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Readings in Philippine History

SAGSAGAT, Shaira Joyce A.

Reading the Philippine History (Mid Term Examination)
1. Corazon Aquino's speech before the U.S Congress is one Primary Sources in the
Philippine History. Make an ANALYSIS about her speech for not less than 250
Corazon Aquino, the very first female who became a President in the Republic of the
Philippines to overthrow a countries dictator. In 18 th of September 1986 she gave a speech
during the joint session of United States congress.
In her speech, she told about her husband’s and the countries struggles in the hand of
a dictator. She cries for help to maintain the freedom of the Philippines. She also includes
the sufferings and pain of their family in losing her husband, she says that Ninoy is a
loving husband and father. She lost her husband and a father of her children despite of
that she even said that “Ninoy became the pleasing sacrifice that answered their prayers
for freedom.” It shows that she really loved her husband and she really cared about the
country. She includes some tragic history of some Filipino. The death of Ninoy Aquino
awaken the Filipinos to go against the Marcos regime and started a revolution. The
Filipinos, encouraged her to run as the Philippine President and go against Marcos.
Corazon Aquino desires a democracy to the ways of democracy. When she won the
election against Marcos, she seeks to bring the insurgents down from the hills and, by
economic progress and justice, show them that for which the best intentioned among them
fight. Corazon Aquino showed respect and gratitude to the slum area of the country
because of their undying support to her through her campaign. She asked America for
help to maintain freedom. She also informs the American about the debt of the Philippines
in Marcos regime and plead for assistance. In her speech she talks a lot of concerns about
the reform of the Philippine.
In conclusion, Corazon Aquino has a great impact to the Philippine history. Her
braveness to fight against a dictator should always be honored by anyone. She ends the
dictatorial era of the Marcos. Sometimes if one life can save a nation and can set a country
free to die is gain.

2. Make a critique paper about the work of Rizal entitled "Sa Aking Mga Kabata"

Dr. Jose Rizal’s work “Sa Aking Kabata” wants to awaken every Filipino not to be
slaved to anyone else especially to foreigners. This piece of work has a great emphasis on
love of own language and country. He tries to convey that the sweetest music to everyone’s
ear is his own language. On the other hand, a person is recognized through his language.
Dr. Jose Rizal uses simile, metaphor as well as personifications to his work “Sa Aking
Kabata” to inspire the readers think, internalize and digest what is really meant by each
Let’s take look or interpret the significance of each stanza. The first stanza, we are
Filipinos, so, we must speak Filipino wherever we are. We must enjoy using our own

Sagsagat, Shaira Joyce A. Bshm 2A

Readings in Philippine History

language just like the birds flying in the air. The second stanza, we are recognized or being
known by our language. Where ever we go if we speak Tagalog/Filipino we will be
identified as a Filipinos. The third stanza, loveth not thy language is compared to beast and
a rotten fish. Love our language as we love our dearest own mother. The fourth stanza, the
Filipino language is unique like the other languages. It is by grace given to us by God to
have such Filipino language. So, love it and never get ashamed of it. The last stanza, the
Filipino language has its own alphabet and letters but it is not vanishing through changing
and colonialization.
In conclusion, the work of Dr. Jose Rizal “Sa Aking Kabata” is an inspiration to every
one of us especially to us youth to love our language “Filipino” and fight the freedom of the
country “Philippines” for this is our own trade mark.
3. When do we use secondary sources as primary sources? Please answer the
question in at least one paragraph or two if possible.
We can secondary sources as a primary source when we used the research of the
scholars. Sometimes they are not an eye witnessed to some said events but because they
include the dates, places and supporting documents. For example, the account of Santiago
Alvarez in Cry of Balintawak or Pugad Lawin he is not an eye-witnessed that makes his
version not accepted just like the other accounts. But we can also use his account as a
primary source because the still have the credibility as a primary source. However, I think
we use the secondary sources as a primary source if oneself wasn’t able to gather
information’s due to some circumstances from the primary sources, so the best way to get
the most efficient information’s is gather information’s from the secondary sources and used
them as a primary source in some scenarios.
Having the ability to determine when to used secondary sources as our primary source
helps us to make our statements reliable and credible.

Sagsagat, Shaira Joyce A. Bshm 2A

Readings in Philippine History

4. Search for any historical material (picture) on the internet that interest you and
try to change its historical background by using your imagination to recreate
new version for its history and significance.

The Death of Dr. Jose Rizal

Is his death made him a hero? I kept on thinking why Jose Rizal is our national hero.
There were so many brave Filipino during those days who fought for the freedom of our
country but why he was chosen as the National Hero. The revolutionist used firearms to
fight the freedom while Dr. Jose Rizal used his pen and paper to fight freedom. His writing
awakened the minds of the Filipino people to fight for their rights a d freedom. The
Spaniards were troubled about this. So, the Spaniards made a decision to jail Rizal and
latter kill him. His death made him the national hero.
The writings of Dr. Jose Rizal did not awaken the minds of the Filipino people, but
rather they were captivated by the lines itself. They learned to love reading them without
understanding. Numerous readers talked about his writings that made Rizal controversial.
The Spaniards were in troubled about the controversy. They did not want Rizal to become
famous. They were afraid that a Filipino is more intelligent than they are. They thought that
Rizal will grab the leadership upon them. By all means they betrayed Rizal to be in jailed
and fired to death. His works and writings inspired the Filipino to be freed. Later they
realized that Rizal’s works and writings is all about nationalism, patriotism, bravery and

Sagsagat, Shaira Joyce A. Bshm 2A

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