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Hans Raynadhi_Ilmu Hukum_G

The Importance of English in the 21st Century: Necessity or just to

Show Off?

Many of us until now still think that speaking English in daily life is just to
show off. On the other hand, some think that speaking English is just to increase the
prestige of social strata. Yeah, I also used to think like that, and maybe even those of
you who are reading this have thought like that. But now, we have to get rid of such
negative thinking patterns and stigma from our minds because believe me that was a big
mistake, and of course one of you will ask "but why?" So, let me tell you the reason,
without us realizing that now the world has entered the era of globalization in the 21st
century, where of course there have been insane developments in every aspect of human
life. The gateway for us to be able to participate in adapting ourselves to these
developments is none other than through interaction and communicating globally. In
this case, English will undoubtedly be the key as well as a bridge connecting the
international world to social interaction and communication in the sphere of global
relations because it is an international language. The era of globalization encourages us
to always adapt to existing developments. If we master and understand English which in
this case is the key and also the bridge of connection in the international world, then
there is no doubt that it will be easier for us to always follow and adapt to developments
in the international world.
Maybe some of you think that even without mastering English we can still
live right? That's true, but please open your eyes, see and realize that this life has
progressed so much and requires us as parties in the globalization circle to participate in
increasingly advanced life order, it requires all of us to be able to explore and discover
every single one information in the development of the global world through social
interaction and communication with the one and only international language, namely
English. So, what do you think about that? I think you are still not completely sure and
believe in me, but it's okay because actually, I have prepared the real reasons why
English in the globalization era of the 21st century is indeed important and also become
a necessity not just to show off.
Firstly, English is an international language to interact and communicate
with the international foreign community. Yes, at first I intended not to include this
reason because almost all human beings in the world must also know that the language
used in international relations and communication is English. But finally, I realized that
this fundamental thing makes English so important in the 21st century era of
international globalization where English is used as a means of communication by one
country to another in international relations. Every development in the international
world cannot be separated from English because English has an official or special status
in at least seventy-five countries which are used daily by more than 400 million people
in the world, and is used as a side language by hundreds of millions of the world's
population. Besides, English is also used by many speakers around the world and plays
an important role in international communication in every aspect of human life from
Hans Raynadhi_Ilmu Hukum_G

social, cultural, business economics to technology. Can you imagine what the
international world would be like without English as a universal unifying language and
a link for interaction and communication in the global world? From there we can
understand that it is true that English is very important. How could we not, as
individuals who have to develop and want to advance, we must interact with the world's
inhabitants, it is not only limited to the countries where we live, but we must also
interact and socialize with them to open the door to development and progress. Maybe
you now think that you are living in a country that does not use English as the main
language, and interacting and socializing with world citizens is something that is not
needed, finally you decide not to learn or master English. If you really think like that,
immediately change your mindset or we won't have to be friends anymore from now on.
No wait, I'm just kidding, but I'm serious, change your mindset which tends to reject the
development, we must continue to think progressively so that we can continue to
progress and develop in line with the development of the 21 st century in the era of
globalization. Why choose to just stay when you can move forward?
Secondly, English is a knowledge and technology booster. We cannot
underestimate English in our lives in the 21st century era of globalization where all
aspects of human life are always related to knowledge and technology. English is very
important in accessing knowledge about anything in the various existing literature.
Knowledge of English also helps us to browse and find all the information we have in
print to electronic media. And about technology, it is simple but tries to be honest with
me that when you first handle the cellphone you just bought, of course, English is the
first to appear as the operating language, right? That's because global producers realize
that English is the main language of international products. Maybe this time you are
again assuming that your cellphone can also be adjusted in another language later, that's
true, but it seems you haven't understood the meaning of this simple thing that English
is applied to almost all technology products, so we have to adjust and adapt. Because
with the ability to understand English, of course, we will find it easier to understand and
operate various kinds of the latest technology. If you master the language and the
direction of technological development, the era of globalization is actually within your
Thirdly, English in the world of work. From the earliest stages such as
recruitment or applying for jobs, it's no secret that English language skills are a basic
competency requirement for prospective workers in various fields of work, that's where
the role of English begins to appear. Someone fluent in English will have an added
value. Especially in the era of globalization, the world of work is increasingly
developing and advancing in expanding its scope across international countries, such as
business and trade is increasingly driven by international trade, of course in this case the
role of English language skills is increasingly needed. It is true that although in essence,
the world of work requires someone with special skills following their professional
fields, these special skills will be even better if they are supported by English language
skills. Simply put, the world of work requires special skills to act, and English to
communicate and support their actions.
Hans Raynadhi_Ilmu Hukum_G

In conclusion, the importance of the English language in the 21 st century

cannot be denied that the global world has entered an era of globalization that requires
us to always develop and adapt to existing developments. Through the ability to speak
English, we can interact or communicate with the international community, easily
obtain information on the latest knowledge and technology, and even increase our
competitiveness in the world of work.

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