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Becchetti (2015) discusses the way most guardians send their children to work

based on scary cash. Adolescents over the age of 15 have a higher number of men
than female experts under extreme conditions and hypothetical work. He saved
money, spent 60 to 90 hours a week on the cost reduction, and discussed the impact
of the work and financial center after the review. Recording, business activities and
work in recreational areas in .Tektronix's work is the official record of the Global
Work Association, UNICEF and the social activities to abolish slavery.

Khan (2012) found thatlLahore, Gujranwalauand Sialkotkwork in a varietykof

industries, guiding 100 obvious reasons for investigating young people's work and
guidance, no other needs, family preferences and survival struggle options. Was
observed to be defeated. Their average age is 11 and they should be given to their
families every day.

Chand (2011) conducted a survey of 50 children in different vehicle studios and

found that neither the school nor the lack of advanced education left a terrible
extreme educator, and 72% of young people did so. Most ofkthem work910 hours
akday, and 9 uneducated familieskhave one place. Riana (2011) clarified that the
young Lions work 900to 12 hours a daykthere. More than 70% of teenagers are
guaranteed by their relatives. Poverty, otherksocial andkstandard variables are the
key goals of false creation. They also work for these young people and determine
that many are standard.

An Hua and others. (2015) Analyzekthe currentksituation of childklabor and

determine the workingkconditions of childrenkin Punjab's rural counterparts. Most
people go to school, lack healthy livelihoods, lack and no fatal diseases. The basic
needs of their children and their families lack services. This commentary on
childklabor in Pakistan andkher small research on childllabor are clear and few
studies can be found. The important determinants of our women's child labor
problems in Multan, doing research and the state can be a powerful, results-oriented
approach and trying to come up with important measures and strategies.

Hussain (2015) surveyed this only in Lahore; in the overview report, child labor was
assessed between the ages of 5 and 15, with approximately 14 million adolescents.
(1998) Rana (2011) clarified that the young Lions work 99to 12 hourska day there.
Morekthan 970% ofkteenagers are guaranteed bk their relatives. Povertykother
socialkand standard variables are thekkey goals of false creation. They also work for
these young people and determine that many are standard.

An Hua and others. (2015) AnalyzeKthe current situationkof childklabor and
determine the workingkconditions of childrenjin Punjab's rural counterparts. Most
people go to school, lack healthy livelihoods, lack and no fatal diseases. The basic
needs of their children and their families lack services. This commentary on
childklabor inpPakistan andhher small research on child labor are clear and few
studies can be found. The important determinants of our women's childglabor
problems in Multan, doing research and the state can be a powerful, results-oriented
approach and trying to come up with important measures and strategies.

Hussain (2015) surveyed this only in Lahore; in the overview report, child labor was
assessed between the ages of 5 and 15, with approximately 7814 million
adolescents. (19980)

“Thk current situationpof child labour inpPakistan” is a reportzon urbanxwork, with

only 109% of childrev and 23% of ruraluchildren presenting thiskwork. These child
laborers did not restland eat in the report and found that they worked longphours.
Theirkwages are veryklow, shekis serious, weakkhopeless, especiallykthe carpet
industrykis exploiting childplabor.

Hussoain (2015) mentionskthe relationshipkbetween poverty andkchild labor.

Accordingkto the study, nearly 9940,000 poor childrenkdie in malnutritionkevery day
in developing countries. In addition to the usual mode of delivery, these children
work longer hours, $5 an hour, and work 54 to 72 hours a week. The main cause of
child labour is povertykand malnutritionkin developingKcountries. Hafeez (2014)
found the mainkcause of childklabor in Karachikand its neighboring towns, poverty
and other parents' power. Thesekchildren are usuallykpoor and belongKkto

Adults have a low life expectancy and children are a noteworthy source of their
wages. Theykforced their childrenkto work. In thekvillage, when it comes to child
labor, thekchild is notkonly exploitedkby the parentskbut alsolthe father of the
guardian who completely controls the child. In order to fill educational comparison
options, the instructions of parentskand their children canpprovide a
goodpopportunity to determine. UNICEF (091990) reportedpthat more than 80% of
children in the Pakistani carpet industry are under 15 years of age. Most child
laborers work 10 to 12 hours a day and the salary.

Workingpconditions andkthe environmentare veryppoor, as most of themkhave fatal

diseases. Half ofkthem have neverkattended schoolkand the restphave droppedkout

of school because of lack of research interest. 8 Islamabad’s Conventionkon the
Rightsxof thelChild, printed matter,

Ahmed and others. (2016) found thatlin India, 82 millionkchildren did not
attendkschool. They are busy with work, they work with partners, cabin business
companies are working on site or not paying because they are hard to find and
therefore are not considered when registering. Numerous floor coverings, work at
home, matches, fireworks, bra swears, handmade garments, wicker boxes, bracelets
and other traditional production work in front. Given the instability, it is not surprising
that the work of various young people in India has been evaluated. In the 1981
Indian assessment, there were 13.67million adolescents, 8.199million men and 5.5
million women, of whom 11.9 miollion worked in rural areas. Different studies have
shown the amount of labor for young people.


Child labor is a serious matter. That issue shouldn’t be neglected and ignored.
Important steps should be taken to prevent and stop child labor. Participation from all
level of public sector are required to control such a dilemma. People do not Know the
importance of the education. That why most of the children remain illiterate. It’s not only
responsibility of government we are all of responsible for that.

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