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Experiment 4

Title: Mobile Wireless Propagation Models-I and Path Loss Estimation.


Radio-frequency propagation is fuzzy in nature in multipath environments because of irregular

terrain, RF barriers, and scattering phenomena. The performance of mobile communication
systems is limited by the radio channel, and the transmission path between transmitter and receiver
varies randomly from simple line of sight (LOS) to one obstructed severely by building and
foliage [3]. Most cellular radio system operates in urban environment there is no direct wave at
the receiver. Rather, an integrated wave resulting from diffraction, reflection, and scattering from
various obstacles (buildings, moving objects, etc.).

Propagation models traditionally focus on the prediction of signal strength at the receiver, and
distance (d) between transmitter and receiver plays the most critical role on the received signal
strength. Figure 1.1 illustrates a typical point-to-point mobile wireless communication system.
A very common thing that could come in mind is what would be the distance d that can provide
good received signal quality, and the relevant factors that influence largely to increase d the
longest possible so as to increase cell coverage and consequently cost from investment. The
simplistic answer is to increase transmit power. However, increasing transmit power causes
additional interference such as intra-cell interference, inter-cell interference.

In this experiment, we focus on changes in the system parameters (other than transmit power)
that result in increasing separation distance d, i.e. cell coverage. Figure 1.2 illustrates these
parameters in the system. We will primarily carry out the impact of carrier frequency f (MHz) and
distance d (km) on path loss. In addition, sensitivity analysis that provides critical parameters in
the system with most impact on d is incorporated for the system design and planning purpose.

We consider the very optimistic Free-space model and Two Ray model. This model is
conceptually and analytically described, followed by respective simulation performance
Figure 1. 2: Typical path loss variables (of physical medium) in mobile wireless
communication system [1].

Theory and Methodology:

System Model:

1. Generic model
A generic Radio Frequency (RF) transmission system is already shown in Figure 1.1. The
transmit power is given by Equation 1.1.
Pt = Pr − Gt + LT (1.1)

where, the symbols represent as follows.

Pt is the transmit power (consider from the base station (BS)),
Pr is the receive power (at the mobile station (MS)),
Gt is the total antenna gain experiences by the signal, and
LT is the total loss experiences by the signal.
Hence, rearranging Equation 1.1, path loss between BS and MS is given by
LT = Pt − Pr + Gt (1.2)

2. Free-space model
Free-space model is the simplest path loss model that takes only frequency (f) and distance
(d) into account. In free-space (no obstacles and atmospheric effects) propagation, the path loss is
given by

where, Pr represents receive power,

Pt represents transmit power,
Gt and Gr represent gain of transmitter and receiver respectively, and
d is the distance between transmitter and receiver.
Equation 1.3 can be written as follows for path loss
LT −FS = 32.45 + 20Log10(dkm ) + 20Log10( fMHz) (1.4)

Hence, putting the value of LT-FS in Equation 1.1 and solving for d will provide with the maximum
distance between transmitter and receiver as follows.
dkm = antiLog10[(LT −FS − 32.45 − 20Log10( fMHz)) / 20]

3. Two Ray model

The energy radiated from a transmitting antenna may reach the receiving antenna over several possible
propagation paths. For many wireless applications in the 50 to 2000 MHz range, two components of the
space wave are of primary concern:
i) energy received by means of the direct wave, which travels a direct path from the
transmitter to the receiver,
ii) a ground-reflected wave, which arrives at the receiver after being reflected from the
surface of the earth.
This is commonly referred to as the two-ray model. Other propagation paths such as sky and surface
waves are often neglected.

Figure 1. 3: Two ray path loss model [1].

Simulation Experimental Procedure:

Set values to simulation variables for path loss models as follows.

Free-space model
Carrier frequency, f (MHz) = 900 and 1800,
Transmit power Pt = 39 dBm,
Cable loss Lc = 4 dB (total),
Antenna gain Gt =28 dBi (total).

Simulation Algorithm:

Path loss versus distance (cell coverage)

Step 1 define variables.

Step 2 set values for dmax , f(MHz), Pt , Lc , Gt
Step 3 define path loss expressions for Free space model.
Step 4 repeat step 2 up to d=dmax ;
Step 5 plot distance versus path losses for all models and cases or display any result.
Develop other algorithms in similar on your own for the report question-answer part.

Performance Evaluation:
Plot experimental graphs and evaluate performance with relevant and appropriate methods. The
following is an example line graph for path loss versus distance performance evaluation. Using
Figure 1.3: Path loss versus distance estimation

Using MATLAB simulator, evaluate other performances relevant to this experiment (see report
question-answer part).
Pre-Lab Homework:
1. Explain wireless propagation model and its significance.
2. Briefly discuss about the free space and two ray path loss models used in mobile
communication system.


(1) A PC/Laptop with MATLAB installed.

Discussion and Conclusion:

Interpret the data/findings and determine the extent to which the experiment was successful in complying
with the goal that was initially set. Discuss any mistake you might have made while conducting the
investigation and describe ways the study could have been improved.

Report Questions:
1. Plot the path losses as a function of distance for all considered models. Draw a conclusion on
which model you should consider, based on the results, using comparative analysis method

2. Plot the received signal power Pr as a function of distance (similar to Question 01).
Assume transmit power Pt = 39 dBm, total antenna gain Gt = 28 dBi (14 dBi for each
antenna: Tx and Rx), total cable loss Lc = 4 dB (2 dB at each side; Tx and Rx). Hint: use
Equation 1.1.

3. How much dB (link budget or received signal strength) should there be increased so as to
increase the distance by double, covered by a cell. Carry out estimations for free space
model. Assume all parameters remain unchanged.

4. Write a summary on what you have learned, observed, things went wrong (if in your
experiment, you have not had the predicted result), and how you can overcome the similar
problem in future.


[1] W. Debus, “RF Path Loss & Transmission Distance Calculations”, Technical Memorandum, Axonn LLC,
August 4, 2006.
[2] K. M. Ahmed, “Cellular Mobile Systems” Lecture notes: AT77.07, Asian Institute of Technology,
Thailand, January 2010.
[3] R. K. Saha, “A Report On Path Loss Models Used In Mobile Communications and a
Comparative Analysis of these Models for Urban Case using Suitable Parameters” Report on AT77.07:
Cellular Mobile Systems, Asian Institute of Technology, Thailand, January 2010.


Following MATLAB Functions would be helpful for this experiment.

• randint (1, x, [p q]): Generate one dimensional matrix of uniformly distributed random integers
between p and q with a maximum of x number.
• for i=1:0.5:10
end : this command continues a loop for a maximum of 10 with an increment of 0.5 starting from 1.
• plot(x,y): plots vector y versus vector x.
• disp(‘x’): display x on the command window.
• Legend(x1, x2, ...): puts a legend on the current plot using the specified strings as labels (x1, x2).
legend works on line graphs, bar graphs, pie graphs, etc.

Things may get confused

array(x): define any value of an one dimensional matrix array [x] with a variable x defines the position of
the element in the matrix.
array[x]: defines an one dimensional matrix.
If you do not know any command or the functionality of a command, simply write help space that
command in the command window. Example: help disp

Note that MATLAB has a few built-in M-files, which will guide you during your simulation once
called upon them in the command window.

It is a good way to write the program in separate M-file and save that file as .m since writing
directly on the command window may get you lost the written program, if you either forget to save
or clear the command window.


% Wireless Communications Laboratory
% CMCL 01: Wireless propagation models and path loss estimation
% Part I: Define Variables

fMHz=900; % define RF carrier frequency in MHz

Pt=39; % define BS transmitting power in dBm
dis_inc=1; % define incremental distance for the graph
dis_max=10; % define maximum distance (cell-edge distance)

% define path loss variable

LT_FS=randint(1,dis_max,[0 0]); % free-space

% Part II: Path loss versus distance estimation

for d_km=1:dis_inc:dis_max
% Model : Free-space path loss model

LT_FS(d_km)=32.45+(20*log10(d_km))+(20*log10(fMHz)); % path loss


% Define Output variables

disp('Path loss versus distance for wireless propagation models');
xlabel('distance (km)')


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