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Elaine Givandra Louisa / 2019130043


1. Words Skateboard
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Papan roda

2. Words Sleepy
Part of Speech Adjective
Translate Mengantuk
Sentence A sleepy student is more apt
to perform poorly

3. Words Tailor
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Penjahit
Sentence He was wearing a suit that
looker tailor made

4. Words Termination
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Penghentian, Batasan, akibat
Sentence You should also have a
medical check-up after the
termination of a pregnancy

5. Words Theft
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Pencurian
Sentence I reported the theft to the

6. Words Thunderstorm
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Petir
Sentence The most frightful
thunderstorm I’ve ever seen
was just bursting us

7. Words Transmission
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Penyebaran, penularan
Sentence Heterosexual contact si
responsible fir the bulk of
HIV transmission
8. Words Transmit
Part of Speech Verb
Translate Meneruskan, menceritakan,
Sentence Tsetse files transmit
sleeping sickness

9. Words Unused
Part of Speech Adjective
Translate Tidak digunakan
Sentence Refrigerate unused food as
soon as possible.

10. Words Waive

Part of Speech Verb
Translate Mengecualikan,
Sentence He offered to waive
penalties and interest

11. Words Yen

Part of Speech Noun-Verb
Translate Minat besar, keingian besar /
ingin sekali
Sentence He always had a yen to be a

12. Words Activate

Part of Speech Verb
Translate Menghidupkan,
Sentence Please activate heat shields

13. Words Additionally

Part of Speech Adjective
Translate Sebagai tambahan
Sentence Additionally, we select our
teachers for their engaging

14. Words Affirmative

Part of Speech Noun-adjective
Translate (n) setuju , (adj) menyetujui
Sentence She asked me if I was ready,
I answered in the affirmative

15. Words Baker

Part of Speech Noun
Translate Tukang roti
Sentence His daddy must be a baker,
cause he’s got such a nice
set of buns

16. Words Brainstorm

Part of Speech Noun-verb
Translate (n) bertukar pikiran, (v)
Sentence By the amount of homework
their receives, try to
brainstorm a few solutions

17. Words Cage

Part of Speech Noun-verb
Translate (n) kurungan, kendang , (v)
mengurung, memenjarakan
Sentence He opened up a cage and
lifted out a 5ft cobra.

18 Words Cinema
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Bioskop
Sentence Im going to the cinema to
watch Spidermen The

19 Words Collaboration
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Kolaborasi, kerja sama
Sentence Collaboration was the
keyword: production staff
worked closely together.

20 Words Condominium
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Negeri yang dikuasai
Sentence I found a small
condominium that was in
foreclosure a few blocks
from where I lived

21 Words Consecutive
Part of Speech Adjective
Translate Berturut-turut
Sentence The manufacturing economy
contracted in October for the
three consecutive month.
22 Words Cordless
Part of Speech Adjective
Translate Nirkabel, tanpa kabel, tanpa
kawat listrik
Sentence The waitress approached
Picone with a cordless

23 Words Deluxe
Part of Speech Adjective
Translate Mewah
Sentence Accommodation deluxe
rooms have air conditioning,
television, mini-bar and in-
room safe.

24 Words Desirable
Part of Speech Adjective
Translate Menarik, yang diinginkan
Sentence Prolonged negotiation was
not desirable

25 Words Discrepancy
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Ketidaksesuaian
Sentence Bible translators have
variously handled this
seeming discrepancy.

26 Words Dispatch
Part of Speech Verb-Noun
Translate (v) mengirim,
memberangkatkan (n)
Sentence We have 200 letters ready
for dispatch.

27 Words Drawback
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Kelemahan
Sentence She felt the hotel’s only
drawback was that it was too

28 Words Dull
Part of Speech Adjective-Verb
Translate (adj) membosankan, bodoh,
(v) menumpulkan, redup
Sentence Her letters are insufferably

29 Words Economically
Part of Speech Adverb
Translate Secara ekonomis
Sentence Now is the time when we
must all live as
economically as possible.

30 Words Evenly
Part of Speech Adverb
Translate Rata-rata
Sentence They must choose between
two evenly matched
candidates for governor.

31 Words Excellence
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Keunggulan
Sentence They lack the culture and
architectural excellence.

32 Words Exclusively
Part of Speech Adverb
Translate Eksklusif, semata-mata,
Sentence This facsinationg tiger is
found exclusively in Africa.

33 Words Farewell
Part of Speech Verb-noun
Translate (v) berpamitan, (n) ucapan
selamat tinggal, perpisahan
Sentence The farewell had not yet
begun but his friend was
already sobbing.

34 Words Fatigue
Part of Speech Noun-verb
Translate (n) kelelahan, (v)
menghabiskan tenaga,
Sentence Stress and fatigue ruined my

35 Words Fiscal
Part of Speech Adjective-noun
Translate (adj) yang berhubung
dengan keuangan, fiscal, (n)
pemungut pajak
Sentence They’re ready to cut the
federal budget deficit for the
next fiscal year.

36 Words Fleet
Part of Speech Noun-adjective-verb
Translate (n) iring-iringan. Armada
kapal, (adj) cekatan, cepat,
(v) berlalu cepat, hilang,
Sentence America and Russia have
been disputing the
ownership of the fleet.

37 Words Flour
Part of Speech Noun-verb
Translate (n) tepung, (v) memupurkan,
Sentence Flour is made into bread

38 Words Fog
Part of Speech Noun-verb
Translate (n) kabut, asap, (v)
Sentence The crash happened caused
in thick fog

39 Words Formally
Part of Speech Adverb
Translate Secara resmi
Sentence Germany formally ended
conscription in July 2011

40 Words Gram
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Satuan ukuran
Sentence A few twentieths of a gram
can be critical

41 Words Handbook
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Buku pegangan, buku
petunjuk, buku panduan
Sentence The Bible is not a financial
42 Words Headphone
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Telepon kepala
Sentence You may need a to break the
habit of plugging your ears
with headphones all day

43 Words Heater
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Alat pemanas
Sentence There’s an electric heater in
the bedroom.

44 Words Helmet
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Ketopong, topi baja, helm
Sentence A man in a crash helmet was
mounting a motorcycle.

45 Words Hiker
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Pemanjat, pejalan kaki,
Sentence Many a hiker has lost their
way around those parts

46 Words Homeless
Part of Speech Adjective-noun
Translate (adj) tunawisma, (n) orang
Sentence She sold clothes on
consignment to benefit
homeless people.

47 Words Elephant
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Gajah
Sentence Manfred the elephant
reached out with his trunk
and gently scooped up the

48 Words Enthusiasm
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Antusiasme, semangat besar
Sentence She was brimful of energy
and enthusiasm.
49 Words Enthusiast
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Penggemar, orang penuh
semangat, pengagum
Sentence The mountain provides
many spectacles for nature
enthusiasts to enjoy.

50 Words Flexibility
Part of Speech Noun
Translate Sifat melentur, gaya lentur
Sentence The flexibility of distance
learning would be
particularly suited to busy

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