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April 23, 2020


What’s wrong?
Students will be able to listen about some
physical symptoms of sickness, you will
develop a small listening practice. (En esta
sesión serás capaz de obtener información
explícita de un audio de síntomas físicos de
enfermedades comunes, con este fin
contestarás unas preguntas de acuerdo al
➢ Look at the picture, and you will see a symptom. In English, you can ask: What’s wrong?
(1) Or What’s the matter? (2) (Para preguntar qué problema tienes tenemos 2

✓ He has a stomach ache. (American English)

✓ He’s got a stomach ache. (British English)
➢ Please, listen to a student calling in sick. Write down the student’s
name, what is wrong with her and which day she will come back to

Student’s name: …………………………………

What’s wrong?: ………………………….
Day: ................................................

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