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Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat (BUL LITTRO)

Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat (BUL LITTRO) or Bulletin of Research
On Spice and Medicinal Crops is a primary scientific publication by Indonesian Center for
Estate Crops Research and Development. This journal contains primary research on
spice, medicinal, aromatic and industrial crops that have never been published on any
publication media.

Paper Submission
The submitted manuscript has not been published or evaluated in other scientific
publications; it has been approved by the author team (enclosed by ethical statement) as
the responsible parties for the manuscript. The publisher is not responsible for any claims or
compensation requests for matters relating to the content of the manuscript.

The manuscript was submitted online at
The manuscripts must follow the format provided in the template for the author
The manuscripts that format do not follow the guidelines will not be processed and
returned to the author for revision. The manuscript is written in MS. Word (.doc or .docx)
on A4 paper, and the margin border is 2 cm on all sides of the paper; letters font is Times
New Roman 11, with two spaces. The table and figure use Times New Roman 10 with
single-spaced. The page number is put sequentially on the bottom right, and the maximum
number of pages is 17 (including tables and pictures).

Manuscript Preparation
Buletin Penelitian Tanaman Rempah dan Obat (BUL LITTRO) publishes articles both in
Indonesian and English. The manuscripts written in Indonesian must follow writing rules in
the Indonesian language and according to the Indonesian Spelling System General Manual
(Pedoman Umum Ejaan Bahasa Indonesia/PUEBI). Furthermore, manuscripts in English
must follow the English standard.

The manuscripts are arranged in the following order: Title, Author and Affiliation, Abstract
(Indonesian and English), Keywords, Introduction, Material and Method, Results and
Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgment (optional), Contributorship, References, and
Appendices (optional). Subchapter title is written in the capital at the beginning of a
sentence with bold font. From 2021 onwards, a contributorship statement must be included.

Title: Brief, clear, describe the content of the manuscript, informative (not more than 15
words), written in Indonesian (all capital letters) and English (capital letters only at the
beginning of a sentence, italics). The common scientific name of the plant/animal is not
included in the title.

 Authors and Author's Affiliation: Full name, not abbreviated, without the title.
Corresponding author or main author includes a personal e-mail address and is
underlined. Each author's institution name and address are written fully included street
name, zip code, and city. The author(s)'s address(s) are indicated by lower-case
superscript letters if there is more than one affiliation.

Abstract: An abstract included brief background, objectives, methodology (including location

and time of research), result, conclusion, implication, suggestion, or follow up (the last three
are optional). The abstract is written in Indonesian and English no longer than 250 words
(Times New Roman, font 11, single space). Abstract in English must fulfill English standard
and has been checked with Grammarly or other writing checker application.
Keywords: A list of 4–5 keywords are to be provided directly below the abstract. Keywords
should express the precise content of the manuscript, as they are used for indexing
purposes. Ordered alphabetically, scientific names are written at the beginning (no authors),
words or word phrases in the title should not be repeated in the keywords, written in
Indonesia and English.

Introduction: The introduction provides a brief review of relevant literature and contains an
embedded justification for the research. The introduction usually ends with a brief and
general overview of key results and the research's objectives.

Material and Method:

Materials and Methods should provide sufficient detail (location and time, experimental
design, analysis method) so that procedures are well understood and can be repeated.
Field trial should include the agroecology information (elevation, soil type, rainfall, and
number of rainy days, climate region types), and soil analysis (for fertilization trial). Any
initial reference to equipment, kits, reagents, lights, etc., must be followed by the
manufacturer or supplier, city of origin, and country of origin. The material (plants,
microorganism, animals, etc.) also must be mentioned their origin. The observation
parameters and measurement tools are described in detail following by statistical analysis to
analyze the data.

Result and Discussion: The Results and Discussion sections may be combined or kept
Table, graph, diagram, photo, figure, and illustration can be used to support the result
explanation. The result is written in several sub-chapter following the chapter topic. The data
analysis result should contain p-value and CV (for table) and ratio of r 2/R2 (for figure, if
applicable). The discussion is to interpret and describe the significance of the research
findings and to explain any new understanding or insights that emerged as a result to solve
the research problem.
Tables and Figures
1. Each table should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. The title of the
table should be written in Indonesian and English. From 2021 onwards, field information
should be written in Indonesian and English. Footnotes to tables should be indicated by
smaller fonts and should be written in Indonesian and English. The data used from
another published or unpublished source, obtain permission, and acknowledge fully.
2. Each figure should be numbered consecutively with Arabic numerals. The title of the
figures should be written in Indonesian and English. Figures should be limited to those
essential for the text. Results should not be duplicated by presentation of the same
results in both a graph and table. The graphic data in MS Excell should be included as
a supplement file. The size of the figure is no more than 300 KB and in .jpeg format.
3. Decimal notation is written using a comma (,) or periods (.) depended on the language
used in the manuscripts, maximum of two decimal digits.

Conclusion: A summary of the points or a re-statement to answer the research problem and
also a synthesis of key points to help the reader understand the importance of the research.
Written in narrative form, one paragraph. It can be supplemented with implications,
suggestions, or follow-up of the results.

Acknowledgments: All acknowledgments should be included in one separate paragraph

that directly precedes the contributorship section, addressing people who aid the research
activities which are not authors, written in the full name following his/her affiliation, as well as
those for grant and financial support.
Contributorship: A significant contributions of the author to the manuscripts (the conception,
design, execution, interpretation of the data, and writing) should be enlisted.

References: The list of original references should only include works cited in the text and
that have been published or accepted for publication. Personal communications should only
be mentioned in the text. In the text, references should be cited by author and year (see the
examples) and listed in alphabetical order in the reference list. Minimum references cited in
the text are 11, with ≥ 80% from primary sources (journal, proceedings) published in the last
10 years. Citation and reference manager use Mendeley ( with
University of Worcester-Harvard style.

Example of Reference

Bauerle, T.L., Richards, J.H., Smart, D.R. & Eissenstat, D.M. (2008) Importance of Internal
Hydraulic Redistribution for Prolonging the Lifespan of Roots in Dry Soil. Plant, Cell and
Environment. 31 (2), 177–186. doi:10.1111/j.1365-3040.2007.01749.x.

Ilyas, S. (2012) Ilmu dan Teknologi Benih. Bogor, IPB Press.

Articel part of a book:

Upreti, K.K. & Sharma, M. (2016) Role of Plant Growth Regulators in Abiotic Stress
Tolerance. In: Rao,N.S. et al. (eds.) Abiotic Stress Physiology of Horticultural Crops. India,
pp.19–46. doi:10.1007/978-81-322-2725-0.

Lebaudy, A., Vavasseur, A., Hosy, E., Dreyer, I., Leonhardt, N., Thibaud, J.-B., Véry, A.-A.,
Simonneau, T. & Sentenac, H. (2008) Plant Adaptation to Fluctuating Environment and
Biomass Production Are Strongly Dependent on Guard Cell Potassium Channels.In:
Chrispeels,M. (ed.) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States
of America. 105 (13), The National Academy of Sciences, pp.5271–5276.

Patent citation :
The name of patent inventor word "inventor"; Patent holder institution. Date of patent
publication (date, month, year). The name of the patented item or process. Patent number.

Muchtadi, T.R., penemu; Institut Pertanian Bogor. 9 Maret 1993. Suatu Proses mencegah
Penurunan Beta Karoten pada Minyak Sawit. ID 0 002 569.

Rules to write the authors name in reference list

If the first author name more than one word :

J.C. Smith                                Written Smith, J.C.
F.W. Day Jr.                            Written Day, F.W. Jr.
A.B. Toll III                            Written Toll, A.B., III
E.C. Bate-Smith                     written Bate-Smith, E.C.
Richard C. De Long               written De Long, R.C.
A.J. de Lorenzo                      written de Lorenzo, A.J.
James M. van der Veen        written van der Veen, J.M.

The name of Chinese authors in Chinese publication is written as follows:

Chan Tai-Chen                      written Chan, T-C.
Lin Ke-Sheng                          written Lin, K-S.
The name of Chinese author in English publication is written as follows
L. Ying Chang                        written Chang, Y.L
His Fam Fu                             written Fu, H.F.

Proofreading manuscripts
Proofreading manuscripts will be e-mailed to the author to get approval before published in
the journal. The revisions from the author (if available) should be sent to the Editorial Board
in two days.

The rules of writing number

One digit (less than 10)
Three replications
Four varieties
Five months
One year

Two digits (≥10)

10 treatments
10 polybags
12 months
12 months

International Systems of Unit

One digit
1 ml
2 kg or ... (ton)
5 minutes
5 second
1 atm
5 ha or ... m²

Two digits
12 l
10 m
12 kg
10 detik
25 ha

Derived units of measure

kg per ha written kg.ha-1
kg per m2 written kg.m-2
10 plants per ha written 10 plants/ha
10 g per plant written 10 g/plant

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