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The News
• The clock on the U.S. presence in Afghanistan
is ticking.

• The problem is that it’s not clear how much time

is left.

• There is lingering uncertainty over US in

Afghanistan which has turned everyone’s
attention to regional summit in Istanbul,
Turkey — proposed by the United States.

• Reports suggest that summit will begin on April

16 2021.
Who all will be involved in the summit?
• It is being reported that negotiators from Afghan
government, the Taliban, UN, US, Turkey, and Qatar
are reportedly discussing the details of the conference
in Doha.

• It is said that U.S. Afghanistan envoy Zalmay Khalilzad

has shared with both the Afghan government and
Taliban sides the details on the upcoming conference in
What is the agenda of the meeting?

The agenda of Istanbul summit proposed by US

remains a sticking point, as it does in the intra-Afghan
talks more broadly.
What is the agenda of the meeting?
– The Biden administration has made no secret of its desire to
exit Afghanistan, but the precise timing is undefined.

– Some reports indicate that the Biden administration is seeking a 6-

month extension on the May 1 deadline, allowing for a
“responsible” exit from Afghanistan.

– The proposed Istanbul summit has been characterized as a “huge,

last-second gamble” at which Washington hopes to settle that
extension and override the looming May 1 deadline set out in the
March 2020 Doha deal.
What is the agenda of the meeting?
Afghanistan national government
What is the agenda of the meeting?
• Taliban

– Taliban remains the wild card in the summit.

– Everything depends on Taliban and whether it judges

the time ripe to settle up or not?

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