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Current Status and Prospects for Cannabidiol

Preparations as New Therapeutic Agents

Pius S. Fasinu,1* Sarah Phillips,1 Mahmoud A. ElSohly,1,2 and Larry A. Walker,1,3
The National Center for Natural Products Research, School of Pharmacy, The University of Mississippi,
University, MS; 2Department of Pharmaceutics and Drug Delivery, School of Pharmacy, The University of
Mississippi, University, MS; 3Department of BioMolecular Sciences, School of Pharmacy, The University of
Mississippi, University, MS

States and the federal government are under growing pressure to legalize the use of cannabis products
for medical purposes in the United States. Sixteen states have legalized (or decriminalized possession
of) products high in cannabidiol (CBD) and with restricted Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) con-
tent. In most of these states, the intent is for use in refractory epileptic seizures in children, but in a
few states, the indications are broader. This review provides an overview of the pharmacology and tox-
icology of CBD; summarizes some of the regulatory, safety, and cultural issues relevant to the further
exploitation of its antiepileptic or other pharmacologic activities; and assesses the current status and
prospects for clinical development of CBD and CBD-rich preparations for medical use in the United
States. Unlike D9-THC, CBD elicits its pharmacologic effects without exerting any significant intrinsic
activity on the cannabinoid receptors, whose activation results in the psychotropic effects characteristic
of D9-THC, and CBD possesses several pharmacologic activities that give it a high potential for thera-
peutic use. CBD exhibits neuroprotective, antiepileptic, anxiolytic, antipsychotic, and antiinflammatory
properties. In combination with D9-THC, CBD has received regulatory approvals in several European
countries and is currently under study in trials registered by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration
in the United States. A number of states have passed legislation to allow for the use of CBD-rich, lim-
ited D9-THC–content preparations of cannabis for certain pathologic conditions. CBD is currently
being studied in several clinical trials and is at different stages of clinical development for various
medical indications. Judging from clinical findings reported so far, CBD and CBD-enriched prepara-
tions have great potential utility, but uncertainties regarding sourcing, long-term safety, abuse poten-
tial, and regulatory dilemmas remain.
KEY WORDS cannabidiol, cannabis, drug development, medical marijuana, Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol.
(Pharmacotherapy 2016;36(7):781–796) doi: 10.1002/phar.1780

For many centuries, Cannabis sativa, along management of fever, malaria, constipation,
with other subspecies and varieties—C. sativa, absent-mindedness, menstrual disorders, gout,
C. indica, and C. ruderalis—was used in the rheumatism, and pain.2 Arabs have used canna-
treatment of epilepsy.1 Preparations from the bis for similar medicinal purposes since medie-
flowers and resins of cannabis have been in use val times. Before aspirin was popularized,
in China for about 5 millennia, especially for the cannabis was a common pain remedy in Western
medicine in the 1800s.1 Its indications have
broadened to include glaucoma, nausea and
*Address for correspondence: Pius S. Fasinu, The vomiting, insomnia, anxiety, epilepsy, and mus-
National Center for Natural Products Research, School of cle spasms.3
Pharmacy, The University of Mississippi, University, MS
38677; e-mail: Conventionally, cannabis preparations con-
Ó 2016 Pharmacotherapy Publications, Inc. taining the dried crushed flowering tops and
782 PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 36, Number 7, 2016

leaves of the plant are called marijuana. Since The first was dronabinol, which is pure D9-THC
1970, marijuana has been listed as a Schedule I in an oil-filled soft gelatin capsule. The second
drug in the United States under the Controlled was nabilone, a synthetic analog of D9-THC.
Substances Act, a classification that indicated it Other new pharmaceuticals are in various levels
as a substance with high abuse potential and of development, with an attempt to harness the
with no currently accepted medical use. This therapeutic benefits of cannabinoids while mini-
initial criminalization of marijuana may have mizing or eliminating adverse effects.
been driven by social and political considera- CBD has shown beneficial anticonvulsant
tions and not simply due to health or safety rea- properties through novel mechanisms not
sons. However, the ensuing years have witnessed involving the classic cannabinoid receptors, and
the appearance of several research publications many of the adverse effects of D9-THC appear to
suggesting the potential of cannabis for thera- be absent.6 A significant amount of preclinical
peutic benefits in certain pathologic conditions. data and supporting anecdotal evidence are
This has led to growing pressures for legaliza- available in humans regarding the effectiveness
tion of marijuana for medical use in the United of cannabinoids in the treatment of epilepsy and
States, with some successes recorded. Currently, especially severe seizure syndromes in children
25 states and the District of Columbia have refractory to other antiepileptic drugs. This has
passed relatively broad so-called medical mari- led to the passage of legislation aimed at relax-
juana laws, thus generally making the medical ing restrictions on certain preparations of canna-
use of cannabis legal under their state laws. bis extracts that are low in D9-THC and high in
Although cannabis has been suggested to pos- CBD by a number of states.
sess potential medical benefits in the manage- This review provides a brief orientation to
ment of pain, spasticity in neurodegenerative CBD and its pharmacology, and it assesses the
disease, anorexia and wasting syndromes, psy- current status and prospects for CBD and CBD-
chiatric disorders, and epilepsy, concerns relat- rich preparations for medical use.
ing to abuse and other deleterious consequences
of smoking marijuana have limited progress in
Cannabis and Phytocannabinoids
medical utility.4 Cannabis is known to be addic-
tive, and cannabis withdrawal—the experience Cannabis is the only genus of the family Can-
of psychological and physiologic symptoms after nabaceae, and according to many authorities, it
discontinuing heavy and prolonged marijuana comprises a single but variable species, Cannabis
use—is a serious concern. Having been able to sativa. Its taxonomy is controversial. Although
largely identify the compounds responsible for some authors designate sativa, indica, and ruder-
the psychoactivity of cannabis, the therapeutic alis as subspecies or varieties, others propose
potential of the nonpsychoactive compounds is indica and/or ruderalis as distinct species.7 These
being explored.5 The major psychoactive compo- have distinct morphologic characteristics and
nent of cannabis is Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (D9- habitats. Cannabis has been classified more con-
THC), whereas cannabidiol (CBD) is the major veniently into CBD, intermediate, and D9-THC
and most widely studied of the other con- chemotypes corresponding, respectively, to
stituents. Higher D9-THC-to-CBD ratios are asso- higher, equal, and lower constituent CBD:D9-to-
ciated with more prominent psychoactivity THC ratios. Thus C. indica, with a higher CBD:
(euphoric, relaxant, and anxiogenic effects), D9-to-THC ratio, typifies the CBD chemotype
whereas low ratios of D9-THC to CBD seem to and is medically preferred, whereas C. sativa is
be more sedating.5 Although CBD is the desired seen as a typical D9-THC chemotype.
medical form of cannabis, utilization of extracts Cannabis contains more than 500 identified
of the plant material generally yields varying phytochemical constituents, of which at least
ratios of CBD to THC. Many states have passed 104 are cannabinoids. The term phytocannabi-
legislation for restricted THC content to mini- noids is used to distinguish the naturally occur-
mize the potential abuse liability and adverse ring plant-derived cannabinoids from the
effects. Extracts available from cannabis contain endocannabinoids, which are naturally occurring
variable THC amounts depending on the variety lipid-derived neurotransmitters found in the
used in the preparation. human body.8, 9
Two U.S. Food and Drug Administration CBD was first isolated from marijuana extract
(FDA)-approved drugs derived from cannabis in 1940, but no further major study was
have already been developed based on D9-THC. reported on it for the next 25 years.8 Its exact

chemical structure was elucidated in 1963.10 Ini- Although the CB1 receptors are found primar-
tial studies on cannabinoids concentrated on D9- ily in the brain and in several peripheral tissues,
THC following the discovery of its responsibility the CB2 receptors are mainly concentrated in
for the psychotropic activity of smoked canna- immune and hematopoietic cells.12 CB1 recep-
bis.11 tors are located at presynaptic junctions where
The marijuana plant varies in its concentra- they are involved in the regulation of ion chan-
tion of cannabinoids depending on a variety of nels and modulation of the release of dopamin-
factors including the plant part, time of harvest, ergic, c-aminobutyric acid (GABA), glutama
and the particular subspecies or strain. In the tergic, serotoninergic, adrenergic, and choliner-
plant material, both D9-THC and CBD are in gic neurotransmitters.13 Although agonists at
their acid forms, which are inactive (Figure 1). CB1 receptors usually effect inhibition of neuro-
During the smoking process, these acids are transmitter release in the affected cell, there may
converted to the active forms of D9-THC and actually be an increased neurotransmitter release
CBD.5 from adjacent neurons due to a lack of an inhi-
bitory signal.14
Cannabinoid Receptors and the Endocannabinoids were discovered that bind
to these receptors and others under physiologic
Endocannabinoid System
and pathologic conditions; these are a class of
It was found that D9-THC mimics the endoge- endogenously synthesized lipid-signaling mole-
nous cannabinoid neurotransmitters by binding cules, whose prototypes are anandamide (N-
to two G-protein–coupled cell membrane recep- arachidonyl ethanolamide) and 2-arachidonoyl
tors, referred to as the cannabinoid type 1 (CB1) glycerol (2-AG). The endocannabinoid system
and type 2 (CB2) receptors, to exert its (ECS) thus consists of these endogenous
pharmacologic effects.11 ligands, the CB receptors, transporter proteins,

Figure 1. Structures of the naturally occurring cannabidiolic acid and D9-tetrahydrocannabinolic acid, which are converted
to cannabidiol and D9-tetrahydrocannabinol on activation during smoking or in situ.
784 PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 36, Number 7, 2016

and synthetic and degradative enzymes. The more psychoactive 11-hydroxy derivative. At
ECS functionally impacts synaptic communica- high doses, CBD may also interfere with the
tion with direct modulatory effects on pain CB1-mediated effects of D9-THC and its
perception, eating, anxiety, learning, memory, 11-hydroxy metabolite.
and growth and development in the central
nervous system, as well as motor control,
Pharmacokinetics of Cannabidiol
immunocompetency, tumor cell proliferation,
and inflammation.15 The ECS can be dramati- CBD has been delivered by oral administra-
cally modulated by a number of conditions tion, by inhalation (smoking), and through
such as stress, food intake, and behavioral vaporization. Traditionally delivered through
manipulations. The endocannabinoids may also inhalation as a constituent of smoked cannabis,
exert effects via non-CB receptors as well, such CBD is effectively taken up in the lungs by the
as through certain serotonin or vanilloid recep- circulating blood. Aerosolized CBD has been
tor subtypes.12 reported to yield rapid peak plasma concentra-
tions in 5–10 minutes and ~31% bioavailabil-
ity.17 The need for specialized equipment and
Pharmacology of Cannabidiol
patient cooperation with administration limit the
CBD, unlike D9-THC, does not activate the development and promotion of this delivery
CB1 and CB2 receptors, which probably accounts route.
for its lack of psychotropic activity. It exerts its Oral delivery of an oil-based capsule formula-
pharmacologic effects through multiple mecha- tion of CBD has been assessed in humans. Prob-
nisms. At very low (nanomolar to micromolar) ably due to its poor aqueous solubility, the
concentrations, it blocks the orphan G-protein– absorption of CBD from the gastrointestinal tract
coupled receptor GPR55, the equilibrative nucle- is erratic, and the resulting pharmacokinetic
oside transporter, and the transient receptor profile is variable. Bioavailability from oral deliv-
potential of the melastatin type 8 (TRPM8) ery was estimated to be 6% due to significant
channel.6 It enhances the activity of the sero- first-pass metabolism.18 Bioavailability from oral-
tonin 5-HT1a receptor, the a1 and a3 glycine mucosal and sublingual routes are less variable
receptors, and the transient receptor potential of but similar to oral delivery.
ankyrin type 1 (TRPA1) channel, with a bidirec- Following a daily administration of CBD
tional effect on intracellular calcium (in which 10 mg/kg in 15 neuroleptic-free patients for
case, it causes a slight increase in intracellular 6 weeks, one group reported a weekly mean
calcium under normal physiologic calcium con- CBD plasma level ranging from 5.9–11 ng/ml.19
ditions; in high-excitability conditions, it CBD is rapidly distributed into the tissues
reduces intracellular calcium).6 with a high volume of distribution of ~32 L/
At higher concentrations, CBD has been demon- kg.20 It may preferentially accumulate in adipose
strated to activate the nuclear peroxisome prolifera- tissues due to its high lipophilicity. It is highly
tor-activated receptor-c (PPAR-c) and the transient bound to plasma proteins and circulating blood
receptor potential of vanilloid types 1 (TRPV1) and cells.18 CBD undergoes CYP3A- and CYP2C-
2 (TRPV2) channels.12 It inhibits cellular uptake dependent phase I metabolism to 7-hydroxy-
and fatty acid amide hydrolase–catalyzed degrada- CBD, which is further metabolized and excreted,
tion of N-arachidonoyl-ethanolamide.12 CBD also more in feces and to a lesser extent in urine.
has potent antioxidant properties, possibly due to its CBD has an estimated terminal half-life of 18–
polyphenolic nature. 32 hours and a clearance of 57.6–93.6 L/hour.18
The ability of CBD potentially to reduce the Although clinical studies on the ability of
psychoactivity of D9-THC, thereby revealing CBD to interact with other drugs have not been
other beneficial effects of D9-THC, was also conducted exhaustively, CBD has shown potent
reported.16 By inhibiting the D9-THC-induced inhibitory activity against CYP2C, CYP2D6, and
activation of CB1, CBD reduces the propensity CYP3A isoforms in preclinical studies, raising
for psychotic symptoms when cannabis users concerns of drug–drug interactions with other
consume preparations with high CBD:D9-to-THC substrates of the enzymes.21, 22
ratios.16 This may relate to the ability of CBD to In a drug–drug interaction study between
modulate the cytochrome P450 (CYP) CBD and clobazam, a CYP2C19 substrate, 25
2C–dependent metabolism of D9-THC to the children with refractory epilepsy were

administered CBD and clobazam concurrently.23 reported, the study was flawed by the small sam-
CBD caused a greater than 60% and a 500% ple size, unclear design as to blinding, and the
increase in mean plasma levels of clobazam and description of what constituted the partial
its major metabolite, N-desmethylclobazam, improvement.
respectively, after 4 weeks. Because most com- In a related study in 1980, 15 patients with
mercially available antiepileptic drugs are metab- “secondarily generalized epilepsy with temporal
olized through the CYP pathways, drug focus,” randomly divided into a treatment group
interactions with CBD may be expected. and a placebo group, were given CBD 200–
CYP3A4 inducers such as phenytoin and carba- 300 mg/day or placebo.28 The patients contin-
mazepine may also induce the metabolism of ued their pretrial regimen of antiepileptic
CBD. CBD is generally well tolerated, with an medications prescribed by their doctors,
acceptable safety profile at therapeutic dosages. although the drugs no longer helped in the con-
trol of their symptoms. CBD was tolerated in all
patients, with no signs of toxicity. Of the eight
Potential Therapeutic Utility of Cannabidiol in
in the treatment group, four were reported to be
the Treatment of Epilepsy almost free of episodes of convulsion throughout
Epilepsy is a neurologic disorder associated the trial, whereas three others showed partial
with abnormal electrical activity in the brain and clinical improvement. CBD was ineffective in
marked by sudden and recurrent episodes of sen- one patient. Apart from the small sample size,
sory disturbance, loss of consciousness, or sei- the report of clear improvement in one of the
zures. Epilepsy costs the United States ~$15.5 patients in the placebo group may limit the con-
billion annually.24 About 4–10% of children clusions reached from the study.
experience at least one seizure within their first In a third study conducted in 1986, CBD
16 years of life,4 and ~150,000 children experi- 200–300 mg/day for a month reported no signif-
ence a seizure in their first year of life, and of icant differences between the treatment and pla-
these, 30,000 develop epilepsy.23 About 30% of cebo groups.29 Similarly, a 6-month double-
children with epilepsy have intractable seizures.24 blind study administering CBD 100 mg 3 times/
Intractable seizures are those that cannot be con- day did not result in any changes in seizure fre-
trolled with at least two epilepsy drugs for quency or cognitive and behavioral improve-
18 months–2 years, or control has been attained ment.30
but with serious drug adverse effects.24 In a more recent study, a multicenter inter-
In Western medicine, cannabis was reported ventional trial was aimed at establishing the
to have been used in the treatment of epilepsy safety, tolerability, and efficacy of CBD in
by prominent English neurologists in the late patients with severe, intractable childhood-onset
19th century.25 Cannabis preparations were treatment-resistant epilepsy.31 The authors
widely available in the United States during this recruited 214 patients. Only 3% of patients in
period and were advertised as remedies for a the safety assessment group discontinued treat-
number of disorders.26 The published reports on ment because of an adverse event. A ~37% med-
use in epilepsy, however, did not popularize ian reduction in monthly motor seizures was
cannabis as a suitable medication for this disor- reported.
der, despite anecdotal success. These limited clinical reports coupled with a
CBD is the only phytocannabinoid, other than long history of use and safety profiles make CBD
D9-THC, to have been investigated in preclinical a candidate for antiepileptic drug development.
and clinical studies for anticonvulsant effects. In The limited availability of effective antiepileptic
rodent models, CBD blocked maximal elec- drugs in certain groups of seizure sufferers is
troshock as well as pentylenetetrazole-induced also a good reason to explore CBD as an alterna-
generalized seizures.25 tive.
Five controlled clinical trials have been pub-
lished on the use of CBD in patients with epi- Cannabis for the Treatment of Dravet and
lepsy. In a placebo-controlled study of four
Lennox-Gastaut Syndromes
patients administered CBD 200 mg/day for
3 months in 1978, two patients became seizure Dravet syndrome, also known as severe myo-
free, one partially improved, and the fourth had clonic epilepsy of infancy, is a form of intractable
no improvement.27 Although no toxicity was epilepsy that develops in infancy and continues
786 PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 36, Number 7, 2016

into childhood.32 Although not a hereditary

condition, it is most often caused by a genetic Other Potential Medical Uses of Cannabidiol
mutation affecting the brain ion (especially Cannabidiol has been assessed for potential
sodium) channels. The first seizures that appear therapeutic uses in other neurologic and psychi-
during infancy are usually associated with atric disorders, some of which may be associated
fever and are tonic-clonic. Early seizures or coexist with epilepsy.
usually last more than 2 minutes and can even Neonatal hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy
result in status epilepticus (a seizure lasting (NHIE), resulting from perinatal asphyxia, is
longer than 30 minutes). Current treatment one clinical condition that CBD may potentially
includes drugs and alternative forms of treat- treat. Therapeutic hypothermia is the only avail-
ment, such as vagus nerve stimulation and a able therapy for asphyxiated infants and pro-
ketogenic diet.33 vides neuroprotection only in patients with mild
Lennox-Gastaut syndrome is a severe form of NHIE.38
epilepsy that develops in children ~4 years of Although cannabis smoking has been identi-
age.34 Seizure types include tonic, atonic, atypical fied as a risk factor for schizophrenia, several
absence, and myoclonic. Patients may experience components of cannabis are being suggested to
developmental delays, behavioral disturbances, have potential therapeutic benefits in the man-
and impaired intellectual functioning. Lennox- agement of psychiatric disorders. It has been
Gastaut syndrome can be caused by a head injury reported that cannabis-associated psychosis is
or a central nervous system infection, but 30– less prevalent in smokers of cannabis containing
35% of cases have no known cause.35 Patients higher CBD-to-THC ratios.39 CBD improves cog-
may respond to conventional antiepileptic drugs nitive function and may be potentially beneficial
initially but may later develop tolerance or have in patients with schizophrenia for whom cogni-
uncontrollable seizures.35 tive impairment is a major deficit.40 CBD has
Stiripentol, an aromatic allylic alcohol that been shown in laboratory-based and clinical
allosterically modulates the GABAA receptor, is studies to alleviate symptoms of schizophrenia.41
the only compound to have been assessed A controlled clinical trial that compared CBD
through a controlled clinical trial with clear and amisulpride, a standard antipsychotic drug,
advantage over placebo and was awarded orphan for 4 weeks in 33 patients with acute schizophre-
drug designation for the treatment of Dravet nia reported similar clinical outcomes, with CBD
syndrome by the European Medicine Agency in showing a better resolution of negative symp-
2001 and by the FDA in 2008.36 toms and fewer side effects.41 In addition, CBD
Due to some clinical and anecdotal evidence lacks the extrapyramidal symptoms associated
supporting cannabinoids, specifically CBD as a with amisulpride.41 In a case study of one schi-
potential therapy for epilepsy, coupled with the zophrenic patient administered CBD 1200 mg/
failure of the conventional antiepileptic drugs to day, symptoms improved after a few weeks.42
manage Dravet and Lennox-Gastaut syndromes Ten years later, the same authors reported mild
effectively, many patients have turned to medical symptom improvement in one of the three treat-
marijuana. Given the need for more effec- ment-resistant schizophrenic patients who was
tive therapy that is better tolerated, patients enrolled in an inpatient study and adminis-
with Dravet syndrome and Lennox-Gastaut syn- tered increasing doses of CDB 40–1280 mg/day
drome are potentially good candidates for CBD for 4 weeks.43 In another study, six patients
trials. with Parkinson disease who had psychosis for at
In many states in the United States and in sev- least 3 months were administered CBD 150 mg/
eral countries, supporting legislation has been day for 4 weeks in addition to their usual ther-
enacted to allow the exploration of CBD for apy.44 Significant improvement was reported
medical use. In this regard, Epidiolex, a purified in the symptoms of psychosis and Parkinson
cannabinoid that comes in a liquid form con- disease.
taining CBD and no THC, currently undergoing CBD has also been investigated for potential
clinical trials in the United States, is being devel- benefits in the management of anxiety disorder.
oped by GW Pharmaceuticals (Salisbury, UK).37 In rodent models, CBD showed positive results
It has been granted orphan drug status by the in conditioned fear, aversion to open space, con-
FDA for the treatment of Dravet and Lennox- flicts tests, restraint stress, and other measures
Gastaut syndromes. of anxiety disorder.45 In humans, CBD reversed

the anxiety-inducing effects of D9-THC in recreational marijuana use. But in addition, 15

healthy volunteers and demonstrated anxiolytic states have “restricted THC” statutes. When not
effects in patients with social anxiety disorder.46 specifically mentioned as an indication for medi-
A number of clinical trials are currently cal marijuana use, epilepsy is indirectly referred
underway around the world with CBD, alone or to in most states’ legislation. Although these bills
in combination with D9-THC. Table 1 summa- provide for legal status within the respective
rizes those trials registered with ClinicalTrials.- states, by federal law, these products are still
gov. illegal.The Department of Justice has opted to
An example of such a trial, whose results have focus the Drug Enforcement Administration’s
been published, is the use of CBD-containing (DEA) investigative and enforcement efforts
products to treat cannabis withdrawal. In this regarding cannabis on more violent or danger-
two-site double-blind randomized trial con- ous activities associated with marijuana (use of
ducted in Australia, cannabis-dependent treat- firearms, gang activity, diversion, distribution to
ment seekers were administered a 6-day regimen minors, cover for narcotics trafficking or other
of nabiximols, formulated to deliver maximum illegal activities, possession, or use on federal
daily doses of 86.4 mg D9-THC and 80 mg CBD. property). However, the DEA is currently not
Relative to placebo, nabiximols attenuated can- precluded from enforcing the federal statutes in
nabis withdrawal symptoms and improved states that have legalized marijuana. This has
patient retention in treatment, significantly implications that are perhaps not widely appreci-
reducing withdrawal-related irritability, depres- ated. For example, no federal medical facilities
sion, and cannabis cravings. The effect of nabixi- (e.g., the Veterans Administration) can use so-
mols on long-term reductions in cannabis use called medical marijuana even if located in a
following medication cessation, however, was legal state. No university or medical center such
not significantly different from that of placebo.47 as those receiving federal research funding, even
In an observational prospective multicenter in states with medical marijuana laws, can treat
noninterventional study of nabiximols in patients or even conduct clinical research with
patients with multiple sclerosis spasticity in a these products without federal approvals; other-
routine care setting in Germany, 74.6% of wise they may face prosecution and jeopardize
patients reported relief according to a specialist their federal funding.
assessment.48 In May 2014, the U.S. House of Representa-
These findings and many more have contin- tives, by a 219–189 vote, passed legislation that
ued to project CBD as a therapeutic option for a would stop the DEA from targeting medical mar-
number of diseases. It is estimated that the ijuana operations in states where it is legal.49, 50
results of the many ongoing clinical assessments Proponents argue that the ultimate goal is to
will provide more evidence for possible clinical allow the states the final say on these medical
approvals for the medical use of CBD and CBD- matters. The bill was not taken up by the Sen-
containing preparations. ate. However, in March 2015, new legislation
was introduced in both the House and Senate,
Current Legislation Status of Marijuana for and it will likely receive serious consideration
during this Congress. The Compassionate
Medical Use Across the United States
Access, Research Expansion, and Respect States
In the last several years, a number of states Act has several elements that would drastically
passed legislation for the legalization of mari- impact the current landscape for medical use of
juana possession; most of these are for medical cannabis-derived products, including the
purposes, a few for recreational use, and a stea- rescheduling of marijuana to Schedule II.50 The
dily growing number have legalized, for treat- Senate bill also calls for leaving medical mari-
ment of seizures and select other disorders, juana regulation to the states, removing the
certain cannabis-derived products rich in CBD potential for federal prosecution for those pos-
but with restricted Δ9-THC content. Figure 2 sessing marijuana for medical purposes, making
summarizes the legal status of cannabis products marijuana available in federal medical facilities
with regard to medical use as of June 2015. where cannabis has been decriminalized, reduc-
Twenty-five states along with the District of ing the barriers to research on marijuana,
Columbia allow the use of marijuana for medical removing CBD from the listing of controlled
purposes. Four states (Colorado, Oregon, Wash- substances, and allowing interstate commerce of
ington, and Alaska) among these allow CBD products. Many observers note that this

Table 1. Currently Registered Clinical Trials of Cannabis Productsa

No. No. of patients Primary end point or Route of
Condition of trials Status (age range, yrs) results, if available Formulation and dosage administration Country
Anxiety 1 Not yet ~ 16 (≥ 18) Change in anxiety CBD tincture 4.68 mg/ml Sublingual United States
recruiting symptoms via the Beck
Anxiety Inventory
Bipolar 1 Withdrawn 0 (19–60) Bipolar symptom Cannabis extract of 1:1 ratio Oral spray Canada
disorder improvement of THC to CBD
Bowel disease 1 Completed 20 (20–80) Antiinflammatory effects CBD in olive oil drops 5 mg Sublingual Israel
Cannabis use 5 Various 168 (16–60) Reducing cannabis use CBD 200, 400, or 800 mg Oral United Kingdom
disorder stages ~ 5 (18–65) Reducing cannabis CBD 300 mg once on day 1, Oral Not provided
withdrawal twice on days 2–5, and
once on day 6
Cocaine 1 Not yet ~ 110 (18–65) Reduction in CBD 400 or 800 mg Oral Not provided
dependence recruiting cocaine cravings
Diabetes 1 Completed 62 (≥ 18) Mean serum HDL CBD 100-mg and 5-mg Oral United Kingdom
mellitus (with level; all tests were 2 sided capsules, THCV 5-mg
results with 10% significance capsule, and placebo
available) level; mean serum HDL capsule
level changes from
baseline measures were
as follows: CBD
5 mg + THCV 5 mg
(0.00), CBD
100 mg + THCV 5 mg
(0.04), CBD 100 mg +
placebo ( 0.04),
THCV 5 mg + placebo
(0.00), placebo alone
(0.02); each was compared
with placebo, and p values
PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 36, Number 7, 2016

were as follows: CBD

5 mg + THCV 5 mg vs
placebo (p=0.766), CBD
100 mg + THCV 5 mg vs
placebo (p=0.424), CBD
100 mg + placebo vs
placebo alone (p=0.412),
THCV 5 mg + placebo vs
placebo alone (p=0.668)

Table 1. (continued)

No. No. of patients Primary end point or Route of

Condition of trials Status (age range, yrs) results, if available Formulation and dosage administration Country
Dravet 6 Not yet ~ 86 (1–30) Reduction in number of CBD liquid formulation; not Oral solution Not provided
syndrome recruiting seizures more than 40 mg/kg/day,
divided and given 12 hrs
~ 120 (2–18) Reduction in number of Epidiolex (CBD in sesame oil Oral solution The Netherlands
seizures with anhydrous ethanol
with sweetener and
strawberry flavoring); low
dose (50% of high dose) or
high dose of 100 mg/ml
~ 350 (≥ 2)b Number of adverse effects No more information given Not provided Not provided
seen other than CBD (assume oral)
~ 80 (2–18) Treatment of seizure CBD 25 or 100 mg/ml Oral solution United States
frequency dissolved in sesame oil and
anhydrous ethanol with
sweetener and strawberry
~ 30 (4–10) Effectiveness in Dravet CBD 25 or 100 mg/ml Oral solution United States
syndrome treatment and dissolved in sesame oil and
number of adverse effects anhydrous ethanol with
sweetener and strawberry
flavoring; dosed at 5, 10, or
20 mg/kg/day
~ 150 (≤ 50) Seizure reduction and Charlotte’s web medical Not provided United States
overall medication marijuana (assume oral)
Effects of CBD 6 Various ~ 75 (18–55) Behavioral changes CBD 5 mg + THC 0.035 mg/ Oral (CBD) and IV United States
and stages kg (THC)
THC in 20 (18–65) Processing of emotional THC 10 mg once or CBD Oral Germany
healthy stimuli 600 mg once
subjects 20 (18–50) Changes in blood oxygen THC 10 mg once or CBD Oral Germany
level dependent responses 600 mg once
and effects on memory

~ 60 (18–45) Induction of psychotic THC 20 mg and/or CBD Oral Germany

symptoms 800 mg
~ 60 (18–45) Induction of psychotic THC 20 mg and/or CBD Oral Germany
symptoms 800 mg
Effects of 1 Unknown (no ~ 36 (18–50) Physical and subjective CBD 0, 200, 400, or 800 mg Oral (CBD) and United States
CBD and status effects of CBD when given of in combination with inhalation
smoking updates with marijuana active or inactive marijuana (marijuana)
marijuana in ≥ 2 yrs) cigarette

Table 1. (continued) 790
No. No. of patients Primary end point or Route of
Condition of trials Status (age range, yrs) results, if available Formulation and dosage administration Country
Fatty liver 1 Completed, 25 (≥ 18) Mean % change from CBD 200, 400, or 800 mg/ Oral United Kingdom
has baseline in liver day, or placebo
results triglyceride levels; all
statistical tests were 2
sided at a 10% significance
level; CBD 200 mg
showed a mean 0.68
change from baseline in
liver triglycerides, CBD
400 mg showed a 0.28
change from baseline, CBD
800 mg showed a 0.65
change from baseline, and
placebo showed a 6.36
change from baseline; each
CBD dose (200, 400, and
800 mg) was compared
with placebo and the
respective p values were
p=0.222, p=0.133, and
GVHD 4 Various ~ 40 (≥ 18) Resolution of GVHD CBD dissolved in oil 10 mg Oral Israel
stages twice/day up to 600 mg/
day + i.v. or oral
methylprednisolone 1–
2 mg/kg/day
~ 30 (≥ 18) Prophylaxis of GVHD CBD dissolved in oil 10 mg Oral Israel
~ 10 (≥ 18) Complete remission of CBD 150 mg twice/day + i.v. Oral Israel
GVHD methylprednisolone 2 mg/
kg/day + a calcineurin
PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 36, Number 7, 2016

~ 10 (≥ 18) GVHD prophylaxis CBD 150 mg twice/day 1 wk Oral Not provided

before transplantation until
150 days
posttransplantation with
other transplant
Infantile 1 Not yet ~ 20 (6– Reduction in number of CBD 20–40 mg/kg/day in 2 Oral solution United States
spasms recruiting 36 mo) spasms divided doses

Table 1. (continued)

No. No. of patients Primary end point or Route of

Condition of trials Status (age range, yrs) results, if available Formulation and dosage administration Country
Lennox-Gastaut 4 Various ~ 86 (2–30) Reduction in number of CBD, not more than 40 mg/ Oral solution Not provided
syndrome stages seizures kg/day in 2 divided doses
~ 120 (2–55) Reduction in number of Epidiolex (CBD in sesame oil Oral solution United States
seizures with anhydrous ethanol
with sweetener and
strawberry flavoring); low
dose (50% of high dose) or
high dose of 100 mg/ml
~ 80 (2–55) Reduction in number of Epidiolex (CBD in sesame oil Oral solution United States
seizures with anhydrous ethanol
with sweetener and
strawberry flavoring)
100 mg/ml
~ 350 (≥ 2)b Number of adverse effects No more information given Not provided Not provided
seen other than CBD (assume oral)
Opiate 3 Various 18 (21–65) Control opioid cravings CBD 400 or Oral United States
addiction stages 800 mg + 0.5 + fentanyl 1
~ 10 (21–65) Control opioid cravings CBD 400 or 800 mg Oral United States
~ 45 (21–65) Control opioid cravings CBD 400 or 800 mg Oral Not provided
Pain 4 Various ~ 200 (18–60) Control of postoperative High-dose spray (THC Oral spray Israel
stages pain 21.6 mg-to-CBD 20 mg) or
low-dose spray (THC
10.8 mg-to-CBD 10 mg)
with or without midazolam
and/or acetaminophen
~ 40 (≥ 50) Reduction of osteoarthritic 100-mg capsule of varying Oral Canada
pain doses (21.9% THC/0.8%
CBD, 15% THC/5% CBD,

9% THC/9.5% CBD, 3.8%

THC, 10% CBD, 0.6%THC/
13% CBD, < 0.3% THC/
< 0.3% CBD)


Table 1. (continued)

No. No. of patients Primary end point or Route of

Condition of trials Status (age range, yrs) results, if available Formulation and dosage administration Country
Schizophrenia 8 Various ~ 74 (18–45) Antipsychotic effects CBD 200 mg, CBD 200 mg Oral Germany
stages controlled release, or CBD
200 mg with amisulpride,
olanzapine, quetiapine, or
~ 150 (18–65) Efficacy in acute, early- CBD 300 mg twice/day vs Oral Denmark,
stage schizophrenia placebo vs olanzapine Germany
29 (18–65) Effectiveness in acute CBD 600-mg capsules Oral Germany
schizophrenia treatment
or schizophrenic psychosis
42 (18–65) Efficacy as an antipsychotic CBD 200 mg 3 times/day; Oral Germany
and treatment of side amisulpride 200 mg 3
effects of schizophrenia times/day for neuroleptic
and neuropsychological treatment
36 (18–65) Addition to antipsychotic CBD daily over 6 wks; no Oral United States
medication vs placebo to further information given
treat cognitive dysfunction
in schizophrenia
~ 86 (18–65) Different drugs to modify URB597 10 mg/day orally for Oral and intranasal Germany
glucose regulation in the 5 days; intranasal insulin
central nervous system for 160 IU daily for 5 days;
potential use in CBD controlled release
schizophrenia 320 mg/day orally for
5 days
88 (18–65) Change in symptom Epidiolex (oily solution Oral United Kingdom,
severity of schizophrenia containing 100 mg/ml of Poland, Romania
or related psychotic CBD dissolved in
disorder excipients, sesame oil,
PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 36, Number 7, 2016

ethanol, sucralose, and

strawberry flavoring); CBD
500 mg (5 ml) twice/day
for 6 wks
~ 72 (18–65) Efficacy in reducing CBD 800 mg/day for 1 mo, Oral Not provided
schizophrenia severity then 2-wk washout, then
placebo, or vice versa

Table 1. (continued)

No. No. of patients Primary end point or Route of

Condition of trials Status (age range, yrs) results, if available Formulation and dosage administration Country
Seizures 11 Various ~ 60 (1–17) Pharmacokinetics of three No information other than Oral solution United States
stages different CBD doses in low-, medium-, and high-
patients with resistant dose CBD
~ 232 (1–30) Number of adverse effects CBD dosed at a maximum of Oral solution United States
40 mg/kg/day divided in 2
doses, separated by 12 hrs
~ 25 (2–25) Number of seizures CBD (GWP42003-P; assumed Not provided United States
Epidiolex) (assumed oral
~ 20 (18–55) Pharmacokinetic Epidiolex (CBD dissolved in Oral solution Not provided
interactions with clobazam sesame oil and anhydrous
ethanol with sweetener and
strawberry flavoring); up to
20 mg/kg/day, divided into
2 doses
~ 20 (18–55) Any interaction between Epidiolex (CBD dissolved in Oral solution Not provided
Epidiolex and clobazam sesame oil and anhydrous
(phase II) ethanol with sweetener and
strawberry flavoring); up to
20 mg/kg/day, divided into
2 doses
Not provided Safety and efficacy of CBD CBD 25 mg/kg/day titrated Oral United States
(2–16) in pediatric drug-resistant weekly as tolerated
Not provided Treatment of refractory CBD (Epidiolex) 2 mg/kg/day Oral solution United States
(1–17) epilepsy in 2 divided doses titrated
to a maximum of 25 mg/kg/
~ 40 (16–55) Pharmacokinetics of Epidiolex (CBD dissolved in Oral solution Not provided
Epidiolex with valproate sesame oil and anhydrous
or stiripentol ethanol with sweetener and
strawberry flavoring);
maximum of 20 mg/kg/day

in 2 divided doses with

valproate or stiripentol
~ 300 (31 days Pharmacokinetics of CBD, Not given (assumed Not provided United States
–17 yrs) THC, and other Charlotte’s web) (assumed oral)
antiepileptic medications
in epileptic pediatric


Table 1. (continued)

No. No. of patients Primary end point or Route of

Condition of trials Status (age range, yrs) results, if available Formulation and dosage administration Country
~ 40 (16–55) Number of adverse effects Epidiolex (CBD dissolved in Oral solution Not provided
sesame oil and anhydrous
ethanol with sweetener and
strawberry flavoring);
maximum of 20 mg/kg/day
in 2 divided doses
Not provided Treatment of medication- Epidiolex up to 25 mg/kg/ Oral solution United States
(1–18) resistant epilepsy day; may be increased to
50 mg/kg/day
Sensory science 1 Recruiting ~ 36 (18–35) Preference for sweet foods No further details given other Not provided The Netherlands
after THC, CBD, and than THC, CBD, and (assume oral)
placebo placebo
Solid tumor 1 Not yet ~ 60 (≥ 18) Tumor size based on No other information given Unknown Not provided
recruiting computed tomography other than pure CBD
Sturge-Weber 1 Recruiting ~ 10 (1 mo– Change in seizure severity Epidiolex 2 mg/kg/day Not provided United States
syndrome 30 yrs) titrated up to a maximum (assume oral
of 25 mg/kg/day solution)
Tuberous 2 Not yet ~ 144 (2–65) Change in number of Epidiolex 25 mg/kg/day vs Oral solution Not provided
sclerosis recruiting) seizures 50 mg/kg/day vs placebo
complex ~ 144 (2–65) Occurrence of adverse Epidiolex 100 mg/ml twice/ Oral solution Not provided
effects day titrated to 25 mg/kg/
PHARMACOTHERAPY Volume 36, Number 7, 2016

CBD = cannabidiol; GVHD = graft-versus-host disease; HDL = high-density lipoprotein cholesterol; THC = Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol; THCV = tetrahydrocannabivarin.
Registered with as of February 2016.

Figure 2. Status of current legislation on Cannabis for medical use across the United States (as of June 2015). At least five
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