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Academic writing II

Evanilson Mota Neves Da Luz

Jacira Monteiro

How to decrease my social media usage

How to decrease my social media usage

There are some quite smart few ways to reduce your social media usage.  In this paper I
will present some few simple steps on how to decrease the social media.

 Lately I realized that I was using social media excessively, and I started to think on how
to decrease my social media usage. Therefore, I decided to use four simple steps to reduce my
social media usage.

First, I reduced the contact with the social media. Therefore, I uninstalled almost all my
social media apps (Facebook, Instagram, WhatsApp, YouTube), except one app (Messenger).
The less apps I used, the less time I would spend on social media. After that, I turned off all
notifications from this app. Thus, I would not be bothered by the app, and I would not take the
risk of being always opening the app.

Then, I scheduled a time limit to use the app that was left. I started to use it only three
hours during the whole day, using it only for the necessary: To talk with my friends or families
and to receive any information.

Finally, after reducing the social media usage there was too much free time and I needed
to prevent a regression. Therefore, I decided to fill my free times making physical exercises,
listening to music and going to the beach. If I kept my mind occupied with something I would
not take the risk of having a regression.

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