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1. The things I liked about

 Right after the viewing of the Jose P. Rizal documentary. His intelligence, bravery, and
desire to sacrifice his life for his nation in order to preserve its independence are qualities
I admire. Jose Rizal is not just the simple son we see on the side of the road; he is also a
son who has made his life very wonderful by using his abilities, talents, and skills to be
more useful—not just to himself but also to others, especially his native Philippines,
which he refers to as "our country"—and to be more successful.

2. What I liked least about it

 The particular part of it that I liked the least was how the Spanish colonizers' despicable
treatment of him was concealed. How he was put to death just for his unwavering
benevolence for his nation and fellow citizens. The mistreatment of the Spanish colonizer
inspired Rizal to defend our rights through his writings rather than in a violent manner.

3. The best part

 The best part of the documentary on our nation's hero is when it shows the day he was
born and how difficult it was for his mother to give birth to him due to his large head.
Hence, as the midwife had predicted, Rizal will grow up to be an exceptionally intelligent
man, and in truly, he is. Although it caused his early death, Rizal's intellect enabled his
nation to resist the Spanish invasion of the Philippines.

4. Important message/lesson learned

 I have come to understand that Dr. Jose Rizal's life was filled of lessons that we can learn
from as I watched the documentary. By speaking up against injustices and finding new
ways to love our country, we may become our own heroes. When he started writing these
wonderful novels to reveal the truth, his life was full of hardship. His tenacity and
generous love for this country are unfathomable. The life of Dr. Jose Rizal taught us other
ideals in addition to history. The most important one is education. We ought to place
more value on education.

5. I would recommend this to

 Given that Rizal gave his life in order to be free from the Spaniards, I would be happy to
pass along this advice to the younger Filipinos who will be walking into the country in the
future. I want to share with them that Rizal's immense intellect, which he used as a
weapon to defend the Filipino people who were fighting for independence from the
Spanish colonizers, is what made it possible for us to live in a democracy today.
6. My letter evaluation is: (please circle one)
 Excellent
 Good
 OK

After watching the documentary of our national hero, Jose P. Rizal. The things I like about is
that his intellect, bravery, and willingness to die for his country for the sake of its independency. Jose
Rizal is not only a simple son we can see in the roadside but a son who created his life very wonderful
because he uses his talents, skills, knowledge and ability to be more productive, useful not only to
himself but for the goodness of everybody especially his country “our country” the Philippines.

The documentary called “Ang

buhay ng isang bayani”
depicted the story of the
national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. It
represented Jose Rizal's way of
life, his own views, principles,
and values. The documentary
itself is a synopsis of the
course Rizal's Life and Works.
It is
beneficial that we have been
able to have this historical
video because it allows us to
comprehend the discourse we
had and further understand the
History as well
The documentary called “Ang
buhay ng isang bayani”
depicted the story of the
national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. It
represented Jose Rizal's way of
life, his own views, principles,
and values. The documentary
itself is a synopsis of the
course Rizal's Life and Works.
It is
beneficial that we have been
able to have this historical
video because it allows us to
comprehend the discourse we
had and further understand the
History as well
The documentary called “Ang buhay ng isang bayani” depicted the story of the Philippine's
national hero, Dr. Jose Rizal. It represented Jose Rizal's way of life, his own views, principles, and
values. The documentary itself is a synopsis of the course Rizal's Life and Works. It is beneficial that
we have been able to have this historical video because it allows us to better comprehend the
discourse we had and further understand the History as well.

Dr. Jose Rizal's life is meaningful to learn because he had a huge impact on Filipinos to fight
for our own land through using his talent in writing as well as other things, he did amazing things at
his time of life, I just realize that he can live peacefully and live with another country because his
family could afford to make him live and study in another country, and yet he chooses the Philippines
and be one of the Filipino voices who's been in the hands of the Spanish Government. Furthermore,
his works exposing the wrongdoings of the Priest and the government, wakes the Filipinos to the
truth, resulting in the revolution and freedom from foreign rule. Furthermore, because Dr. Jose Rizal
utilizes his writing, I know that not only battling physically may arouse someone's passion for the
nation, but a pen and your words can also be a powerful weapon to unveil the truth.

As I watched the documentary, I realized that Dr. Jose Rizal's life was full of lessons that we
can learn from. We can be our own heroes by speaking out against wrongdoings and awakening our
love for our country in various ways. His life was full of suffering when he began to write these great
novels to expose the truth, and his perseverance and benevolent love for this country cannot be
measured. However, Dr. Jose Rizal died at a young age due to his heroism, even though he did live in
a short span, I know that he did such great things to be remembered, he achieves things that some
people cannot in his age, he was strong and passionate that he even sacrifices his own life and
happiness for this country, and also I know that he will do it again for the sake of our countrymen
because that’s how his love for the country that he let his blood flowered and arouse the patriotism of
our Filipinos. I hope that Dr. Jose Rizal's sacrifices for this country will not be forgotten and will be
remembered in the present and future times, that we should not let history repeat itself, and that it is
not too late for us to illustrate that the Philippines deserve the best, because not just Dr. Jose Rizal
sacrificed his life for this country but a lot of them, we can be our own heroes as well in different
forms, and let us not forget the history that embodies our great nation and who we are now.

“Ang Buhay ng Isang Bayani” documentary film shows the life of our National Hero which is
Dr. Jose P. Rizal. It started when he was born. On the 19thday of June in the year 1861 His Mother
Teodora P. Alonzo give birth to him in the province of Laguna in the town of Calamba. During his
mother’s delivery, Doña Teodora was in so much pain because Rizal has a big head, but successfully
her delivery is in good condition after all. I believe all the pain and bitterness you can feel or
experience will soon be rooting a sweet effect in life. Like Doña Teodora, she was blessed to have a
son like Jose Rizal, because he is not only a simple son we can see in the roadside but a son who
created his life very wonderful because he uses his talents, skills, knowledge and ability to be more
productive, useful not only to himself but for the goodness of everybody especially his country “our
country” the Philippines. Despite all the achievements that he receive and pursued he never stand
boastfully towards his fellow countrymen, yet he became a model to everyone. He is a Filipino who
experienced a lot of challenge in life during the Spanish Tyranny. We all know that our country
suffers the most, even though the purpose of the Spaniards in colonizing our country was good but
still there is this people who abuse. And this is one of the reason Rizal uses his knowledge. To fight
back our rights not in a bloody way but by the use of his writings.

Those writings are very powerful in such a way that it criticized several politician and most
especially the abusive Spaniards. His work emphasized how the church treated the people, the
experience of the Filipino people and the law implemented by the Spaniards and those in the power
really don’t like how Rizal describes them. It is so ironic in my realization during the time that Rizal
was thrown away in our country because of rebellion as what they say.

“ The pen is really mightier than the sword” as another maxim I can say which is clearly
observed in Rizal’s life. All attempts to oust the Spaniards from the Philippine archipelago through
mutiny, rebellion, and revolution, are completely futile. Dr. Jose Rizal, on the other hand, preferred
the civilized manner of revolt by using his pen and is the first to succeed. It was through his works
that we are able to gain our freedom after 333 years of being slaves, that is, however, through his life.
It was his pen instead of the guns and weapons that succeeded in conquering the Spaniards.

After such a long time of revolt that happened, we’ve finally aimed the freedom we seek for.
Though it cost a lot of life, bloody revolution already happened; now and then we can enjoy the all
access of freedom towards our rights.

Dr. Jose Rizal’s life taught us not just history but of various values. The most important thing
is education. We should give more importance to our education. Without it, we’d be naive and fragile.
It was our greatest weapon to success. Another thing is patriotism. It wasn’t about risking your life for
your countrymen but to love our own country and patronize our own. The best thing to show
patriotism is to use our own language. As a matter of fact, Rizal wrote a poem for the youth entitled
Sa Aking Kabata,which emphasizes the use of our own language. We should love our own because if
we don’t, we’re just like an alien to our own country.

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