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How about everyone? Today I bring to the blog this doll that drives adults and children crazy.
After several "Evitas" and with the excitement to the full, I have had no choice but to
continue doing more ... This time to vary a little (just a little because the pattern is still that of
My Little Evita) I have knitted this little Gorjuss. Yes this small (15 cm) but great doll that has
us all in love.
It is one of the most beautiful dolls to knit and also one of the easiest and if not you will tell
me when you do it.
I had already made for a gift a Gorjuss of about 25 cm that can be seen here . But I wanted to
give My Little Evitas a Gorjuss friend.
It has been beautiful and I have taken a lot of photos so that you can see it with your pets.
I put all the photos that I have taken and at the end I leave the pattern. I hope you like it.
Many kisses.....

MINI GORJUSS-With pattern of My little Evita

100% cotton thread in color, blue, flesh, white and black.
2.5 crochet hook
Wool needle.

Safety eyes.
Fine wire.
1 button or trinket.

pr: slip stitch
sc: low point
pa : high point
increase : increase (make two stitches at the same point)
dec .: decrease (join two stitches at the same point)

PATTERN (it is the same as My Little Evita with some small changes in the legs
and in the head to better adapt it to the Gorjuss doll).

Legs (we started by making him the striped sock)

(We do 2)
In black color.
Round 1: 6-point magic ring.
Row 2: One inc. at each point (12 points)
Row 3: 1 sc, 1 inc (2 times), 1 inc. (We only knit 8 sc from this round). The next point we
make will already belong to the next row and we advance our marker to that position.
Row 4: One stitch in each stitch. Knit taking only the back of the chain (15 stitches)
Row 5: One stitch in each stitch (15 stitches)
Row 6: 4 sc, 2 dec, 7 sc (13 stitches)
Row 7: 4 sc, 1 dec, 7 sc (12 stitches)
Time the next rows we are doing one in white and one in black alternating. We start off
Row 8 to 13: One stitch in each stitch (12 stitches)
We will have finished in black.
In flesh color.
Round 14 to 17: One stitch in each stitch (12 stitches)
We already have the first leg, we close the stitch and cut the thread. Repeat the same steps
and do the second.
Trick to change the color and not notice much
We put the needle through the back thread of the point where we are going to make the
change, we take the yarn of a different color with the needle and we pass it through that back
thread and through the point that we had on the needle (like a slip stitch).
Now, we make the complete single crochet at the same point where we had taken the back
loop. We continue to knit normally.

* We already have the two legs, we put them together and pass the needle through the two
legs, joining them with a slip stitch in the center. We face the two legs taking into account
that the Gorjuss have the tips of the feet inwards. We began to weave at the back of the wrist
(the feet would look to the front, in case there was a change in color at the back). From there
we start counting the beginning of the line. From there we start counting the beginning of the
next lap.
Row 18: One stitch in each stitch around both legs (24 stitches).
We stuff the legs.
Here you can stuff the legs with the filling simply tightly or put a thin wire to give it a little
strength (it is not very necessary because being small the legs do not bend easily).
Row 19 to 22: One stitch in each stitch (24 stitches)
Row 23: 2 sc, 1 dec. Repeat until the end of the round (18 stitches)
Round 24 to 27: One stitch in each stitch (18 stitches)
Row 28: 1 sc, 1 dec. Repeat until the end of the round (12 points)
Row 29 to 30: One stitch in each stitch (12 stitches)
Here we start with the head (it has one more turn to make the face more oval)
Row 31: 1 sc, 1 inc. Repeat until the end of the round (18 stitches)
Round 32: 2 sc, 1 inc. Repeat until the end of the round (24 points)
Row 33: sc 3, inc 1. Repeat until the end of the round (30 points)
Row 34: sc 4, inc 1. Repeat until the end of the round (36 stitches)
Row 35 to 42: One stitch in each stitch (36 stitches)
We stuff the head.
So that the head does not fall and is very firm in the neck part, we will put a bent wire to hold
it and fill that part quite tight.
In black color
Round 43: One stitch in each stitch (36 stitches)
Row 44: 4 sc, 1 dec. Repeat until the end of the round (30 points)
Row 45: 3 sc, 1 dec. Repeat until the end of the round (24 points)
Row 46: 2 sc, 1 dec. Repeat until the end of the round (18 stitches)
We put the safety eyes between rows 37 and 38 with a separation of 5 points. Row 47: 1 sc, 1
dec. Repeat until the end of the round (12 points)
We stuff the head.
Row 48: 6 dec, (6 stitches).
We close the remaining stitches with the wool needle.
We closed the point, but we left those 6 points unclosed. Now we will see what this little hole
is for.

There is a small photo tutorial in the pattern of My Little Evita (I left the link above)

(We do 2)

In flesh color
Round 1: 6-point magic ring
Row 2: 1 sc, 1 inc. Repeat until the end of the round (9 points)
Row 3: One stitch in each stitch of the previous round (9 points)
Row 4: 3 treble crochets that are closed together, 8 sc (9 stitches)
Row 5 to 14: One stitch in each stitch (9 stitches)
We close the stitch and leave the thread to sew to the body. We fill, but only the part of the
hand and very little in the rest, we sew to the body. If we want to give the arms a little
mobility we can put a thin wire from one arm to the other bent at the ends so that it cannot
come out and then we sew.

In color blue.
We start with 20 chains.
Vuelta 1.- Hacemos una cadeneta de subida y 1 pb en cada punto (20 puntos).Giramos la
labor y 2 cadenetas de subida.
(A partir de ahora al terminar cada vuelta, se gira la labor y se hace una cadeneta de subida o
dos según sea pb o pa)
Vuelta 2.- 3 pa, 1 aum. Repetir hasta el final de la vuelta (25 puntos). Giramos la labor.
1 cadeneta de subida.
Vuelta 3.- Un pb en cada punto (25 puntos) Giramos la labor y 2 cadenetas de subida.
Vuelta 4.- 4 pa, saltamos 5 puntos, 8 pa, saltamos 5 puntos, 4 pa, De esta forma hacemos las
mangas del vestido. (16 puntos) Giramos la labor y 2 cadenetas de subida.
Vuelta 5.- 1 pa, 1 aum. Repetir hasta el final de la vuelta (24 puntos)
Unimos las dos partes y seguiremos tejiendo en redondo, haciendo 2 cadenetas de subida al
inicio y un pr para unir al final de la vuelta.
Vuelta 6.- 1 pa, 1 aum. Repetir hasta el final de la vuelta (36 puntos)
Vuelta 7.- Un pa en cada punto (36 puntos)
En color blanco.
Vuelta 8.- *1 pb,1 pa, 1 pb en el mismo punto, saltamos un punto, 1 pr*. Repetimos *a* en
toda la vuelta.
Cerramos la vuelta y cortamos el hilo.
Cosemos por la parte de atrás el botón o lo vayamos a usar para cerrar el vestido.

(Hacemos 2)
En color azul.
Vuelta 1: Hacemos 4 cadenetas, 1 pb en la segunda cadeneta, 1 pb, 3 pb en la última cadeneta.
Giramos la pieza y por el otro lado de la cadeneta hacemos 1 pb, 2 pb en la última cadeneta (8
Vuelta 2: 1 aum, 1 pb, 3 aum, 2 pb, 1 aum (13 puntos)
Vuelta 3: 1 aum, 4 pb, 3 aum, 4 pb, 1 aum (18 puntos)

Vuelta 4: Un punto en cada punto. Tejer tomando sólo la parte de atrás de la cadena (18
Vuelta 5: 6 pb, 3 dism, 6 pb (15 puntos)
Row 6: 6 sc, 2 dec, 5 sc (13 stitches)
Row 7: 6 sc, 1 dec, 5 sc (12 stitches)
Row 8 and 9: One stitch in each stitch (12 stitches)
Row 10: One sc in each stitch (12 stitches)
We close the stitch, cut the thread and we lose.
I have made little hearts out of black felt and glued them to the sides of the boots.
I have also made a small crochet heart for her hair in blue and here you have it, how beautiful
is it? ...

Follow me on my facebook page: The World of

Amigurumis .


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