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Clause No: 1 to 5 Legal & Other Regulatory Requirement Check List

SI.No Clause No Check list

1 1 What is the minimum age of employees working in the Organization?
2 1 What are all the Child Labour laws/regulations of the state/local Govt?
3 1 What are all the child labour/young labour policies?
4 1 How organization /top management effectively communicate to personnel and other interested parties about policies of
Child labour?
5 1 What are all the written policies and procedures for remediation of child labourers?
6 1 How policies and procedures for remediation of child labourers are defined or arrived?
7 1 How the organization ensuring adequate financial sources to such children?
8 1 What are all the education laws of young children?
9 1 How organization ensuring that young workers are working after study hours /school hours?
10 1 How organization monitoring those young workers do not work more than 8 years?
11 1 How organization monitoring those young workers are not engaging during night hours?
12 1 What are all the hazards are associated for young workers?
13 1 How organization making sure those young workers are not subjected any hazards?
14 1 What are all the initiatives being followed by the organization on promoting physical and mental health and development?
15 1 What are all the policies associated with Health and Safety of Children and Young Workers?

16 1 How organization maintaining the Risk Management system of young workers?

17 1 Who are all the interested parties involved in identifying and addressing issues of child labour or young workers?
18 1 How the organisation is addressing child labour risks.

19 3 What is the process to identify the health, safety and labour policies and practices?
20 3 What are all the risks associated with health & safety of workers?
21 3 What are all the potential risks?
22 3.4 What are all the responsibilities of Health and Safety Senior Management Representative?
23 3.5 Who are all involved in the Health & safety committee?
24 3.6 How organization maintaining a safe and healthy working environment?

25 3.6 How organization training working personnel on emergency preparedness and response?
26 3.6 What are all the Organisation health and safety policy and procedures?

27 3.6 What are all the Training records and instructional materials?

28 3.6 What are all the Investigation reports for all incidents and near misses?

29 3.6 Readily available information and instructions regarding specific risks for workers?

30 3.6 What are all the Records of regular emergency drills?

31 4 How organisation ensures that their workers have the freedom to form, join and organise any trade union they choose?
32 4 How organisation ensures that workers are not subjected to discrimination, harassment,
Intimidation or retaliation related to participation in unions or organising:
33 5.1 How organization ensuring that personnel not subjected to pregnancy or virginity tests?
34 5.3 How organization ensuring that any behaviour that is threatening, abusive, exploitative or sexually coercive, including gestures,
language and physical contact, in the workplace and in all residences and property provided by the organisation, whether it owns,
leases or contracts the residences or property from a service provider?
35 5.3 What are all the applicable legal & regulatory requirements pertaining to discrimination?
36 5.3 What are all the applicable National laws against discrimination based on race, sex, age and other personnel characteristics?
37 5.3 What is the process for ensuring equal opportunity in employment?
38 5.3 How organization taking care of equality in workplace with respect to equal pay for equal work?
39 5.3 How organization looking after Maternity protection and promotion of family responsibilities:

40 2 How Organisation ensuring workers’ freedom of movement?

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