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An introduction to practical examinations

Kirsty Gwynne & Samantha Morgan

To cite this article: Kirsty Gwynne & Samantha Morgan (2014) An introduction to practical
examinations, Veterinary Nursing Journal, 29:6, 207-209, DOI: 10.1111/vnj.12149

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An introduction to
practical examinations
Kirsty Gwynne RvN cert Ed c-saP MBVNA
Samantha Morgan RvN cert Ed oipAVNIMedicall
DipAVN(Surgical) MBVNA
Abbeydale Vetlink Veterinary Training, Wyastone Business Park, Wyastone Leys,
Ganarew, Monmouth, NP25 3SR. UK

Kirsty Gwynne RVN Cert Ed c-saP

MBVNA ABSTRACT: From almost the outset of training, student VNs are concerned about
the practical examinations or OSCEs. A mixture of horror stories and previous
Kirsty Gwynne is an RVN and a
experiences from other colleagues taint the mind and stir up the imagination,
co-director of Abbeydale Vetlink
such that for some students these examinations become a hurdle they feel
Veterinary Training Ltd, which
they will never overcome. Hopefully, learning more about the structure of these
provides specialist veterinary nurse
examinations may alleviate some of this fear. For this article we have chosen not
education. She also works in small
to focus on the particulars of the set-up/stations, as each awarding body or higher
animal practice. One of Kirsty's roles is
institution will have its own way of conducting the examinations. Students are
teaching and support of students; she
is also an RCVS and CQ examiner. advised to ask about their own examinations at their particular college or university.

What are the practical you with your patient, if required. The
assistant is not marking you.
An Objective Structured Clinical Candidates rotate through the stations,
Examination (OSCE) is designed to test completing all of them on their circuit.
clinical performance and competence In this way, all candidates tackle the
in skills that are deemed essential for a same stations. It is considered to be
day-one competent Veterinary Nurse. an improvement over traditional
You will already have demonstrated a examination methods because the
level of competence in your training stations can be standardised, enabling
by completing your online log - your fairer peer comparison, and procedures
Central Skills Log or Nursing Progress can be assessed without endangering a
Log. The written examinations and patient's health (Table 1).
OSCEs are then used to confirm your
knowledge and skill prior to awarding As the name suggests, an OSCE is
Samantha Morgan RVN cert Ed you the qualification. designed to be:
DipAVN(Medical) DipAVN(Surgical) MBVNA
An OSCE usually comprises a circuit of • Objective - all candidates are assessed
Samantha qualified as a veterinary short (usually six-minute) stations, in using exactly the same stations with
nurse in 1999 and has worked in both which each candidate is examined on a the same marking scheme. In an
referral and general practice. Between one-to-one basis with one examiner and a OSCE, candidates are allocated a mark
2003 and 2008, she gained both simulated patient. Each station may have for each step on the mark scheme
the Medical and Surgical Diplomas a different examiner, or you may have the that they perform correctly, which
in Advanced Veterinary Nursing. In same examiner for more than one of your therefore makes the assessment of
20 I 0, she was awarded a Professional stations. At some stations there may be clinical skills more objective, rather
Certificate in Education (CertEd). an assistant present who is there to help than subjective.
Sam is now a director of Abbeydale
Vet! ink Veterinary Training which ~Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of OSCEs
is an independent veterinary nurse
Advantages of OSCEs over other Disadvantages of OSCEs over
college in Monmouth. She is also the
examinations other examinations
executive editor of the VNJ (as part
of her responsibilities on the BVNA uniform scenarios for all candidates list learning
Council) and an RCVS and CQ availability idealised 'textbook' methodologies may
examiner. not mimic real-life situations
safety. no danger of injury to patients expensive
To cite this article use either
no risk of litigation
DOl: 10.1111/vnj.12149 or Veterinary Nursing
Journal VOL 29 pp207-209 feedback from impartial examiners

© 2014 British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA) Veterinary Nursing Journal• VOL 29 • June 2014 • Page 207
• Structured - stations in OSCEs are Preparing for the scope of this article. However, here are
designed to test specific outcomes. The some tips and information we hope will
same information is provided to all examination be useful.
candidates. Instructions are carefully • Ensure that you know where your
written to ensure that the candidate is exam is being held. If necessary/ We have all had to take examinations
given a very specific task to complete. available, do a 'dummy' run prior to throughout our lives - from primary
The OSCE is carefully structured to the day of your exam. school through secondary school, college
include parts from all elements of the or university. We have all had to meet
• Make sure that you leave plenty of
curriculum, as well as a wide range of targets at certain ages as a measure of
time to travel to your examination and
skills. progression and level of achievement.
that you have a contact number in case
The majority of students do not like
• Clinical examination - the OSCE is of any emergencies or hold-ups that
examinations and feel anxious about the
designed to apply clinical knowledge. are beyond your control.
exam itself and what the outcome will be.
• Ensure that you have all the required
How are they marked? documents and consumables - Sometimes, the outcome is not what we
Marking in OSCEs is done by the including identification, letters, expect and, indeed, what we hope for.
examiner using a standardised mark gloves etc. before you set off for your Sitting examinations throughout life
sheet. These mark sheets may be available examination. Your college/university develops a pattern of learnt experience
online or from your college. The examiner will have told you what equipment you which can either be positive or negative.
will watch you as you perform the task require.
and mark 'achieved' or 'not achieved' The VN OSCE examination is one
• Ensure that your uniform is clean and
against each step. The examiner does not that carries negative connotations for
tidy. Although there are no points for
have any hidden or other mark sheets many people even before they get to the
this in the examination, it will help
with which to assess your performance. examination. Much of the apprehension
to put you in a professional frame of
created about the practical examinations
mind and give you a sense of pride in arises because of concerns that the
Occasionally, there may be a second yourself.
person marking within a station. This candidate will run out of time when
is either an internal or an external • Tie up any long hair. performing a task; as well as the normal
quality assurer; their job is to observe anxiety that arises when individuals
• Ensure your fingernails are short and are under observation, especially when
the examiner not you, to ensure each
polish free. No false nails! performing a task that is unfamiliar.
examiner is marking each candidate
fairly and consistently. You should not be • Nothing below the elbow. This
concerned about this additional person as includes watches. If a station needs As previously mentioned, the examiner
they are there to ensure your examination a timer this will usually be provided. is there to ensure that the candidate
is run to the best standard achievable. Feel free to use your own fob watch or performs to a level that is commensurate
scissors. with safe clinical practice and this
assessment must be undertaken to
The examiners • If you're unsure of what is being ensure that those who achieve the RVN
asked of you, ask your examiner for qualification have attained an appropriate
All examiners are either Registered
clarification. You won't lose marks and standardised level of nursing practice.
Veterinary Nurses (RVNs) or Veterinary
for this; but will do if you go on to
Surgeons (MsRCVS). All examiners
perform the incorrect skill because Whilst anxiety is something that we all
will be on the RCVS Register and have
declared that they each have kept up with you have misunderstood what is being experience in life, it is unpleasant and can
asked of you. prevent us from facing our fears; indeed,
their CPD to ensure they are up to date
with clinical skills and knowledge. • If you remember something that you at its worst, it can make us think that
should have done earlier, go back we are going mad! But it is essential to
On top of this, most awarding bodies and do it. Again, depending on the understand that it is a normal reaction
require their examiners to undergo requirement of the task you will not and is part of our survival instincts.
training to ensure that each has the lose marks for performing it in the
required skill to follow the structured wrong order, but will do if you forget Situations that can feel scary to one
mark sheet, remain impartial and to act an important part completely. individual may not concern another.
professionally during the examinations. Those affected can feel embarrassed and
• If the examiner has left out equipment worry that they are abnormal, resulting in
Each examiner will also have attended for you, then use it - if a station has heightened emotions and sensations that
regular standardisation sessions with gloves and an apron laid out, then put are very real to the individual concerned
the awarding body. These sessions are them on. They aren't there to trick you. (Table 2).
to ensure that all examiners interpret
and examine a task in the same way, to How to cope with those A lot of people will hide their distress,
ensure that each candidate is given a fair not wanting to make a fuss. Commonly,
assessment. nerves only a small fraction of their anxiety
The subject of dealing with examination is visible - they may, instead, become
Above all, remember that the examiners stress and anxiety is a very broad subject. dispirited and may appear apathetic
are human and not monsters whose task To cover all aspects of the management and unconcerned to others. Anxiety
is to fail you! of anxiety and stress is outside of the can be extremely destructive, especially

Page 208 • VOL 29 • June 2014 • Veterinary Nursing Journal © 2014 British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA)
'Hable 2. Some symptoms of anxiety but to take into account the individual's Frequently Asked
personal needs and habits.
Identification and implementation of What if the time allowed is too short
change cannot be "One of these days - can I get extra time?
I will ..." It needs to be replaced with You should have ample time to complete
"Tomorrow or Tuesday I will ..." Putting the task(s) at each station, as they have
off change is avoidance and will not help been designed to fit the allotted time.
tackle anxiety or help with preparation Some stations contain tasks that take
for the examinations. up most of the time available, whilst
others may be completed with ample
One of the key ways to deal with anxiety time to spare. The length of time that is
is consistent, daily practice - performing taken by a candidate is, therefore, not
the individual tasks to OSCE standards, an indication of how well - or poorly
and not just in the final couple of - the individual has addressed the
before such an important event as an weeks before the examination. It is the requirements of the task. All candidates
examination. individual's responsibility to do this. face the same challenge and most finish
well within the time limit.
It is essential that, in order to progress If a task is not performed according to best
and find techniques 'to manage it, the practice routinely, when anxiety develops If you have any special circumstances that
individual must recognise and accept that - as in the examinations - we commonly prevent you from being able physically
anxiety is being experienced. Until the go back to everyday practice, which can to complete the stations in the allotted
individual is willing to discuss the issues/ result in missing steps on the marking time, you should speak to your college
anxiety, its true depth and the feelings are criteria. Ensuring that we work to best or university about any reasonable
likely to be masked. practice at all times will promote a degree adjustments that can be made for you.
of confidence which will help to ensure These will be dealt with on an individual
Colleagues, employer, friends and family that fewer mistakes are likely to be made. case-by-case basis.
who can support, encourage and assist
the individual in working towards the Simple breathing techniques can help
Should I worry if I finish a station
goal of being successful in the ward off impending panic. Inhaling
OSCE examination, form the through the nose over a count of four and
Finishing early does not necessarily
most important support exhaling through the mouth over a count
indicate a problem. Many stations can be
structure. Sometimes, of four, can help slow the respiratory and
completed in less than the time allotted.
to be challenged by heart rate down. This can be practised
The examiner may just want to confirm
colleagues or friends during the task and whilst waiting for the
that you are happy that you have finished
can be of benefit and next OSCE station.
help. prior to leaving the station.
It is also worthwhile to avoid looking at
For example, other students outside the OSCE station, Is there any hidden equipment?
performing the OSCE as they are likely to be anxious as well. No. All equipment needed to complete
tasks in front of a peer This is also important when arriving at the the tasks will be provided. If you really do
on a regular basis helps by examination centre, prior to the start of feel there is something missing, inform
familiarising the candidate with the examination. Students will commonly the examiner of the element that you
the feeling of being observed just as it talk about how anxious they are and this think is missing and ask for clarification.
will occur in the actual examination. has a tendency to exacerbate the level of
anxiety in the group as a whole. What if something goes wrong in the
An individual who is experiencing exam that was not my fault?
anxiety can adopt a number of ways of Identify strategies to avoid this scenario If you genuinely feel something happened
dealing with the situation: -perhaps take a book (a novel rather that was beyond your control or impaired
than a text book) to read which is a your ability to perform well - light failure
• change the situation simple distracter and allows thoughts to or excessive noise, for example - you should
• change oneself to adapt to the be focused on the narrative and not on speak to the senior examiner at the time,
situation the examination. This will need to be who will advise you of the appeal process
discussed with your centre and approved and will make a note of your concern.
• withdraw from it Do not wait for the results to come out to
by the senior examiner prior to the
• develop ways of living with it. examinations. question the examination process. 1m

The most obvious choice in this case is to If a mistake has been made and identified Useful Reading
HARDEN. R. M. & GLEESON. F. A. ( 1979) Assessment of
change oneself to adapt to the situation after the task has ended, it is vital that the clinical competence using an objective structured clinical
in order to achieve the qualification. This, mistake is put to the back of the mind examination (OSCE). Medical Education. january. 13( I).
however, takes a lot of effort and the idea and not dwelt upon; because it cannot be ZAYYAN, M. (20 I I) Objective structured clinical
of change and setting goals can be very rectified and this distraction may lead to examination: The assessment of choice. Oman Medical
journal [online]26(4): 219-222.Available from http1/www.
difficult and daunting. It is vital to set further mistakes being made in the next [accessed 29th
goals that are realistic and achievable, task. March 2014].

© 2014 British Veterinary Nursing Association (BVNA) Veterinary Nursing Journal• VOL 29 • June 2014 • Page 209

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