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Gundam Senki is copyright TOY International. Mobile Suit Gundam and all associated characters, items, and terms are copyright Sotsu
Agency/Sunrise/Bandai. Mekton Zeta is copyright R. Talsorian Games. No copyright infringement is intended by the translator. Errata from the
original author's website ( ) has been incorporated into the text where necessary.


Roll 2D6 nine times. Assign one to each attribute. If you do not roll at least one result above 8, or do not total at least 60, you may reroll all nine

Willpower: Mekton Z's COOL.

Movement: Mekton Z's Movement Allowance (MA).
Luck: Mekton Z's LUCK.
Appearance: Mekton Z's Attractiveness (ATT).
Empathy: Mekton Z's Empathy (EMP)
Technical: Mekton Z's (Technical Ability (TECH).
Body: Mekton Z's Body Type (BOD).
Intelligence: Mekton Z's Intelligence (INT)
Reflex: Mekton Z's Reflexes (REF).

(The names are sometimes direct translations of the Japanese terms, or my own truncation of the Mekton term; I may go back and change these to
match the Mekton stats.)


Hits by Location
BODY 2 3-4 5-7 8-9 10
Head 4 5 6 7 8
Torso 8 10 12 14 16
Limbs 6 7 9 10 12

Damage Modifier
BODY 2 3-4 5-7 8-9 10
-2 -1 ±0 +1 +2

10 Unequaled handsomeness/beauty Char Sayla
9 Incredibly handsome/beautiful. Equal to supermodels. Garma Hamon
8 Handsome/beautiful. Woody Rolland
7 Handsome/cute. About where you want main characters. Amuro Mirai
6 Comparatively handsome/kinda cute. Bright Fraw Bow
5 Average. Cutoff for female characters. Hayato Simus
4 Below average, but can still see it. M'Quve Korin (in charge of orphans)
3 Don't think I'd touch that face. Dozle (no applicable characters)
2 Is . . . it human? Ortega (no applicable characters)
1 or less This is in the realm of monster design rather than character design.

There are three types of characters: Veterans, Rookies, and Civilians. Each have advantages and disadvantages—Veterans have more skills, Civilians
have more Newtype Points, and so forth.

Starting Skill Points

60 30 30

Starting Skill Limits

Spacecraft Pilot 6 3 3
Driving 6 3 3
Aircraft/Shuttle Pilot 6 3 3
Watercraft Pilot 6 3 3
MS Fighting* 6 3 0
MS Pilot* 6 3 0
MS Melee* 6 3 0
Gunnery 6 3 0
Missile 6 3 3
*Federation Veterans are limited to Level 3 in these skills.

Starting Newtype Points

0 2 4

IP Rate
x1 x2 x2


Roll 2D6 (or choose) to determine your family's social status:


2 Slave/Poor
3 Servant/Poor
4 Laborer/Lower Middle Class
5 Worker/Lower Middle Class
6-8 Worker/Middle Class
9 Executive/Middle Class
10 Vice President/Upper Middle Class
11 Noble/Wealthy
12 High Noble/Wealthy
Go to A2.


Roll 2D6 (or choose) to determine your family's situation:

2-5 Something has happened to one or more parents. Go to A3.
6-10 Both parents are alive and well. Go to B.
11-12 There is something special about your parents. Go to A4.


To find out what happened to your parent(s), roll 1D6 (or choose) to determine the table, then roll 1D6 (or choose):

1-3 Go to A3-1.
4-6 Go to A3-2.

A3-1 A3-2
1-2 Your parent(s) died in the war. 1-2 Your parent(s) is/are missing.
3 Your parent(s) died in an accident. 3 Your parents are in hiding to protect you.
4 Your parent(s) was/were murdered. 4 Your parent(s) defected to the other side.
5 Your parent(s) has/have amnesia, and don't remember you. 5 You were raised by other relatives. You have no idea about your
6 You never knew your parents. parents' standing.
6 You grew up on the streets.
Go to B.


1 Both parents are really deep cover spies for the other side.
2 Your parents were involved in a top secret military project, and are on the run from the government. Or else, they are involved in a current
top secret military project and they never bother to come home.
3 Your parents are involved in the grand scheme of a criminal association or revolutionary organization.
4 Your parents will simply no longer have anything to do with you.
5 Your parents both simply vanished. Their house was left empty, and you a non-entity.
6 Your parents are spies, and are living in the enemy's country.
Go to B.

To determine your family's standing roll 1D6:

1-3 Family status is good, even if your parents are missing or dead. Go to E.
4-6 Family standing is bad, and you risk losing everything. Go to C.

What's the problem? Roll 1D6 (or choose) to determine the table, then roll 1D6 (or choose):

1-3 Go to C-1.
4-6 Go to C-2.

C-1 C-2
1 Family lost all titles and lands through betrayal of a family 1 Family lost everything when fortunes collapsed; they live
member. homeless on the streets.
2 Family lost all titles and lands through bad management. 2 Family has vanished.
3 Family was exiled from homeland; you have returned under an 3 Family was lost in the war.
alias. 4 Family was destroyed in an accident(?). Those not crippled for
4 Family was imprisoned, and you alone escaped. life were killed.
5 Family vanished, and you are the only remaining member. 5 Parents' relationship soured, and they divorced, or else they live
6 Family was murdered, and you alone survived. apart.
6 Family in an unfolding dispute over money and status with
Go to D.
Your goal in life, as far as your family's crisis goes, is to . . . (choose or roll 1D6):

1 clear your name.

2 live it down and forget it.
3 hunt them down and make them pay!
4 get what's rightfully yours.
5 save, if possible, your remaining family.
6 avert your eyes from reality and run away from it. Your family crisis isn't going away.
Go to E.

You may have up to 3 siblings. Roll 1D6; 1-3 indicates the number of siblings you have, while 4-6 indicates that you are an only child.

Roll 1D6 for gender: odd=male, even=female.

Roll 1d6 for age relative to you:

1-2 Older
3-4 Younger
5-6 Same age (twin/triplet, siblings with different mothers, stepsiblings, etc.)

For each sibling choose or roll 1D6 for his/her feelings about you:

1 They dislike you.

2 They like you.
3-4 Neutral
5 They hero worship you.
6 They hate you.
Go to F.

Most of your friends are from your school days, but some can be more than just simple students. Roll 1D3; this is how many friends you have. For each
friend, roll 1D6: even=male, odd=female. Roll 2D6: The friend is . . .

2 an ex-lover, possibly a kindred spirit.

3 like a younger brother/sister to you.
4-5 a partner or co-worker.
6-7 an old school pal.
8-9 someone who grew up with you.
10 like a big brother/sister to you.
11 like a foster parent to you.
12 a teacher or mentor.
Go to G.
While unlikely, it is possible that you may have already made a life-long enemy from your early years. Roll 1D6: On a 6, you have made an enemy. Roll
below to determine the nature of the enemy. Roll 1D6 or choose; this enemy is . . .

1 an old friend.
2 a relative.
3 an official in the government.
4 a stranger to you.
5 an ex-lover, or a close friend
6 someone on “the other side”.

This hatred started when . . . (roll 2D6 or choose)

2 one caused the other imprisonment or exile.

3 one caused the other a major humiliation.
4 you caused the death of their loved one.
5 one caused the other a physical disability.
6-8 It's a mystery to you. (Referee decides, but you have no idea why they hate you.)
9 one foiled a plan of the other.
10 he caused the death of your loved one.
11 you were romantic rivals.
12 one deserted or betrayed the other.

Who's mad at whom? Choose or roll 1D6:

1-2 They hate you.

3-4 You hate them.
5-6 the feeling's mutual.

If you were to meet face to face, the injured party would most likely (choose or roll 1D6) . . .

1 go into a rage and try to kill the other.

2 avoid the other person.
3-4 cause the other injury in an indirect way.
5 ignore the other person.
6 verbally attack the other person.
Go to H.
In your life so far you have had a few loves come and go, various crushes, dates, and the like. The following charts are for a truly serious romance,
something that you will carry with you for years to come. Roll 1D6 or choose:

1-2 You are currently involved in a romance. Go to H1.

3-4 You are uninvolved. Go to H2.
5-6 You are recovering from a tragedy in your romantic past. Go to H3.

H1: AH, LOVE . . .

You are currently involved with a lover. He/she is the first true deep love in your young life. But as usual, things are rarely perfect. Roll 2D6:

2 Your friends/family hate your lover.

3 Your lover's friends/family hate you!
4-6 One of you has a romantic rival.
7 Everything is going smoothly (for now).
8-9 You are currently separated in some way.
10 You constantly fight (but making up is fun!).
11 One of you is insanely jealous.
12 You think your lover is seeing someone else!
Go to I.


You may not have found the right person yet, but that doesn't mean you can't keep looking! Roll 1D6 or choose.

1 You will date anything that moves.

2 You don;t have time to waste on romance.
3-4 You are waiting for the right one.
5 You just don't want to get serious.
6 Sex? Romance? What's that?
Go to I.


You did have happiness once, but it was ripped out of your life. Cruel fate simply plunged a knife into the heart of your happiness! (This result usually
precedes a 2 on Personality Chart 1.) To see what happened to your love, roll 2D6 on the chart below:

2 They were kidnapped or imprisoned.

3 They died in a suspicious accident.
4 They mysteriously vanished.
5 They left you with no explanation, with orders never to seek them out.
6 They were killed in a military action.
7 A slight misunderstanding or argument caused your relationship to cool off.
8 They were killed in an accident.
9 Society kept you apart.
10 A rival cut you out of the action.
11 They defected to the other side.
12 They committed suicide or went insane.
Go to I.


Use the following charts to help you decide what your character looks/acts like. You should only roll on these charts if you (or your Referee) are/is
determining information about a friend/lover/enemy. Otherwise you should always choose all of the information for your character. Roll 1D6 (or
choose) to determine the table, then roll 1D6 (or choose) for each column on the table:

1-3 Go to I-1.
4-6 Go to I-2.

1 Red Formal style Blue
2 Blue Straight, long Green
3 Green Short with bangs Silver/grey
4 Golden Swept over one eye Ruby
5 Black Straight, short Brown/black
6 Aqua Afro, perm Unknown (like Bright or Mirai)

1 Flaxen Kinky, short Heterochromatic
2 Orange Long, curly Amber
3 Purple Long with bangs Gold
4 Silver/white Short, curly Violet
5 Pink Mohawk, bald, etc. Aqua
6 Brown Wild Always changing!

1-3 Go to Trait-1
4-6 Go to Trait-2

Trait-1 Trait-2
1 Shy & secretive 1 Stable & serious
2 Angst-ridden, antisocial, violent 2 Silly & fluffheaded
3 Arrogant, proud, & aloof 3 Sneaky & deceptive
4 Obstinate, critical 4 Intellectual, detached
5 Friendly, outgoing 5 Reckless, hot-blooded
6 Picky, fussy, nervous 6 Moody, pleasure-seeking


1-3 Go to Value-1
4-6 Go to Value-2

Value-1 Value-2
1 Money 1 Love
2 Honor 2 Power
3 Your word 3 Having a good time
4 Honesty 4 Friendship
5 Knowledge 5 Ideology, belief, faith
6 Vengeance 6 Loyalty, duty


1-3 Go to Possession-1
4-6 Go to Possession-2

Possession-1 Possession-2
1 A weapon 1 A musical instrument
2 A tool 2 A piece of jewelry
3 A piece of clothing 3 A toy
4 A photograph 4 A letter
5 A book or diary 5 An art object (a painting, a vase, etc.)
6 A recording 6 A luxury (alcohol, tobacco, sweets, etc.)


1-3 Go to Person-1
4-6 Go to Person-2

Person-1 Person-2
1 A parent 1 A teacher or mentor
2 A sibling 2 A public figure
3 A lover 3 A personal hero
4 A friend 4 No one
5 Yourself 5 A superior, or a subordinate
6 A pet 6 A child

Willpower-based Intelligence-based
Intimidation Gamble
Streetwise Language
Resist Torture/Drugs Write
Interrogation Compose
Persuasion & Fast Talk Teaching
Oratory Survival
Appearance-based Expert
Fashion Strategy
Personal Grooming Awareness/Notice
Empathy-based Shadowing/Avoid Pursuit
Interview Programming
Acting Disguise
Leadership (can use Willpower instead of Empathy)
Social Reflex-based (Personal Combat)
Seduction Dodge & Escape
Human Perception Martial Arts
Technical-based Automatic Weapons
Medical Heavy Weapons
Jury Rig Blade
First Aid Rifle
Play Musical Instrument
Paint Reflex-based (Non-Combat)
Pick Locks Athletics
Sing Stealth
Tech Swimming
Basic Repair Zero-G
Forgery Dance
Pick Pocket Reflex-based (Mecha Combat)
Design MS Fighting
Communications/Sensors MS Pilot
Demolitions MS Melee
Spacecraft Pilot
Body-based Driving
Endurance Aircraft/Shuttle Pilot
Watercraft Pilot

Differences from Mekton Zeta Skills

Oratory: Appears in the errata on the last page of Mekton Zeta+.
Fashion: Known as Wardrobe & Style in Mekton Zeta.
Tech: Known as Mecha Tech in Mekton Zeta.
Design: Known as Mecha Design in Mekton Zeta.
Communications/Sensors: Used to operate electrical equipment like communications devices and mobile suit sensors. In the Minovsky particle-
covered battlefields of the Universal Century, the performance of these devices is extremely restricted. Even with that, the user's skill can have an
effect. Also included in is “touch communication” when two mobile suits or spacesuits are in contact.
Demolitions: The ability to use explosives, to know which explosive is suitable, how to set the timer or detonator, and how much explosive is needed to
achieve the desired result. Finding the weak point of a structure is a difficulty of 20. Using an explosive as a grenade is a difficulty of 15. If using
explosive ordinance like grenades for precision detonations increase the difficulty by +5.
Endurance: The ability to endure pain and deprivation, particularly knowledge of how best to conserve stamina and energy for long periods. The
character is able to keep going for long periods of time without food, water, or sleep. Also can be used to endure the G-forces from fiercely
accelerating or from high-speed movement.
Heavy Weapons: Used to operate handheld anti-MS weapons, vehicle-mounted secondary weapons, etc.
MS Fighting: Known as Mecha Fighting in Mekton Zeta.
MS Pilot: Known as Mecha Pilot(ing) in Mekton Zeta.
MS Melee: Known as Mecha Melee in Mekton Zeta.
Spacecraft Pilot: Used to pilot larger spacecraft—transports, warships, and the like.
Watercraft Pilot: Used to pilot water-based craft, from boats to underwater Mobile Armor.
Gunnery: Known as Mecha Gunnery in Mekton Zeta.
Missile: Known as Mecha Missile in Mekton Zeta.


Combat knife ±0 1 1D6+ (AP) --- J Blade
Rapier +1 1 1D10+ --- L Blade
Military handgun +1 3/20 2D6 15 J Handgun
Small handgun ±0 2/10 1D10 7 P Handgun
Revolver +1 2/10 2D6 6 J Handgun
Assault rifle ±0 5/80 4D6/4D6MG 30 N Rifle (single-shot), Automatic Weapon (rapid-fire)
Recoilless rifle ±0 5/60 4D6/4D6MG 30 N Rifle (single-shot), Automatic Weapon (rapid-fire)
Sniper rifle +2 6/100 5D6 10 N Rifle
Zeon-use laser gun +2 5/30 5D6 5 N Rifle
Bazooka -2 10/100 10D6BR1 1 N Heavy Weapons
Anti-MS rocket launcher -6 8/80 4K 1 L Heavy Weapons
Hand grenade ±0 Thr. 5D6BR1 1 P Athletics
*Bomb --- --- various --- various Demolitions


Required uniform for military personnel. For Zeon officers original uniform designs are permitted.

Rank Insignia
These insignia are used to denote rank on military uniforms. Details of these insignia are on pages 76 and 81.

Normal Suit
Also known as a “spacesuit”. The boots are magnetized for moving around vehicles or colony outer walls. When communications devices are rendered
useless by Minovsky particles, these suits allow for “touch communication”. Provide 5 Hits of armor SP.

Heavy Type Spacesuit

Hard-type spacesuit usually worn by ship's crew. Provides 15 Hits of AP, but incurs a -1 penalty to Movement and Reflex.

Movement Devices
Compressed-air Lift Jet
A backpack-style lift jet capable of flying in atmosphere. Capable of flying at a Movement speed of 50 (MS Movement of 5). Also capable of hovering in
midair. To perform acrobatic maneuvers or race with someone requires an Athletics check.

Round Mover
Personal thruster designed for moving in a weightless environment. Can move at a Movement speed of 50 (MS Movement of 5). It cannot fly in a
gravity environment; in that situation it uses Mobile Suit jump rules (p. 150; basically, it must land at the end of the turn it jumps, and may not jump on
consecutive turns). To perform acrobatic maneuvers or race with someone requires an Athletics check.

Can be used for electrical work, vehicle maintenance, and many other projects. It's relatively unwieldy, but inexpensive.

Data Collector
Connect to a computer to extract information. A recording device as well. Used by secret agents when infiltrating enemy bases or vessels. Extracting
information requires a Programming check. The target number will vary depending on the level of security from 15-30 or more.

Bomb Checker
Device used to examine the structure of a bomb or determine its type and operating mechanism. When you use this device during a Demolitions check
to defuse a bomb, add +5 to your skill roll.

Cutting Torch
Tool which can be used for burning through a door or cutting wires with a high-temperature flame. One round of use on a door or other object will
inflict 50 Hits (1 Kill) of damage. Can be used as a weapon with Blade skill. WA=-2, Damage=4D6+2 (AP)
Survival/Covert Equipment
Aqualung & Diving Suit
Suit used by secret agents when performing underwater operations. The diving suit provides SP 15 armor, but outside water gives a -1 penalty to
Movement and Reflex.

Stereo Camera
Camera capable of taking three-dimensional photos. Used for reconnaissance missions. Can also be used as binoculars.

When surrounded by Minovsky particles, the human eye is the most effective sensor. When spying on the enemy position, don't forget your binoculars.

Field Rations and Portable Stove

No matter how good the soldier, if he doesn't eat he can't fight. Even canned military rations taste better if warmed.

Communication Balloon and Radio Instrument

Device in which an infiltrating agent can enter a message in order to communicate with allies. Keep in mind that the wind may cause it to land
somewhere other than its intended destination.

Life Jacket
Among those raised in colonies there are many poor swimmers. Underwater MS pilots had better not forget their life jackets.

A backpack which can hold various items.

Mobile Suit Piloting Manual
Mobile suit usage guide written for pilots. If a character spends at least 5 minutes looking over it, and makes a successful difficulty-25 Tech check, if
they do not have the MS Pilot skill, even if it's the first time they are piloting a mobile suit, they will be able to act without taking a penalty to their
actions. If they spend an hour reading the manual, the difficulty is 20; if they study it for half a day, it is reduced to 15. (You want to take advantage of
this; there's a -1 penalty for never having done the action before, and a -4 penalty for an unfamiliar vehicle.)

Warship Operation Handbook

Describes the piloting of military vessels, the operation of weapons, and so forth. Like the MS piloting manual, if a character spends at least 5 minutes
looking over it, and makes a successful difficulty-25 Tech check, if they do not have the Spacecraft Pilot or Gunnery skills, even if it's the first time they
are piloting a spacecraft, they will be able to act without taking a penalty to their actions. If they spend an hour reading the manual, the difficulty is 20; if
they study it for half a day, it is reduced to 15.

Wired Communicator
Under the influence of Minovsky particles, small wireless communicators are useless. On the front lines on the Earth's surface, wired-type
communicators can be used. To use this communicator, its portable headset can be connected via cable to a more powerful communicator in a
mobile suit, a vehicle, or a campsite.

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