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Theres a tow who no mouth should dare to speaks its name, there exist a cat, theing cat who

feed of the villagers children for theyr own safe the illagers agreed to give him theyr own children.
“BRING THE CHILDREN!” theyr says. “Bring the to the cat king, before he rape us all”.

The cat allways knows theyr secret, theyr mosintangable fear, the fear for the melody the
primal one, the same msic who binds all existence and reality. He by some reasom, knew the music,
their untouchable lyrics, their unimanigable song, theyr unthinkable notes and harmony. He knew
oooww he knew, that’s why he was capaple of raping so many children and sons of men.

To the stick!! their said. To the bone you and your simple melody the cat king replies
I Live in the village where this filfyty fat cat feeds of mans flesh, oooooohhwwww I hate him, I hate
him, I hate him, I hate him!! He not only eat my daudgher but have kill the woman who I sleep with.

Burn fat cat, burn like there nothing like this in the world

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