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Choose one of the suggested vídeos, watch with english subtitle, and answer this questions

about it, after watch it with portuguese subtitles and check your answers before send it:

Who are the speakers?(Quem são os palestrantes?)

- Liz Barlett

What are the main theme in it?(Qual o tema principal dele? )

- Are Libraries Still Relevant?

Can you find at least one kind of our classes subjects(any verb tenses, modal verbs uses,
number expressions, prepositions use, marketing expressions) in their speaches? Choose
THREE different class subjects in that video and transcript them to here. (Você consegue
encontrar pelo menos um dos nossos conteúdos de aula (algum tempo verbal, uso de verbos
modais, expressões com números, uso de preposições, expressões de marketing) nos discursos
deles? Escolha TRÊS assuntos de aula diferentes no vídeo e transcreva-o para cá.

- Verb to be - "Well, most people will tell you that the library is an important part of our

- Verb to have - "A few years later, in 6th grade, I had the opportunity to be a library aid
in my elementary school in Virginia."

- Modal verb - "My brother and i would visit the book mobile anytime he came to our


Are Libraries Still Relevant?

A free digital library

How to draw a lirary wh really make children want to read?

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