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ekologi mangrove

kuliah - II

- definisi mangrove
- history
- distribusi
- status dan kondisi
definisi history distribution status & condition

• Mangroves are woody plants that grow at the

interface between land and sea in tropical and sub-
tropical latitudes where they exist in conditions of high
salinity, extreme tides, strong winds, high
temperatures and muddy, anaerobic soils (Kathiresan
& Bingham, 2001).

• Mangroves are coastal forests found in sheltered

estuaries and along river banks and lagoons in the
tropics and subtropics. The term ‘mangrove’
describes both the ecosystem and the plant families
that have developed specialized adaptations to live in
this tidal environment (Tomlinson, 1986).
definisi history distribution status & condition
definisi history distribution status & condition

• These plants, and the associated microbes, fungi,

plants, and animals, constitute the mangrove forest
community or mangal.

• The term “mangrove” is also used as an adjective, as

in ”mangrove tree” or “mangrove fauna.”

• Mangrove forests are sometimes called “tidal

forests”, “coastal woodlands”, or “oceanic rain
definisi history distribution status & condition

• The word “mangrove” is usually considered a compound of the

Portuguese word “mangue” and the English word “grove.”

• French words are “manglier” and “paletuvier” (Macnae, 1968)

• Spanish term is “manglar”.
• The Dutch use “vloedbosschen” for the mangrove community
and “mangrove” for the individual trees.
• German use follows the English.

• The word “mangro” is a common name for Rhizophora in

Surinam (Chapman, 1976).
• It is believed that all these words originated from the Malaysian ??
word, “manggi-manggi” meaning “above the soil.” This word is
no longer used in Malaysia, but is used in eastern Indonesia to
refer to Avicennia species.
definisi history distribution status & condition

mangrove Mangrove-assosiated
Microbes, flora &


Abiotic factors
definisi history distribution status & condition

• Descriptions by Nearchus (325 B.C.) and Theophrastus (305 B.C)

of Rhizophora trees in the Red Sea and the Persian Gulf are the
earliest known records.

• Plutarch (70 A.D.) and Abou’l Abass (1230) wrote about

Rhizophora and its seedlings

• Kompilasi dari Rollet (1981):

– 14 references before 1600,
– 25 references from the 17th century,
– 48 references in the 18th century, and
– 427 in the 19th century.

– 4500 mangrove references between 1900 and 1975 and

– + 3000 between 1978 and 1997, illustrating the explosion of interest
in mangroves.
definisi history distribution status & condition

• Secara historis telah berkaitan dengan kebudayaan

dan kultur manusia

– Di kepulauan Solomon : ritual orang mati Æ dimasukkan ke

air di mangrove

– Menjadi relief di candi hindu : Excoecaria agallocha

– Di kenya : tempat pemujaan di dalam mangrove Æ membawa


– Portugis pertama eropa yang datang ke mangrove Æ di

Indian ocean
• Rice-fish-farming ; dikenalkan ke afrika
definisi history distribution status & condition

• Evolusi :
– Lebih mengarah pada tumbuhan darat sebagai asal-usulnya
– Fosil polen ditemukan di bawah lapisan foraminifera Æ
indikasi berasal dari daratan
– Menuju lingkungan payau
– Diversitas di daerah indo-west pasific lebih tinggi dibanding
daerah Atlantik Timur dan Karibia

• Ada diferensiasi genetik pada mangrove di daerah

Timur dengan Barat Atlantik
• Mangrove muncul setelah angiospermae pertama, 114
• Avicennia dan Rhizophora diduga muncul pertama
pada jaman kretaseus
definisi history distribution status & condition

The origin of mangroves :

1. from the Malaysian peninsular and spread to a
region between Australia and Papua New Guinea,
and or
2. between Malaysia and Northern Australia.

– These two theories were based on fossils

and pollen.
definisi history distribution status & condition

• distributed circumtropically, occurring in 112

countries and territories

• restricted to latitudes between 30° north and 30°

– Northern extensions of this limit occur in Japan (31°22’N)
and Bermuda (32°20’N);
– Southern extensions are in New Zealand (38°03’S),
Australia (38°45’S) and on the east coast of South Africa

• strongly affected by temperature and moisture

definisi history distribution status & condition

• Large-scale currents may also influence distributions

– by preventing propagules from reaching some areas

• Individual mangrove species differ in the length of

time their propagules remain viable,
– their establishment success,
– their growth rate, and
– their tolerance limits.

– These factors, which appear quite consistent around the

world, interact to produce characteristic distributional ranges
for most species
definisi history distribution status & condition
Pacific (ACEP) regions Indo-west pacific (IWP) region
definisi history distribution status & condition
definisi history distribution status & condition

Region Area (sq km) Percent

South and Southeast Asia 75,170 41.4

The Americas 49,096 27.1
West Africa 27,995 15.4
Australasia 18,788 10.4
East Africa and Middle East 10,348 5.7
definisi history distribution status & condition
definisi history distribution status & condition
definisi history distribution status & condition

Reduction of mangrove area

6000 mangrove area
4000 lagoon
1978 1987 1995 2003

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