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Bahasa Inggris

Nyoman Adi Seputra

Answer the following question!

1. Please describe your favorite place!
2. Please explain your unforgettable moment in 2019!
3. Please explain the purpose of constitution!
4. Please explain the function of constitution!
5. What is state administrative Law!
6. Mention types of Non Profit Organization!
7. Explain the role of Non Governmental organization!
8. Mention the characteristics of public budget

1.   My favorite place

Desa Ambengan (Rice Terrace Ambengan)

Ambengan, is a village whose position is located on a green hill in the District of Sukasada,
Buleleng Regency, located less than 7 kilometers south of the city of Singaraja. Because it is
located in a hilly area, most of the population earn a living from farming, the village is surrounded
by very beautiful rice fields. Potential terrasering with beautiful natural scenery, the air is very cool
and good photo spots. Ambengan also has more than four waterfalls and several natural bathing
places which are quite wide and very exotic, people who are often called hidden gardens, while
tourists can swim while enjoying the cool weather in the baths.

2. Unforgettable moment in 2019!

3. The purpose of the constitution can be divided into three:
1. The constitution aims to provide restrictions as well as supervision of political power. This
objective serves to limit the power of the authorities so that they do not take actions that harm the
community at large.
2. The Constitution aims to relinquish control of power from one's own control. It can also
provide protection for human rights (HAM), so that with a constitution, every authority and
community must respect human rights and be entitled to protection in exercising their rights.
3. The constitution aims to provide limits on the provisions of the authorities in exercising their
power. In addition to providing limits for the authorities in carrying out their powers, it also aims to
provide guidelines for state administrators so that the state can stand firm.

4. In general the function of the Constitution is

1. The constitution makes government decisions so that there is no arbitrariness that can be
carried out by the government, so that the rights of citizens can be protected and distributed.
2. The Constitution as the birth certificate of a country
3. The function of the constitution as the highest source of law
4. The function of the constitution as a substitute for power
5. The constitution works as a national identity and symbol
6. The Constitution as a protector of human rights and freedom of citizens

5. State Administrative Law is a set of rules that allows the state administration to carry out its
functions, which are also protective of citizens against acts of State administration and as a
protector of the administration of the State itself.

6. Henry Hanismann in the same book, divides non-profit institutions into 4 (four) types:
1. Non-profit organizations donate their income from donations;
2. Commercial non-profit institutions - these revenues come from members in the form of a
charge or rent from the use of the assets of this institution;
3. Mutual non-profit institutions - institutions managed by its members which incidentally are
service users of the institution itself;
4. Entrepreneurial non-profit institutions are managed by professionals who are specifically
given a salary to manage them.
7. the role of Non Governmental organization is
8. Public budgets have the following characteristics :
1. The budget is expressed in units of money.
2. Budget generally covers a certain period of time, one or several years, short or medium term.
3. The budget contains the commitment or ability of management to achieve the goals set.
4. The budget proposal is reviewed and approved by the higher authority of the budget preparation.
5. Once prepared, the budget can only be changed under certain conditions.
Ambengan, adalah sebuah desa yang posisinya terletak di atas bukit hijau di Kecamatan Sukasada,
Kabupaten Buleleng yang jaraknya kurang lebih dari 7 kilometer di sebelah selatan kota Singaraja.
Karena terletak di daerah perbukitan, sebagian besar penduduknya bermata pencaharian bertani,
desa ini dikelilingi oleh hamparan sawah yang sangat indah. Potensi terraseringnya dengan
pemandangan alamnya yang indah, udaranya sangat sejuk dan spot foto yang bagus. Ambengan
juga memiliki lebih dari empat air terjun dan beberapa buah tempat pemandian alami yang cukup
lebar serta sangat eksotis, orang yang sering disebut taman tersembunyi, sedangkan para wisatawan
bisa berenang sambil menikmati hawa sejuk di pemandian tersebut.

Dalam penyusunannya, Konstitusi akan berfungsi untuk:

 Konstitusi didirikan untuk membatasi kekuasaan pemerintah agar terhindar dari kesewenang-
wenangan yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah untuk melindungi hak-hak warga negara yang terlindungi
dan disalurkan (konstitusionalisme). Konstitusi semacam ini sangat identik dengan negara demokratis,
di mana kekuatan sebuah negara berada di tangan rakyat, rakyat, rakyat, dan rakyat. Hak warga
negara harus dipastikan bahwa kekuatan penguasa juga terlindungi dari sifat tirani.
 Pembentukan sebuah konstitusi menjadi pertanda lahirnya sebuah negara. Seperti
kemerdekaan Indonesia di tahun 1945, maka UUD 1945 menjadi momentum untuk menandakan
lahirnya bangsa Indonesia.
 Konstitusi digunakan sebagai alat yang membatasi kekuasaan. Meski penguasa menguasai
peraturan sebuah negara, kekuasaan penguasa juga harus ditolak sehingga hak rakyat juga terjamin.
 Dalam konstitusi juga ada identitas nasional dan juga simbol suatu bangsa.
 Konstitusi juga akan melindungi hak asasi manusia dan kebebasan warga negara. Kebebasan
dari warga dari semua aspek dipelihara asalkan kebebasan tersebut tetap sesuai dengan hukum

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