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united states of america

moorish national republic federal government

h ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos~ h
moorish divine and national movement of the world
northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and
americana islands
h ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ h
the true and de jure natural peoples – heirs of the land
h ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ h

all rise ande stande.

this is a sovereigne livinge articlle iii moorishe american (al moroccan) konsular kourte akktione. i am the sovereinge livinge
justise theodore moses antoine bey, in capitis dimiutio nolo, in propria persona sui juris, in proprio solo, ande in proprio

Your names were those of dead CORPORATIONS who were unnlawfullie occupying the sovereigne livinge lande that is the
innheritanse for the unniversall sovereigne livinge naturall divyne origeneall inndigeneous annciente moroccan moors. withe this
sovereigne artiklle iii livinge kourte acctione we hereby bringe all subbjectes onnto the livinge lande to servve as you were kreated
to servve the gods for this earthe, the moors.

what is your name? do you unnderstande that no UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY CITIZEN nor
jurisdictione, nor terratoriall jurisdictione, nor subbjecte matter jurisdictione, ovver me nor ovver anye moors?

do you unnderstande that you are bounde by the treaty for peace ande friendshipp 1786 ande 1836?
do you unnderstande that you are bounde by the konstitutione for the united states 1789 ande 1791?
do you unnderstande?

this cause of action record number is macl-000001307-01. notice to appear for un-lawfull occupation on soverign original
indigenous ancestral sacred burial land. sufficient notice has been given via certified mail, on [date sent to debetors], in addition to
many notices given over the past many years.

because this cause of action is un-lawfull occupation on sovereign original indugenous ancestral sacred burial land, all Corporate
Persons doing business under the UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY have been commanded to appear
here, at moorish american consular court to state Your name and nationality for the record to the people who are the moorish
national republic federal government.

sumus de sanktam unum. sumus de sanktam unum. sumus de sanktam unum.

this sovereigne justise standes as law. peace ande grande risinge to all of risinge humanitie.

page 1of1 macn-a000130718_affidavit of default notice and nonresponse [JOCKEY MARCANTEL WHEELERS MINI
ab original andindigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / northafrica / northamerica / 'themoroccanempire' –
continental unitedstates: 'temple of the moon andsun': non– domestic, non– resident,non-subject – being the rightful
heirs and inheritors of the land.
united states of america
moorish national republic federal government
h ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ h
moorish divine and national movement of the world
northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and
americana islands
h ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ h
the true and de jure natural peoples – heirs of the land
h ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ h

kommande to appeare
universall sovereigne affidavit of kommande tu appeare in kourte
cause of action number: macn+cause 000130702
unnlawfull occupatione of sovereigne origenenall inndigeneous lande

date kommanded to appeare

friday, june 18, 2021 1pm cdst

moorishe ammerican artikle iii konsulor kourte online
dial-in number: (425) 436-6326
access code:1592208 pin
online meeting id: tbey5510
online meeting link:

the followinge UNITED STATES CORPORATION COMPANY CITIZENS ande all agentes principalls
heirs assignes ande all deerivatives thereuf are herebye kommanded to appeare beefore the sovereigne livinge origeneall
inndigeneous american peepel who are thee unniversall origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne de jurre moorishe nationall
reepublic federall governmente, the sovereigne moorishe ammerican konsulate ande the unniversall sovereigne articlle iii moorishe
american konsular kourte. You are kommanded to staite Your naim ande nationalitie for the wreckord. we are the sovereigne
jurisdictione over all matters, at all tymes ande at all pointes in tyme. the american provoste marshal has beene knowtified. all uf
Your kommerce ande thatt uf all agentes, principalls heirs assignes ande all deerivatives thereuf has beene terminaited by way uf
sovereigne unniversall commercialle codde 1 liene. Your servicces are nott needed on our lande. Your failure to appeare as
kommanded shall be juste kause for Your arreste, immprisonmente ande deeportatione to guantanamo bey prison wherre Your
dekapitatione shall occurr.

debtor 1
ucc1 lien ande sovereigne konsular kourte acctione previouslie kompleted march 24, 1441 [2021]
[P O Box 248; 106 louise street; DeQuincy, Louisiana [70633]]
certified tracking number:
70203160000104252331 / 9590940264210303344534

70203160000104252348 / 9590940264210303344541

70203160000104252362 / 9590940264210303344558
united states of america
moorish national republic federal government
h ~ societas republicae ea al maurikanos ~ h
moorish divine and national movement of the world
northwest amexem / southwest amexem / central amexem / adjoining atlantis and
americana islands
h ~ temple of the moon and sun ~ h
the true and de jure natural peoples – heirs of the land
h ~ i.s.l.a.m. ~ h






2 macn+cause000130702_for unnlawfull occupatione of sovereigne origenenall inndigeneous lande [Jockey Marcantel]

ab original and indigenous peoples' documents: northwest amexem / north africa / north america / 'the moroccan empire' –
continental united states: 'temple of the moon and sun': non – domestic, non – resident, non-subject – being the rightful heirs and
inheritors of the land.

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