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Dinamika Sistem

Dinamika Sistem

Simulation modelling comprises a set of techniques for creating digital representations of
real-world systems for the purpose of studying, analysing and predicting performance - as
well as identifying real-world interventions to improve system behaviour.

System Dynamics is the most abstract of the three simulation methodologies that this article

It is concerned with capturing the dynamic nature of the structure of a complex system,
rather than the effects introduced by the individual properties of the actors - the people,
products or events - within the system.

It recognises that the structure of the many circular, interconnected and time-delayed
relationships between a system's main components are often just as - if not even more -
important in determining behaviours than the individual components themselves.

In that way it can be considered a holistic or integrative approach to the modelling and
simulation of systems.
Dinamika Sistem

Simulation modelling comprises a set of techniques for creating digital representations of
real-world systems for the purpose of studying, analysing and predicting performance - as
well as identifying real-world interventions to improve system behaviour.

System Dynamics is the most abstract of the three simulation methodologies that this article

It is concerned with capturing the dynamic nature of the structure of a complex system,
rather than the effects introduced by the individual properties of the actors - the people,
products or events - within the system.

It recognises that the structure of the many circular, interconnected and time-delayed
relationships between a system's main components are often just as - if not even more -
important in determining behaviours than the individual components themselves.

In that way it can be considered a holistic or integrative approach to the modelling and
simulation of systems.
Dinamika Sistem

Simulation modelling comprises a set of techniques for creating digital representations of
real-world systems for the purpose of studying, analysing and predicting performance - as
well as identifying real-world interventions to improve system behaviour.

System Dynamics is the most abstract of the three simulation methodologies that this article

It is concerned with capturing the dynamic nature of the structure of a complex system,
rather than the effects introduced by the individual properties of the actors - the people,
products or events - within the system.

It recognises that the structure of the many circular, interconnected and time-delayed
relationships between a system's main components are often just as - if not even more -
important in determining behaviours than the individual components themselves.

In that way it can be considered a holistic or integrative approach to the modelling and
simulation of systems.





Open source- SD in Python:

The Future of Decision Making

Manusia mengambil keputusan sampai 35,000 kali per hari*

Banyak keputusan adalah tidak penting, rutin. Misal:
– Mandi sekarang atau nanti?
– Bawa payung atau tidak sekarang?
– Jalan kaki atau naik sepeda

Keputusan tersebut sering dibuat karena kebiasaan, atau pengalaman
atau bahkan tanpa disadari.

*) Rodney Taylor, 2021,

The Future of Decision Making

Our experiences amass to form knowledge, this knowledge produces our
intuition, which leads us to ‘gut instinct’ decision making.

Decision makers are faced with a barrage of information. From customer data
to real-time sales information, decision makers have a deeper appreciation of
business drivers than ever before. And yet, for all these advances the
mechanics of decision making have not really progressed at all.

Data and analysis may have deepened our experience and extended our
intuition, but decision making continues to be a leap of faith, with instinct still
playing a significant part. How then can we use all the technological advances
that we have made to drive better decisions?

*) Rodney Taylor, 2021,

The Future of Decision Making

Decision Intelligence is a framework to deploy intelligence inside decision
models. They are a graphical and quantitative representation of the structure
and dynamics of a business. In recreating this structure, it is possible to model
how a decision will cascade through an organisation. A decision model could
incorporate data, forecasts, and even intuition.

Building decision models is surprisingly intuitive. There is no requirement for
any specialist skill beyond an understanding of how a business works. I could
draw out a decision model using a simple pen and paper, sketching out the
causal steps that make up my business processes. But of course, it is by
building quantitative computational decision models that I can develop the
capability to quickly test decisions and have the machine recommend optimal
*) Rodney Taylor, 2021,

Cari artikel tentang kegiatan angkutan laut.

Buat model Dinamika Sistem sederhana, minimum:
– Satu level/ stock
– Satu rate/debit/flow

Buat diagram sebab akibat

Buat diagram Dinamika Sistem; batasan waktu: tentukan sendiri

Buat program dengan Vensim/ Powersim/ InsightMaker

Gunakan data2 yang tersedia di statistik. Kalau tidak ada silakan gunakan data dummy

Tunjukkan hasilnya dalam grafik

Jelaskan tentang bekerjanya model, dan hasil luaran promodelan

Kirim dalam format presentasi *.odp atau *.ppt, sebelum 16 Juni 2021, 21:00

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