Account
 SMTP address
 Distinguished name (DN)
 Object GUID
 User Principal Name (UPN)
 LegacyExchangeDN
DoNotIncludeArchive The DoNotIncludeArchive parameter specifies whether archive
mailboxes are included in the search. By default, archive mailboxes

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are included in the search. To exclude archive mailboxes, set the

DoNotIncludeArchive parameter to $true.
EndDate The EndDate parameter specifies an end date and time for the
search. Messages dated on or before the end date will be searched.
The default time is the current time.
When you enter a specific date, use the short date format defined in
the Regional Options settings configured on the local computer. For
example, if your computer is configured to use the short date format
mm/dd/yyyy, enter 03/01/2006 to specify March 1, 2006. You can
enter the date only, for example, 10/05/2005. Or you can enter the
date and time of day. If you enter a time of day and date, you must
enclose the argument in double quotation marks, for example,
"10/05/2005 5:00:00 PM".
Force The Force parameter creates the search, overwriting any existing
searches with the same name.
IncludeUnsearchableItem The IncludeUnsearchableItems parameter specifies whether items
s that couldn't be indexed by Exchange Search should be included in
the search results. The IncludeUnsearchableItems parameter doesn't
require a value.
Language The Language parameter specifies a locale for the search.
LogLevel The LogLevel parameter specifies the logging level for the search. It
can have one of the following values:
 Suppress No logs are kept.
 Basic Basic information about the query and who ran it is
 Full In addition to the information kept by the Basic log
level, the Full log level adds a complete list of search results.
ManagedBy The ManagedBy parameter specifies one or more users or security
groups who have permissions to view, modify, or delete the search.
MessageTypes The MessageTypes parameter specifies the message types to include
in the search. Valid values can be one or more of the following:
 Email
 Meetings
 Tasks
 Notes
 Docs
 Journals
 Contacts
 IM
If not specified, all message types are included.
Recipients The Recipients parameter specifies one or more recipients. Messages
that have the recipients in the To, Cc, and Bcc fields are returned.
SearchDumpster The SearchDumpster parameter enables searching the dumpster,
which is a storage location where items deleted from the Deleted
Items folder are located until they are purged from the mailbox

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SearchQuery The SearchQuery parameter specifies a search string or a query

formatted using Advance Query Syntax (AQS). If this parameter is
empty, all messages from all mailboxes specified in the
SourceMailboxes parameter are returned.
Senders The Senders parameter specifies the SMTP address of one or more
SourceMailboxes The SourceMailboxes parameter specifies the identity of one or more
mailboxes to be searched. If not specified, all mailboxes in the
Exchange organization are searched.
StartDate The StartDate parameter specifies a start date and time for the
search. For valid date and time formatting options, refer to the
description of the EndDate parameter.
StatusMailRecipients The StatusMailRecipients parameter specifies one or more recipients
to receive a status e-mail message upon completion of the search.

The New-MailboxSearch cmdlet

Use the Set-MailboxSearch cmdlet to modify an existing Discovery search.

Figure 1 shows the syntax for Set-MailboxSearch.
Figure 42: Set-MailboxSearch Syntax

Set-MailboxSearch -Identity <SearchObjectIdParameter>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-DoNotIncludeArchive <SwitchParameter>]
[-EndDate <Nullable>]
[-Force <SwitchParameter>]
[-IncludeUnsearchableItems <$true | $false>]
[-Language <CultureInfo>]
[-LogLevel <Suppress | Basic | Full>]
[-ManagedBy <RecipientIdParameter[]>]
[-MessageTypes <KindKeyword[]>]
[-Name <String>]
[-Recipients <String[]>]
[-SearchDumpster <$true | $false>]
[-SearchQuery <String>]
[-Senders <String[]>]
[-SourceMailboxes <RecipientIdParameter[]>]
[-StartDate <Nullable>]
[-StatusMailRecipients <RecipientIdParameter[]>]
[-TargetMailbox <MailboxIdParameter>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

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Table 1 describes the parameters for Set-MailboxSearch and how they are used.
Table 53: Set-MailboxSearch Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter specifies the name of the Discovery search
DoNotIncludeArchive The DoNotIncludeArchive parameter specifies whether items in the
user's Archive mailbox are included in Discovery searches. By default,
items in the user's Archive mailbox are included in Discovery
searches. If set to $true, the DoNotIncludeArchive parameter
instructs Discovery to exclude Archive mailboxes from the search.
EndDate The EndDate parameter specifies an end date for the search.
Force The Force switch suppresses the confirmation prompt displayed
before modifying a search. When modifying a search, previous search
results are removed from the target mailbox, and the search is
restarted after modification. The Force switch doesn't require a value.
IncludeUnsearchableItem The IncludeUnsearchableItems parameter specifies whether
s Discovery includes unsearchable items in the search results. If set to
$true, Discovery includes unsearchable items in the search results.
These items, regardless of whether they match the search criteria,
are copied to the target mailbox.
Language The Language parameter specifies a locale for the Discovery search.
LogLevel The LogLevel parameter specifies a logging level for the Discovery
search. Valid values are:
 Basic Basic details of the search are kept.
 Full In addition to details in the Basic logging level, a full list
of all messages returned is included.
 Suppress Logging is suppressed. No logs are kept.
ManagedBy The ManagedBy parameter specifies the users or groups who are
allowed to manage the search, including taking actions such as
starting, stopping, modifying, or removing the search.
MessageTypes The MessageTypes parameter specifies the message types that
should be included in the Discovery search. Valid values include:
 Email
 Meetings
 Tasks
 Notes
 Docs
 Journals
 Contacts
 IM
Name The Name parameter specifies a name for the search. The top-level
folder created in the target mailbox, where items returned by the
search are copied, is also named after the search name.
Recipients The Recipients parameter specifies one or more recipients and is a

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part of the Discovery search query. Messages addressed to any

recipient specified in the Recipients parameter are returned.
SearchDumpster The SearchDumpster parameter specifies whether the dumpster is
searched. The dumpster is a storage area in the mailbox where
deleted items are temporarily stored after being deleted or removed
from the Deleted Items folder, or after being hard-deleted, and
before being purged from the mailbox based on Deleted Item
Retention settings. By default, items in the dumpster aren't searched.
Set the value to $true to enable searching the dumpster.
SearchQuery The SearchQuery parameter specifies a search query using the
Advanced Query Syntax. If a query isn't specified, the entire mailbox
is copied to the target mailbox.
If other search parameters such as Senders, Recipients, Startdate, and
EndDate are specified, these are combined by using the AND operator
with the SearchQuery parameter.
Senders The Senders parameter specifies one or more senders. Messages sent
by the specified senders are returned by the search. Senders can
include users, distribution groups, SMTP addresses, or domains. If
distribution groups are specified, messages sent by distribution group
members are returned in the search results.
SourceMailboxes The SourceMailboxes parameter specifies the mailboxes to be
searched by Discovery. If no mailboxes are explicitly specified by
using the SourceMailboxes parameter, all mailboxes located on
Exchange 2010 servers across the entire organization are searched.
StartDate The StartDate parameter specifies a start date for the Discovery
search. Messages dated on or after the start date are returned by the
StatusMailRecipients The StatusMailRecipients parameter specifies one or more recipients
to receive a status e-mail message upon completion of the search.
TargetMailbox The TargetMailbox parameter specifies the mailbox to which items
returned by the search are copied.

The Set-MailboxSearch cmdlet

Use the Remove-MailboxSearch cmdlet to remove a mailbox search.

Figure 1 shows the syntax for Remove-MailboxSearch.

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Figure 43: Remove-MailboxSearch Syntax

Remove-MailboxSearch -Identity <SearchObjectIdParameter>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 1 describes the parameters for Remove-MailboxSearch and how they are used.
Table 54: Remove-MailboxSearch Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter specifies the name of the mailbox search.

The Remove-MailboxSearch cmdlet

Use the Search-Mailbox cmdlet to search a mailbox and copy the results to a specified
target mailbox.

Figure 1 shows the syntax for Search-Mailbox.

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Figure 44: Search-Mailbox Syntax

Search-Mailbox -Identity <MailboxIdParameter>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-DoNotIncludeArchive <SwitchParameter>]
[-IncludeUnsearchableItems <SwitchParameter>]
[-LogLevel <Suppress | Basic | Full>]
[-SearchDumpster <SwitchParameter>]
[-SearchQuery <String>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Search-Mailbox -Identity <MailboxIdParameter>

-TargetMailbox <MailboxIdParameter>
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-DoNotIncludeArchive <SwitchParameter>]
[-IncludeUnsearchableItems <SwitchParameter>]
[-LogLevel <Suppress | Basic | Full>]
[-SearchDumpster <SwitchParameter>]
[-SearchQuery <String>]
[-TargetFolder <String>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Search-Mailbox -Identity <MailboxIdParameter>

-EstimateResultOnly <SwitchParameter>
[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-DoNotIncludeArchive <SwitchParameter>]
[-IncludeUnsearchableItems <SwitchParameter>]
[-LogLevel <Suppress | Basic | Full>]
[-SearchDumpster <SwitchParameter>]
[-SearchQuery <String>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 1 describes the parameters for Search-Mailbox and how they are used.
Table 55: Search-Mailbox Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter specifies the identity of the mailbox to search.
You can use the following values:
 Alias
 Display name
 Domain\Account
 SMTP address
 Distinguished name (DN)
 Object GUID
 User principal name (UPN)

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 LegacyExchangeDN
DoNotIncludeArchive The DoNotIncludeArchive switch specifies that the user's archive
mailbox shouldn't be included in the search. You don't need to specify
a value for this switch.
IncludeUnsearchableItem The IncludeUnsearchableItems switch specifies whether to include
s items that couldn't be indexed by Exchange Search. When set to
$true, the IncludeUnsearchableItems switch specifies that items that
couldn't be indexed by Exchange Search should be included in the
search results.
LogLevel The LogLevel parameter specifies the logging level for the search. It
can have one of the following values:
 Suppress No logs are kept.
 Basic Basic information about the query and who ran it is
 Full In addition to the information kept by the Basic log
level, the Full log level adds a complete list of search results.
SearchDumpster The SearchDumpster parameter specifies whether to search the
Recoverable Items folder, which is the storage location in which items
deleted from the Deleted Items folder are located until they're
purged from the mailbox database.
SearchQuery The SearchQuery parameter specifies a search string or a query
formatted using Advanced Query Syntax (AQS). If this parameter is
empty, all messages are returned.
TargetMailbox The TargetMailbox parameter specifies the identity of the destination
mailbox where search results are copied. You can use the following
 Alias
 Display name
 Domain\Account
 SMTP address
 DN
 Object GUID
 LegacyExchangeDN
You can't use this parameter with the EstimateResultOnly switch.
TargetFolder The TargetFolder parameter specifies a folder name to save search
results in the mailbox specified in the TargetMailbox parameter.
EstimateResultOnly The EstimateResultOnly switch specifies that only an estimate of the
total number and size of messages returned by the search be
provided. Messages aren't copied to the target mailbox. You can't use
this switch with the TargetMailbox parameter.

The Search-Mailbox cmdlet

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Use the Remove-MailboxSearch cmdlet to remove a mailbox search.

Figure 1 shows the syntax for Stop-MailboxSearch.
Figure 45: Stop-MailboxSearch Syntax

Remove-MailboxSearch -Identity <SearchObjectIdParameter>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 1 describes the parameters for Stop-MailboxSearch and how they are used.
Table 56: Stop-MailboxSearch Parameters

Parameter Description
Identity The Identity parameter specifies the name of the mailbox search.

The Stop-MailboxSearch cmdlet

Use the Start-MailboxSearch cmdlet to start a Discovery search that's been stopped. Any
previous results returned by the same search are removed when starting it again.

Figure 1 shows the syntax for Start-MailboxSearch.
Figure 46: Start-MailboxSearch Syntax

Start-MailboxSearch -Identity <SearchObjectIdParameter>

[-Confirm [<SwitchParameter>]]
[-DomainController <Fqdn>]
[-Force <SwitchParameter>]
[-WhatIf [<SwitchParameter>]]

Table 1 describes the parameters for Start-MailboxSearch and how they are used.
Table 57: Start-MailboxSearch Parameters

Paramet Description
Identity The Identity parameter specifies the name of the search. The name is referenced

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when starting, stopping, or removing the search.

Force The Force switch suppresses the confirmation prompt displayed before the command
is executed.

The Start-MailboxSearch cmdlet

ECP Discovery Management

This topic is under development.

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Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

This topic is under development.

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Lesson 5: Dumpster 2.0

This lesson explains | introduces | provides a detailed …

What You Will Learn

After completing this lesson you will be able to:
 Describe | Explain… course objective.
 Install | Configure… course objective.
 Analyze | Troubleshoot... course objective.

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Dumpster 2.0 Basics

Single Item Recovery
Litigation Hold
Calendar Logging
There are terms specific to Dumpster 2.0 that are described in Table 6:
Table 58: Dumpster 2.0 Terminology

Term Definition
Dumpster 2.0 A hidden folder in the mailbox where soft-deleted items are kept to
support recovery by the IW. Items are purged from this folder after 14
days by default. The customer-facing name is Recoverable Items.
Delete Pressing the “delete” key for an item in a folder other than the Deleted
Items. This moves the item to the Deleted Items folder.
Soft delete Pressing the “delete” key for an item in Deleted Items or using the “shift-
delete” key combination for an item in any folder. This moves the item to
Dumpster 2.0.
Hard delete Clicking the “Purge” button in the “Recover Deleted Items” view in
Outlook. This permanently deletes the item from the Dumpster 2.0 folder.
Litigation Hold A new Exchange 2010 feature in which copies of modified items are kept
in Dumpster 2.0 in addition to soft deleted items. Hard-deleted items are
captured there as well. These items are kept indefinitely. This feature is
off by default.
Single item recovery Similar to legal hold, copies of modified items and hard deleted items are
kept in Dumpster 2.0. The difference is that these items are purged after
default of 14 days.
Copy on Write Whenever certain properties of an item or modified, a copy made prior to
(COW) the modification is placed in Dumpster 2.0.
Calendar logging For the purposes of calendar reliability, a copy is made of each calendar
item whenever the item is modified. This copy is stripped of the body and
attachments and placed in Dumpster 2.0. For more detail, please refer to
the linked documents below.

Dumpster 2.0 Design

Dumpster 2.0 is implemented as a folder called Recoverable Items in the non-IPM Subtree
of the mailbox. It has three sub-folders; Deletions, Versions and Purges:

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Non-IPM Subtree

└─ Recoverable Items

├─ Deletions

├─ Versions

└─ Purges

The Deletions folder contains all items soft-deleted by the information worker that can
be recovered using Outlook’s or OWA's “Recover Deleted Items” view.
The Versions folder contains any item modified by the IW. Items in the Versions folder
are not visible in Outlook.
The Purges folder contains any item purged using Outlook’s “Recover Deleted Items”
view. This reduces the number of items shown to make finding the right one easier by
eliminating the confusion of finding several items that appear the same in the limited
Outlook dumpster view.
Because the folders are subfolders of Recoverable Items, Search (Content Indexing) and
MRM are able to generate a single view for all dumpster items.
Some additional behavioral notes:
All items in dumpster 2.0 are indexed and searchable using the Discovery feature.
All items in dumpster 2.0 are moved with the mailbox when the mailbox is moved to
another Exchange 2010 mailbox database.
The dumpster 2.0 folder is given a quota. This prevents cases potential DOS attacks by
placing large amounts of data in the dumpster, a risk in dumpster 1.0.
To allow administrators to determine the size of the dumpster, the Get-MailboxStatistics
cmdlet returns the size of dumpster 2.0.
Dumpster 2.0 is included as part of each Exchange 2010 mailbox, including archive

Single Item Recovery

The dumpster allows recovery of recently deleted items without a time-consuming
mailbox restore. However, items in the dumpster can be permanently deleted by IWs
using Outlook and OWA, and items that are modified are not captured in the dumpster at
all. These situations prevent IWs from recovering data they need and impede forensic
and legal discovery of e-mail data.
The Single Item Recovery feature ensures that all deleted and modified items are
preserved in the dumpster under conditions that are managed by the administrator.
 Any item soft or hard deleted by an IW is preserved within the dumpster for a
configurable period of time. By default this is 14 days.

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 Any item modified by an IW is also preserved within the dumpster for a

configurable period of time.
 When the time period elapses, deleted/modified items are automatically removed
from the dumpster by MRM.
Single item recovery also ensures that deleted and modified items can be recovered
easily. IT Pros and Discovery Managers can recover these items easily using the Discovery
feature, while IWs can recover these items using Outlook and OWA.
When Single Item Recovery or Litigation Hold features are enabled on a mailbox, all
deleted or modified items are preserved in dumpster 2.0. The difference between
litigation hold and single item recovery is that the latter has a time limit whereas items on
hold are kept indefinitely.
When single item recovery is enabled, any item that is modified is moved into dumpster
2.0 in addition to all deleted items the dumpster normally captures. Also, IWs are not
able to manually purge items from the dumpster using Outlook or OWA. This ensures
items preserved for single-item restore.
MRM 2.0 automatically cleans up items from the dumpster after a configurable period, 14
days by default. Calendar items are kept for 2 years for use by calendar troubleshooting.
If a mailbox is placed on litigation hold, the retention policies for the dumpster are
suspended. Table 7 shows the behavior when single item recovery and litigation hold are
enabled on an Exchange 2010 mailbox.
Table 59: Single Items Recovery vs. Litigation Hold

Feature State Soft-deleted Modified IW can purge MRM

items kept in (versions) and items from automatically
dumpster hard-deleted dumpster purges items
items kept in from
dumpster dumpster
Single item Yes Yes No Yes, 14 days by
recovery default (2
enabled years for cal
(default) items)
Single item Yes No Yes Yes, 14 days by
recovery default (2
disabled years for cal
Litigation hold Yes Yes No No
(trumps the
states above)

The single item recovery feature is enabled by default for all Exchange 2010 mailboxes. It
is possible to turn this feature off for organizations that are satisfied with their backup
solutions and do not want to use additional disk space to capture modified items. Also,

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there may be situations where malfunctioning clients repeatedly change items needlessly,
filling the dumpster with modified copies. Disabling the feature as a mitigation step
during troubleshooting stops the mailbox from being filled while the client issue is
Turning off single item recovery has two effects:
 Copies of modified items are no longer placed in the dumpster.
 Items can be manually purged (hard-deleted) from the dumpster for cleanup
purposes. This can be done using Outlook or OWA, or by using the “search and
destroy” functionality included in the Discovery feature.

Dumpster Cleanup
The dumpster has a quota to protect against DOS attacks. This quota is large enough to
prevent most IWs from ever hitting it, though it is possible in certain situations it could
happen. In that case, we will automatically purge the oldest items to get below the quota
and avoid the need for IT involvement. Because of this, we cannot guarantee that 100%
of items deleted or modified within the last 14 days will be preserved. Since this should
occur rarely and the dumpster quota can be changed or removed, this is acceptable.
The IW will experience the following scenarios:

1. An IW deletes an item from the “Deleted Items” folder or shift-deletes from any
folder (soft delete): the item is moved to dumpster, where it can be recovered in the
Outlook “Recover Deleted Items” view.
2. An IW purges from the “Recover Deleted Items” view in Outlook (hard delete): the
operation fails and returns an error to the client.
3. There is a hard delete operation via MAPI/EWS for any folder: the item is moved to
dumpster unless it is already there. In that case, the operation returns an error to the
4. An IW modifies an item: a copy of the original item placed in the Versions folder. The
IW does not see these items in the Outlook “Recover Deleted Items” view so they are not
aware of this. This reduces the number of items that the IW sees to only those that were
deleted, making the items he/she wants to recover more discoverable. It also eliminates
the confusion of finding several items that appear the same in the limited dumpster
view and not knowing which one to recover. If there is a rare case where the IW needs
to recover a version of an item, it can be recovered by an IT Pro using the discovery

User Archive and Dumpster

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(1) IW accepts or applies

move policies on incoming

Primary Mailbox (2) User or Archive Mailbox

policy moves
message to
1-2 yrs of email Archive 2- 10 yrs of email
Size < 10 GB Size 10 - 30 GB
Offline and Online Online Only

(3) User (3) User

edits or edits or
deletes deletes
message message
Deletions (OWA/OLK) Deletions (OWA/OLK)
(4) User
Versions (Discovery) Purges Versions (Discovery)
Purges (Discovery) Purges (Discovery)

Dumpster 2.0 Dumpster 2.0

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Managing Dumpster 2.0

This topic is under development.

Records Management Commands

This section covers details about the cmdlets provided by Exchange Server 2010 for
records management configuration, processing and diagnostics. This section is divided
into three main groups based on the area of management:

Common Parameters
There are parameters that are common to most of the cmdlets described in this lesson.
For efficiency sake, these parameters are described in, and apply to wherever they are
used in the syntax list for each cmdlet.
Table 60: Common Parameters

Common Parameter Description

DomainController The DomainController parameter refers to the fully
qualified domain name (FQDN) of the domain controller
that writes this configuration change to Active Directory.
Confirm The Confirm switch causes the command to pause
processing and requires you to acknowledge what the
command will do before processing continues. You don't
have to specify a value with the Confirm switch.
WhatIf The WhatIf switch instructs the command to simulate the
actions that it would take on the object. By using the
WhatIf switch, you can view what changes would occur
without having to apply any of those changes. You don't
have to specify a value with the WhatIf switch.
<CommonParameters> This cmdlet supports the common parameters: Verbose,
Debug, ErrorAction, ErrorVariable, WarningAction,
WarningVariable, OutBuffer and OutVariable. For more
information, type, "get-help about_commonparameters".

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Dumpster 2.0 User Experience

This topic is under development.

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Diagnostics and Troubleshooting

This topic is under development.

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Lesson Review
<Review points and/or questions>

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Scenario Based Labs

During this lab, you will <briefly describe lab>.
Estimated time to complete this lab: ## minutes

Before You Begin

Before starting this lab:
1. Complete <list lesson(s) etc.>.
2. Configure | verify your lab environment:
a. Virtual machines <VM name(s)> installed and configured.
b. <Application name> installed and configured.
c. <List and link to specific lab files if needed>.

What You Will Learn

After completing this lab you will be able to <Lab terminal objective>.
After completing the exercises you will be able to:
 Exercise 1 enabling objective.
 Exercise 2 enabling objective.

You are assisting a customer who is having issues with…

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Exercise 1: Deploying Managing MRM 2.0

<Briefly describe the goal of the exercise>

You have completed recovering files from a back up and now need to restore the files.

<Define starting conditions, including virtual machines and lab files required>.
1. <Task>.
a. <Step>.
b. <Step>.
Setting | Parameter Value
Item 1
Item 2

2. <Task>.

Sample solution
Your result should look something like the Sample in <Lab Title>, <Exercise Title> in the
Lab Manual that accompanies this course.
For step by step instructions, see <Lab Title>, <Exercise Title> in the Lab Manual that
accompanies this course.

1. <Question>

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2. <Question>

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Exercise 2: Migrating from MRM 1.0 to MRM 2.0

<Briefly describe the goal of the exercise>

You have received email from your manager requesting a maintenance action.

1. Read this Email from your manager explaining the situation.
2. Review these supporting documents:
a. Company organization chart.
b. Company ____ data.
c. Report on problems with the ____ system.
3. Open the VM containing the company system and resolve the issues.

Sample solution
Your result should look something like the Sample in <Lab Title>, <Exercise Title> in the
Lab Manual that accompanies this course.
For step by step instructions, see <Lab Title>, <Exercise Title> in the Lab Manual that
accompanies this course.

1. <Question>

2. <Question>

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Exercise 3: Troubleshooting MRM

<Briefly describe the goal of the exercise>

You are assisting a customer that is having issues <add scenario here>.

<Define starting conditions, including virtual machines and lab files required>.
1. <Task>.
a. <Step>.
i. <Sub-step>.
ii. <Sub-step>.
b. <Step>.
2. <Task>.
Setting | Parameter Value
Item 1
Item 2

3. <Task>.
a. <Step>.
b. Edit the registry as shown below:
Key Name:
Name: DWAllQueuesHeadless
Data: 0x1

c. <Step>.


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1. <Question>

2. <Question>

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Additional Resources
Presenter | Author: <Names>
Recorded: <Conference, Month, Year>
Link to Source doc on Web
Link to copy in local \Additional_Resources folder

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Module Review
<Review points and/or questions>

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Module Assessment
Now that you have completed all the course elements in this module, you are ready for
the assessment.

To complete the Assessment:

After you read the instructions below, click the link to the assessment:
1. In the login box, type in your alias and click Enter.
2. For each assessment item, choose an answer and then click Next.
3. When you have answered all the questions, click Proceed. Your score will be
4. When you have completed reviewing your score, exit out of the assessment.
Click the link below to take the course assessment:

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Slide 1
This lesson explains | introduces | provides a detailed …

What You Will Learn

After completing this lesson you will be able to:
 Describe | Explain… course objective.
 Install | Configure… course objective.
 Analyze | Troubleshoot... course objective.

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MRM Application Log Events

Messaging records management (MRM) generates events that you can view in Event
Viewer. This enables you to troubleshoot and verify the performance of the managed
folder assistant. Event Viewer tracks the following kinds of events in the following order,
based on importance:
1. Error events
2. Warning events
3. Informational events

MRM Errors and Events

The following tables provide lists of events that you can use to troubleshoot MRM. The
logging types include the following:
• Events labeled as LogAlways are always logged individually.
• Events labeled as LogPeriodic are logged only once in any five-minute period, not
every time they occur. This helps to prevent excessive log entries.

MRM events in the Managed Folder Assistant category

Even Event Logging Value or description

t ID type
1000 Error LogAlways The Managed Folder Assistant failed to provision mailbox
1 <display name, mailbox GUID, legacy DN> because of corrupt
data in the Active Directory. Exception details: <details>. To
correct this, please run the Get-ManagedFolder command and
fix the errors reported.
1000 Error LogAlways There was an invalid update to managed folder <folder> in
2 Active Directory. You may resolve this by deleting and
recreating the managed folder object.
1000 Error LogPeriodi Could not get the server configuration object from
3 c Active Directory. <Exception details>. Check for domain
controller network connectivity issues or incorrect DNS
1000 Error LogAlways The retention policy for folder <folder> in mailbox <mailbox>
4 will not be applied. The managed folder assistant is unable to
process managed content setting <content setting> for the
managed folder <managed folder>. The RetentionAction is
MoveToFolder but a destination folder was not specified.
Please specify a destination folder.
1000 Error LogAlways Retention policy will not be applied to folder <folder> in
5 mailbox <mailbox>. Unable to process Managed Content
Setting <content setting> for the Managed Folder <managed

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folder>. The RetentionAction is MoveToFolder but the

destination folder <folder> is the same as the source folder
<folder>. Please specify a destination folder that is different
from the source folder.
1000 Error LogAlways Unable to apply the managed content setting on folder
6 <folder> because the folder was not found in mailbox
1000 Error LogAlways The managed folder assistant will not process mailboxes on
7 database <database> because one or more managed folders in
Active Directory have invalid data. Please verify all the
managed folders contained in the managed folders container
in Active Directory. Exception details: <details>
1000 Error LogAlways The retention policy folder <folder> in mailbox <mailbox> will
8 not be applied. The managed folder assistant is unable to
process managed content setting <setting>. The
RetentionAction is MoveToFolder but there was a failure
creating the folder hierarchy under the destination folder. Root
destination folder: <folder>. Attempted to create subfolder
<folder> under <folder>. Error: <error>
1000 Error LogAlways The managed folder assistant skipped processing all databases
9 on the local server because it could not read the audit log
parameters from Active Directory. It will try again later in the
schedule window. Current database: <database>
1001 Error LogAlways The managed folder assistant skipped processing all databases
0 on the local server because the audit log is enabled but the
path to the audit log is missing in Active Directory. It will try
again later in the schedule window. Current database:
1001 Error LogAlways The managed folder assistant could not configure the audit log.
1 It will stop processing the current database: '%1'. It will try
again later in the schedule window. Exception details: <details>
1001 Error LogAlways The managed folder assistant did not write to the audit log. It
2 will stop processing the current database: <database>. It will
try to write to the audit log again later in the schedule window.
Exception details: <details>
1001 Warnin LogAlways The managed folder assistant was unable to provision the
3 g managed default folder <folder> in mailbox <mailbox> because
it was not found in the mailbox.
1001 Error LogAlways The managed folder assistant was unable to create the
4 managed root folder <folder> in mailbox <mailbox> because
the mailbox has several folders with the same name.
1001 Error LogAlways The managed folder assistant detected a cycle among the
5 policies in mailbox <mailbox> that will enforce retention by
moving items to a destination folder and then back to the
source folder. The policies involved are: <policies>
1001 Error LogPeriodi Managed content setting <setting> will not be applied to
6 c mailbox <mailbox> because the AgeLimitForRetention is not
greater than 0.
1001 Error LogAlways An exception occurred in the managed folder assistant while it

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7 was processing Mailbox: <mailbox> Folder: Name: <folder

name> Id: <folder ID> Item: Ids: <IDs>. Exception: <exception>.

Messaging Records Management events in the Assistants


Eve Event Logging Value or description

nt Type
9004 Warning LogAlways Service <service>. <service> failed to process mailbox
<mailbox>. The following exception caused the failure:
9014 Warning LogAlways Service <service>. Unable to process schedule changes. The
following exception caused the failure: <exception>
9017 Informatio LogAlways Service <service>. <service> for database <database> is
n entering a scheduled time window. There are <number>
mailboxes to process.
9018 Informatio LogAlways Service <service>. <service> for database <database> is
n exiting a scheduled time window. <number> out of
<number> mailboxes were successfully processed.
<number> mailboxes were skipped due to errors. <number>
mailboxes were processed separately. <number> mailboxes
were not processed due to insufficient time.

The managed folder assistant will resume where it left off
the next time it runs.
9019 Warning LogPeriodi Service <service>. Unable to save progress for <service> on
c database <database>. (The assistant was unable to save
where it stopped so that it could resume there when it
restarts.) The following exception caused the failure:
9020 Warning LogAlways Service <service>. <assistant name> failed to start for
database <database>. The following exception caused the
failure: <exception>
9021 Informatio LogAlways Service <service>. <service> for database <database> is
n processing an on-demand request. There are <number>
mailboxes to process.
9022 Informatio LogAlways Service <service>. <service> for database <database> has
n finished an on-demand request. <number> out of <number>
mailboxes were successfully processed. <number>
mailboxes were skipped due to errors.
9023 Warning LogAlways Service <service>. <service> failed to start time window
processing on database <database>. The following
exception caused the failure: <exception>
9025 Informatio LogAlways Service <service>. <service> skipped <number> mailboxes on

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n database <database>. Mailboxes: <mailboxes>

9026 Warning LogAlways Service <service>. <service> failed to start on-demand
processing on database <database>. The following
exception caused the failure: <exception>
9027 Error LogAlways Service <service>. <service> caused the process to terminate
<number> times while processing mailbox <mailbox> on
database <database>. This mailbox will no longer be
processed in the requested time window or on-demand
request. The following exception caused the failure:
9028 Warning LogAlways Service <service>. <service> caused the process to terminate
<number> times while processing mailbox <mailbox> on
database <database>. The following exception caused the
failure: <exception>
9033 Warning LogAlways Service <service>. <service> for database <database>
received an on-demand request. However, there are no
mailboxes to process.
9034 Informatio LogAlways Service <service> halted time based operations for managed
n folder assistant on database <database>.
9035 Warning LogAlways Service <service>. <assistant name> was unable to process
<number> mailboxes because insufficient time.
9037 Error LogAlways Service <service>. An exception was encountered while
processing a RPC. Method: <method>, Exception:

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ETW Tracing for MRM

<Introductory text for the main topic…>

Subtopic H3
<Text for the subtopic>.

Subtopic H4
<Text for the subtopic>.

Subtopic H5
<Text for the subtopic>.

Subtopic H6
<Text for the subtopic>.

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Advanced Query Syntax (AQS)

The Advanced Query Syntax (AQS) is used by Microsoft Windows Desktop Search (WDS)
to help users and programmers better define and narrow their searches. Using AQS is an
easy way to narrow searches and deliver better result sets. Searches can be narrowed by
the following parameters:
 File kinds: folders, documents, presentations, pictures and so on.
 File stores: specific databases and locations.
 File properties: size, date, title and so on.
 File contents: keywords like "project deliverables," "AQS," "blue suede shoes," and
so on.
Furthermore, search parameters can be combined using search operators. The remainder
of this section explains the query syntax, the parameters and operators, and how they can
be combined to offer targeted search results. The tables describe the syntax to use with
WDS, as well as the properties that can be queried for each file kind displayed in the
Windows Desktop Search results window.

Desktop Search Syntax

A search query can include one or more keywords, with Boolean operators and optional
criteria. These optional criteria can narrow a search based on the following:

 Scope or data store in which files reside

 Kinds of files

 Managed properties of files

The optional criteria, described in greater detail following, use the following syntax:
<scope name>:<value>
<file kind>:<value>
<property name>:<value>

Suppose a user wants to search for a document containing the phase "last quarter,"
created by John or Joanne, and that the user saved to the folder mydocuments. The query
may look like this:
"last quarter" author:(john OR joanne) foldername:mydocuments

Scope: Locations and Data Stores

Users can limit the scope of their searches to specific folder locations or data stores. For
example, if you use several e-mail accounts and you want to limit a query to either
Microsoft Outlook or Outlook Express, you can use store:outlook or store:oe

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Table 61: Search Restriction by Data Store

Restrict Search by Data Use Example

Desktop desktop store:desktop
Files files store:files
Outlook outlook store:outlook
Outlook Express oe store:oe
Specific Folder foldername or foldername:MyDocuments or
in in:MyDocuments

If you have a protocol handler in place to crawl custom stores, like Lotus Notes, you can
use the name of the store or protocol handler for the store. For example, if you
implemented a protocol handler to include a Lotus Notes data store as "notes," the query
syntax would be store:notes.

Common File Kinds

Users can also limit their searches to specific types of files, called file kinds. The following
table lists the file kinds and offers examples of the syntax used to search for these kinds of
Table 62: Search Restriction by File Type

To Restrict by File Type: Use Example

All file types everything kind:everything
Communications communications kind:communications
Contacts contacts kind:contacts
E-mail email kind:email
Instant Messenger conversations im kind:im
Meetings meetings kind:meetings
Tasks tasks kind:tasks
Notes notes kind:notes
Documents docs kind:docs
Text documents text kind:text
Spreadsheets spreadsheets kind:spreadsheets
Presentations presentations kind:presentations
Music music kind:music
Pictures pics kind:pics
Videos videos kind:videos
Folders folders kind:folders
Folder name foldername or in foldername:mydocs or in:mydocs
Favorites favorites kind:favorites
Programs programs kind:programs

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Boolean Operators
Search keywords and file properties can be combined to broaden or narrow a search with
operators. The following table explains common operators used in a search query.
Table 63: Boolean Operators

Keyword/Symb Examples Function

NOT social NOT security Finds items that contain social, but not security.
– social –security Finds items that contain social, but not security.
OR social OR security Finds items that contain social or security.
Quotation "social security" Finds items that contain the exact phrase social
marks security.
Parentheses (social security) Finds items that contain social and security in any
> date:>11/05/04 Finds items with a date after 11/05/04
size:>500 Finds items with a size greater than 500 bytes.
< date:<11/05/04 Finds items with a date before 11/05/04
size:<500 Finds items with a size less than 500 bytes.
.. date:11/05/04..11/10/0 Finds items with a date beginning on 11/05/04
4 and ending on 11/10/04.

The operators NOT and OR must be in uppercase and cannot be combined in

Note: one query (e.g., social OR security NOT retirement).

Boolean Properties
Some file types let users search for files using Boolean properties, as described in the
following table.
Table 64: Boolean Properties

Property Example Function

is:attachment report is:attachment Finds items that have attachments that contain report.
Same as isattachment:true.
isonline: report isonline:true Finds items that are online and which contain report.
isrecurring: report Finds items that are recurring and which
isrecurring:true containreport.
isflagged: report isflagged:true Finds items that are flagged (Review, Follow up, for
example) and which contain report.
isdeleted: report isdeleted:true Finds items that are flagged as deleted (Recycle Bin or
Deleted Items, for example) and which contain report.
iscompleted: report Finds items that are not flagged as complete and
iscompleted:false which contain report.
hasattachment report Finds items containing report and having attachments
: hasattachment:true
hasflag: report hasflag:true inds items containing report and having flags.

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In addition to searching on specific dates and date ranges using the operators described
earlier, AQS allows relative date values (like today, tomorrow, or next week) and day
(like Tuesday or Monday..Wednesday) and month (February) values.
Table 65: Dates

Relative to: Syntax Result

Day date:today Finds items with today's date.
date:tomorrow Finds items with tomorrow's date.
date:yesterday Finds items with yesterday's date.
Week/Month/yea date:this week Finds items with a date falling within the current week.
r date:last week Finds items with a date falling within the previous week.
date:next Finds items with a date falling within the upcoming
month week.
date:past month Finds items with a date falling within the previous
date:coming month.
year Finds items with a date falling within the upcoming

Properties by File Kind

Users can search on specific properties of different file kinds. Some properties (like file
size) are common to all files, while others are limited to a specific kind. Slide count, for
example, is specific to presentations. The following tables list these properties by file

File Kind: Everything

These are properties common to all file kinds. To include all types of files in a query, the
syntax is:
kind:everything <property>:<value>

where <property> is a property listed below and <value> is the user-specified search
Table 66: File Kind Everything

Property Use Example

Title title, subject or about title:"Quarterly Financial"
Status status status:complete
Date date date:last week
Date modified datemodified or modified modified:last week
Importance importance or priority importance:high
Size size size:> 50

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Deleted deleted or isdeleted isdeleted:true

Is attachment isattachment isattachment:true
To to or toname to:bob
Cc cc or ccname cc:john
Company company company:Microsoft
Location location location:"Conference Room 102"
Category category category:Business
Keywords keywords keywords:"sales projections"
Album album album:"Fly by Night"
File name filename or file filename:MyResume
Genre genre genre:rock
Author author or by author:"Stephen King"
People people or with with:(sonja or david)
Folder folder, under or path folder:downloads
File extension ext or fileext ext:.txt

These are properties common to attachments. To limit the search to attachments only,
the syntax is:
kind:attachment <property>:<value>

where <property> is a property listed below and <value> is the user-specified search
Table 67: File Kind Attachment

Property Use Example

People people or with people:john or with:john

These are properties common to contacts. To limit the search to contacts only, the syntax
kind:contacts <property>:<value>

where <property> is a property listed below and <value> is the user-specified search
Table 68: File Kind Contact

Property Use Example

Job title jobtitle jobtitle:CFO
IM address imaddress
Assistant's phone assistantsphone assistantsphone:555-3323
Assistant name assistantname assistantname:Paul

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Exchange Server 2010 Introduction to Supporting Administration

Profession profession profession:plumber

Nickname nickname nickname:Tex
Spouse spouse spouse:Debbie
Business city businesscity businesscity:Seattle
Business postal code businesspostalcode businesspostalcode:98006
Business home page businesshomepage
Callback phone number callbackphonenumber callbackphonenumber:555-555-2121
Car phone carphone carphone:555-555-2121
Children children children:Timmy
First name firstname firstname:John
Last name lastname lastname:Doe
Home fax homefax homefax:555-555-2121
Manager's name managersname managersname:John
Pager pager pager:555-555-2121
Business phone businessphone businessphone:555-555-2121
Home phone homephone homephone:555-555-2121
Mobile phone mobilephone mobilephone:555-555-2121
Office office office:sample
Anniversary anniversary anniversary:1/1/06
Birthday birthday birthday:1/1/06
Web page webpage

Phone numbers are indexed as entered. For example, if a user did not include a
Note: country or area code when entering the phone number, users will not be able
to locate a contact if searching with country or area code in the phone number.

These are properties common to communications. To limit the search to communications
only, the syntax is:
kind:communications <property>:<value>

where <property> is a property listed below and <value> is the user-specified search
Table 69: File Kind Communications

Property Use Example

From from or organizer from:john
Received received or sent sent:yesterday
Subject subject or title subject:"Quarterly Financial"
Has attachment hasattachments, hasattachment hasattachment:true
Attachments attachments or attachment attachment:presentation.ppt
Bcc bcc, bccname or bccaddress bcc:dave

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Lesson 5: Dumpster 2.0

Cc address ccaddress or cc

Follow-up flag followupflag followupflag:2
Due date duedate or due due:last week
Read read or isread is:read
Is completed iscompleted is:completed
Incomplete incomplete or isincomplete is:incomplete
Has flag hasflag or isflagged has:flag
Duration duration duration:> 50

These are properties common to calendars. To limit the search to calendars only, the
syntax is:
kind:calendar <property>:<value>

where <property> is a property listed below and <value> is the user-specified search
Table 70: File Kind Calendar

Property Use Example

Recurring recurring or isrecurring is:recurring
Organizer organizer, by or from organizer:debbie

These are properties common to documents. To limit the search to documents only, the
syntax is:
kind:documents <property>:<value>

where <property> is a property listed below and <value> is the user-specified search
Table 71: File Kind Documents

Property Use Example

Comments comments comments:"needs final review"
Last saved by lastsavedby lastsavedby:john
Document manager documentmanager documentmanager:john
Revision number revisionnumber revisionnumber:1.0.3
Document format documentformat documentformat:MIMETYPE
Date last printed datelastprinted datelastprinted:last week

These are properties common to presentations. To limit the search to presentations only,
the syntax is:

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kind:presentation <property>:<value>

where <property> is a property listed below and <value> is the user-specified search
Table 72: File Kind Presentation

Property Use Example

Slide count slidecount slidecount:>20

These are properties common to music files. To limit the search to music only, the syntax
kind:music <property>:<value>

where <property> is a property listed below and <value> is the user-specified search
Table 73: File Kind Music

Property Use Example

Bit rate bitrate, rate bitrate:192
Artist artist, by or from artist:John Singer
Duration duration duration:3
Album album album:"greatest hits"
Genre genre genre:rock
Track track track:12
Year year year:> 1980 < 1990

These are properties common to pictures. To limit the search to pictures only, the syntax
kind:picture <property>:<value>

where <property> is a property listed below and <value> is the user-specified search
Table 74: File Kind Picture

Property Use Example

Camera make cameramake cameramake:sample
Camera model cameramodel cameramodel:sample
Dimensions dimensions dimensions:8X10
Orientation orientation orientation:landscape
Date taken datetaken datetaken:yesterday
Width width width:1600

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Lesson 5: Dumpster 2.0

Height height height:1200

These are properties common to videos. To limit the search to videos only, the syntax is:
kind:video <property>:<value>

where <property> is a property listed below and <value> is the user-specified search
Table 75: File Kind Video

Property Use Example

Name name, subject name:"Family Vacation to the Beach 05"
Ext ext, fileext ext:.avi

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