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Stardust-This was a big budget fantasy movie that didn t exactly fly under the rad

ar, but has never achieved the classic status it so richly deserved. The best fa
ntasy movie in years, expertly cast and played, and magical from start to finish
The King of Kong-Entertaining, hilarious documentary and struggle between good a
nd evil played out over a title regn for the classic game Donkey Kong. Steve Wei
be is the good while the sinister, smarmy Billy Mitchell is the evil. A hot-sauc
e tycoon and all-around jerk with a stable of nerds protecting his records and b
ackside. Billy Mitchell always has a plan, and your plan should be to rent this
engaging, funny documentary.
Trick R Treat-Awesome horror anthology movie that sadly went direct to DVD in th
e United States. It s a must see for fans of horror and mixes gore with giggles ma
500 Days of Summer-My hero JGL and Zooey Deschanel star in this funny, heartbrea
king hipster romantic comedy about two people who meet cute then watch as their
relationship slowly falls apart. The distance between our expectations and reali
ty are far apart and this movie has a stinging truth that certainly rings true.
Director Marc Webb is tackling Spider-man next, can t wait to see how that turns o
Exit Through The Gift Shop- Weird, wonderful documentary about street artists pres
ented by the famous UK artist Banksy. The documentary has sparked debate about h
ow real it all is but that hardly matters, it s fast, funny, odd, and truly origin
al. Entertaining as Hell.
Twin Peaks: Fire Walk With Me- David Lynch s long and strange prequel to Twin Peak
s was rejected by many critics and fans for being too depraved and disturbing. T
hose are the movie s strong points, along with chilling performances from Ray Wise
and Sheryl Lee as the pretty but doomed prom queen Laura Palmer. Lynch digs dee
p and exposes the scab of small-town Americana.
The New World- Terrence Mallick s gorgeous take on Pocahontas and John Smith is an
amasing visual treat. Deftly told, slowly placed, but gorgeous to look at, The
New World is a must-see look at the clash between the old world and the newly de
veloping one.
Centurion- Neil Marshall strikes back after his smash hit The Descent with this
bloody, brilliant look at the mysterious Ninth Legion in Rome. Essentially a cha
se picture with gore and style to spare, it follows a small band of surviving Ro
mans on the run from a vicious army of Picts. High action and little nonsense or
political intrigue that does nothing but slow down the pacing of most period acti
on epics.
Scott Pilgrim Vs the World- Funny, fast-paced and videogame-inspired, Scott Pilg
rim was a box office dud but remains one of my favorite movies of they year. Per
fectly cast, swiftly played, it s an epic win, a kind of Eternal Sunshine for the
Videogame Mind.
Oceans- Visually stunning, this Disney nature documentary is well worth seeing o
n your biggest screen. Oriignally a French movie and narrated now in english, it
loses little of its charm or visual splendor. A must see for audiences of all a

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