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Student: Nini Lobzhanidze
Class: XI

(Max. Grades-120)
I version

Find out the author and the work, make a comment:

1. He thinks that the humans and the Gods receive their benefits from each other:

Author, title (5): Euthyphro, Plato

Comment (10): In Euthyphro, they discuss holiness and unholiness, and Euthyphro
states that humans and gods benefit from one another, gods have created humans and
are keeping them alive and safe while humans are providing the service for them in
the form of sacrifices.
2. He thinks that poets do not know the rules of Art and can be compared with the
prophets and Maenads:

Author, title (5): Ion, Plato

Comment (10): in ion they speak about inspiration and agree that poets and the idea
of poets are inspired by the gods to write anything they want. They say that poets
know nothing about art and they are sent by gods to do their business.
3. The main concept of this book is explained by the allegory of the cave:

Author, title (5): Republic, Plato (allegory of the cave)

Comment (10): The main theme of platos allegory of cave in the republic is that
human perception cannot derive true knowledge and instead real knowledge can only
come through philosophical reasoning. In this case the allegory states that there exist
prisoners chained together in the cave. Behind them there’s fire, and between the fire
and prisoners, there are people carrying puppets and other objects.

4. Why the philosopher is not afraid of the death and suicide?

Author, title (5): Phaedo, Socrates

Comment (10): in Phaedo, Socrates says that, he wants to know the thoughts of
people who had seen death, and is interested in its process, he learns that there is nonexistent
fear of death and suicide because he believed in immortality of soul and it will travel from
one body to another, and that’s why Socrates has no fear, because he believes in
reincarnation of the soul.

5. He thinks that the happiness can be accepted by using the time correctly (15)

Author, title (5): Moral letters to Lucilius (1), Seneca

Comment (10): in this letter there’s a discussion about the importance of

considering time in life as if one has no sense of time and doesn’t plan the future, because life
will go one and they won’t notice, and by understanding the cost of rime and saving it they
will be happy.

6. What is the initial basis of the state and why? (15)

Author, title (5): Politics, Aristotle

Comment (10): The initial basis of the state is family, and it’s built through stages, and
the family is the first stage.

7. ” Death, therefore, the most awful of evils, is nothing to us, seeing that, when we are,
death is not come, and, when death is come, we are not”.

Author, title (5): Letter to Menoeceus, Epicurus

Comment (10): Epicurus says that there is no time at which death is bad for the one
who dies. Therefore death is not bad for one who dies.

8. “Liberality and temperance are the only eligible qualities which have to do with the
use of property”.

Author, title (5): Politics, Aristotle

Comment (10): Aristotle criticizes the state describing his own perfect state. He says
that men will have all the goods in common, but it is difficult because no men will
express their liberality as they will have no one to help, because they share
everything. Liberality is very necessary for the state to be at its perfect, he claims that
land must be private while goods still can be shared.

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