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My Holidays

My family and I have made many trips to different countries that were really
good experiences. Although negative things happened in some of them, I prefer
to think about positive things

My best holiday was when my family and me visited the Burj Khalifa in Dubai.
We went up to the hundredth floor for see a fantastic view of the city.
There were many tourists of different nationalities taking photos so we asked
one of them to help us with ours. There was a glass floor where you could see
the lower floors which caused me a bit of vertigo. However, that visit was great!

On another time, I and my family were at the Panamá International Airport

waiting for a flight to Colombia. But entertaining ourselves with the things that
were sold in stores and businesses, we were late to board the plane and we
had to wait for another.

However, we took the opportunity to visit the Panamá Canal and walk through
the city, so I think it wasn´t so bad.

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