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Clinical case of Albinism

Submitted to: mam nimra
Submitted by: kousar Naseem (od-fa16-043)
Clinical Rotation IV

History of patient:

Age: 21 year’s old

Gender: female

Chief complaint: decreased vision, distant vision blurriness and glare as well as
dissatisfaction with auto-focus spectacle-mounted telescope.

Past medical history: albinism

Medical history: albinism

Ocular history: auto-focus spectacle-mounted telescope. Nystagmus

On examination:

Distance Visual acuity: (with correction)

Right eye: −7.00/-3.25×170 6/48

Left eye: −8.00/-2.00×175 6/48

Near visual acuity: N10 BE at 20cm

Cover uncover test:

 RE esotropia
 Pendular nystagmus

Diagnosis: Albinism low vision person


Slit lamp examination: In order to fit CL

Tear prism: sufficient

Tear break up time: 13 sec BE

Low vision assessment:
Low vision assessment carried out by Bi-level telemicroscopic apparatus (BITA®) 

Visual acuity for RE and LE was 6/9 by using (BITA®).

 The BITA® telemicroscope was light in weight compared to her auto-focus telescopes. It
was also smaller in size and therefore not readily noticeable by others when in use. The
BITA® telemicroscope was therefore prescribed to our patient.

 In order to reduce glare, Flexcon prosthetic iris-tinted CM Brown color CLs 38% (12mm
iris diameter with 3.5mm clear pupil size) /8.4/14.00/plano/ were prescribed to our
patient for both eyes 

 No prescription was incorporated into the CLs because our patient wanted to use the CLs
either with her distance spectacles or with the BITA® telemicroscope.
 Her vision when using the CLs and her own spectacles improved one line to 6/36 for both
 The CLs were prescribed with a multi-purpose solution as the disinfecting system. Our
patient returned for aftercare following one week of CL usage.
 patient was advised to return for routine CL aftercare every three months, as is advised to
other CL wearers.

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