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This will tackle the different methodologies and procedures used by the researcher in

doing his research study. It consists of the theoretical framework which is relevant to his

investigation and methodology which reveals the problems encountered by the barangay tanods

in conducting nighttime patrol to prevent crime in selected barangays of Pagbilao, Quezon. It

also includes research design through the use of descriptive survey method, the research locale

wherein the study conducted. It also includes the instruments used in collecting and gathering the

data, as well as the statistical tools used in interpreting and analyzing the data.

Research Design

This study will utilize the descriptive survey method. This study purport to present facts

concerning the nature and status of a group of persons, a set of conditions, and a a system of

thought. In this research study, age, sex, and years of service and educational attainment of the

barangay tanods were determined. Through this method, the researcher may be able to find out

the problems encountered by the barangay tanods in conducting nighttime patrol to prevent a

crime. The researcher may proposed an activity plan based from the problems encountered by

the barangay tanods which is included in the questionnaire.

Research Locale

The researcher conducted his research in the following barangays in Pagbilao, Quezon.

namely; Barangay 1, Barangay 2, Barangay 3, Barangay 4, Barangay 5, Barangay 6, Barangay 7

and Barangay 8. The researcher chose these barangay because he is a resident of Pagbilao and

feel at ease to communicate well with the barangay tanods of the following barangays mentioned


The researcher selected 50 barangay tanods of in selected barangay in Pagbilao, Quezon. The

barangay tanods were selected randomly. They are all came from different barangays in

Pagbilao, Quezon. The researcher selected 6 barangay tanods in each of the selected barangays

except one which is Barangay 8 who have 8 barangay tanods respondents.

Sampling Procedure

The target respondents of this study were the barangay tanods of Barangay 1, Barangay

2, Barangay 3, Barangay 4, Barangay 5, Barangay 6, Barangay 7 and Barangay 8. The total

population used in this study was fifty (50) barangay tanods . The selected barangay tanods were

use as source of data and chosen using random sampling.

Research Instrument

The researcher will use questionnaire which consist of the following problem statement,

the demographic profile of the respondents including their age, sex, years of service, and

educational attainment. Also, how serious are the problems encountered by the Barangay Tanod

in crime prevention and lastly, what activity plan can be propose to enhance the effectiveness of

Barangay Tanod in Crime Prevention?

Data Gathering Procedures

The data for this research will be gather using a survey questionnaires. The survey was

created using suitable questions modified from related research and individual questions formed

by the researcher. The survey questionnaire is comprises of 24 questions, which were related to

the participant’s perception regarding the seriousness of the problems encountered by the
Barangay Tanod in crime prevention and an activity plan that can be propose to enhance the

effectiveness of Barangay Tanod in Crime Prevention. Once the professor validate the

questionnaire, these will be distribute to the barangay tanods of selected barangays in Pagbilao,

Quezon. The researchers assured confidentiality of their survey sheets since the identities are not

important. The researchers also understood that people’s consciousness may also affect their

honesty and effectiveness in answering the survey, and so, the researchers gave people the option

of being anonymous. Participants were given time to respond and then the researchers will

collect the surveys the next day. There were no incentives offer for participating in the research.

Statistical Treatment

Since the study is a descriptive research, some descriptive statistics will be used like frequency

and percentage distribution of the statistical needed in certain problems depend upon the nature

of it.

To solve the problem presented in the study, the researcher will use the following statistical


1. Percentage. It will be used in describing the demographic profile of the respondents in terms

of birth year and age and gender. The percentage formula can be defined as the result of the

quotient of the number of responses (ƒ) divided by the total number of the respondents (n)

multiplied by one hundred, in mathematical terms:

P= x 100
2. Weighted Value. It was used in determining the value of each scale per statement. The

formula for weighted value can be defined as the product of the frequency (ƒ) and scale (x), in

mathematical terms:

WV =fx

3. Total Weighted Value. It was used in determining the final value of each item in the

questionnaire. The formula can be defined in the summation of the weighted values (WV) per

item, in mathematical terms:


4. Weighted Mean. It will be used in determining the final weight of each item in the

questionnaire. The formula for mean can be defined as the summation of the frequency (ƒ) and

scale (x) divided by the total number of the respondents (n), in mathematical terms:


5. General Weighted Mean. It will be used in determining the final weighted mean of all the

items in each part in the questionnaire. The formula for general weighted 22 | Page mean can be

defined as the summation of weighted means (WM) divided by the total number of items (n). In

mathematical terms:

∑ WM

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