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 Imperialism can teach us that there is a thin line in

the ethics of business. Business should have positive
effects on all slides.
Imperialism is something that can change business
transactions very easily. Africa is struggling today
because of choices made during the Berlin Conference
concerning Africa's territories, but they also have an
economy that's thriving because of choices made during
time as well. 14 European nations laid down rules for the
division of Africa. They also agreed a European nation
could claim land by notifying other nations and showing it
could control the land.
Businesses should have an overall positive effect for
everyone. Businesses that had a positive effect helped
lead to the economic expansion of trade and
infrastructure. Interactions with Europe led to an increase
in lifespan and literacy rates. Businesses that had
negative effects led to things such as the Boxer
Rebellion, where the Chinese began to torture and kill
foreigners, the Sepoy Mutiny, where the first Indian
nationalist party formed and the British government took
over India, and the Opium War, where people began to
grow great addictions, and a war started where Brits use
steamboats to destroy the Chinese navy.
Overall, I believe imperialism is an important topic
when it comes to the ethics of business. I also believe
that all businesses should have a positive effect on
everyone. Whether they are involved with it or not

Imperialism can teach us that there is a thin line in
the ethics of business. Business should have positive
effects on all slides.
Imperialism is something that can change business
transactions very easily. Africa is struggling today
because of choices made during the Berlin Conference
concerning Africa's territories, but they also have an
economy that's thriving because of choices made during
that time as well. 14 European nations laid down rules for
the division of Africa, and Africa had no say in any of it.
The interests of Africa were never a factor. It was not
easy or neat to process, as ethnoc groups were cleaved
into fragments. They also agreed a European nation
could claim land by notifying other nations and showing it
could control the land.
Businesses should have an overall positive effect for
everyone. Ones that have had a positive effect helped
lead to the economic expansion of trade and
infrastructure. Interactions with Europe led to an increase
in lifespan and literacy rates. Businesses that had
negative effects led to events such as the Boxer
Rebellion, where the Chinese began to torture and kill
foreigners, the Sepoy Mutiny, where the first Indian
nationalist party formed and the British government took
over India, and the Opium War, where people began to
grow great addictions, and a war started where Brits use
steamboats to destroy the Chinese navy.
All in all, I believe imperialism is an important topic
when it comes to the ethics of business. I also believe
that all businesses should have a positive effect on
everyone. Whether they are involved with it or not.

After re-reading my writing assignment about
imperialism I found that it was missing a few details and
lacked the best usage of words. I chose to include the
fact that Africa had no say in how their land was being
divided and that their interests weren't taken into
consideration. I felt I should incorporate this into the
writing because populations were split up, the Europeans
didn’t factor in religion groups or different tribes. That,
overall, affected their flow. In addition to adding more
details, I chose to use different wording and phrases to really
tie the writing piece together.

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