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Om Swastyastu
Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen. My dear friends and my respected lecturers.
First of all, let us pray and praise gratitude to Ida Sang Hyang Widhi Wasa / God Almighty,
because for his blessings and mercy, we can gather here in a healthy state, in health education
Before I proceed to explain more about our topic this morning, allow me to introduce myself
first. My name is Ni Made Vina Widya Yanti, all of my colleagues can call me Vina. Here I
come from the STIKes Wira Medika Bali institution.
Lung cancer is a condition when malignant (cancer) cells form in the lungs. This cancer
is more commonly experienced by people who have a smoking habit and is one of the three
most common types of cancer in Indonesia.
Although it often occurs in smokers, lung cancer can also occur in nonsmokers,
especially in people who are often exposed to chemicals in their work environment or are
exposed to secondhand smoke from other people.
It's not easy to notice the symptoms of lung cancer at an early stage. Most of the symptoms of
this disease are often similar to those of other diseases, such as tuberculosis, pleural effusion,
pneumonia, bronchitis, and lung abscess
The following are some of the symptoms that can appear in early-stage lung cancer:
Continuous cough
Coughing can be caused by a mild condition, such as the flu or irritation of the respiratory tract.
However, if the cough doesn't stop in more than 2 weeks, this could be a sign of lung cancer.
Bleeding cough
Chronic cough that is accompanied by blood or blood spots on the sputum can be a symptom
of early-stage lung cancer. To be sure, it requires an examination directly by a doctor.
Hard to breathe
Shortness of breath or shortness of breath during simple activities can also be a sign of early-
stage lung cancer.
Chest pain
Lung cancer can also cause chest pain that can radiate to the shoulder or back. Usually, this pain
is sharp, appears continuously, or sometimes comes on and off.
Hoarseness that occurs suddenly and lasts more than 2 weeks can be a symptom of early-stage
lung cancer. Hoarseness occurs when cancer cells affect the nerves that regulate the vocal
cords, causing changes to the voice.
Management Lung Cancer
Surgery This modality is the mainstay of therapy for most non-small cell lung cancers, especially
stage I-II and stage IIIA which can still be resected after neoajuvan chemotherapy. Types of
surgery that can be performed are lobectomy, segmentectomy and sublobar resection.
Radiotherapy in the management of non-small cell lung cancer can play a role at all stages as
definitive curative therapy, neoajuvan curative, adjuvant curative or palliative curative.
Chemotherapy can be given as a neoajuvant modality at an early stage, or as an adjuvant after
surgery. Adjuvant therapy may be given to stage IIA, IIB and IIIA non-small cell lung cancer.
Lung cancer is a condition when malignant (cancer) cells form in the lungs. This cancer is more
commonly experienced by people who have a smoking habit and is one of the three most
common types of cancer in Indonesia. Although it often occurs in smokers, lung cancer can also
occur in nonsmokers, especially in people who are often exposed to chemicals in their work
environment or are exposed to secondhand smoke from other people.
Okay everybody , That's all I can say in this speech about lung cancer. I hope that the material
that I convey can be of benefit to the community so that they understand more about lung cancer.
Ladies and gentlemen, from now on, let's always take care of our own health to stay
healthy and avoid unwanted diseases. By maintaining a diet and keeping it balanced with
exercise is the beginning of us maintaining our own health. That's the counseling that I can say,
hopefully after this counseling ends, colleagues will know more about lung cancer disease, signs
and symptoms, as well as management that can be done in dealing with lung cancer. Thank you
for the attention of all participants, I apologize if in conveying the material before, there was a
mistake I made, whether intentional or not. Finally, I say Good Morning
Om Santhi, Santhi, Santhi Om

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